Sunday, March 31, 2013

True Culprits of High Cholesterol

What if I told you tap water and homogenized milk may be two of the biggest culprits in skyrocketing rates of high cholesterol? Cholesterol is actually being produced by our own bodies all of the time as a natural mechanism to combat oxidation when our bodies are diseased. Therefore, if we are not well, our cholesterol levels are likely to be higher regardless of what we eat that contains cholesterol. Having too low of a cholesterol level is just as bad as having too high.

Avoiding eggs and other foods that naturally contain cholesterol may not be the best solution, nor taking cholesterol-lowering drugs with their plethora of harmful side effects. For example, eggs are actually extremely healthy in moderation, being that they contain nutrients present at the beginning of life. Fatty meats are often harmful simply because fats store toxins, and animals not raised naturally have often been injected with antibiotics, hormones, steroids, and graze on grounds containing pesticides and fertilizer residue.

Two of the most harmful, and most common, everyday products we are ingesting that contribute to high cholesterol, and thus plaque in the arteries, are homogenized milk and chemically-treated tap water.

The explanation is far more complicated than I will cover here, but basically homogenizing milk involves the breaking down of fat particles to such a small size that the milk looks nice and smooth with no chunks of cream, but these smaller fat particles can permeate the intestines and end up in your blood stream. On the other hand, fresh unhomogenized milk from the farm, assuming the cows have not been exposed to chemicals, with its cream floating to the top, is natural and not a harmful form of fat. The larger fat molecules pass through the digestive system and nutrients are properly absorbed without fat entering the bloodstream. This cream, of course, can also be skimmed off the top of the milk and used for other purposes.

Studies have shown that many of the chemicals present in tap water that were added to kill bacteria, such as chlorine, often react with and oxidize cholesterol already in the body, forming a gummy substance (plaque) that actually sticks to, and clogs, the arteries. And there are many more dangerous side effects of drinking chemically-treated water.

What can you do about it? If you want to lower your cholesterol, which is not an easy task once your body is not functioning properly regardless how much cholesterol you eliminate in your diet, first eliminate homogenized milk and stop drinking and cooking with tap water whenever possible. If you can't always get unhomogenized milk, such as from a health store or organic farm, then fat-free regular organic milk is the next best choice so you're not getting chemicals nor as much cholesterol. If you can afford it, put a good filter in your bathtub or shower and/or install a whole-house distillation system, as even bathing in chemically treated water is harmful because it absorbs through your pores, and chemicals in the steam are inhaled.

And don't think you can turn to bottled waters -- sometimes bottled waters are no better, as they can contain runoff from groundwater containing pesticides and fertilizers that are not removed and do not have to be reported. If the bottle says it has been purified by both reverse osmosis and carbon/charcoal treatments, it may be less contaminated. The healthiest water available today for purchase is probably distilled water, which most closely mimics the sun's natural way of purifying water.

The best way to bind and pull cholesterol out of your body naturally and avoid chemicals is by eating whole grains, fruits, and vegetables (preferably organic and chemical-free) that haven't been processed or "enriched" by synthetic means such as bleached white breads, white rice, white pasta, etc. Since your body has been overoxidizing, antioxidants may help speed recovery, and hence indirectly lower cholesterol. There are natural and safe cholesterol-lowering supplements available at health stores, including plant-based polycosinol, but always check to make sure there are no supplement, herb, or drug interactions if you are, or plan to continue, taking medications concurrently. Never stop medications abruptly. And lastly, since much of our soil has been depleted of minerals from chemicals, and most processed foods lack sufficient vitamins, most people should always take a potent natural vitamin and mineral supplement to help speed healing and to maintain their health.

To view a version of this article containing links to free informative resources that will help you combat high cholesterol, please visit the original article on the NatureGem web site at, where you can select the article title.

Deb Bromley is a science and technology researcher and the President of NatureGem Nontoxic Living, an organization devoted to promoting awareness of toxins in our food and environment that can cause disease, and providing access to nutrition information, natural remedies, and alternative health resources.

HDL Cholesterol - Cholesterol That's Good For Your Health

Cholesterol is produced in the liver and is essential for various cellular functions. There are two types of cholesterol in the body, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL). LDL is known as the "bad" cholesterol because too much of it can damage arteries and lead to heart disease. HDL, on the other hand, is considered the "good" cholesterol. Recent scientific studies have shown that increased levels of HDL cholesterol reduced the risk of heart disease.

Here's how it works. "Good" cholesterol removes excess LDL cholesterol from your blood and transports it to your liver so it can be eliminated from the body. This means that the higher your HDL, the lower your LDL will be.

