Thursday, June 26, 2014

How to Reduce Cholesterol Levels

Everyone wants to be fit but the question is how? A gym instructor friend once told me that one way to get your extra fats out of your body is to reduce cholesterol levels. So the question instantly popped out "how to reduce cholesterol levels?" oh it is too hard not to eat those foods? Well it helps I tell you!

If you really are in a very desperate mode to get fit, you might end up not eating anything at all! Hey! it is not good, you will not get fit! you will die! So resolve to a more healthier diet, just lower your cholesterol level and maybe you will walk confidently while others look at you enviously.

Diet really works in lowering your cholesterol. You only have to find the right food and you eat it at the right time with moderation on your part. What is cholesterol anyway? Cholesterol is a waxy substance your body uses to protect nerves, make cell tissues and produce certain hormones. Cholesterol comes in food such as eggs, meats and dairy products. So we need cholesterol! But too much of something is bad enough! It will raise your risk of having a heart attack or stroke. Not good at all!

So lets get into how to reduce cholesterol levels. Have you considered oatmeal, walnuts and potato in your diet? Well this is the time to consider these food, simple tweaks to your diet might be enough to lower your cholesterol to a healthy level and make you fit like you always dream of!

Oatmeal contains soluble fiber, which reduces your low-density lipoprotein (LDL), the "bad" cholesterol. Soluble fiber appears to reduce the absorption of cholesterol in your intestines. Walnuts can significantly reduce blood cholesterol. Rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, walnuts also help keep blood vessels healthy and elastic. How about Fish? Research has supported the cholesterol-lowering benefits of eating fatty fish because of its high levels of omega-3 fatty acids.

This will be the steps I can offer to you right now on how to reduce cholesterol levels. So I say, plan your diet well! So you get the best results! Stay motivated! Occupy your thoughts with healthy ideas and get going! Find people who can help you to stay motivated!

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