Friday, February 28, 2014

What You Should Know About Low Glycemic Index (GI)

The Glycemic Index or GI compares the carbohydrate foods based on the glucose level reactions in the blood. Foods with high GI are rapidly absorbed by our body and make our blood glucose levels rise quickly. On the other hand, foods with low GI take longer to break down and provide more stable blood glucose levels. You are probably familiar with sugar highs followed by crashes. These ups and downs in energy, mood and hunger levels are known as the seesaw effect. It takes longer to digest low GI foods, so these foods release their energy into the bloodstream gradually, which helps create and maintain the feeling of fullness. If you're not hungry, you'll be less tempted to snack.

High GI foods can result in wild fluctuation in your levels of blood sugar, which can then cause an overproduction of insulin from the pancreas. Often, this results in illnesses such as hypoglycemia, Syndrome X and type II diabetes. Research also suggests that diets with lower GI foods can help increase the levels of 'good' cholesterol, which can then help decrease the risk of heart disease.

Many low GI diets don't limit food intake to only low GI foods. They normally recommend that you include more foods with a GI which should be low in your diet. You can add a low GI food to a meal, and it will lower the GI for the entire meal. If you are a very active person, you should include both high and low GI foods in your diet to benefit from optimal energy for exercise.

Foods with high GI include many carbs (e.g., pasta, bread, rice, cereal and baked goods). Low GI foods include many fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains. It's not all black and white, though. There are many shades of gray. Bananas and potatoes for example have mid-range GIs. The degree of food processing and how long you cook it also affects its GI level. This is why traditional rolled oats have a lower GI than instant oatmeal as the additional processing in instant oatmeal allows the starch to be more readily exposed to digestive enzymes, which speeds up digestion.

You can lose weight and improve your health and well-being by increasing the amount of low GI foods you ingest but it's only one of the factors that must be taken into consideration. For example, chocolate is energy-dense with few nutrients and although it is a low GI food, it's not going to help you lose weight. Nonetheless, GI can be fairly useful for choosing foods that are low in saturated fat and high in nutrients.

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A List of Foods That Lower Cholesterol - If You Have High Cholesterol This List is a Must

You really don't have to travel to a far away land filled with danger and intrigue, armed with a treasure map borrowed from the national archives to compile a list of foods that lower cholesterol. Everything you need to put a whipping on high cholesterol levels can be found at your local grocery store or super market. Not quite as sexy, but every bit as effective. But first we should examine what we are trying to avoid, when visiting our local grocery store filled with crazed shoppers armed with very large buggies with at least one bad wheel.

The two fats we will need to avoid are saturated fats and trans fats. Saturated fat could easily go by the alias of big and fat! These fats are solid at room temperature. All meat contains some saturated fat with the well marbled variety winning the gold star for artery clogging prowess. Saturated fat can also be found in abundance in butter, cream, and cheese. Needless to say none of these foods will make it on our list of foods that lower cholesterol.

Our next really dangerous villain goes by the name trans fatty acid but his friends simply call him trans fat. These fats are made in the hydrogenation process that solidifies liquid oils for use in preparation of many food products. Trans fatty acid can be found in such family party favorites as cookies, doughnuts, and crackers. As you may have guessed these food will be left of our list of foods that lower cholesterol as well.

You probably wonder how we can compile a list of delicious foods now that all the fun stuff has been eliminated. It may not be as difficult as you think.

*Fish: Not any fish will do! While the aquarium fish may be appealing for your cat they will not do much for your cholesterol. On the other hand cold water fatty fish high in omega 3 oils raise good cholesterol (HDL) and decrease triglycerides (fatty material that circulates in the blood). Salmon, herring, and mackerel are all very good sources.

*Fruits and Vegetables: How many times do I have to tell you to eat your fruits and vegetables? I'm sure you heard it growing up at least a million times, right! Fruits and vegetables only contain tiny amounts of fat, and most it is unsaturated. Avocados, apples, pears, pomegranates, and blueberries all make our list of foods that lower cholesterol.

*Nuts: Studies from both Loma Linda University and Penn State University confirm that certain nuts do indeed lower cholesterol. Omega 3 fats and antioxidants found in nuts lower bad cholesterol levels (LDL) while working to reverse prior arterial damage caused by saturated fat. Some heart healthy favorites are walnuts and almonds.

*Give me Olive Oil: No, not the rail thin cartoon character but instead the kind that comes in a bottle that you can find on isle 5 in your grocery store. Studies show olive oil lowers bad cholesterol while leaving good cholesterol undisturbed.

Well, there you have it our list of foods that lower cholesterol. Nothing real fancy but the above foods will positively give you an excellent foundation to build your low cholesterol diet around. Additionally, many natural health minded individuals have found that by combining smart diet choices with natural cholesterol reducing remedies they have been able to jump start their cholesterol reducing program. Natural cholesterol reducing remedies are a safe and effective alternative to hard to manage statin drugs and are certainly a natural option worth learning more about.

Rob D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic advocate for the use of safe and effective high quality alternative health products and natural living, with over 10 years experience in the field. Learn more about natural remedies and natural health at Purchase

Lifestyle Changes to Lower Cholesterol

In order to lower your LDL cholesterol levels, you have a lot a work to do since it involves losing excess weight, regular physical activity, but also following a diet that is first of all low in saturated fat and cholesterol, but also high in fiber.

Medications to lower cholesterol

When one cannot reduce, or has tried to reduce their cholesterol levels through natural ways such as lifestyle changes (diet, exercise etc) medications are prescribed. Statins are the most effective and widely used medications that help you lower your LDL cholesterol levels. It has been shown through recent studies that heart attack and stroke risks, benefits of high levels of LDL cholesterol have been diminished by the use of statins. Nicotinic acid is another component included in some other medication used in lowering LDL cholesterol and in altering cholesterol profiles.

Normal cholesterol blood levels

Normal ranges can be set by taking measurements from a large number of healthy subjects in most other blood tests in medicine. A simple example is with blood sugar levels - normal fasting blood sugar levels can be established by simply performing a blood test between a number of healthy subjects that do not suffer from diabetes mellitus.

It is as simple as that because if a patient's blood glucose is in the normal range, then he or she most likely does not suffer from diabetes mellitus. But if the patient's fasting blood sugar is not in the normal range then he or she probably suffers from diabetes and further tests may be performed to confirm the diagnosis. In order to lower abnormally high blood sugar levels, medications such as insulin or oral diabetes medications can be prescribed.

Getting back to the matter at hand - the normal range of LDL cholesterol between healthy adults (those that do not suffer from coronary heart disease) in the United States may be too high. Still, in the mean time the atherosclerosis process may be quietly developing in the meantime in many healthy adults with average LDL cholesterol blood levels putting them at the risk of developing coronary heart disease somewhere in the future.

Jean Helmet is a content editor who focuses on a wide array of niche health topics. Her latest website - Natural Cholesterol Supplement focuses on cholesterol as a whole, and in partcular, a natural product our editors personally use with excellent health results known as - Cholest-Natural

Be sure to check out our cholesterol product of choice, it is the natural supplement we use and recommend to friends and family, and have done for over 3 years.

Diet to Lower Cholesterol - A Simple Explanation of Just What is Cholesterol

Many people understand that cholesterol is either bad for you or good but beyond that, they do not understand just exactly what is cholesterol. Doctors will give you a long explanation which only they can comprehend but cholesterol can be simplified in one statement. Cholesterol is a waxy material that the liver fabricates which is carries out a number of responsibilities for the health of our bodies.

When we consume foods in our daily diet, our liver takes the food and turns it into cholesterol which helps aid in developing bile salts to digest the fat, build cell walls, and to create vitamin D. So why would we worry about eating too many foods that produce too much cholesterol in our body? The answer lies in the fact that too much of anything is essentially bad for you. If we understand what is cholesterol, we can better steer clear of consuming to much cholesterol.

The Bad And Good Cholesterol.

One easy way to watch our cholesterol level is to understand what foods that we eat in our daily diet which produce the good cholesterol bad cholesterol. Foods that carry animal fat such as dairy and meats carry bad cholesterol, Foods such as vegetables, fruits, and whole grains carry no cholesterol at all.

When we eat foods that have too much bad cholesterol it can cause some major damage such as the hardening of our arteries. This occurs when too much bad cholesterol is in our system because it builds up plaque which blocks the arteries and prevents blood flow.

Good cholesterol behaves very differently than bad cholesterol because its main goal to keep our bodies healthy. What the good cholesterol does is carry the surplus of cholesterol we have in our bodies to the liver so it can create bile salt and expel it from our system.

High Cholesterol Is Caused By What?

When we ask our doctor about our cholesterol level, it is usually because we are worried about having a high cholesterol level. Having a high cholesterol level can be caused for many different reasons but the main cause is age. You see, our cholesterol level goes up as we get older.

There are many things that can cause us to get high cholesterol levels. One thing is we may inherit from our parents. If your parents have high cholesterol, you should ask your doctor to be tested to make sure if you have it or not. Another thing is doing physical activity. When we exercise and do any other physical activity, this causes our good cholesterol levels to rise thus keeping us healthy.

When we are looking at the causes and cures for high cholesterol, we often find a direct link between the food we eat and our cholesterol levels. If we eat foods rich in fiber, vegetables, beans, fish, and fruits we can keep the good cholesterol levels up within our body. We also need to try and avoid eating foods that promote high cholesterol levels within our body like meat and dairy products.When we go to the doctor and he gives us our cholesterol reading, many do not understand just exactly what he is talking about. Many people know that cholesterol is either good for you or bad, but many do not understand what is cholesterol. Cholesterol is simply a waxy matter that the liver creates which handles a number of duties in our body.