While these studies focused on the benefits of using drugs to raise HDL levels, natural methods can achieve more holistic benefits without the risk of serious side effects. One of the most powerful methods of raising HDL levels is by increasing cardiovascular exercise.

According to controversial author Dr. Joseph Mercola, thirty minutes a day walking is not enough to significantly improve HDL levels in the blood. He advises that there should be enough exertion that it is difficult (but not too difficult) to talk to a person next to you. Jogging or running outside will do this, however for most people an indoor cardiovascular routine that lasts for about an hour at a time is best. This should be done as many times during the week as possible. However, he warns that if a person already has heart disease they should not attempt this unsupervised. According to Mercola most people need to exercise six or seven days a week for maximum benefit.

Although exercise is one of the most significant activities you can undertake to raise HDL and therefore to lower LDL, there are other important lifestyle decisions you can make to manage your cholesterol levels. Firstly, eat a diet that is low in saturated fats and high in mono-unsaturated fats such as virgin olive oil. Although canola oil is also mono-unsaturated it should be avoided because of the massive influx of genetically modified product entering the market. It also alters at high heat.

Foods high in omega-3 fatty acids have been found to raise HDL levels. These include fatty fish such as salmon and tuna. Purified Omega-3 supplements can ensure you have enough of this essential fatty acid in your diet. Avoid margarine and processed, sugary and fatty foods. These simple changes can improve your HDL levels very quickly.

Smoking lowers HDL levels, so if you want to improve your cholesterol levels it is important to quit. By simply not smoking, your HDL will improve. Obesity is also linked to high LDL and low HDL. It is therefore very important to manage your weight. If you are overweight, your LDL levels will be higher than they should be. As you lose weight you will find your HDL levels gradually increasing.

Stress can also negatively affect both good and bad cholesterol levels, so it is also necessary to include stress management in your lifestyle. Learn to relax and if you are in a chronically high stress situation, change it or leave it.

If you follow these simple steps you will find your "good" HDL cholesterol will improve and your risk of heart disease will dramatically reduce.

Getting a cholesterol test is one way to make sure your HDL and LDL cholesterol levels are where they should be. For more information on cholesterol visit , a popular website designed to help people live a better life. You'll also learn more information about the effects of a high cholesterol diet.

Recipes For a Low Cholesterol Diet - Deciphering the Animal Or Plant Protein Dilemma

You have finally decided that trying to eat healthier in an attempt to lower your high cholesterol readings. You open your refrigerator to take inventory and you are met with a never ending sea of saturated fat laden choices just waiting to be fried up in palm oil for that last ditch artery clogging party to celebrate your new recipes for low cholesterol diet.

I think most people that have traded their old high cholesterol recipes for new recipes for a low cholesterol diet have faced this dilemma. I know I did! And yes, there is a an adjustment period where you will crave that high saturated fat food fried in coconut oil, but over time you will find substitutes that are just as good. Also, what you will find is that you actually start to feel better and gleam with a new sense of accomplishment. So let's get down to business. In this article titled "Recipes For Low Cholesterol Diet" we will be looking into animal protein verses plant protein to help you lay out your plan.

Proteins make it possible for you to perform such basic tasks as working your muscles and digesting your food. They are important for producing new cell growth and maintaining tissue health. This creates a problem for us and our quest for recipes for low cholesterol diet because some of the foods highest in protein are also cholesterol raising nightmares.

Did you know that the only foods that add cholesterol to your diet are foods from animals? Yes, the mainstays that most meals are woven around are the sole source of dietary cholesterol. Meat, poultry, fish, milk products, and eggs are generally loaded with saturated fat. Sure some are less fatty than others (skinless turkey breast), and trimming the fat can help, but if it quacks like a duck (112 mg of saturated fat in a four ounce serving), and walks like a duck, maybe it is a duck. Only the saturated fat foods which contain high levels of omega 3 (salmon, albacore tuna) get a pass and are considered heart healthy foods. The bottom line, recipes for low cholesterol diet will lean towards plants rather than animals.

Someone please contact mission control we have a problem! Only animal proteins are considered complete, meaning that they contain all the amino acids human beings need to thrive. On the other hand protein from plants are aptly described as limited, meaning that they lack the necessary amino acids to do the trick.

OOPS, that is a problem! What gives our bodies the tools it needs to function at its best also cause cholesterol concerns that can lead to artery disease, heart attack, and stoke. A dilemma of unimaginable proportion. What to do?

