Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Cholesterol at a Glance

It is extremely important for each and every single individual to learn the basics regarding cholesterol levels. Everyone stands the chance of developing high cholesterol. Here, we will take a glance at cholesterol and how it can affect you.

Cholesterol is created naturally in the body by the liver. However, there are many different types of foods that we can acquire cholesterol from as well. These foods include things like eggs, various types of diary products, and even different types of meat.

Many individuals are under the impression that cholesterol is a bad thing. This is not true. While there is a "good" cholesterol type, and a "bad" cholesterol type, this substance is needed for the proper functioning of the body.

The "bad" type of cholesterol is often referred to as "LDL". This stands for low-density lipoprotein. While this is an essential component to the body, excess levels of it can result in serious health complications, such as heart disease. Extremely low levels of LDL cholesterol have been found to result in different types of cancers.

The "good" type of cholesterol is often referred to as "HDL". This stands for high-density lipoprotein. It has been determined that this type of cholesterol is beneficial in protecting an individual against heart problems, and other health risks. This is due to the fact that it helps to eliminate the amount of "bad" cholesterol in the body and pushes LDL through the arteries.

Cholesterol is an essential in the process of producing hormones within the body. In addition to this, cholesterol also helps to create a steady supply of vitamin D in the body and increases the amount of acids that help to break down bile. This is important to the body as it helps to process and digest fat that the body is exposed to.

If an individual has too much cholesterol that is considered "bad" in the body, many different things occur. The first thing that happens is that the body starts to accumulate a buildup of plaque in the arteries. As time progresses, this results in what many refer to as the "hardening" of the arteries, or "atherosclerosis".

When the arteries experience this type of complication, the passageways may become narrowed. This narrowing of the passageways may become so severe that the artery becomes obstructed. This will decrease the mobility of the blood in the body. As a result, the heart and other important organs of the body will fail to receive the proper amount of oxygen and nutrients.

When the body does not receive the necessary oxygen, nutrients, and other substances in the body, then that can result in the failure of the functionality of these essential body components. Many who have experienced this issue have experienced a heart attack, stroke, and other serious medical complications.

In addition to LDL and HDL cholesterol, there are two other types of cholesterol. The next type is called "VLDL". This is also called "very low density lipoproteins". This type is quite high when it comes to the amount of fats that are contained in it, but extremely low when it comes to protein.

The fourth type of cholesterol is called "triglycerides". Specifically, this particular item is actually a "fat". When an individual experiences VLDL, triglycerides are carried through the blood. This can pose a number of health risks for an individual.

There are many different factors that can affect the cholesterol levels of an individual. The first factor is an individual's weight level. People who are overweight, or considered to be "obese" normally have high cholesterol levels. It is important to maintain a weight that is appropriate to the body mass index in order to avoid this complication.

The next thing that can affect a person's cholesterol levels is their family medical history. It has been established that high cholesterol can actually run in the family. If an individual has a genetic predisposition of high cholesterol levels, it is likely that they will experience it as well.

If an individual is gaining in years, the possibility of acquiring high cholesterol is a possibility. It has been determined that as an individual ages, the possibility of experiencing high cholesterol is high. If a female experiences menopause, their chances of developing high cholesterol are also elevated.

People who have low levels of physical activity are prone to developing high cholesterol levels. It has been established that the average person should engage in approximately three to four hours of exercise on a weekly basic in order to increase the amount of HDL cholesterol in the body.

The next factor that can greatly increase the amount of LDL, or "bad" cholesterol in the body is an individual's diet. Diet has one of the largest impacts on cholesterol levels. People who consume a healthy diet of various types of fatty fish, a variety of nuts, and soy-based products are less likely to have high cholesterol complications.

There are a number of medical conditions that can result in high levels of cholesterol. For example, many people who experience the devastating condition of diabetes may experience high levels of LDL cholesterol. It is important for these individuals to appropriately manage their sugar levels to decrease this possibility.

Many individuals pay no attention to their cholesterol levels. This can be a very unfortunate experience for many. For every five people in the world, there is at least one person who experiences high amounts of LDL cholesterol, and low amounts of HDL cholesterol. This issue should be taken very seriously.

Individual's who suffer from the effects of high cholesterol levels can develop cardiovascular disease. People who suffer from this medical complication can experience a serious heart attack, and/or a stroke. While many may live to speak of their experience with a heart attack and/or stroke, there are many who do not. Cholesterol can actually turn fatal for many people around the world!

If you are concerned about your health, you should make an appointment with your doctor to determine if you have high cholesterol. If you find that you do, you should work closely with the treatment guidelines that your doctor outlines for you.

V.K. Rajagopalan is a full time Web Publisher. As a Platinum Publisher, he is credited with publishing many high quality, niche based articles at EzineArticles. He owns several Authority Sites in different niches.

He is from New Delhi, India and has been in this line of business activity since end of 2005.

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