Delynda Lardone provides free information how to lower your cholesterol, including tips on foods that lower cholesterol, detailed reviews of diets to lower cholesterol, and low cholesterol recipes that include nutritional information which are broken down into servings for 1 person to servings for a family of 6. If you want to learn more information about developing a diet to lower your cholesterol, please visit our website on diabetic diets

Fat-free Tips on How Trans Fat Labels on Food Can Help Lower Cholesterol

The Food and Drug Administration of the United States have reflected on compelling food companies to inform their customers about the calculated amount of "trans-fatty acids" included in their products. This can be done by including the said information on their product's food labels.

Several studies had been conducted and yielded various significant results. Reports show that using trans fat labels can actually help lower cholesterol level.

Trans fats, transunsaturated fatty acids, unsaturated liquid fats, or hydrogen fats fall under one type of fats that have been processed into a more saturated and solid form by adding hydrogen. They are often found in processed baked goods and commercial fried foods, and may be called partially hydrogenated or hydrogenated fats.

Transfatty acids can raise LDL cholesterol, or more commonly known as bad cholesterol, and lower HDL or the good cholesterol. With that in mind, the consumption of transfatty acids should be limited.

Hence, the aim to educate people with the exact amount used in a certain food product can be very helpful in lowering cholesterol. In fact, fat-free food production is now a multimillion -dollar industry today.

Letting the people know the right amount of trans fatty acids included in a particular food product can be very helpful in lowering low-density lipoproteins (LDL) or the bad cholesterol.

In order to have a greater understanding of the concept, here are some known ways on how trans fat labels can help lower the bad cholesterol.

1. By educating people about trans fatty acids

The toughest part of living with a high cholesterol level is knowing what foods to look out for. It is so easy to say to avoid some particular food products that might raise LDL of bad cholesterol in the body.

However, it does not necessarily mean that one should totally avoid eating foods with trans fatty acids. This is nearly impossible because almost all processed and baked foods have trans fatty acids in them.

With trans fat labels, consumers will be able to distinguish trans fatty acids from saturated ones. In this way, they would be able to categorize foods that can lower LDL and increase their HDL or high-density lipoprotein.

Hence, they will be able to know what foods to look out for and which ones to take. For example, most people are confused of the differences between saturated fats and trans fatty acids.

Sometimes, the same food can be distinguished under different names. Even when you think that you know what is in a product, the amount of ingredients used as well as their classification change. Hence, it is important that you always check, even when you think you know. That is why trans fat labels can really help.

2. It lets you avoid foods rich in trans fatty acids

Defatting your diet helps you not only lower blood -fat levels but also shed pounds. To limit total fat, steer clear of bakery goodies, snack foods, such as chips and packaged cookies, and deep-fried foods like those served in fast foods.

3. It lets you lower your blood pressure

By avoiding foods high in trans fatty acids through the help of trans fat labels, you are able to cut back on your cholesterol level and at the same time, lower your blood pressure.

When blood courses through blood vessels at excessive pressures day after day, it damages their surfaces. This makes them more prone to collecting fatty debris, which in turn can lead to the development of blood clots and possibly a heart attack or stroke.

Knowing what trans fat labels can give you will really help you lower your cholesterol. You will not only learn how to distinguish trans fatty acids from saturated fats but also avoid the risk of developing serious health complications brought about by high LDL cholesterol in the body.

Dr. Michael Lee is a board certified physician who has counselled thousands of patients on lowering their cholesterol. To get free tips on lowering your choleseterol naturally without harmful drugs, please check out []

Cholesterol Lowering Foods - An Easy Diet

Here's a look at some of the cholesterol lowering foods. Following a cholesterol diet might be easier than you think. By avoiding a few things and possibly adding a few, you could see your numbers drop significantly and in a relatively short period of time.

According to the latest research, most of the cholesterol lowering foods are plants that contain phytosterols. Phytosterols are cholesterol-like compounds. They are found in soy and pumpkin seeds, as well as other seeds and nuts.

Cooking with vegetable oil, rather than butter or other types of animal fat, has long been recommended as part of a cholesterol diet. But, the latest information indicates that we need to be selective about the "type" of vegetable oil that we cook with.

Olive and canola oils are the best choices. Corn oil is the worst. This is due to the omega-6 to 3 ratios in vegetable oils. Eating too many omega-6s and not enough omega-3s leads to inflammation in the inner lining of the arteries and blood vessels. Reducing inflammation in the body is as important for heart health as lowering LDL levels.

A cholesterol diet should include more fish, in particular salmon and other kinds of fatty fish. The oils in fish are higher in omega-3s than 6s. So, they help to keep inflammation under control. They also have anticoagulant activity, which may prevent the formation of heart attack causing blood clots.

Rice bran oil is another of the cholesterol lowering foods that you might want to consider as a substitution for other vegetable oils. It is used primarily in Asian cuisine, but is suitable for any kind of frying, as it has a high smoke point.

In addition to the phytosterols, rice bran oil contains a unique antioxidant called oryzanol. Oryzanol is becoming an increasingly popular dietary supplement because of its ability to convert cholesterols in the gut into bile acids, which are easily excreted.

Normally, there is a continuous re-absorption, which allows for only about 5% of cholesterols consumed and those in the bloodstream to be excreted as waste. The rest just keeps re-circulating. One of the goals of a good cholesterol diet is to prevent the re-absorption and stimulate excretion.

In addition to adding more cholesterol lowering foods to our diets, we can decrease our intake of simple carbohydrates. Simple carbs cause a rise in insulin and blood sugar levels, and that increases the production of low density lipoproteins.

Lipoproteins transport fatty acids and cholesterols in the bloodstream. The low density particles can penetrate into the arterial walls, whereas the high density particles cannot. In fact, the high density particles or HDLs help to cleanse the arteries of fats and cholesterols.

Another goal of a good cholesterol diet is to increase the number of HDLs and reduce the number of LDLs. The final goal is to prevent oxidation of existing particles. We can do that by eating more antioxidant-rich foods or taking a good dietary supplement.

Some of the better supplements contain extracts from the cholesterol lowering foods. We look at supplements as a bit of insurance. Just in case our diets are less than perfect.

Jackie Leone is a consumer advocate and a dedicated researcher who has been on a search to find the best natural cholesterol balancing supplements available. Visit her website at to discover what she personally takes and why.

Low Cholesterol Foods - How Far Do They Help Lower Cholesterol?

There must be a clear distinction between low cholesterol foods and foods low on fats and foods low on carbohydrates. Saturated fats, which are found in foods rich on fatty acids, will increase the levels of cholesterol much more than cholesterol itself.

Also, trans fatty acids have similar effect. That's why avoiding foods rich on cholesterol is only a partial solution. If you want to reduce your cholesterol levels permanently, you need to eat foods which are low on fat first and, low on carbohydrates second.

Low cholesterol foods are not enough, if you want to reduce your cholesterol levels effectively. Below you will find 3 simple rules by the World Health Organization, which are very effective:

1. Saturated fats:

You must not receive as energy more than 7% of the saturated fats.

2. Total fat intake:

You must receive between 25% and 35% of your daily energy from fats. If this percentage is increased, you will have elevated levels of cholesterol.

3. Cholesterol Consumption:

No more than 200mg per day.

These are the three golden rules for reducing cholesterol. As you can see, cholesterol intake is number three in the list. The two most important factors are the amount of saturated fats and carbohydrates, which you eat and the amount of the total fats, you absorb with the food.

The effect of low cholesterol foods however cannot be denied. Eating vegetables, which are cholesterol-free work in two ways:

Reduce the amount of cholesterol absorbed
Increase the peristalsis - your bowels will move faster. That's how there will be less time for the cholesterol, saturated fats and other fats to be absorbed by your intestines.

The contribution is unquestionable. However, a single diet, which is low on cholesterol, will not be effective as a diet, which is low on fats and saturated fats.

When you visit the local grocery, you need to be interested not only in cholesterol levels, marked on the sticker. You need to check the total fats levels, as well. Also, always check the levels of carbohydrates. Eating too much carbohydrate will increase the levels of cholesterol without even noticing.

Diets rich on carbohydrates are very dangerous for cholesterol levels. The excessive amounts of carbohydrates are stored as fats. These fats go to the cells and stay there. The increased amounts of fats directly influence cholesterol level.

The above is only part of what you need to know about low cholesterol foods. To know about more about the low cholesterol foods and how to lower cholesterol visit Remember to get your Free Cholesterol Lowering Secrets Report at the website

Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Low Carb Diet Dangers

The case against reduced carbohydrate diets

Its all the rage, but it is truly safe and healthy for you?

What follows are a few salient points to help you make up your mind.

Although there is some research that illustrates that reduced carb diets may help eliminate fat, some of this strong evidence has resulted in much debate among nutritionists, and their safety record has been brought into question.

Most of the bad side-effects reported, like general tiredness, bowel disorders, or headaches are only temporary, but critics contend that low carbohydrate diets are not without serious long term side effects.

Reducing carbohydrates may mean missing out on required nutrients from 'good' carbohydrate foods which must be part of any sensible diet, specifically those obtained from vegetables, fruits and grains.

Eating more animal-based products might lead into elevated consumption of saturated fat and cholesterol, which most authorities believe will increase the risk of coronary disease.