Most experts believe the answer lies in a common sense approach that increases the serving size of fruits and vegetables and decreasing the serving size of meat to about the size of a deck of playing cards (3 or 4 ounces). Additionally, the American Heart Association suggests two servings of baked or grilled fish per week to harvest the benefits of omega 3 oils.

In summary, recipes for low cholesterol diet must include good cholesterol foods, portion planning, and a conscious effort to avoid high saturated fat animal products. Additionally, many natural health minded individuals have combined the three steps above with natural cholesterol reducing supplements to achieve even better and longer lasting results.

Rob D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic advocate for the use of safe and effective high quality alternative health products and natural living, with over 10 years experience in the field. Learn more about natural remedies and natural health at Purchase

Gluten Intolerance and the Effects of a Gluten-Free Diet

Most patients with gluten intolerance are found to be skinny before they were diagnosed. Malabsorption has taken place due to the damage of gluten to the villi of the small intestines. However, after having been diagnosed, the intestines start to heal primarily because of a gluten-free diet. This causes a positive effect wherein the food is already absorbed ready to be used by the body. In line with that, gaining weight is also a possibility. It may be difficult to imagine how a person with gluten intolerance who appears to be skinny would then turn out to be obese. Some studies show that gluten-free diet poses an increased risk for obesity. If this is the case then one must consider counting the calories and most especially having a daily routine exercise.

Nutritional deficiencies are also a problem in patients with gluten intolerance. In addition to that, gluten-free products tend to be low in vitamin B, vitamin D, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc and fiber. Only a few of the gluten-free products are enriched or fortified with such vitamins. Vitamin supplements are needed to prevent diseases caused by these deficiencies such as bone loss, anemia, low immune system, diabetes, cancer, rickets as well as skeletal deformities in children. It is very important to consult a doctor before choosing a vitamin supplement which is suitable for you. Vitamin status must also be checked regularly.

Maybe you would also wonder why a gluten-free diet causes someone's cholesterol level to rise. This is primarily because packaged gluten-free containing products are often found to have higher contents of fats than their gluten-free containing counterparts. This is true especially in gluten-free products such as cookies, crackers as well as cakes. It is very important for you to watch your cholesterol levels from time to time as well to check the nutritional labels for fat and cholesterol content along with the presence of gluten. Look for peas, beans, citrus fruits and rice bran as these were found out to have high soluble fibers which have been shown to help lower the cholesterol levels.

Constipation or diarrhea might also be experienced by a person who's on a gluten-free diet. Since bread and pastas are now replaced by processed white rice which is considered to have a low fiber content then constipation would really be a consequence. However, if beans and fiber-rich grains are added in large amounts to your daily diet then diarrhea would then be expected. Take these in moderate amounts. It's very important to increase you oral fluid intake not only to hydrate your body but also to prevent constipation. In cases of diarrhea, this prevents you from severe dehydration.

Causes of Low Libido in Men and How to Increase Male Libido Naturally

Do you lack the desire to have sex?

Low libido in men is extremely common. It is not surprising that almost 40% men over the age of 30 experience a drop in their libido or sexual urge. There can be a whole lot of factors and issues that can lead to a plunge in your libido or sex drive. What it worse is that this drop in libido is almost always followed with erectile dysfunction which can be extremely stressful for any man.

Some of the Causes of Low Libido in Men include:

1. A drop in testosterone- Testosterone is the hormone that is responsible for generating the desire to have sex. Whatever the reason behind a drop in testosterone, it is going to affect your libido for sure.

2. Alcohol abuse makes you drop all your inhibitions but in the long run it is likely to affect your libido. This is largely because it tends to increase estrogen level which lowers testosterone production.

3. Excessive smoking can also lead to a drop in your sex drive. Not only this, it can also lead to erectile problems.

4. Certain medications such as antidepressants, blood pressure controlling pills, diabetes medicines can also reduce your sex drive.

5. Emotional issues like stress, depression, conflict between partners, marital discord etc., can all take a toll on your libido and even trigger erectile dysfunction. Almost 10-20% of all cases of erectile problems stem from psychological issues.

6. Excessive work load can also affect your sexual desire by leaving you with little energy to perform ion bed. Good sex is all about energy and lack of energy leads to a drop in sexual desire.

7. Aging can also play a role here. Men begin losing testosterone after the age of 30. Not only this, your blood flow and nitric oxide levels also begin declining with age. All these factors can lead to a diminished libido.

8. Lack of sleep is also one of the factors that can reduce sex drive in men.

How to Boost Male Libido

An active and healthy lifestyle can ensure improved libido. You must always try to stay physically active. Exercise is not just great for increasing blood circulation in your body but also helps to keep your testosterone at an optimum level.

