Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Foods High in Cholesterol - Almonds - Can They Actually Reduce Your Cholesterol Levels?

Canadian researchers have found that eating almonds may help lower cholesterol and blood pressure.

They set up two groups of people: The 1st group were put on a low fat diet. The 2nd group were told to eat a handful of almonds every day and a diet high in soy, like soya milk instead of cows, and also foods high in fibre and plant sterols.

The patients had their blood levels checked before the start of the dietary changes and at the end of just two weeks. The researchers found that the patients in the group with the almonds, high fibre and soy substitutes had managed to reduce their bad LDL cholesterol by more than 30 per cent. Whereas the group that were on just the low fat diet saw very little change in their test results.

The researchers suggest that the almonds, rather than being one of the foods high in cholesterol, have an effect on lowering C-reactive. This is a substance in the blood, a type of protein. High levels of C-reactive are known to be linked to inflamation in the arteries and this raises blood pressure, so anything that has the effect of lowering the C-reative proteins in the blood is good for the whole cardiovascular system. This helps with lowering high blood pressure, reduces the risks of a whole list of heart and artery diseases including heart attacks, cardiovascular diseases and the ricks of having a stroke or TIA.

Almonds, compared to other nuts, are especially high in calcium, this makes them a good healthy alternative for anyone who may be lactose intolerant and Almond 'milk' is a good substitute for people who may not like soy milk.

As a big fan of eating nuts and seeds I am pleased to find that almonds are not one of the Foods High in Cholesterol.

For more information about Cholesterol and how it affects your Heart Health, please visit Foods High In Cholesterol and Calculating Cholesterol to Get your FREE Tips on Keeping Your Heart Healthy.

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