Scientific studies over the years have proved that eating excess animal fats can cause higher chance of cancer, heart conditions and other inflammatory disorders.

Moreover, it has been hypothesised that the kidneys may come under too much strain and that the related change in blood acidity levels causes bone damage, but some of the scientific research trying to test the hypothesis have struggled to find any evidence of deterioration of the kidneys or bone damage.

Finally, one point that is often overlooked, it is extremely hard (though certainly not impossible) for vegetarians to follow a reduced carbohydrate diet.

We hope that has been informative, and good luck with your weight loss and wellness objectives.

Emily Kushnarova is a staff writer at: Low Carb Recipes EU, offering a range of low carb and diabetic recipes to assist you with your low carb diet or weight loss program.

Dump The Diet And Just Eat Sensibly

Humans require essential nutrients from six broad classes: proteins, fats, vitamin, dietary minerals, and water. Essential amino acids (protein) are required for cell, especially muscle, construction. Essential fatty acids are required for brain and cell membrane construction.

Any diet that fails to meet minimum nutritional requirements can threaten general health (and physical fitness in particular). If a person is not well enough to be active, weight loss and good quality of life will be unlikely.

1.Base your meals on starchy foods

Starchy foods such as bread, cereals, rice, pasta and potatoes are a really important part of a healthy diet. Try to choose wholegrain varieties of starchy foods whenever you can

2. Eat lots of fruit and veg

Most people know we should be eating more fruit and veg. But most of us still aren't eating enough.

Try to eat at least 5 portions of a variety of fruit and veg every day. It might be easier than you think.

3. Eat more fish

Most of us should be eating more fish - including a portion of oily fish each week. It's an excellent source of protein and contains many vitamins and minerals.

Aim for at least two portions of fish a week, including a portion of oily fish. You can choose from fresh, frozen or canned - but remember that canned and smoked fish can be high in salt.

Examples of white or non-oily fish

Cod, haddock, plaice, coley, tinned tuna, skate,

4. Cut down on saturated fat and sugar

To stay healthy we need some fat in our diets. What is important is the kind of fat we are eating. There are two main types of fat:

* saturated fat - having too much can increase the amount of cholesterol in the blood, which increases the chance of developing heart disease

* unsaturated fat - having unsaturated fat instead of saturated fat lowers blood cholesterol

Try to eat these sorts of foods less often or in small amounts:

* meat pies, sausages, meat with visible white fat

* hard cheese

* butter and lard

* pastry

* cakes and biscuits

* cream, soured cream and crème fraîche

* coconut oil, coconut cream or palm oil

For a healthy choice, use just a small amount of vegetable oil or a reduced-fat spread instead of butter, lard or ghee. And when you are having meat, try to choose lean cuts and cut off any visible fat.

How do I know if a food is high in fat?

Look at the label to see how much fat a food contains. Generally the label will say how many grams (g) of fat there are in 100g of the food.

Some foods also give a figure for saturated fat, or 'saturates'.

Use the following as a guide to work out if a food is high or low in fat.

Total fat - what's high and what's low?

High is more than 20g fat per 100g

Low is 3g fat or less per 100g

If the amount of fat per 100g is in between these figures, then that is a medium level of fat.

Saturated fat - what's high and what's low?

High is more than 5g saturates per 100g

Low is 1.5g saturates or less per 100g

If the amount of saturates per 100g is in between these figures, then that is a medium level of saturated fat.

Remember that the amount you eat of a particular food affects how much fat you will get from it.

Try to choose more foods that are low in fat and cut down on foods that are high in

Most people in the UK are eating too much sugar. We should all be trying to eat fewer foods containing added sugar, such as sweets, cakes and biscuits, and drinking fewer sugary soft and fizzy drinks.

Having sugary foods and drinks too often can cause tooth decay, especially if you have them between meals. Many foods that contain added sugar can also be high in calories so cutting down could help you control your weight.

How do I know if a food is high in added sugar?

Take a look at the label. The ingredients list always starts with the biggest ingredient first.

But watch out for other words used to describe added sugars, such as sucrose, glucose, fructose, maltose, hydrolysed starch and invert sugar, corn syrup and honey. If you see one of these near the top of the list, you know the food is likely to be high in added sugars.

Another way to get an idea of how much sugar is in a food is to have a look for the 'Carbohydrates (of which sugars)' figure on the label. But this figure can't tell you how much is from added sugars, which

5. Try to eat less salt - no more than 6g a day

Lots of people think they don't eat much salt, especially if they don't add it to their food. But don't be so sure!

Every day in the UK, 85% men and 69% women eat too much salt. Adults - and children over 11 - should have no more than 6g salt a day. Younger children should have even less.

Three-quarters (75%) of the salt we eat is already in the food we buy, such as breakfast cereals, soups, sauces and ready meals. So you could easily be eating too much salt without realising it.

How do I know if a food is high in salt?

Check the label to find out the figure for salt per g

6. Get active and try to be a healthy weight

It's not a good idea to be either underweight or overweight. Being overweight can lead to health conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure or diabetes. Being underweight could also affect your health.

Check if you are the right weight for your height using the link below.

If you're worried about your weight, ask your GP or a dietitian for advice. But if you think you just need to lose a little weight, the main things to remember are:

* only eat as much food as you need

* make healthy choices - it's a good idea to choose low-fat and low-sugar varieties, eat plenty of fruit and veg and wholegrains

* get more active

It's also important to eat a variety of types of food so you get all the nutrients your body needs.

Physical activity is a good way of using up extra calories, and helps control our weight. But this doesn't mean you need to join a gym.

But crash diets aren't good for your health and they don't work in the longer term. The way to reach a healthy weight - and stay there - is to change your lifestyle gradually. Aim to lose about 0.5 to 1kg (about 1 to 2lbs) a week, until you reach a healthy weight for your height.

More on healthy weight

Check your height for weight

7. Drink plenty of water

We should be drinking about 6 to 8 glasses (1.2 litres) of water, or other fluids, every day to stop us getting dehydrated.

When the weather is warm or when we get active, our bodies need more than this. But avoid drinking soft and fizzy drinks that are high in added sug


There is nothing wrong with the occasional drink. But drinking too much can cause problems. Alcohol is also high in calories, so cutting down could help you control your weight.

Women can drink up to 2 to 3 units of alcohol a day and men up to 3 to 4 units a day, without significant risk to their health.

A unit is half a pint of standard strength (3 to 5% ABV) beer, lager or cider, or a pub measure of spirit. A glass of wine is about 2 units and alcopops are about 1.5 units.

For good health, it's a good idea to spread your drinking throughout the week and avoid binge drinking. Drinking heavily over a long period of time can damage the

8. Don't skip breakfast

Breakfast can help give us the energy we need to face the day, as well as some of the vitamins and minerals we need for good health.

Some people skip breakfast because they think it will help them lose weight. But missing meals doesn't help us lose weight and it isn't good for us, because we can miss out on essential nutrients.

Research shows that eating breakfast can actually help people control their weight. This is probably because when we don't have breakfast we're more likely to get hungry before lunch and snack on foods that are high in fat and sugar, such as biscuits, doughnuts or past.

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How to Lower Cholesterol Naturally - The No Medication Way

One of the most important things to consider on how to lower cholesterol naturally is the diet. It is mainly what will help relieve problems having to do with high cholesterol and nothing else will work without taking care of it. Exercise and natural supplements are also options when formulating a cholesterol-lowering routine.

Cholesterol is defined as a lipid or fat that moves through the blood. Plaque builds along the walls of the arteries due to low-density lipids also referred to as LDL. This can result in heart disease, one of the top killer diseases in the U.S.

The amount of blood that freely flows through the veins to the arteries is severely reduced when the plaque builds up along the walls. This plaque buildup eventually erupts and creates blood clots, which cut off oxygen to the brain. The end result is heart attack or stroke.

High-density lipids (HDL) is the "good" cholesterol your healthcare, nutrition, or exercise professional may have told you about. It helps reduce the amount of plaque before it has a chance to build up and takes the debris to the liver. There it is processed and eliminated from the body.

The body receives good and bad cholesterol through the food we eat, as well as making its own mainly in the liver. Diet makes the difference. Oatmeal is a good nutritional way to lower bad cholesterol levels. Cinnamon and sugar or other flavors added to oatmeal do not remove their nutritional value.

The liver can be slowed from producing bad cholesterol by garlic. It can be added to soups or salads for extra flavoring. Roasting a big chunk of garlic and serving it on crackers is a good appetizer. Apples, skin included, are filled with powerful antioxidants that keep the plaque from clogging the arteries and erupting.

Snacks offered on the coffee table should be healthy. Try fruits, grains, raw vegetables or nuts instead of ice cream or chips. These small changes can greatly enhance the body's ability to produce the good cholesterol instead of the bad and thereby reducing the chance of stroke or heart attack.

Foods that will naturally lower in cholesterol will start helping the body right away. Consulting a nutritionist to help create a good diet plan is recommended and it is always good to research the foods you eat to see what their health benefits are.

Getting plenty of exercise and getting the blood flowing in conjunction with a good diet plan is an excellent way to reduce the chance of plaque buildup. Ten minutes first thing in the morning can help get a person ready for the rest of the day. This helps to keep the mind healthy too. Start to lower cholesterol naturally by eating right and exercising every day.

You can lower your cholesterol levels without statin drugs. Check out natural cholesterol supplements now. David Kamau offers free information and tips about vitamins and health supplements at his site.

