Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Diets to Lower Cholesterol - Learn How to Lower it Naturally and Safely!

happinesslifetime.com Diet to lower cholesterol has been carefully studied. As we all know, cholesterol is defined as a fatlike compound that is found in our body. Cholesterol is known to be the major cause of blocking arteries and is the chief contributor to heart disease, heart problems and stroke. Though we know that cholesterol, the good cholesterol or High-density lipoproteins (HDLs) they called it, is needed in our body, it is a vital components in our cell membrane, in building hormones and vitamin d among all other body functions. However our main concern in general is how to lower these bad cholesterols that causes harmful effects in our body.

We also want to site information on the right diets to lower cholesterol naturally and safely. To lower cholesterol naturally and safely is to maintain healthy lifestyle. There is no natural and safer way to do it but to watch our diet, the food that we eat. How? Our cholesterol can be lowered by replacing saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat. Saturated fats are mostly found in meats and poultry. This has to be avoided or else cholesterol will shoot up. There is also no other option but to hold back the intake of refined carbohydrates found in bakery products, pastas, and sugar-added foods. Why? It is because it is believed to have hydrogenated fats. Prepared foods are no exemption also. We will not only talk about the foods to avoid so you can lower down your cholesterol but prevention is better than curing what we have gotten into from not being conscious and cautious of the food that we eat. What I mean, if you have high cholesterol, cure and treat it. But if you are not experiencing heart problems and other high cholesterol related problem, better still prevent it from happening by being mindful of what we eat.

As general rule, eating healthy will never go wrong. Watching your diet is a key. There are common foods that are low in cholesterol or can help fight bad cholesterol such as oatmeal, beans, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage to name a few. In addition, instead of taking dairy milk, you may change it to Soya milk since it is cholesterol free. Mackerel, salmon and tuna are rich in omega 3 that fights bad cholesterol and protect the heart. True that there is maybe a handful of food that can lower your cholesterol but that is not it. It is not that simple as humming your favorite song, diet is work and it does not end in controlling or minimizing or avoiding foods that you eat. It has to be accompanied by the right attitude and the proper exercise to make it work. Exercise helps fight the build up of cholesterol in the body. Patients in severe case have to see their doctors for proper treatment and medications. Some conditions need medical interference already since having high cholesterol is a serious health concern that could not be set aside or taken lightly. I wish you the best of luck!

Janet Sommers is a weight loss expert who has been helping people all over the world lose weight for years. Pick up her FREE E-Course on FatLossForIdiotsRevealed.com diets to lose cholesterol and lose 9 pounds by next week! Visit FatLossForIdiotsRevealed.com FatLossForIdiotsRevealed.com to receive the free course today!

Monday, June 30, 2014

Natural Supplements For Cholesterol, Blood Pressure And Heart Disease

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality now a days. Blood pressure can play havoc on blood vessels and internal organs, if left untreated, setting the stage for the development of a heart attack, stroke, or kidney failure.

In people with mild to moderate blood pressure, lifestyle changes; combined with helpful natural nutritional supplements, can dramatically lower blood pressure and may eliminate the need for prescription drugs as well.

There are so many Ayurvedic herbs and modern food supplements for prevention and treatment of hypertension. These can be used as an adjuvant to the drug therapy.

Vitamin C in the form of Amla Juice ( Amla Saar)

Vitamin C is one of the most important antioxidant that is required by the body for removal of free radicals. The free radicals are the substances that are formed during various metabolic processes within our body. They are also formed because of stress, pollution, smoking, synthetic drugs etc.They damage the inner lining of our arteries and are responsible for ageing, wrinkles, premature death. Stress and anxiety increase the formation of free radicals many times. Vitamin C is a very important anti-oxidant which scavenges free radicals and protects us from their harmful effects.

The antioxidant vitamin C may also help lower high blood pressure and cholesterol and helps in formation of arterioneogenesis. i.e. formation of new arteries. Recent studies found that higher blood levels of vitamin C were correlated with lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

Amla is the richest natural source of Vitamin C. It has 30 times more vitamin C than oranges. Pure Amla juice

Can be consumed dailiy for prevention of complications of hypertension as well as many other dreadful diseases.

