Friday, October 11, 2013

Why Cholesterol Is Not the Main Cause of Heart Disease

When you ask anyone about heart disease, chances are they'll tell you it's caused by cholesterol. After all, "bad" cholesterol is the stuff that clogs arteries and causes heart attacks. But recent research developments are telling us that cholesterol isn't the main cause of heart disease -- there's a deeper underlying condition that not many of us know about.

That condition is INFLAMMATION. Inflammation is the body's main defense against infection, and it's evident when you cut or bruise yourself -- the swelling and pain is unmistakable. Unfortunately, inflammation happens inside the body as well -- the danger is that we don't see or feel it.

The tissue in our arteries are very sensitive to inflammation, which is caused by eating too many processed foods, oils, carbohydrates, sugar, and other bad stuff in food. The body responds to this inflammation by taking cholesterol -- most of it from the cholesterol the body produces naturally -- and using it to form plaque around the inflamed tissue.

It's no coincidence that the Food Guide Pyramid's advocacy of low-fat, high-carb diets has resulted in a sharp spike in obesity and heart disease rates all over the civilized world. It's a mistake the government is slow and hesitant to fix, so it's best not to wait for them to fix things for us.

To prevent inflammation and consequent heart disease, switch from a grain-based diet to a plant-based one. Humans were designed by Nature to subsist on a diet of vegetables and fruits, and it's best to start your slow transition with one of the best fruits in the world -- Acai berry.

Acai berry, especially in pill form, undergoes minimal processing and retains most of the original fruit's nutritious potency. Acai can supply your daily vitamin A, protein, and antioxidant needs, without triggering any unsavory inflammation inside you. If you're an active man, don't settle for the first Acai berry product you find -- choose something more suited for real men, like these.

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