Choosing the Best Diet for Health and Weight Loss Goals

The choice between a low fat and low carb diet has been a battle of epic proportions among health conscious individuals for decades. The medical profession has been advocating low fat for cardiovascular health in the belief that fat is bad and excessive carbs promote health. Low carb has been popular since the late Dr. Robert Atkins made a diet of bacon, cheese and meat popular in the 1970's. Which dietary lifestyle reduces your risk for disease and assists with weight management goals?

Low Carb vs. Low Fat Diet for Weight Loss?

When weight reduction is your only goal, do you choose a low fat or low carbohydrate diet? A study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine concludes that it really makes no difference. The study followed 300 obese participants split between the two dietary patterns and found that both groups lost about 7% of their body weight or roughly 15 pounds over the course of two years. The primary source of calories didn't count with regard to the final weight loss result. The important element is to determine which diet is better for your health.

Low Fat Diet Promotes Heart Disease

The low fat diet which is regularly touted by medical professionals and pharmaceutical manufacturers is dangerous to your health and is the driving force behind the rampant rise in heart disease. By substituting high carbohydrate foods which are low fat or no fat, dieters set the stage for wild swings in blood sugar and metabolic dysfunction. This ultimately leads to diabetes and heart disease as insulin becomes resistant to continually high blood sugar and the inner lining of the arteries are damaged by high blood pressure, oxidized LDL cholesterol and hormonal imbalance.

Choosing the Right Low Carb Diet for Health: Atkins?

There are primarily two different types of low carbohydrate diet. The first is the Atkins menu plan which initially limits fruits, vegetables and most carbohydrates in favor of a diet full of meat, cheese and processed foods which have been manufactured to reduce sugar and available carbs.

By limiting carbs this diet promotes rapid weight loss initially, but many people report difficulty remaining on the diet and find that weight loss stalls after losing 20 to 25 pounds. Additionally, many people include processed meats with the Atkins program which are known to increase cancer risk due the high level of preservative nitrites.

Best Diet for Weight Loss and Health: Naturally Fresh Vegetables and Greens

The second type of low carb diet centers on fresh vegetables and leafy greens, nuts, seeds, lean meats and monounsaturated fats. Research confirms that eating a low carb diet that eliminates all sugar and processed carbs is not only best for weight loss, but also promotes overall health. A low carb lifestyle prevents excess sugar from remaining in the blood after each meal and reduces levels of dangerous triglycerides that convert to fat reserves.

The low fat vs. low carb debate will likely continue as people try to make the right choice for their health and weight loss goals. Both have been shown effective in promoting weight reduction, but evidence abounds that the low fat approach is dangerous to health and should be avoided. Low carb alternatives are the best strategy but the Atkins approach may not promote health, depending on how it is followed. A diet filled with fresh vegetables in their natural form is best for optimal health and weight loss success.

Read More Expert Advice on Diet, Health and Nutrition, and Download your Free Weight Loss EBook!

John Phillip is a Health Researcher and Author of 'Your Healthy Weight Loss Plan', a comprehensive EBook explaining how to use Diet, Exercise and Targeted Supplementation to naturally achieve your healthy Weight Loss goal. Visit My Optimal Health Resource to download your Free 48 page copy.

An Herbal Cleanse and Decreasing Your High Cholesterol Levels - What Is The Connection?

Can High Cholesterol Be Controlled Naturally?

Did your doctor tell you the dreaded news...? You have high cholesterol. Or, are you afraid you have or will have high cholesterol? First, before you do anything, you need to educate yourself a little about what those dreaded words mean.

There are three factors to look at when discussing high cholesterol:

? LDL - low-density lipoprotein - known as bad cholesterol. It accumulates in the walls of the arteries and is part of the plaque that is found in clogged arteries.

? HDL- high-density lipoprotein - known as good cholesterol. It gathers the cholesterol from the wall of the arteries and helps to keep your arteries clean.

? Triglycerides - A fat found in the body by way of the bloodstream and body tissues and found in our food.

Most people think "clogged arteries" when they think of high cholesterol, but this is not always the case. There have been some medical cases where a patient's cholesterol was rated very high, but his arteries were clear. Again, there have been some cases where the cholesterol was rated normal to low and the patent's arteries were clogged with plaque.

We need to remember that our bodies make cholesterol. We NEED a certain amount of cholesterol. Not all cholesterol is bad.

Some studies have shown that high cholesterol is over rated. I must agree. When our doctor states that our cholesterol is on the rise, they, most of the time, want to jump straight to prescribing cholesterol lowering medications. That may not always be needed.

Just the opposite is true. Many times, we can control our cholesterol levels by completing a body cleanse at least twice a year, taking natural supplements, and controlling our diets.

How Does Body Cleansing Help Control High Cholesterol?

In our society today, our bodies are constantly exposed to countless toxins from our environment. The foods we eat, the water we drink, the personal care products we use, the plastic we store our food in, the air we breathe, the list goes on and on. Our bodies have become weakened to the point that we do not function the way God intended.

Completing an herbal body cleanse is essential to remove the build up of toxins from your body. Toxins in the body, the intestines, the colon, the liver, the kidneys, and all other organs, can cause many, many problems. These toxins cause your body to break down and become weak. The weak areas are then attacked by diseases and other disorders.

I will give you an example of this path to destruction works sometimes. Medical studies show that the fat and plaque build up in our arteries are caused in part by poor diet and a deficiency in vitamins B and C complexes. When your body is weak (You may not even be aware that your body is weak) and full of toxins, the proper absorption of vitamins and minerals is not always possible. You may not be getting enough vitamin B and C complexes because of this lack of absorption.

An herbal cleanse is a great place to start to get your health back on track in the right direction. A body cleanse may not be the complete answer, but it is most likely where you should start to get rid of the toxic materials and help your body begin the absorption of these vitamins again. Why Do We Need To Take Natural Supplements? Natural supplements will assist your body in healing itself.

Natural health supplements restore in our bodies what our foods and environments leave out. Our bodies were made to use minerals and nutrients that our foods provide. However, today we have destroyed our food supply and environment with pesticides, chemicals and other harmful pollutants. Natural supplements are almost essential for optimal health these days as their absorption is necessary to help keep our bodies running the way God intended.

High cholesterol can sometimes be controlled by getting some vitamins and minerals that your body is not absorbing.

Everyone, whether healthy or not, probably should supplement their diets with vitamins B and C as well as any other vitamins and minerals that we are not getting from our foods.

How Can I Control My Diet?

Your doctor often will give you a diet to follow when you have high cholesterol. You should follow it. Eat fresh, raw fruits and vegetables, and stay away from processed foods. Follow a detox diet to help get your body alkalized and maintain a healthy ph.

What Are The High Cholesterol Drugs Doing To My Body?

The cholesterol drugs that doctors are so ready to give us can create more severe medical conditions than the one they are treating. Some of the side effects of these drugs are:

? Memory loss

? Muscle aches and pain

? Numbness in feet

? Tingling

? Blood sugar problems

? Swelling ankles

? Liver damage

These are just a few of the problems caused by these drugs prescribed religiously by doctors every day. There are many people who are seriously ill, and in many of the cases, the medications contributing to their health problems.

We must take charge of our health. We definitely need doctors, but we need them to start trying to find the cause of our medical conditions, not just treat each symptom with a drug. After all, these drugs are clogging your liver with toxins. These toxins are can make you sicker and sicker and weaker and weaker.

Where Do I Start?

1. Complete an herbal cleanse. Commit to do this body cleanse as recommended to begin removing the dreaded toxins from your body today.

2. Complete a health assessment to find out what vitamins and minerals your body may need. Begin taking supplements to help build your body with total nutrition.

3. Control your diet by following a detox diet that will help balance your ph and eat healthier for your heart. Begin with clearing the pantry of any processed foods. Stock up with fresh fruits and vegetables.

Although high cholesterol is a very scary condition and should never be taken lightly, drugs are not the only option. By taking charge of your body by cleansing (Body Cleanse) and building your body with total nutrition (Supplements and diet), you can often control some of the most debilitating health problems your body faces.

**Please note... You should always consult your doctor before you stop taking any medications and before beginning any health regimens.

Body Life Cleanse believes that when you have failing health, you have little energy to investigate the many herbal products for your needs. We have done the work for you.

Body Life Cleanse provides natural body cleanse products without the hassles.

Please visit us today for your free personal assessment. We can offer suggestions to help you make up your own personal wellness program.

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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Ketogenic Epilepsy Diet - Using the Modified Atkins Diet For Seizure Control

A very strict version of ketogenic diet has been used for many years in childhood epilepsy that failed to respond to anti-epileptic drugs. Although the mechanisms are not fully understood, the ketogenesis alters the metabolism of the brain in a way that can reduce the risk of seizures. However, this treatment for epilepsy fell out of favour over the years due to difficulty in keeping to the diet and concerns about cholesterol levels.

A new trial conducted in the UK in 2008 confirmed that a ketogenic high-fat diet can indeed significantly reduce the number of seizures in epilepsy and rekindled interest in its use. The concerns about cholesterol levels have now been shown to be groundless, so that is no longer an issue.  Researchers have also discovered that the anti-seizure effect still occurs when a less strict version of the ketogenic 'epilepsy diet' is used, which means that the diet is not so difficult to follow. 

