Saturday, January 18, 2014

Lose Weight Through Low Carb Dieting

Low carbohydrate diets have recently become quite popular, particularly after the publication of the Atkins diet. Many people want to lose some weight, and it seems like all of them want a quick and easy way to do it. Some people might need to lose 100 pounds for medical reasons, while others get stressed about a few pounds, even though they don't really need to lose any weight.

There are many different diets to choose from, including low carbohydrate diets. The fact is, most diets will lead to weight loss if they're followed properly. This does not mean you need to do everything the diet says every moment of every single day. How you deal with the inevitable slip up - times when you eat excessively or feast on foods that aren't on your diet - is far more important. If you're able to overlook these mistakes and get back onto your diet plan without giving yourself a hard time, you'll probably succeed in losing weight. Everyone has days like that, but it's essential to let them go and accept them as just another step on your path to permanent weight loss.

You also need to find a diet that's easy to follow. The rules of low carb diets are simple, so they suit many people. Just like the name implies, a low carb diet consists of eliminating or restricting your consumption of high carbohydrate foods, including pasta, bread, potatoes, rice and other grains, as well as foods that contain sugar. It's easy to eat meals that avoid these high carb foods once you understand what they are.

Low carb diets do receive some criticism, mainly based on the fact that dieters receive most of their daily calories from dairy, meat and other high foods high in fat. Consuming high amounts of saturated fats can lead to high cholesterol and related health issues. For this reason, a dieter should seek the advice of his or her physician before beginning a low carb diet. Weight loss sometimes progresses well in the early stages of a diet, but some people cannot handle the long-term dietary restrictions and begin to deviate from their diet.

Eliminating breads and pasta is one of the most difficult obstacles for many people following a low carb diet. Many foods that are quick to prepare should be eliminated because they're based on carbohydrates, including pizza, toast, pasta, french fries and even burgers (remember, burgers are inside buns!). Beer and other alcohol should also be avoided, because they're high in carbohydrates too. Although most diets limit alcohol consumption because it's high in calories and offers little nutritional value, low carb diets particularly emphasize restricting them.

Despite the obvious restrictions, many foods can be enjoyed on a low carbohydrate diet. If you love meat you'll enjoy the opportunity to eat chicken, beef and other animal products. Low carb diets are extremely popular, as evidenced by the way they stay on the bestseller lists for such long periods of time. Low carb dieting is successful for many people, but it's a matter of finding a diet you can stay on because it suits you.

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