Saturday, March 29, 2014

3 Truths About Fish Oil and Cholesterol

There have been dozens of published scientific studies concerning fish oil and cholesterol balance. The danger of high blood cholesterol is widely accepted in the medical and scientific community. It is believed to be a risk factor for an age-related heart disease called atherosclerosis.

There are critics of this school of thought, but there are also extremists that believe nearly everyone would benefit from statin drugs. The natural health community strongly believes that statins are dangerous and that healthy diet, regular physical activity and dietary supplementation are the best ways to restore cholesterol imbalances.

Cholesterol or lipoproteins themselves are not dangerous to the human body. They are essential. The body needs them to build and maintain cellular membranes, to create and transport hormones and for proper nerve conduction. Some research indicates that they act as antioxidants, as well.

So, what is the truth about fish oil and cholesterol?

Truth #1: Total Blood Triglycerides are Lowered.

The problem is when there is an imbalance of high density lipoproteins (HDL) to low density lipoproteins (LDL) in the bloodstream. Studies concerning fish oil and cholesterol balances have shown that the supplement increases HDL levels and lowers total blood triglycerides or fat.

The topic can be confusing because for years, dietary fat has been considered unhealthy. But, now we know that there are "good" dietary fats and "bad" ones. Trans-fatty acids, for example, are bad and should be avoided by everyone, because they are unnatural. Food manufacturers are now required to list the trans-fatty acid content on the label. Research indicates that other fats cause no negative health effects, as long as trans-fatty acids are not present.

Truth #2: The Omega3s (fats) Provide Multi-benefits.

It is a group of fats called omega3s that have been evaluated in fish oil and cholesterol research. Most people don't get much omega3 fats in their diet, which is why you are now starting to see foods that have been "fortified" with omega3s. No one knows how unnatural fortification affects our health. But, we do know the positive benefits of increasing omega3 intake.

In the body, omega3s compete with other dietary fats for absorption. They have anti-inflammatory activity that is soothing to the bloodstream. They will become HDL which helps to carry LDL back to the liver for reprocessing. Omega3s are known to have antioxidant activity. They have been shown to lower blood pressure and have anti-coagulant activity, which reduces the risk of blood clots, heart attacks and strokes.

Truth #3: You Want A Fish Oil With A High DHA.

If you are interested in fish oil and cholesterol imbalances, you are probably thinking about taking a supplement. Just remember to compare the products carefully. Not all of them provide high amounts of omega3s and some may be contaminated with heavy mercury or cancer-causing chemicals.

It takes a little research to find the best value for your money, in terms of omega3 content. Specifically, it is important to look for a high DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid), because that has proven to be more effective than the other fatty acids in lowering blood triglycerides.

Now, that you know a little more about fish oil and cholesterol, you might want to learn about the other health benefits of increasing your omega3 intake. It's amazing.

Your next step? To take what you've just learned and discover the cutting edge supplement you have been missing out on.
To experience all the maximum benefits of this product and learn more visit my site now at =>
Sherman Chambliss is a researcher of health related products for today's consumer.

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