Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Twinkie Diet - Is This An Effective Diet To Help Reduce Weight And Control Hypertension?

The newest diet everyone seems to be talking about is "The Twinkie Diet." As its name applies, the dieter loses weight while eating plenty of Twinkies. This is not just someone's philosophy; a professor of nutrition has actually gone on this diet and he lost 27 pounds in two months. So, the pressing question is; will going on the Twinkie diet be a viable solution for a person who is trying to lower his or her blood pressure? In this article, we will examine this question.

High Fat Diet?

Many years ago, I was told my blood pressure was high because of obesity. When I studied the different diets available which proclaimed to be good for reducing blood pressure, I found none of these diets included high-fat foods. When I talked to my doctor about this, he explained there was a difference between a person of normal weight and an overweight person dieting to lower blood pressure.

The difference is, a person of normal weight may have elevated BP readings because he or she has been eating an unhealthy diet. However, an obese person probably has high blood pressure simply because he or she is overweight. Therefore, for this person, losing the weight by going on a diet that works is the answer. Back then, the diet that worked best and fastest for me was a high-protein-low-carbohydrate diet. This diet includes fats. Still, after I had lost weight on this diet, my blood pressure was much better and my cholesterol was lower as well.

Satisfying Urges

It stands to reason, if obesity is the problem, losing weight is the solution. Therefore, if the Twinkie diet helps you lose weight, it is certainly viable to use this diet to lower your blood pressure. Of course, the Twinkie diet is not just a diet where one eats Twinkies around the clock. From what I gathered, what the professor did on this diet was include Twinkies to satisfy his sweet tooth. Actually, it is important a dieter is able to indulge occasionally or the temptation to go off the diet may be overwhelming.

Twinkies were the sweet of choice because they are only 150 calories each. Eating four of them a day means the dieter would consume 600 calories. This is not a prohibitive amount of calories to be used to keep a craving satisfied. Still, the dieter must keep below a certain level of calories per day or the diet simply won't work.

The professor, who included Twinkies on his diet, ate less than 1,800 calories a day. If most overweight people did this, they would lose weight and probably their BP readings would be lower. So, the bottom line is, it is possible to eat sweets or fats on a diet and still lose weight. The key is to cut back on your food intake and maintain a calorie level that will induce weight loss.

There is nothing new here. However, it is refreshing to be reminded dieting is not a death sentence and you can enjoy becoming healthier while including a not-so-healthy snack once in a while.

Find an endless amount of free tips, tricks and plans to lose a little, or a lot of weight at the free Website Can't Lose Any Weight. Also, find out how to control your blood pressure at Hypertension's Symptoms.

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