Epilepsy consultant Dr Eric Kossoff has been very active in this area of research, and has shown that the traditional ketogenic diet for epilepsy is needlessly restrictive. He uses a modified version of the Atkins Diet (10 g rather than 20 g of carbohydrates for the first few months). He has also found that epileptic kids don't need to start off with a fast, so no initial hospitalization is needed, and their carers can more or less just get the Atkins book and follow it (under the epilepsy consultant's supervision). This, together with the increased availability of low carbohydrate substitutes for making bread and other foods hitherto off-limits on the ketogenic epilepsy diet, should make life much easier for epileptics and those who cook for them.

As Dr Kossoff wrote in The Lancet, 'Only a decade ago the ketogenic diet was seen as a last resort; however, it has become more commonly used in academic centres throughout the world even early in the course of epilepsy. The Atkins diet is a recently used, less restrictive, therapy that also creates ketosis and can lower the number of seizures.'

Dr Kossoff says his 'modified Atkins Diet' version of the epilepsy diet is better than the traditional ketogenic diet because no restrictions are required on fluid, calorie or protein intake.  Additionally, there is no need to weigh and measure all foods.  Carbohydrate counts are monitored by patients and parents. The diet is also started outside of the hospital, and doesn't require an initial fast, either.   Foods can be eaten more freely in restaurants and outside the home. The diet is a 'modified' Atkins diet as it allows for less carbohydrates than traditional Atkins (10-20g/day) and more strongly encourages fat intake.

Good results have also been reported by some consultants who start the ketogenic epilepsy diet with a very low level of carbs and then increase it after a few months.

The discovery that the ketogenic epilepsy diet does not need to be as restrictive as originally thought is great news for epileptics.  Even better, thanks to the explosion in popularity of the Atkins and other ketogenic diets for weight loss purposes, epileptics should have no difficulty in finding the recipes, cookbooks and substitute ingredients they need to follow the ketogenic epilepsy diet.

Copyright 2009

Jackie Bushell is passionate about raising awareness of the role of diet and nutrition in good health and helping those who are affected by obesity, food allergies or sensitivities, intestinal yeast overgrowth, nutrient deficiencies and other diet-related health problems. Via her website at, she provides information, support, allergy and special diet cookbooks, how-to guides and a newsletter for those wishing to understand more about how to improve their health in a natural way. Amongst the resources she has developed is a cookbook for those who are following the Stone Age Diet for allergy, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), candida and other conditions.

Why a Cholesterol Free Diet is Not Recommended

Low cholesterol seems to be some buzzwords of the year in today's increasingly health-conscious society. Just the mention of the word Cholesterol will draw people to make the assumption that it is synonymous with unhealthy condition. Without trying to understand what it really is, people immediately cut ties with anything that's related to cholesterol. They aim to follow a complete cholesterol free diet, which is not recommended.

However, most people don't understand the fact that cholesterol plays an important part in ensuring the body to function properly. As a very important substance, cholesterol is only dangerous and poses health risk when consumed in large amount. Most people also don't understand that there are many types of cholesterol, the good cholesterol and the bad one. So a cholesterol free diet is, in fact, not recommended at all by health experts.

The good cholesterol, known as HDL, is actually very beneficial for the body. It can help build and repair cells. Some studies have even shown that HDL can function as an antioxidant.

If your family has a long history of heart diseases, you don't have to be panic and start adopting a cholesterol free diet. You should instead learn that only bad cholesterol needs to be avoided - or at least taken in moderate amount. The good cholesterol is something that you should definitely have in your diet.

How dangerous is this so-called bad cholesterol? Research shows that a high level of bad cholesterol in the body may lead to heart problems, heart attacks and strokes. To avoid such thing from happening to you, you just simply have to cut down on your consumption of foods that contain bad cholesterol. Trying to avoid it completely can be counterproductive in your attempt to live a healthy life. Focus instead on consuming foods that have a high level of HDL cholesterol.

Finding the right diet to follow is as simple as knowing which foods you should avoid and which foods you should consume. Fish and lean meat are both good sources of protein. Try to consume dairy products that are low in fat and increase your consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables.

To conclude, it is important for you to be able to separate the truth from hearsays. If you want to be healthy, cholesterol free diet is not recommended to be followed. You should instead follow a balanced diet that is mixed with regular exercises to keep the body fit.

Jessica Tanady loves to write articles since 4 years ago, both offline and online. While she's keen on topics of beauty, fitness and weight loss, she has demonstrated her writing skills on a wide array of topics. Visit her latest articles on groupwise archive which reviews and discuss about email compliance.

Protein Rich Diet For Weight Loss - Top 5 High Protein Diets For Women to Lose Fat, Not Muscle

Protein rich diets are extremely important for weight loss. Proteins not only create metabolism but also maintain the cholesterol ratio in our body. High protein diet can easily build muscles and burn fats. Obesity causes numerous problems in our day-to-day-life. It makes us look ugly. Most people under go different types of dieting plans in order to shed those extra pounds. They even take up low calorie diets, which can be extremely harmful for their body.

Some people also undergo surgeries for weight loss. They are the temporary methods of loosing weight. In order to stimulate permanent weight loss, we should consume protein diet. Combination of protein rich diet and cardio workouts can work wonders. In order to obtain a well-toned body, we should combine workouts such as running, swimming, brisk walking or hiking and high protein diet.

Top 5 High Protein Diets For Women To Lose Fat

1. The quality of vegetable proteins is always higher than animal proteins. They are more effective for weight loss. Buckwheat, Hempseed and Soybeans are considered to be the best vegetable proteins. They can increase the rate of metabolism and stimulate lots of fat burning. They can also energize our muscles.

2. You can also eat fresh water fishes in order to lose weight. They contain almost seven grams of protein per ounce.

3. Eggs are considered to be the most preferred protein food. They not only help our body to build muscles but they also generate lots of energy.

4. Sunflower seeds contain six grams of protein per cup. They are also considered beneficial for maintaining the cholesterol levels in our body.

5. Poultry products such as chicken, turkey and duck can be consumed by women to lose fat.

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The Best Weight Loss Diet Guide for All Vegetarians

Nowadays, low carb diet has come on the top of all diet charts. Some people have this misconception that they need to stop eating in order to stay on a weight loss diet, but the reality is that the healthiest diet that includes nutrition from all food groups is the best diet for everyone.

If you are a vegetarian who prefers having weight loss foods, but worried about the nutrition as well, then our best weight loss diet guide will help you in deciding the optimum amount of nutrients required in your diet. An ideal and healthy diet is a combination of protein, fats and carbs. If your weight loss foods will have a perfect proportion of each of these, for sure you will be able to achieve your set goal of weight loss. Let us take a look at the role of each of these dietary components.


Protein is an essential component of a healthy diet. It is digested slowly as compared to the carbohydrates and hence keeps us fuller for long time. This makes protein an excellent weight loss diet component. Moreover, proteins help to build lean muscle mass and provides energy. It provides sustained energy and hence an integral diet component for runners and athletes.

Some people believe that plant-based or vegetarian diet does not provide sufficient quantity of proteins, which is absolutely wrong. Foods like nuts, soy, nut butters and low-fat diary are a very good source of proteins. Besides, some of these foods contain calcium too, which is again one of the proven foods that promotes the loss of weight.

Carbs and Vitamins

A combination of vitamins and good carbs can do wonders as a diet for losing weight. One should be very careful while choosing the right type of carbs and differentiate them from the bad ones. A list of good carbs includes diet that should be free of refined sugar, starch, white flour, etc. In fact, this type of weight loss foods includes whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Replace as much "white" with "brown" varieties in your diet. It is so because whole grains are rich in fiber and keep away from blood sugar crashes.


Just like carbs and proteins, consuming fats is also a good idea to reduce the hunger and craving. Some of you must be wondering that how fat can be a component of a weight loss diet, but it is actually true. Weight loss foods like olives, avocados, nuts, olive oil, etc. are a great source of fats that help you feel fuller for long and lead to reduced cravings.

These foods contain unsaturated fats that are good for health. This fat helps prevent heart diseases, clear plaque and reduce the level of bad cholesterol in arteries.


Soy is one of the best sources of proteins for all vegetarians, but should be consumed carefully. Excess of soy can lead to problems like thyroid disorders, slow loss of weight, etc. So, it is advised to consult a dietician or nutritionist for the recommended amount of soy intake. Following this weight loss diet and adding all essential nutritional components to it will surely help you to successfully achieve your weight loss goal. Good Luck!

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Which Foods Lower Cholesterol - Guaranteed Natural Answer to High Cholesterol Readings

Learning which foods lower cholesterol is the first step to reducing high lipid readings. If you recently learned that your cholesterol levels are too high, or perhaps have health issues that are cholesterol related then increasing the amount of low cholesterol diet food that you consume is critical.

The reason I state this so strongly is because it has been proven over and over again that the most effective way to reduce high cholesterol is through making specific changes in your diet. Probably the most proven natural substance that will help reduce cholesterol is fiber.

The fiber in foods lower cholesterol in two different ways:

1.) Cholesterol attaches itself to fiber in the intestines so that it is easily eliminated from the body.

2.) Fiber also causes bile acids to be eliminated from the body which stimulates the liver into absorbing cholesterol from the blood stream in order to replace the lost bile.

The best low cholesterol diet food that you can find are vegetables, especially brussels sprouts, spinach and broccoli. Other fiber rich foods include fruit, nuts and whole grains. Focusing on increasing the amounts of these foods in your diet will have a powerful effect on cholesterol readings.

Understanding which foods lower cholesterol is just the beginning point. Making them a part of your everyday diet is essential.

I have found it very helpful to use a structured diet plan that contains many enjoyable recipes that help me stay with it. Although it is not designed to be a cholesterol lowering diet, the South Beach diet contains some excellent recipes that will lower cholesterol.