Coenzyme Q10

Co-Enzyme Q 10 is the natural vitamin like micronutrient which is required by the heart muscle for proper functioning. It provides energy to the heart muscle cells. The daily requirement for prevention of heart disease and cholesterol maintenance is between 30 to 60 mg/day.

Natural Co-Enzyme Q 10 is present in the bark of a tree "Terminalia arjuna". Ayurveda recommends Terminalia arjuna to be taken in the form of "Arjuna Ksheer pak" i.e. in a herbal tea form. This tea of Arjun should be boiled in milk and water because the Co-Enzyme Q 10 is better absorbed with milk lipids. Co-Enzyme Q 10 also helps in normalizing blood cholesterol levels.

Suggested dose: While making Arjun tea one should use 3 to 5 gm of the herb powder and boil it in milk and water to get maximum benefits.

Flaxseed and Fish Oils

Flaxseed is the only vegetarian source of Omega-3 fatty acids, very essential to keep the cholesterol levels in control. Flaxseed oil should be consumed by people suffering from disturbed cholesterol metabolism. Flaxseed oil is used in Ayurveda for prevention of heart problems, cancers and many other chronic ailments. It has been shown to reduce high blood pressure in numerous double-blind studies. Only extra virgin cold pressed Flaxseed Oil should be used for oral consumption. It should not be heated or used for cooking. The Omega-3 fatty acids get destroyed if the oil is heated or used for cooking. It should be refrigerated to ensure freshness and efficacy. For cooking purpose, Mustard oil or Olive oil can be used.

Suggested dose :

Flaxseed oil: 1 tbsp. (14 grams) a day. Take with food to enhance absorption.

Fish oils: 1,000 mg 3 times a day. Use fish oil supplements if you don't eat fish at least twice a week. Keep refrigerated to ensure freshness


Garlic is another wonderful natural remedy to keep cholesterol and heart related problems away. It inhibits clot formation by making platelets less likely to clump, and it can help lower cholesterol levels and prevent formation of artery-clogging plaques. Garlic contains compounds which are good for digestion of lipids and heavy diets. According to Ayurveda Garlic is extremely useful for "Vata" and "Kapha" conditions and is a miracle cure for paralysis and motor nerve disorders. Garlic should be avoided in cases of high blood pressure as it may increase "Pitta". So it is recommended only in cases of high cholesterol without blood pressure.

Suggested dose: 500 mg twice a day i.e. 1-2 buds once daily. It can be taken with honey or boiled in milk to reduce the heating effect.

Ashwgandha ( Withania somnifera)

Ashwgandha is also known as "Indian Ginseng" in international herbal market. This herb has marvelous properties to alleviate stress, anxiety. It is known to possess adaptogenic properties i.e. it helps body to adapt to various stresses and cope with them. It is rejuvenates cells, relieves fatigue and gives strength to the neuromuscular system.

In Ayurveda it is used in rheumatic conditions and as a sexual stamina enhancer. It also increases the low sperm counts and is very useful in infertility. Regular use of Ashwagandha with milk is recommened in emaciation of children, protein energy malnutrition as well as insomnia in elderly due to stress and hypertension. Stress related blood pressure responds very well to Ashwagandha.

Suggested Dose : Ashwagandha root powder can be taken 3-6 gm twice daily with lukewarm water or milk.

Brahmi ( Indian Peenywort)

This slender, creeping plant grows commonly in localized swampy areas of Asia, Africa, and the tropics. The size of an old British colonial-period penny -- this is how it came to be known as Indian pennywort, marsh penny and water pennywort (with "wort" being the ancient anglo-saxon word for plant). . It is famous in western world as 'Gotu Kola'. Gotu Kola Enhances Tranquility and regulates sleep pattern. It is a wonderful herb not only for blood pressure but also for memory weakness, lack on concentration It is regarded as one of the most spiritual and rejuvenating herbs in Ayurveda. Today, this herb has become popular to promote relaxation, cleanse the blood, enhance brain function, and for strengthening the collagen fibers of the body's connective tissues and circulatory vessels.

Since so often we find high blood pressure is related to daily stress, Gotu kola is an important herb for blood pressure patients. Boiled in water or direct juice can be taken at night for sound sleep and restlessness. It effectively controls blood pressure without causing any side effects.

