Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Benefits of Following a Vegetarian Diet

More and more people are beginning to make lifestyle choices to benefit their health and are following a vegetarian diet. There are substantial positive health impacts that getting rid of meat from your diet can bring. Luckily these days there are more vegetarian options being served up in restaurants and more vegetarian products being produced and sold at supermarkets.

One of the key benefits of becoming vegetarian is enjoying a better health outcome than those who rely heavily on meat. Many diets that include meat are high in saturated fats. These animal fats can clog up the arteries and lead to obesity and contribute to the development of type II adult diabetes. Vegetarians tend to consume around 25 percent less saturated fats than people who eat meat regularly.

Since vegetarians consume less animal fats, they also tend to avoid many problems such as high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, angina, heart attacks and strokes. Lower cholesterol levels keep the blood circulating through the body more easily and it does not place undue pressure on the heart.

It has been shown over and over again that a vegetarian diet can protect the body from certain types of cancer. Cutting meat out of the diet can reduce the risk of some cancers by at least 50 percent. Many fruits and vegetables are enriched with vitamins that have antioxidant powers capable of eliminating free radicals and toxins from the body. Cruciferous vegetables are especially powerful.

Eating vegetarian can improve your digestive system and make it work more efficiently. Animal products are more difficult for the body to break down and digest. After a time the digestive system can have trouble eliminating waste properly, which can cause colon, intestinal or stomach cancer. If you are a vegetarian however, the foods you eat can be broken down much more easily and you will be more regular.

As well as being much better for your own personal health, eating vegetarian is much less damaging to the environment. Large parts of the Amazon Jungle are being decimated to make space for cattle stations and this is happening elsewhere in the world too. If you reject red meat, then you can do your bit to help prevent some forms of land degradation.

Research done into the environmental impact of meat production indicates that it is one of the most damaging industries. It is responsible for a lot of habitat loss, water and air pollution and the extinction of different species. Among meat production, beef and pork are considered to have the worst environmental impact. This is a very important reason to significantly reduce your meat consumption and move towards becoming a vegetarian.

By deciding to follow a vegetarian diet you can increase your life expectancy, as well as improve your quality of life as you age. You will enjoy significant health benefits from refraining from eating meat that will protect you from several dangerous and debilitating diseases and illnesses. A change to a low fat vegetarian diet will also help to protect the environment from the effects of meat production.

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