If you are serious about reducing high cholesterol levels, I encourage you to visit my website where I discuss the best diets, foods and other natural substances that have been proven to bring down high cholesterol readings.

Van Crawford has been researching health related issues for more than 10 years and shares his research into natural ways to lower cholesterol levels on his website. To learn more about effective ways to lower your cholesterol and to learn how Van was able to lower his cholesterol without the use of medication, visit his website now:

The South Beach Diet

Dr. Arthur Agatston, a cardiologist, developed the South Beach diet that is described as "neither low-fat nor low-carb". The South Beach Diet is a method to teach participants how to eat the 'right' carbs and seek out the 'right' fats. The diet plan is divided into three Phases. Phase One is a strict 14-day program where nuts, cheese, eggs and regular-sized portions of lean protein are allowed. Phase One incorporates three meals a day with mandatory snacks in an effort to ensure the dieter is not left with hunger pains and give up. This strict Phase One eliminates sweets and starches to abolish cravings for these foods from the participant. Phase Two continues until the dieter has achieved their optimal weight and includes the reintroduction of dairy foods and whole-grain breads. The final maintenance Phase Three is geared towards establishing a healthy eating lifestyle that should, ideally, be adopted by the participant for the rest of their life.

The South Beach Diet is emphatic in reminding the participant of the foods they are allowed to eat and how to avoid the foods that are best left alone. Many restaurants in Miami cater to the South Beach Diet which goes by the credo "now you can eat like a movie star- and look like one". On the South Beach Diet, eating in restaurants is permitted, snacks are mandatory and flexibility is stressed. There is an overall cutback on carbohydrates and the diet allows for sufficient fats and animal proteins contained in meats. Fish, turkey, chicken, nuts, yogurt, cheeses and milk are recommended.

Highly processed foods are, of course, eliminated. Baked goods, snacks, soft drinks and breads fall into this category. Participants are encouraged to steer away from low-fat prepared foods, as they are often prepared with additional carbohydrates.

In the three phases of the South Beach Diet, the initial phase cuts carbohydrates from the diet dramatically. The theory behind this is that when avoided, the craving for carbohydrates decreases and once they are reintroduced into the diet, the body will properly metabolize them. Phase One completely excludes alcohol, sugar, pasta, rice, fruit, bread, potatoes, fast food and baked goods from the participant's food options. After this 14 day period, pasta, cereals, fruit and bread are gradually added back into the diet but not to excess.

The South Beach Diet does not require exercise for comprehensive weight-loss within this diet plan.

Once this diet is in the maintenance phase, a wide range of foods and permission to indulge occasionally on some high-fat and high-carb foods is included in the diet plan. The South Beach Diet participants report a lower level of bad cholesterol and increase in good cholesterol when adhering to this diet. A study of 40 overweight people who participated in the South Beach Diet shows that, on average, their weight-loss was maintained at 13.6 pounds. The South Beach Diet is currently among the top five diets in the USA, with many celebrities touting their success and proving to fame-obsessed Americans that you can 'look like a movie star- and eat like one, too'.

Eric Hartwell oversees "The World's Best Homepage" intended to be a user-generated resource where YOUR opinion counts. Anybody can contribute and all are welcomed. Visit us to read, comment upon or share opinions on health and visit our associated site articles for free.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Low Fat versus Low Carb Diets

Diets, diets, diets... every where you go, anything you read you can't miss them, they are almost everywhere. And if you have weight problems you are really annoyed by the huge number of ads or commercials promoting one or another type of diet.

That's why we asked on your behalf and we went to the best specialist to find the answer for the most charged topic: low fat versus low carb diets.

First of all let me tell you about how this study was made, in order to understand its accuracy. It went over a period of 10 years, involving 2700 of people that were on one of those diets. Some of the most important universities involved in this study: University of Colorado in Denver, the University of Pittsburgh, and Brown University in Providence, R.I. Their purpose was to collect data from people who have lost at least 30 pounds and more than that, they were able to maintain their weight for at least a year.

Most of the subjects were women with an average age of 47. But the results of the studies show that there was no difference between the diet--low-fat and the diet low-carb in what regards the way that people initially lost weight.

Even though the percent of those how were on a low-carb diet increased, the results proved that after a while most of them regained weight. Even if they ate less carbohydrate and the amount of protein was the same this didn't changed the situation. The ones that conducted the study reported that only a small number of successful weight losers are on a low-carbohydrate diet.

One of the disadvantages in the race low fat versus low carb diets is that the blood lipid levels can get worse. In what regards a long period other studies have proved that low-carb diets have as a result higher levels of healthy HDL cholesterol than the low-fat diets, which in the most cases reduce the HDL levels.

The competition it is very strong, but somebody has to win it. The low fat versus low carb diets contest has to have only one winner and you are the one that will decide!

If you find this information useful you should visit the site where you will find lots of interesting articles related to this topic, all original and wrote by Andreea Dinescu.

Low Cholesterol Menus - Good For Your Health and Good For Your Heart

Do you suffer from coronary heart disease? Perhaps your doctor has told you that your cholesterol levels are too high. If you need to take action to lower your cholesterol, this is where you will find information about what makes low cholesterol menus.

Nearly everyone today has heard about the health effects of having a high cholesterol level. We all know that to lower cholesterol levels, we must follow a healthy diet plan that helps us to lower our cholesterol and keep it low. That's where the problems start for most of us; we just don't know what makes a healthy meal that is good for our hearts within our diet. What we need is information about food types, what a high cholesterol food is and what a low cholesterol food is. That's where I will start; here are some typical high cholesterol foods which I am sure you will recognise.

o Fatty meats and sausages

o Dairy products such as cheese, butter and cream

o Cakes and biscuits

These are all a source of saturated fats and should be eliminated from your low cholesterol menus as much as possible. Now, let's list some of the friends in our quest for low cholesterol menus. Introducing the unsaturated fats,

o Vegetable oils, olive oil, sunflower oil and rapeseed oil

o Nuts (unsalted) and seeds

o Oily fish such as salmon, mackerel, trout and tuna

To produce low cholesterol menus, make sure that you include unsaturated fats and avoid saturated fats. This is a healthy diet at its most basic; however there are other factors to consider. Think about the cooking method, don't deep fry food try grilling it instead. It's much healthier to oven bake or microwave foods as you are not adding saturated fat during the cooking process. Also, add plenty of fresh vegetables to your plate as they will help to achieve a balanced diet.

High cholesterol levels and heart disease go hand in hand. In addition, anyone who suffers from diabetes needs to avoid having a high cholesterol level. Drugs such as statins can be used to treat high cholesterol, and doctors will prescribe this class of drug in order to treat their patients. However, these drugs do have side effects. There is an alternative answer to drugs, you can lower cholesterol now by using herbal remedies to treat high cholesterol. Other natural methods of lowering cholesterol can be found by visiting lower cholesterol now

Keep Your Cholesterol Levels in Check

Cholesterol is a fatty substance in the body that serves numerous essential functions. It is the building block for various hormones and bile acids and stabilizes the cells' membranes. While, adequate and proper cholesterol is necessary for good health, elevated levels are detrimental to health. They cause atherosclerosis and up the risk of developing heart diseases considerably.

Cholesterol is transported in the blood via lipoproteins. The major lipoproteins that transport cholesterol are HDL (high density lipoprotein), LDL (low density lipoprotein), and VLDL (very low density lipoprotein). High levels of LDL and VLDL are associated with the development of atherosclerosis and consequently heart attack. In contrast, high levels of HDL protect against heart attack.

Managing hypercholesterolemia and staving off its lethal effects

It is imperative to understand that hypercholesterolemia is managed well by a multi-disciplinary approach, rather than one form of treatment in isolation.

Certain dietary modifications/ changes/ restrictions become extremely necessary, and ought to be followed diligently in order to keep cholesterol levels within the normal limit.
Including certain specific foods in the diet, which have a marked therapeutic effect in lowering cholesterol, helps shield the heart from damage. Many foods help to lower the serum cholesterol level by decreasing the absorption, increasing the excretion, or decreasing the production of cholesterol. Enhance your diet with these foods.
Homoeopathy has been proved exceedingly beneficial in the treatment of the clinical manifestations of raised cholesterol levels, such as irregular blood pressure levels, cardiac / chest pains, palpitations, and weariness. Homoeopathic drugs in conjunct with the correct diet will reap huge profits, and ward off a heart attack.
Additionally, certain stress-busting and relaxation techniques, and meditation and yoga help keep the heart healthy.

Dr Shweta Shah is a life style expert with emphasis on alternative medicine and treatment. Her core areas include homoeopathy, diet, nutrition, yoga and acupressure therapy. As a Medical Content Writer she has also been involved in contributing several articles for health and wellness sites on professional basis. She also contributes to Zerodisease blog, with the objective of disseminating essential and healthy life style tips. Check the website regularly for latest updates.

High Protein Weight Loss Diets

A high protein weight loss diet is defined by the percentage of calories that come from protein. In a balanced diet that does not focus on protein, typically 10% to 15% of calories come from protein. In diets that focus on the amount of protein, this percentage can rise to as much as 30-35%.

By restricting carbohydrates a high protein diet can cause what is known as "ketosis". Ketosis is what happens when the body begins to burn its own stored fat for energy. This will cause weight loss but ketosis can also cause headaches, nausea, irritability in mood, and other problems.

