Monday, April 28, 2014

Foods To Lower Cholesterol You Need To Include In Your Diet For Protection Against Heart Disease

Who doesn't love food? Sure we are spoilt for choice with all the different varieties of foods that are out there! But on a more serious note, we need to be careful, and make sure we stack the foods to lower cholesterol in our favour, for better protection against heart disease.

Coronary artery disease, out of all the forms of heart disease there are, is the single biggest killer.

High blood cholesterol is strongly linked with coronary artery disease.

And the one thing that has the biggest impact on our cholesterol levels, is the foods we eat.

Here is a list of foods to lower cholesterol that should be included in your diet:

* Whole grains (oats, barley, rice)

* Nuts (walnuts, almonds, pistachios)

* Blueberries

* Olives

* Olive oil

* Flaxseed oil

* Black soybeans

* Avocados

* Apples

* Pomegranate juice

* Yoghurt with probiotics

* 100% cranberry-grape juice

* Fish and fish oil

Now you are probably wondering what is so special about these foods?

Well, the above list of foods to lower cholesterol between them contain soluble fiber, monounsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats and Omega 3, all of which are proven cholesterol lowering nutrients.

Stay away from, or at least limit, any foods that are high in saturated fats, trans fats or cholesterol, as they are a sure-fire way to increase your bad cholesterol (LDL) levels, putting you at risk of developing coronary artery disease.

You see, when LDL cholesterol levels become too high, a substance called plaque will start forming in the coronary artery walls.

As more and more plaque builds up, clots begin to form, and partial or full blockages, in the coronary arteries feeding blood to your brain or heart, can occur.

When this happens, you will more than likely have a stroke or heart attack.

The good news of course is that your HDL cholesterol, which is the good cholesterol, as long as you do not let its levels drop too low, will work to continually remove excess LDL cholesterol from the arteries, giving you greater protection against heart disease.

For a lot of people, even following a list of foods to lower cholesterol can be hard, especially when they are used to eating a certain way.

So adding a cholesterol supplement, with natural cholesterol lowering ingredients, is a key to their success. Not to mention the additional heart healthy beneficial nutrients they provide.

Now you know the foods to lower cholesterol, why not pop over to my website to learn more.

About The Author

Mary Ruddy is a former high cholesterol sufferer, and is a strong advocate of natural health care. Mary enjoys introducing people to the best natural products she can find and uses herself daily at:

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