Thursday, March 20, 2014

A Doctor's Guide - Lower Your Cholesterol Naturally, No Drugs Lowering cholesterol naturally without drugs is an achievable goal. As a doctor, I advocate lifestlye & dietary changes before starting medication to lower the cholesterol of my patients. I've created a simple step by step plan you can follow to lower cholesterol naturally without drugs. The steps I am recommending have been proven to lower cholesterol naturally. My sources for this article include the American Heart Association & the Mayo Clinic.

1. Avoid Saturated & Trans Fats

This is the single most important change you can make to lower cholesterol naturally. That means, eating less foods like red meat, dairy products, coconut oil & chicken skins. Trans fats should also be avoided as much as possible & are found in fried foods & baked products like cookies & crackers. Both saturated & trans fats have been strongly proven to increase cholesterol & the risk of heart disease.

2. Eat "good" fat instead

Diets with mono-unsaturated fats have been proven to reduce the cholesterol naturally. This means eating more avocado, walnuts, almonds, peanuts & olive oil. So instead of lard take out the virgin olive oil. But make sure that the foods you eat are not processed & do not contain any saturated of trans fats or you will undo the good.

3. Eat less cholesterol

I've ranked this step lower down in the list because most cholesterol in the body doesn't actually come from diet. Instead, 80% of it is produced in the liver. So whilst eating foods low in cholesterol is still important, it isn't the only thing you need to do to lower your cholesterol naturally. You need to cut down on foods rich in cholesterols including egg yolks, liver & dairy products.

4. Lose weight

Losing weight alone, may in some cases bring your cholesterol level down naturally. It also reduces your risk of diabetes & high blood pressure which ultimately contributes to heart disease. Aim for a gradual reduction in weight, no more than 1 pound a week. A legendary study of thousands of Americans (Framingham study) demonstrated that being overweight was associated with high cholesterol.

5. Exercise regularly

Regular exercise like brisk walking or swimming has been shown to improve the "good" cholesterol or HDL in the body. Aim to exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes at least 3 times a week. Exercise is also important for controlling your weight.

For more tips on lowering cholesterol naturally, you can read the full article online at HelpMeDoc.Net or click on the links below. The full article also includes include plant sterols, oatmeal, barley & omega-3 oils.

Good luck in your quest to lower cholesterol naturally. Please be aware however that sometimes diet alone isn't enough & that drugs may be required. I would advise you consult your doctor & devise a treatment plan before embarking on any diet, exercise or drug treatment plan to lower cholesterol.



HelpMeDoc.Net is an online resource about keeping fit & healthy. All articles here have been written by doctors using information from authoritative sources.

Dr Richard Scott MBBS, BSc works in London, England & is a practising physician. He is a full member of the Royal College of Physicians.

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