Saturday, June 14, 2014

Dieting But Not Deprived on a Low-Carb Diet

Diets come in different styles and forms. With the "slim is in" criterion for beauty in this day and age, women have become obsessed not only with losing weight but to look as skinny as can be. As the female physique is more appreciated when the contours are defined by the bones, to be fashionably sexy and attractive has become an uphill struggle for most women. They would resort to different means of shedding off pounds in order to fit in with the standard that Hollywood babes have set. Filled with glitz and glamour, Hollywood celebrities have been the envy of ordinary, commonplace women making them set unrealistic goals for themselves to be slim and trim.

With this obsession comes the popularity of fad diets. The problem with these fad diets however is that they leave you feeling hungry as you either only have to eat a certain food or a specific group of foods. They are also unhealthy as they deprive the body of the complete and essential nutrient that it needs. Our perception of going on a diet is basically starving and depriving yourself of gratifying foods, but this is not the case with a low carb diet. The truth is, when we say "dieting", it means eating right and losing weight. A low carb diet is one of those diets wherein you don't have to feel hungry, such as the Atkin's diet.

The Atkin's low carb diet allows you to eat a good sized meal yet you get to get rid of those unwanted pounds. You may get to eat only certain allowed foods in a low carb diet, but you get to eat as much of these foods as you like. You need not deprive yourself of fish, meat, cheese, eggs and poultry as they are basically considered "safe" in a low carb diet. Neither are green leafy vegetables prohibited. Now, that seems reasonable as foods in all the food groups are basically allowed in a low carb diet. The principle behind an effective diet is that you can adhere to it for a long period of time and it gradually makes you lose weight.

This is the case with a low carb diet - it is a healthy way to lose weight as you get to eat foods from all food groups and your weight loss is sustained at that. Whereas with fad diets, losing weight tends to be erratic and though you initially lose pounds, there is a rebound effect. When on a low carb diet however, you continually lose weight even after the initial push. In fact, as you stick to a low carb diet for an extended period of time, the pounds you have lost are officially gone. You get to keep off all the unwanted pounds that you've worked so hard to shed off and you will not put them back on.

This is the remarkable difference between fad diets and a low carb diet. Not only do fad diets deprive you of palatably appealing food, but of essential nutrients as well. So it is basically possible for your immune system to be weakened. A low carb diet on the other hand actually has health benefits. It can reduce your cholesterol level and lower your blood pressure. As carbohydrate intake is minimized in a low carb diet, your blood sugar will be stabilized as well. Hundreds of fad diets have come and gone, but the thing is, with these diets, the pounds keep on coming and going, too.

But with a low carb diet, there is a steady, permanent weight loss over prolonged compliance. Aside from eating right, it is always advisable to augment your vitamin and mineral intake with multivitamins while going on a low carb diet.

The author of this article Rose Windale is a Health and Wellness Coach who has been successful with several natural health programs for many years. Rose recently published a step-by-step guide on how to lose weight the EASY way and become totally healthy and happy. More info on her life-changing eating habits plan at

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