However, high protein diets are very popular for a couple of reasons:

They promote relatively quick weight loss
The high amounts of protein eaten help dieters to feel full for a longer time

Unfortunately, because the weight lost during the diet is somewhat unnatural, the loss is frequently regained shortly after the diet ends.

Other drawbacks to a high protein diet are that they exclude food items such as fruits and vegetables which provide a great many required nutrients. These diets also risk high cholesterol, and heart disease.

Currently, there have been no long term studies of high protein weight loss diets so their long term heath effects are not known. If you do chose to engage in a high protein diet experts do agree that you should do so in moderation and keep a balance in your diet to ensure you get all the proper nutrients your body requires.

What follows is a brief list of foods that are higher in protein but still good for you:

Seafood, especially salmon because of its omega-3 content and marginally higher fat content
Skinless, white meat poultry. The dark meat and the skin both have high fat contents
Dairy products. Use low-fat or skim dairy to cut down on calories and still get the valuable calcium
Eggs. The least expensive source of protein
Beans. A half cup of beans has as much protein as 3 ounces of steak with much more dietary fiber
Pork Tenderloin. The "other white meat". Today's product is much leaner than it was several years ago
Beef, lean. Just a little bit more saturated fat than a chicken breast and more zinc, B12, and iron

Other sources of protein can be the meal replacement drinks, cereal bars, and energy bars. Just be sure to check the label to be certain you are going to get a minimum of six grams of protein and also has reduced sugar and fat content.

Regardless of the diet you chose to begin you must be certain that you continue to get all the nutrients that your body requires for proper operation. A good way to do that is to add a dietary supplement to your daily meal plan and the best supplement available today is chia seed.

Classified by the FDA is a whole, raw food, Mila refined chia seed is packed with omega-3 fatty acids and is the best of the cholesterol lowering foods. Chia is also rich in other minerals such as Potassium, Iron, Calcium,and Selenium.

Stop by Chia and learn more about this amazing supplement.

Diets For High Blood Pressure - How Blood Pressure Decreases With The Use of Diet?

Do Diets for High Blood Pressure actually work? High BP or hypertension is part of ageing. Diets for this condition must be closely watched because hypertension is a valid warning sign for forthcoming complications. The pressure of the blood is relative to physical activity. Blood pressure gets high when doing exercise or when stressed, and naturally lowers when resting or expending less activity. It may also rise due to obesity since good blood circulation needs a workable height-weight proportion.

Hypertension is a silent killer, which is why keeping the body fit is the only way to avoid it. Hypertension's rule of thumb is eating food with less sugar, less salt and no cholesterol. Experts say that a vegetarian's diet is ideal in eliminating a high blood pressure. The said diet has more potassium, complex carbohydrates, polyunsaturated fats, fiber, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C and vitamin A. The ideal diet for high blood pressure is low in saturated and trans-fats and high in fiber diet to reverse this condition. Most people do not know that the simple table sugar contributes to this condition. Simplified sugar substances stimulate the adrenalin causing the increase blood circulation activity and sodium retention. Having no sweet tooth could also be a threat.

Liking salty foods also heighten sodium levels that trigger hypertension. The consumption of too much salt and having low levels of potassium in the body is bad for the blood, thus, high-potassium yet low-sodium diets are strongly encouraged. In the United States, The DASH Diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) is highly recommended. It has recipes for hypertension that control the salt and sodium intake to regulate BP. Essentially, it also promotes the intake of other 3 minerals, namely calcium, magnesium and potassium, which regulate pressure. Studies supports that the DASH diet maintains a low and normal BP. The amount of sodium recommended by the National High BP Education Program is 1500 mg to 2400 mg, or less than 1 teaspoon, of salt).

Foods that lower blood pressure include lots of fruit, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy such as bananas, beans, tofu and potatoes. Ideally, vegetables must be steamed or lightly cooked. Avoid overcooking as this lowers the potassium content in vegetables. These are effective remedies to prevent BP from rising. In addition, exercise that improves the cardiovascular system, a low-sodium and high-potassium diets for high blood pressure plus avoiding alcoholic drinks will surely maintain a normal BP.

Sophie Stanton is an acknowledged expert in the field of Heart Health. He focuses especially on the effects of cholesterol on diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system including high blood pressure, strokes, coronary heart disease and heart attacks. For more information please visit Diets for High Blood Pressure and the Foods That Lower Blood Pressure.

Best Health - Vegetarian Diet

Many people follow vegetarian diet but there is no definite diet pattern. People who follow vegetarian diet are distinguished into following categories.

o Vegans or totally vegetarians

o Lacto vegetarians

o Ovo lacto vegetarians and

o Semi vegetarians

The vegans follow diets that include food only from plants like fruits vegetables, seeds, legumes, grains, and nuts. The diet of lacto vegetarians consists of plant food along with cheese and dairy products. The ovo lacto vegetarian diet can contain eggs. Semi vegetarians consume plant foods, eggs, dairy products, fish and chicken but exclude red meat.

Nutritional aspect of vegetarian diet

Vegetarian diets are either low or totally free from animal products. So they are low in saturated fats and cholesterol, and reduce the risk of obesity and many diseases like diabetes mellitus, blood pressure, certain types of cancer and coronary heart diseases. However there is a lack of certain minerals and vitamins in this type of diet for which one needs to properly and carefully plan the diet. If essential nutrients are included in the vegetarian diet then it can be made healthy and nutritionally good. However one should not include too much calories and saturated fat in the diet, otherwise it may have a negative effect on our health.

Nutrients that should be included in vegetarian diet

A vegetarian diet should include an array of nutrients for optimum result. It should include proper amount of proteins, minerals and calcium

Protein: For vegetarian diet adequate amount of protein can be derived from plant sources. Plant protein can alone provide the necessary amount of amino acid that is needed by your body. Vegetables, whole grains, seeds, legumes and nuts contain nonessential and essential amino acid. Soy protein is also a good source of protein that can be considered as an equivalent to the animal source and can alone supplement the protein requirement of the body.

Iron: Red meat, egg yolk, liver are the richest source of iron and cholesterol. So vegetarians can be low in iron intake. To supplement this deficiency you need to consume lots of beans and spinach. Dried fruits and brewer's yeast can also be taken as they are good source of protein derived from plants.

Zinc : Zinc is required for growth and development of your body. Plant sources of zinc are nut, legumes and grains. Supplements should not be taken more than 15 to 18 mg. if supplements are taken more than 50 mg then it can lower the HDL cholesterol in man.

Vitamin B-12: vitamin B-12 is mainly found in animal source. In vegetarian diet it is found in fortified breakfast cereals, in some brands of brewer's yeast, fortified beverages of soy, and from vitamin supplements.

Vitamin D: vegetarians are generally devoid of vitamin D as there are no convenient sources. However exposure to sunlight, milk fortified with vitamin d, some fortified soy milk provide little amount of it.

Calcium: Vegetarians can absorb more calcium than non vegetarians. Some convenient sources are spinach, broccoli, legume, soyabean products and kale

Vegetarians consume fewer calories than non vegetarians. So they are needed to consume different kinds of foods and adequate calories to fulfill the energy demand. They should lay stress on consumption of unrefined grains and fortified cereals. Vitamin A and vitamin C rich foods are also of great importance. Consumption of dairy products should be limited to fat free or low fat products and consumption of cholesterol should also be limited within 300 mg per day.


Monday, February 24, 2014

How a Healthy Diabetic Diet Plan Can Help to Manage Blood Glucose Level

One of the most important things when it comes to diabetes management is to watch your diet. Having a specific diet is necessary to help maintain the blood glucose level and ensure that they are under control. Contrary to what many believe, there is nothing special or expensive about a diabetic diet. It comprises mainly normal food that we eat on the daily basis. The main differences are the careful selection of carbohydrate foods, frequency and quantity of food intake.

The first thing you should know about custom diet for diabetics is that they are tailored to give you a healthy weight. All the servings are low in fat and won't increase your cholesterol levels. To some extent, it's a diet that can help you lose weight, but not exponentially if it's used in isolation. Diabetic diets are usually comprised of 3 main servings, which are breakfast, lunch and dinner. Including mid-morning, afternoon and evening snacks is important, to ensure your glucose levels stay somewhat constant.

The best diets for diabetic will consist of a variety of fruits, vegetables and high starch foods, and discourage the consumption of fats, more so unsaturated fats. Try to reduce your meat intake. It is a never ending debate as to whether carbohydrate is beneficial or bad for blood glucose management. While it's true that eating carbohydrates can elevate your blood sugar reading, some diets encourage this, but with some conditions.

One example is the Pritikin Diet which emphasizes on the intake of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and regular servings of carbohydrates as well. A lot of roughage has to be included in the diet as well as exercise. The extra energy from the carbohydrates is expended this way. There are low carb diets that encourage on the replacement of carbohydrates with healthy fat (unsaturated fat is highly discouraged as it increases cholesterol levels in the body) sources like nuts, fish, eggs, and high intake of fruits and vegetables.

It's hard to draw a conclusion on which precise diet for diabetics to follow. The best plan is to however understand your requirements. You should take more carbohydrates if you lead an active lifestyle. On the other hand, if you are less active, a diet with lower carbohydrates would be better. The constant thing in all the diets is the requirement for fruits and vegetables, more preferably those rich in fiber and roughage. These will help to keep your digestive system to perform better, while at the same time slowing the rate at which glucose is absorbed into the body.

