Friday, January 24, 2014

How Effective Are Diets to Lower Cholesterol?

If you are diagnosed with high cholesterol, among the question you would probably ask are, "Should I take statin drugs?" and "How about low cholesterol diets - How Effective Are Diets to Lower Cholesterol?"

The answer to this last question is: Very Effective. In fact, controlling your cholesterol levels by following a low cholesterol diet is more effective compared to relying on the use of statin drugs alone. And not only that, the use of statins could give you unpleasant side effects, in contrast to abiding by a natural cholesterol lowering diet, which is both effective and efficient.

Sure you can take all-natural cholesterol lowering supplements besides statins; on the other hand, the positive effects of these natural supplements (or any other kind of medicines for this matter) could be easily offset if you are not following a healthy diet. Thus, it could be concluded that the most recommended most effective way to lower cholesterol is to observe a special diet that lower cholesterol, along with the use of natural cholesterol lowering supplements (or statins).

To carry out a diet to effectively lower cholesterol, the first thing you should probably do is to ask your doctor or nutritionist. You can also supplement your knowledge about the foods that lower cholesterol and the high cholesterol foods to avoid by reading and researching the several studies made about fighting LDL or "bad cholesterol." The crucial part though is applying what you have learned. Often, the challenge comes when we are faced with the vital need to change what we eat or how much we eat, which at first could be really overwhelming. Still, we should keep in mind that it's good enough that we are following the correct path in controlling our cholesterol levels for better health and a longer life.

It also helps if you approach your diet for lower cholesterol positively. Take small but significant steps towards your goal and don't rush yourself to see immediate results. Even the smallest changes and the littlest things you do in improving the way you eat all adds up as big gains in the end; so, have patience, persist, and don't lose hope. Adjust the way you eat one step at a time.

First, you can decrease your intake of eggs (egg yolks) and full-fat dairy products as well as processed foods that contain saturated and trans fats. Next is avoiding high cholesterol foods like lobters, crabs, and shimps. Then, you can start substituting red meat with high-in-omega3 fish or poultry (without skin) for your daily protein requirements. Avoid eating fried or roasted foods which use unhealthy high-cholesterol oils. Lastly, beat your cholesterol by eating cholesterol lowering foods like oatmeal, beans, nuts (just a handful a day), lentils, garlic, olive oil or canola oil, as well as antioxidant foods like berries, red wine (just one glass a day), and green tea.

If you believe the saying that "You are what you eat," then there's not much left to say but that these suggested diets to lower cholesterol would certainly be effective. So go ahead and try them.

For more information about diets to lower cholesterol, you can search this eBook (Natural and Safe Cholesterol-Busters) at 100% FREE

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