Suggested Dose:

Brahmi juice can be taken 20 to 30 ml twice daily with equal quantity of water.

Brahmi powder can be taken 3-6 gm per day with lukewarm water.

Aloe Vera Juice (Kumari Saar)

Aloe vera is also called " The miracle plant". It has been studied to be effective in so many illenesses. The plant has outer thick leaf and inner soft gel. Aloe gel contains active substances known as glycoproteins and polysaccharides. Glycoproteins are protein-carbohydrate compounds that speed the healing process by stopping pain and inflammation. Polysaccharides are a type of carbohydrate that stimulates skin growth and repair. They also help control the blood sugar levels and thus very useful in treating diabetes. These substances are also thought to stimulate the immune system. Aloe vera juice lowers down cholesterol levels by acting on liver metabolism. It increases the working capacity of liver cells. In Ayurveda it is known as "Kumari". Kumari is said to possess the properties of removing endotoxins from the body. It is explained as

"Kumari bhedni sheeta tikta netrya rasayani

Madhura brahni balya vrishya vaat vish pranut"

Classical Ayurvedic Text. BPN- verse- 230. ( 1700 A.D)

i.e. Aloe vera removes endotoxins, it is soothing, bitter tonic, improves eyesight, rejuvenative (Anti-ageing), strengthens body, enhances immunity, increases vigour and vitality, relieves 'Vata' and removes 'poisons' from the body.

Cholesterol is considered as endotoxin or "Aama" according to Ayurveda. The best properties of " Kumari Saar" the inner juicy portion of Aloe vera is to remove this 'Aama' from our body. According to Ayurveda this 'Aama' is the reason for formation of uric acid crystals, Gall bladder stones, Rheumatoid arthritis, Cysts and fibroids, cholesterol deposits. So Aloe vera juice is a very useful herb in a number of diseases including blood pressure and cholesterol.

Suggested dose: Aloe vera juice can be taken 20 ml twice daily diluted with equal water.

Shankhpushpi ( Convolvulus pluricaulis)

Shankhpushpi is another useful herb famous for improving memory in children. The herb has cold, bitter tonic, relieves pitta and heat inside the body. It is also useful for high metabolic rates, wear and tear reactions. It calms down the hyperactive neurons and thus controls the blood pressure and improves memory. It also heals stomach and duodenal ulcers. This herb gives wonderful results in stress and anxiety related hypertension.

Suggested dose: 20 ml of Shankhpushpi juice or syrup can be taken twice daily for one month to get good results.Shankhpushpi powder (Buy Total Heart Support containing Ashwagandha, Brahmi, Arjuna and many other herbs for heart problems) can be consumed 1 teaspoonful twice daily with luke warm water.

Haritaki ( Terminalia chebula)

Terminalia chebula is also commonly known as 'Harar' an age old remedy to relieve constipation. In Ayurveda, Haritaki is considered as mother of all herbs. Ayurveda considers 'Vayu' as a major culprit for hypertension. 'Haritaki' in combination with another two herbs 'Amla' and 'Bahera' makes the famous Ayurvedic preparation 'Triphala'. Triphala is best combination to get rid of hypertension, constipation and high cholesterol. Haritaki alone is very useful for lowering down blood cholesterol levels as well as controlling bouts of hypertension.

Suggested dose:

Haritaki powder or Triphala powder/ Triphala capsules can be taken 3-6 gm(1 tablespoon) once at night with lukewarm water.

This article is submitted by Dr. Vikram Chauhan ( MD -Ayurveda), Consultant Ayurveda Physician. Dr. Chauhan provides free online consultations at planetayurveda.com planetayurveda.com

Foods to Avoid High Cholesterol - List of Foods You Don't Want to Eat With High Cholesterol

High cholesterol is a serious medical problem, but there are foods to avoid high cholesterol. While some foods can help to lower your cholesterol, there are other foods out there that can make a high cholesterol problem even worse. It is time you learn the 411 on foods you should not be eating if you have high levels of cholesterol in your blood.

Foods that have trans fats and saturated fats in them can cause cholesterol to go higher. Saturated fats are usually found in foods that come from animals. Some foods even contain cholesterol and saturated fats. You should look at food labels to find out more about the content of fat and cholesterol in foods. Here is a look at foods to avoid high cholesterol to make sure you improve health and avoid any negative physical problems.

