Monday, January 27, 2014

Low Cholesterol Diets - How Effective Are They?

The value of low cholesterol diets is debatable. Some doctors say that if you eat less, your body will simply produce more.

Of course, most doctors want you to take a statin drug, even though the results of scientific studies have been mixed concerning the benefits of those drugs. So, what should someone concerned about the health of their cardiovascular system do?

The first step is to read the label of ingredients on the foods that you eat. If you see any kind of partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, do not eat it or even buy it. It is not safe to trust the "no trans fat" labeling in the US.

Food manufacturers are allowed to use that designation, as long as a serving contains less than a gram of partially hydrogenated oils or trans-fatty acids. A gram might not seem like much, but unless you are really careful about serving sizes it can add up.

The health risks of trans-fatty acid consumption include cancer, type II diabetes and heart disease, even though they do not contain cholesterol. Partially hydrogenated vegetable oils do not exist in nature. They are manmade. Low cholesterol diets often have you using margarine, instead of real butter, because butter and other dairy products contain a mix of saturated and unsaturated fats, as well as cholesterols. But, margarine is sometimes made with partially hydrogenated oils; trans-fatty acids.

Research has shown that consumption of trans-fats does several things. First, it raises the number of LDL particles in the blood. Second, it lowers the number of HDL particles.

HDLs are sometimes referred to as good cholesterols, because they help clear fats out of the bloodstream. LDLs are sometimes referred to as bad, because they are less dense and can penetrate into the lining of the arterial walls. Ideally, we want high HDL levels (over 50mg/dl) and low LDL levels (under 100mg/dl).

Sticking with low cholesterol diets is often difficult. Even cutting trans-fatty acids out of the diet can be hard. In addition, genetics tends to come into play. Some people's bodies seem to produce more LDL particles, regardless of what they eat. That's why doctors prescribe statins, but there is another solution.

Researchers have shown that specific foods and nutrients found in them can prevent the absorption of, production of and oxidation of cholesterol. The particles are non-hazardous, until they become oxidized.

So, while low cholesterol diets might not be the answer, including more of the cholesterol-lowering foods in your daily diet might be. Those foods include rice bran oil, raw sugar cane, Asian mushrooms and soy. Drinking black and green teas may also be beneficial.

Another option is to take a supplement containing extracts from those foods. The active components of rice bran oil, soy and Asian mushrooms are Phytosterols. In raw sugar cane, it is policosanol. In black tea, there are Theaflavins, which are antioxidants that prevent the oxidation of fats in the bloodstream. In green tea, there are antioxidants called catechins.

You can take a supplement in combination with low cholesterol diets, although some people have found that the supplements provide benefits, regardless of what they eat. The only dietary change that I strongly recommend is to cut out partially hydrogenated oils. That and a good dietary supplement should make all the difference.

If you are concerned about your cholesterol levels, talk with your physician before deciding to use natural cholesterol lowering supplements for reducing high cholesterol.

Want to know more? Click here for more information on lowering cholesterol naturally natural cholesterol supplements for a safe natural alternative to help you balance your blood cholesterol levels.

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