As far as the unhealthy junk foods and snacks are concern, they have to be reduce as much as possible. Everything you eat, more so if it is rich in carbohydrate and sugar, will have an impact on your blood sugar. But if your cravings are too much, you can try an exchange scheme as a way of compromising. For instance, if you want to take a piece of dessert, you can take half a serving of rice or pasta during the main course. Following a diabetic diet is not rocket science, just a simple routine that you will get used to pretty fast.

Diabetes is a lifelong metabolism disorder that could be prevented with a healthy diet and active lifestyle. Learn how to prevent this condition and other topics such as type 2 diabetes diet and diabetic symptoms on now.

Eggs - Cholesterol Time Bomb, Or Nature's Wonder?

With a single egg nearly reaching the recommended daily limit of dietary cholesterol, including them in the diet will cause your cholesterol level to skyrocket. Right? According to modern research, it appears that is not the case. The latest research seems to indicate that consuming eggs produces little, if any, risk of raising cholesterol levels.

Cholesterol in the diet does not necessarily produce high cholesterol levels in the blood. Unhealthy fats raise cholesterol levels in the blood. Cholesterol in the diet is actually necessary for many bodily functions. If we don't get cholesterol in our diet, the liver will be forced to produce it.

Eggs have a high nutritional value, and contain all 9 essential amino acids needed to make a complete protein. In fact, eggs set the standard by which all other protein sources are rated. One large egg contains about 6 grams of protein, only 70 to 80 calories, and is low in fat.

Eggs contain lecithin, which helps break down cholesterol; methionine, which aids in preventing buildup of fats in the arteries; and manganese which helps the body metabolize fats. Including eggs in the diet is believed to help lower the risk of breast cancer, cataracts, and macular degeneration.

Free range eggs tend to be lower in cholesterol and higher in some vitamins than commercially produced eggs, depending on the quality of feed (junk in, junk out). Free range eggs also tend to be higher in healthy omega-3 fatty acids.

To avoid salmonella, cook eggs thoroughly. Also, eating raw egg whites interferes with the body's absorption of biotin. Raw eggs should never be eaten by children, pregnant women, the elderly, or anyone in ill health.

Disclaimer: This article is for entertainment purposes only, and is not intended for use as diagnosis or treatment of a health problem or as a substitute for consulting a licensed medical professional.

Charles Browne is an ezine author promoting nutritional healing, and disease prevention. He is also co-author of the web comic The Adventures of Deaf Duck.

Lower Cholesterol - Can Your Low Cholesterol Level Be Bad?

We know how importance lower cholesterol levels are. It can decrease our risk for heart disease,

stroke and heart attack. But can our cholesterol levels be too low? Since our bodies make

cholesterol it makes sense our body needs this chemical, but what happens if the body doesn't

have the cholesterol it needs?

First, abnormally low cholesterol levels have been linked with anxiety, depression, suicide, and

violent behavior. An article published in the periodical Psychosomatic Medicine in May of 1999

makes a startling revelation. It refers to a study of healthy young women with total cholesterol

levels below 160 mg/dl. It reports these women were more likely to make high scores on tests

used to measure levels of depression and anxiety than those with normal cholesterol levels.

Medical data has also shown men with low cholesterol levels are 50-80 percent more likely to be

the victim of a homicide, suicide or fatal accident than those with normal cholesterol levels.

Researchers suspect there may be a link between low cholesterol levels and low serotonin level.

Serotonin is a "feel good" chemical found in the brain. People with low levels of serotonin are

those who have problems with depression and anxiety. So, these lower cholesterol levels can

cause depression.

Other studies into the effects of abnormally low cholesterol also show there may be some link

between low blood cholesterol and cancer. Researchers are finding the lower the blood

cholesterol level the higher the risk for cancer. Seemingly, the lower cholesterol levels may also

increase your risk for cancer.

Perhaps the most surprising result of all is that having abnormally low cholesterol can increase

your risk for a stroke. While it is generally reported to be the other way around, there are studies

that show abnormally low levels of cholesterol can cause more strokes than high cholesterol.

According to information in an article entitled The Cholesterol Myth posted on the website

Second Opinions states studies of the Japanese people have backed up the fact lower cholesterol

than normal may cause more strokes.

The Japanese were an ideal people for the stroke study because they have had a rapid change

over the past couple of decades in their eating habits. They have evolved from eating a low

cholesterol diet high in rice and vegetables to eating more high fat foods. While it seems the

Japanese who ate a higher fat diet would be more likely to have strokes, the number of strokes

has decreased among the Japanese as their dietary fat increased.

Further studies have shown there are two different types of strokes, those caused from clots and

those caused from hemorrhaging. While high cholesterol does increase your risk of clot type

strokes, research shows chances for a hemorrhagic stroke is increased by an abnormally low

cholesterol level.

As you can see, while it is dangerous for your cholesterol to be too high, it is also dangerous for

your levels to be too low. Research has shown that abnormally low cholesterol may be linked to

depression and anxiety as well as an increase in strokes. Lower cholesterol may not necessarily

be better.

Get the latest in lower cholesterol know how from the only true source at Check out our lower cholesterol pages.

Cholesterol - Natural Therapies Such As Fish Oil Are Better Than Dangerous Statin Drugs

Over the last 20 years, many things have been written about cholesterol, which levels of cholesterol are healthy and what, if anything one should do to protect oneself. The medical establishment tends to promote dangerous statin drugs, which, not coincidentally, generate billions of dollars of sales for the drug companies annually.

Statin drugs have many dangerous side effects. Some of the side effects are very severe and cause permanent damage. Liver damage, heart damage and permanent nerve damage are just some of the many side effects of these drugs. One only has to look at their official lists of side effects to see how dangerous these drugs can be. I have some personal experience with this, as a very close family member of mine experienced permanent nerve damage and now has a permanent limp as a result of taking a very famous cholesterol drug.

The good news is that natural therapies such as concentrated fish oil are actually superior to drugs in dealing with lipid imbalances. In July 2008, the famous Mayo Clinic released the results of a trial which showed that people who took six capsules of concentrated fish per day in combination with red yeast rice and dietary changes had much better results in reducing the "bad" cholesterol when compared to those who took the drug simvastatin.

The people who went on the fish oil and the low-sugar diet saw a 42.4% decrease in LDL levels, compared to only 39.6% in the simvastatin group. More importantly, fish oil and a healthy diet have no negative side effects and the same time they have a lot of benefits apart from lowering LDL levels.

For example, the natural therapy group also had significant decreases in triglycerides and lost a lot of weight. On top of this, concentrated fish oil, when taken at high doses of about six capsules per day, have also been proven to decrease inflammation, decrease blood pressure, decrease homocysteine and improve mood.

It is the combination of all these factors that actually decrease your chances of getting serious diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. Anyone who tells you that you can solve all your health problems by taking a pill is not to be trusted. There are natural substances that can help a lot, but the best effect will never be achieved while at the same time continuing to eat what people now call the standard American diet of junk food, sugar, white bread and other unhealthy foods.

Still, over 100 studies in the literature have shown that finding a top quality-concentrated fish oil which is free of contaminants is one of the best, if not the best, way to treat cholesterol and other lipid imbalances. I recommend a natural, pure fish oil made from hoki fished off the coast of New Zealand, far away from industrial pollution and radiation of the large, polluting countries in the world.

Bonus tip: How is one to choose a fish oil wisely? There is one very unique concentrated fish oil with a far superior level of DHA.

For more information about cholesterol and fish oil, and to find out about the best value, purest, top-quality fish oil and cholesterol supplements that I have discovered, and the ones that I use personally, please visit

A Look at Natural Cholesterol Med

While cholesterol is a substance that is indeed needed by our bodies to aid in the production of vitamin D, cells and hormones. At the same time, the level of cholesterol in ones body is too high, it can create a variety of serious health issues and diseases. There are a number of prescription drugs and pharmaceuticals on the market to treat high cholesterol, natural cholesterol med are much more preferable. One can simply lower their cholesterol levels by following a strict diet and making a few lifestyle changes.

Many will resort to taking prescription drugs to control and monitor their cholesterol levels. However, many of these drugs have harmful side effects, including memory loss, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, constipation, liver damage, muscle breakdown, and other issues.

On the other hand, if you are willing to commit to a healthy lifestyle, you may see your cholesterol level lower substantially without risking these side effects. Here are a few things to consider about treating this issue naturally:

Avoid dairy products. If you simply love them or feel that you cannot avoid them, only consume them in very small quantities at a time. If you feel you must eat them often, try low fat varieties that will be lower in cholesterol. Eggs should also be avoided.

Be careful about the types of meats that you consume. Lunch meats are typically high in fats that should be avoided. Instead, try tuna salad or other fish such as mackerel.

Be choosy with oils. These do not contain cholesterol but certain oils can be turned into it by your body such as coconut oil, soybean oil, and palm oil. Stay away from these.

There are also foods which can help raise cholesterol levels. Those containing the omega 3 fatty acids are essential, and additionally, those foods that are high in fiber can be quite beneficial. Do your best to consume a balanced diet full of nutritious foods, especially fresh fruits and veggies. Eat these when you have a craving rather than other high in fat snacks.

If you have been found to have this condition, you should see your doctor regularly and have a blood test done to determine if your condition is getting better. This will also let you know if you are doing enough to take care of the situation, but simple changes such as preparing your meals from scratch and avoiding those precooked meals will take you far, as you will soon see.

High cholesterol is dangerous and it is crucial to control it at the earliest. To learn about supplements that can help lower cholesterol more naturally, I invite you to visit
Rajagopalan helps you to understand how this natural remedy can help control cholesterol.