Foods You Need to Avoid

When you have high levels of cholesterol, you need to avoid eating saturated fats as well as oils. This can include coconut oil, lard, butter, palm oil, and bacon drippings. There are many processed foods that actually contain both coconut and palm oils, and they should be avoided as well. You can replace these foods with soy oil, vegetable oils, olive oil, corn oil, peanut oil, or even soft tub margarine.

Partially hydrogenated vegetable oils and trans fats need to be avoided as well. This can include foods like shortenings, chips, hard margarines, cookies, and snack crackers. Fats become semi solid or solid within a process that is known as hydrogenation.

Servings of meat, fish, and poultry should be limited. Usually you should have about 3-5 ounces of these meats a day and no more. This can help you to better control your levels of cholesterol.

Foods to avoid high cholesterol include fatty meats. You need to eliminate these meats from your diet to help lower your cholesterol to a healthy level. Fatty meats you should be avoiding include bologna and other processed meats, frankfurters, ribs, corned beef, sausage, ground meat, bacon, steak, and pastrami. Instead of eating these meats that are so high in fat, start adding turkey, pork, fish, lean beef, turkey and meatless dishes to your diet.

High fat milk products should also be limited in your diet. This includes many cheeses, cream, whole milk, whipped topping, and more. Instead go for cheeses that are low fat and look for milk that has less than 1% fat in it.

Fast food should definitely be avoided. Fries, tacos, hamburgers, and fried chicken are high in saturated fat and total fat. If you do have to eat out, go with chicken sandwiches that do not have skin, choose foods that have not been fried, and try for salads with low fat dressings. Fast food can sabotage your cholesterol fast, and if you need to lower cholesterol, these are definitely foods to avoid high cholesterol.

Do not go on without learning how to control cholesterol. For more important advice, tips, and information on healthy supplements, learn even more by visiting naturalcholesteroltreatment.net naturalcholesteroltreatment.net

Rajagopalan helps you to understand how this natural remedy can help control cholesterol.

Low-Carb Diet Plan - An Easy Low-Fat, Low-Carb Menu Plan That Works

You simply have no choice but to face that weight gain problem and fix it as best as you can. The diet with a lower carbohydrates intake is one of the most beneficial nutrition arrangements you can possibly pick up. Still, the key to success is to devise the optimal low carb diet plan. This can be very simple, easy to stick to and extremely effective.

You need to understand how the low carb diet plan works before actually adopting it. This will motivate you to follow it even further. In its essence such a nutritional arrangement is supposed to eliminate the major reason for weight gain and to allow for the reverse process to begin. When you eat more food than you need to - that is when your body is fueled by more energy than it can actually burn, the carbohydrates, which are the main source of power for the cells are stored as fats. This process if further aided by the lack of physical activity in your life. Thus, if you restrict the intake of carbs, your body will need to supply its energy by using up the fats.

The excessive weight gain can literally ruin your life - apart from the low self esteem due to your chubby figure, you are also exposed to a higher risk of heart diseases and diabetes. But with the appropriate low carb diet plan, all this can go away. The weight loss will is achieved quickly and effectively. Your bad cholesterol levels will be reduced and your blood sugar levels optimized. It is best if you actually use this nutritional arrangement in your life in general and not only to slim down. As pointed out earlier this dietary plan should be healthy and beneficial enough to sustain you in optimal shape. Thus, in order to keep the weight loss results, you can make the low carb diet your main one.

The really great thing is that you do not have to count calories all the time. You can simply eat only foods that have no carbs and are extremely low in them. Your low carb diet plan should consist of the three main meals and two snacks in between them. The best breakfast foods are eggs that are cooked in different ways without frying and yogurt or cottage cheese with some fruit. For lunch you can have your favorite veggie salad plus some grilled or roasted chicken fillets or stewed tuna. For your dinner you can pick a low carb recipe from the Greek or French cuisines, which offer plenty of such specialties. You can plan your snacks to consist of seeds, raw nuts or cheese sticks.

It is best to put your low carb diet plan in writing so that you can make your shopping and cooking easier and stick to it. If you feel like changing something, simply follow your preference and do it. The key to success is to be motivated and enjoy your diet - in this way the most beneficial possible results will come in no time.

