Friday, January 31, 2014

The Natural Way to Lower Cholesterol Without Using Statin Drugs

Why do we run to statin drugs? When there are natural ways to lower cholesterol without using synthetic medicines?

Our body creates 75% of this soft, fat like substance in the blood. However 25% if it comes from outside sources, like food. So clearly food impacts how our levels will be.

Some statin drugs will help by lowering your levels, but the side effects may not be worth it. Our liver and kidneys are our bodies filters. So while taking this "unnatural" option may help one problem, its silently creating other issues.

Simply cutting back on certain foods like:

*Anything fried in Canola, Corn, or soybean oil

*Red meats

*Processed foods

*Foods that solidify at room temperature

As much as I would like to say to eliminate these things from your diet, I know it can be a little difficult for some people especially on a western diet. At least cutting back whenever you can is moving one step forward into the right direction.

There are natural ways to lower your cholesterol. Research studies have shown that taking supplements that have pumpkin seed oil, helps. This oil is rich in healthy fatty acids and high in Alpha and Beta carotene. These are the good fats that help maintain healthy, flexible arteries.

Our bodies are self healers. All it asks for is to be fed the right nutrients. Once its given the right equipment it goes into repair mode to balance and help restore the body.

Whenever we eat foods high in trans-fat we increase our Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) levels. Which clouds our system with excess amount of bad fats.

Remember that anytime you put anything foreign in your body and it doesn't recognize it, it'll fight it. For lack of knowing how to process it. Which could eventually lead to Dis-ease.

Research has shown that statin drugs can cause memory loss in some people. I don't know about you but that alone would make me want to look for a natural alternative. I wouldn't want to lower my cholesterol levels but forget I have a wife and grand-kids. It's important to weight the pro's and con's of this fabricated alternative.

In my opinion it's better to start off with what mother earth gave us first. If then and only then that hasn't helped you, then look into other advices.

I often question what these doctors motives are. These drugs have been known to deplete the body of important anti-oxidants. Now wait a minute here. Aren't we suppose to take in as many of these cell protectors as possible? That sounds counter productive to me. Which makes me further believe they just do not belong in the body.

So now what? You just hit the tip of the iceberg. It's now your responsibility to further your knowledge and find out more on natural alternatives.

To read more on alternative natural ways to lower your cholesterol visit my site at:


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