Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Benefits of GenF20 Plus - Lower Cholesterol

There is no question that GenF20 Plus has many benefits. That's why people are living longer and better lives because of it. In this article, I'm going to cover another excellent benefit of this supplement...lowering your cholesterol. In order to understand how this is achieved, we first need to understand what cholesterol is and what causes it to become so high. Keep reading to find out more.

Cholesterol is a waxy steroid metabolite that is found in cell membranes and transported in the blood of all animals. Metabolites are products of the metabolism and are actually very small molecules. These molecules are involved in development, growth and reproduction in the body. These metabolites can come from the body itself or be introduced via external things like drugs, and more commonly, the food we eat.

So, what causes high cholesterol? Well, before we answer that, it's important to know that there are two types of cholesterol...HDL and LDL. HDL is considered "good" cholesterol because it actually removes cholesterol from the body. LDL is considered "bad" cholesterol because it promotes atheroma development in the arteries. This is a swelling in the artery walls because of the buildup of these molecules.

As to what causes high cholesterol, which is actually a high concentration of LDL and a low concentration of HDL, there are many factors.

Nutrition is probably the main factor. A diet high in saturated fat is probably the leading cause of high cholesterol. The biggest offenders are red meat, cheese, pork, lard, pastries, cakes and many other sweets containing lots of sugar.

Another factor is lifestyle. Those who sit at a desk all day because of their jobs and get very little exercise are more prone to high cholesterol than those who are active.

Then there is bodyweight. People who are overweight tend to have higher cholesterol levels than those who are at their normal bodyweight.

In addition to the above, smoking and drinking also contribute to high cholesterol levels. And then of course there is heredity. Some people are more prone to it simply because it runs in the family.

A normal cholesterol level should be below 200 mg/dL. Anything above 240 is considered high. High cholesterol can lead to a number of health problems including narrowing of the arteries, heart disease, heart attack, angina and stroke.

Okay, so how can GenF20 Plus actually lower your cholesterol? One of the main ingredients of this supplement is L-Glutamine, which is one of the 20 amino acids found inside the body. This particular one has to do with regulating your metabolism and cell growth. As a result, it not only lowers your cholesterol but also lowers your blood pressure and decreases your chances of diabetes and heart disease.

To find out more about this supplement, there is a free report in my signature that you can pick up.

If you have high cholesterol, in addition to making any of the changes I mentioned above, adding GenF20 Plus to your diet can help immensely.

To YOUR Health,

Steve Wagner

Is your cholesterol too high? Want to lower it? Find out how GenF20 Plus can help from my free report at and start lowering your cholesterol TODAY!

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