Next, visit findahealthydiet.com best heart healthy diet plan to get started immediately on dieting correctly by using the proper diet plan. Also read our detailed review of findahealthydiet.com/fat-loss-4-idiots-review fat loss 4 idiots diet to see if their popular diet plan is right for you.

Can Phytosterols Help Keep Bad Cholesterol in Check and Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease?

According to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, upwards of 40% of Canadian adults have unhealthy cholesterol levels. Americans are also battling high cholesterol levels, as several generations of sedentary living, processed food consumption, and lack of exercise have conspired to make heart disease a leading cause of death amongst North Americans today.

It does not have to be that way...

What are Phytosterols?

Phytosterols ("plant sterols") are natural compounds with a ring chemical structure. Some phytosterols, such as vitamin D, are already recognized as being important for our overall health and well-being. Unlike animal cholesterol, which circulates in our blood and thus increases the risk of atherosclerosis and heart disease, phytosterols do not enter the bloodstream and work to decrease the absorption of dietary cholesterol in the intestine. Their ability to lower low-density lipoproteins, LDL (i.e. "Bad cholesterol") levels has been investigated in many studies.

How do I get Phytosterols into My Diet?

Believe it or not, phytosterols can be found in small quantities in a vast array of foods, especially nuts (e.g. cashews, almonds), oils, seeds, whole grains and legumes. However, the typical North American diet - rich in protein and saturated fats - tends to ignore and omit these items.

Lately, the marketplace has been inundated with products containing phytosterols. Everything from margarine spreads, salad dressings and vitamin supplements are touting this natural cholesterol regulator. Many of these products may contain saturated phytosterols, which are known as phytostanols, or plant stanols. The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has labeled some products with phytosterols as "heart-healthy".

What are the Risks?

Increased phytosterol consumption is being touted alongside statin drugs in the fight against unhealthy LDL levels. One to two grams of phytosterol extract daily, equivalent to one tablespoon, is often recommended. However, just as statin use may cause side effects, changing your diet requires careful consideration before making the final commitment. More research is required to confirm phytosterols' health benefits, especially for individuals already susceptible to atherosclerosis and vulnerable plaques that lead to heart attacks, stroke, and cardiovascular disease.

February 2010 is Heart Month, a great time to reassess your cardiovascular health and start making good choices to lengthen and improve the quality of your life. As always, consult your family physician and be cognizant of your health history.

Rahul Majumdar is an Information Marketer who has successfully lowered his bad cholesterol levels through a combination of regular exercise, healthy eating, and responsible prescription drug use.

Information Marketing Newsletter: rahulmajumdar.com rahulmajumdar.com

The Amazing Peanut Butter Diet - Review and Sample Menu

The amazing peanut butter diet is a truly well balanced diet that allows the addition of peanut butter to the menu. The cholesterol lowering effects of this sticky elixir receive praise in recent studies completed at the University of Rochester, New York and Pennsylvania State University.

The addition of peanut butter to the daily menu lowered the total cholesterol level and yet, unlike the low fat diet, did not lower the level of HDL, the good cholesterol. The low fat diet also increased triglyceride levels.

According to Dr. Penny Kris-Etherton, Professor at Pennsylvania State University, "What is important about these findings is that we have another food option beyond olive oil...peanuts, peanut butter and peanut oil...for increasing monounsaturated fats in the diet." She added that the additional option allows for variety and personal preference when planning a heart healthy diet.

A sample menu for the amazing peanut butter diet shows a well-balanced food selection that creates not only nutritious menus but also delectable choices. Each day contains three yummy meals, a mid afternoon snack and a treat after supper.

Use this daily menu as a guide to some of the sumptuous meals that the amazing peanut butter diet contains.


A scrambled egg with chopped green pepper and onion fried in a tablespoon of canola oil is the main course at this breakfast. 2 mandarin Clementine oranges and one half of a whole grain English muffin accompany the egg.

Lunch includes a summer favorite, the open face cheese and tomato sandwich. Simply toast a piece of whole wheat bread, put on one thick slice of tomato on top and a piece of reduced fat cheddar cheese to top it off. Grill in a broiler until the cheese melts. Accompany this sandwich with a medium banana.

