Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Healthy Cholesterol Diet - 3 Ways to Lower Your Bad LDL Cholesterol Levels With Diet and Supplements

The fact that more than 40% US citizens are experiencing cardiovascular problems and other related illnesses due to increased blood cholesterol levels illustrates the importance of balancing cholesterol levels in the body. Along with prescription drugs and regular exercise, following a controlled diet regime seems to be the right alternative in reducing blood cholesterol.

Mediterranean Diet

A healthy cholesterol diet is one that is less in saturated fats, contains moderate amount of carbohydrates and is rich in proteins, trace elements, vitamins, and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Mediterranean Diet is one such diet that has a variety of foods to reduce the levels of cholesterol from your body.

In this diet, there lies a tremendous emphasis on daily consumption of lots of fresh vegetables and fruits. It is also healthy to consume lots of nuts, legumes, and beans in the daily diet. Patients suffering from cholesterol should also consume fishes such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel. These fishes are rich in omega 3 fats, a group of polyunsaturated fatty acids essential for the synthesis of beneficial HDL cholesterol.

Excessive consumption of saturated fats is another major cause of increased blood cholesterol levels. Patients should completely avoid the use of oils such as butter, margarine, coconut oil, and palm oil. Olive oil, canola oil, and safflower oil are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids and can be used in the diet.

Dash Diet

Dash diet is another diet which will help you to lower the levels of cholesterol, if you strictly follow the diet. In such a diet, an individual can have 2 to 3 daily servings of fruits, grains, lean meat, fish, sweets, beans, nuts, and low-fat dairy products to lower the levels of cholesterol.

The main aim of such a diet is to reduce the intake of sodium and make it 2300 milligrams in a day and not to allow too much saturated fat in the diet. Carbohydrate intake is also reduced in such a diet.

Natural Supplements

If such a healthy diet is followed along with natural cholesterol supplements, it would surely bring down the high cholesterol levels to a normal range. Natural supplements that contain active metabolites such as oryzanol, policosanol, D-Limonene, Lecithins, Bioflavonoids, and Phytosterols help to reduce the production of cholesterol.

When such an effect is combined with healthy diet, it has a positive effect on lowering the cholesterol process of the body. Unlike statins, these natural supplements are effective because they work on reducing cholesterol in six different ways and help to slow down its production and absorption in the body.

If you're interested in learning the secrets of finding the best natural cholesterol remedies, visit my website, where I share the products that have been proven fast, safe and effective in lowering cholesterol naturally.

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