Sunday, March 30, 2014

Lower Your Cholesterol Without Medication - How to Find Balance the Natural Way

The trend for advances in health care tracks in the same footprints as the technological advances through the roaring forties, the rocking fifties, the moon walks of the sixties to the scattering of satellites by the thousands and mobile computers by the millions. It almost takes two strong hands to lift a drug reference handbook.

And yes, there are many drugs and medications designed specifically to control cholesterol levels.

Instant and Easy Cures

But with the level of science and technology at such a high peak, is it a no brainer to simply start taking medication to control your cholesterol? Is it like when you have a headache you take an aspirin (or one of at least a dozen other headache remedies)?

Read the thick, tightly folded warning printed in micro-font found inside most medication containers. Yes, if you get your magnifying glass out, you will find numerous precautions the FDA mandate the drug companies provide for consumer knowledge and protection. The miracle drug for many just might be toxic to some unfortunate few.

Suppose you are on five different prescription drug medications, unwind all those warnings and add them up. Do you now have a clue what they're going to do to your natural body metabolism? Oh, and by the way, what about the primary purpose for each medication, how do you or your Doctor sort out what effect or how much impact these medications are cures or turn into a cause for a side effect?

Root Causes

Of course, there is a wide range of causes for your cholesterol being out of kilter. A qualified Doctor should determine if your particular cause for having high cholesterol merits a medication. Some people seemingly do all the right things and still have a cholesterol problem. This can happen as a result of being in a family with a hereditary tendency for their body to produce too much bad cholesterol.

However, for the great majority of people, the root cause can be traced to the type of lifestyle they have led. Much medical research has proven that smoking can elevate bad cholesterol. Research shows that people who are overweight or lead a sedentary lifestyle often find their cholesterol to be out of balance, that is, the LDL and triglycerides are too high and the HDL (good) cholesterol is too low.

Natural Controls

The natural cure to lower bad cholesterol is to manage your diet and to get regular exercise. This is a winning combination that will improve both your health and your happiness. When a person has health problems, most of the time they also suffer emotional problems such as depression. Granted, our customary habits are very hard to break. A change will take willpower, courage and support from those close to you. But, the payoff is huge, not only a longer life, but one in which you will find much more enjoyment.

It doesn't take massive or instant changes, just a personal desire to improve your life. You can start by looking for some reference material that lists natural food types, supplements and diets that are best suited to lower your LDL cholesterol. Exercise can be as simple as a natural movement of the body such as taking a walk each day.

Rhea Hamilton is an advocate and educator of natural methods to maintain a healthy cholesterol balance in your blood stream. For more detailed techniques about how to naturally lower cholesterol, visit

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