The mid afternoon snack on this sample of the amazing peanut butter menu is a stalk of celery filled with two tablespoons of peanut butter. An easy way to measure two tablespoons of peanut butter is to compare the size to a golf ball. A scoop that size is two tablespoons. You may substitute an apple for the


Dinner consists of the cooked equivalent of a cup of dry whole-wheat macaroni. Top the macaroni with a low-fat mushroom and pepper sauce. Add 12 steamed shrimp and top the pasta dish off with 2 tablespoons of grated Parmesan cheese. Make a salad of 2 cups of lettuce with a dressing of a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar and 2 teaspoons of extra virgin olive oil.

Daily treat for this menu are 4 large dates stuffed with peanut butter. The menus for the amazing peanut butter diet vary widely. This menu is just a sample of many for the diet and contains all the nutrients necessary for not only heart-heath but also overall good nutrition.

The diet doesn't promise quick weight loss but slow steady loss of two pounds a month. Its purpose is to change bad eating patterns to healthy ones. If you add exercise to the diet, the

weight loss is far more dramatic.

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How to Lower Bad Cholesterol and Raise Good Cholesterol

How to lower bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol is an important question and one that can be answered in a number of different ways. But before we get down to the brass tacks of how to lower bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol first we must gain a better understanding of exactly what we are dealing with here.

Cholesterol is a wax like substance that floats around your bloodstream guided only by the lipoproteins known as LDL and HDL. LDL stands for low density lipoproteins and HDL is short for high density lipoproteins. Low density lipoproteins play an important role in transportation vital blood cholesterol to your cells. Nevertheless, despite its noble pursuit it is considered to be bad cholesterol, mainly because it drops some of its payload along the way, producing coronary artery deposits know as arterial plaque. On the other hand HDL is the knight in shining armor that comes along to save the day by cleaning up the mess LDL has left. Most experts agree that regardless of how high overall cholesterol readings are, if enough HDL is present to clean up the mess, the overall risk of atherosclerosis, heart attack, and stroke generally considered to be very low.

So as you can see the second part of the question as how to lower bad cholesterol and RAISE GOOD CHOLESTEROL is indeed the key.

The most often mentioned way as how to lower bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol is through the use of prescription statin drugs. Lipitor, Crestor, Lescol, Pravachol, and Zocor have become household names with millions of prescriptions written annually. These drugs work by inhibiting the livers ability to turn carbohydrates, proteins, and fats into cholesterol thus reducing both LDL and overall cholesterol reading. While most agree they do increase HDL levels the clinical evidence to support this is somewhat ambiguous. Nevertheless, we do know that statin medication have a profound impact on high cholesterol.

Exercise is another example of how to lower bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol. According to the AMA (American Heart Association) exercise can alter your cholesterol levels, pushing up your HDLs (good cholesterol) and pushing down LDLs (bad cholesterol). This is a tricky one especially for those who have serious physical concerns and should be discussed with your doctor before you go into training for the next iron man/woman competition.

Foods are another example. Certain foods are amazing in their ability to improve cholesterol. While the list is really long as to food that can lower bad and overall cholesterol it is relatively short when it come to raising good cholesterol. Examples would be apples, pears, pomegranates, dark grapes, olive oil, foods containing plant sterols, and possibly cranberries and cranberry juice.

Herbs are our fourth and final stop on the road headed towards how to lower bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol. Once again we have no shortage of possible candidates. Examples would include red yeast rice, garlic, guggul, and rooibos.

Note: It should not go without mention that niacin is a very important cholesterol buster and may merit some additional research. Also, there is anecdotal evidence to support the notion that garlic enhances the benefits of any remedy for high cholesterol.

In the end how to lower bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol can be answered in many different ways. For some natural health minded individuals the combination of lowered-cholesterol.com natural cholesterol reducing remedies combined with diet and exercise has proven to be a powerful formula for success. If you have been searching for a side effect free way to give cholesterol the boot this powerful three step approach is certainly one worth considering.

Rob D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic advocate for the use of safe and effective high quality alternitive health products and natural living, with over 10 years experience in the field. Learn more about natural remedies and natural health at purchaseremedies.com Purchase Remedies.com