Not only this, it is also a great stress buster. Another advantage is that it can help increase your energy levels.

Your diet also plays a crucial role in here. You must avoid greasy and high cholesterol foods so as to keep your weight under check. You must include essential fats in your diet since testosterone is produced with cholesterol. Make it a point to include foods like olives, flax seed, almonds, peanuts, avocados, fish like salmons etc., in your diet.

Not only this, there are some natural libido supplements that can also be a great help. Such supplements comprise of natural ingredients such as ginseng, ginkgo biloba, tribulus terrestris, tongat ali, l-arginine etc.,

Such herbs and natural ingredients not only boost blood flow to the penis but also help increase testosterone production in your body which is great for both your sex drive and libido.

Such pills not only boost your libido but also ensure powerful erections that you might have been missing for quite some time.

One of the most appealing features of such supplements is that they do not have any side effects.

No wonder, more and more men are opting for such supplements to enjoy most satisfying sex.

So, If You Want to Boost Your Libido, Check out the Best Natural Libido Booster for Men Ever!


Supercharge Your Sex Drive and Get Powerful Erections with the Best Natural Libido Supplements that have set a new standard in male libido enhancement.

Diet and Cholesterol Levels

Good cholesterol contributes to a healthy heart, as opposed to bad cholesterol, which can mean coronary disease. Although it is similar in composition to fats, cholesterol is not considered to be a fat. LDL, also known as "bad" cholesterol, can lead to a condition called atherosclerosis, where fatty tissues build up and narrow blood vessels. This can cause a heart attack or angina.

The heart is protected by HDL, which is known as "good" cholesterol. As researchers say, the HDL carries the cholesterol away from the arteries, to the liver, where it is eventually passed from the body. They even suggest that HDL removes extra plaque from the arteries.

With a monthly blood test, you will find the level of LDL and HDL in your body.

A healthy cholesterol level is below 200. If the test results are 200 or above, you need to take action to raise your level of good cholesterol and lower the level of the bad; start eating right, get off the couch and possibly take a cholesterol lowering medication.

Also, your doctor will probably encourage you to stop smoking. Because your body may naturally create higher than normal levels of cholesterol, possibly to heredity, you may require medication indefinitely. Either way, drugs like Lipitor and Crestor can help, because they reduce the level of bad cholesterol in your body, and they won't cause you to become addicted to the medication.

A balanced diet should include healthy food, like fruits and veggies and breads and cereals made from whole grains. Avoid having food with high cholesterol content, which includes eggs, shellfish, shrimp and liver. Use vegetable oil, rather than unsaturated fats during cooking; and drink skim milk rather than whole milk. Choose cuts of meat without large amounts of fat on them, like chicken breasts, and make sure you only eat a fist-sized portion. Successful diets often involve eating smaller portions. Being on a diet doesn't necessarily mean starving yourself. If you follow the low-fat, non dairy plan, it is OK to have 3 or 4 meals a day with small portions of food.

Last, lower your cholesterol level through physical activity. Bad cholesterol can be decreased and good cholesterol increased just by exercising for 30 minutes a day. Schedule an appointment with your doctor for a blood test if you don't know your cholesterol level. It's beneficial not only to your health, but also your heart.

Author Darrell Knox writes on a broad range of topics and has been contributing articles for the internet audience for the last six years. lowering high cholesterol

Cholesterol - Killer Facts

A high cholesterol level is a major risk factor for heart disease, but achieving a healthy cholesterol level is not as hard as you might imagine. Everybody needs some cholesterol in their blood. Vitamin D and essential hormones can only occur in our body with the help of this naturally occurring fat.

There are 2 types of Cholesterol...

HDL - High Density Lipoprotein (the good)
LDL - Low Density Lipoprotein (the bad)
Not enough HDL and too much LDL can clog your vital blood vessels with fatty deposits and leaves you at high risk of suffering from a heart attack.

Good Vs Bad

When we hear the word "fat" a few words spring to mind...bad, unhealthy, dangerous, and most commonly, AVOID! But this is not necessarily the case. The truth is there are good and bad fats just like there are good and bad cholesterol.

Saturated fats increase your LDL cholesterol levels. These include palm oil and animal fats.
Omega 3 fatty acids do not affect your LDL cholesterol levels. These include fish, olive, peanut, avocado and canola oils.
Trans fats are the worst offenders. They not only increase you LDL cholesterol levels but decrease your HDL cholesterol levels. Trans-fats are found in processed meats, pastries and deep-fried foods. AVOID this type of fat like your life depends on it. It has absolutely zero nutritional value for your body and you are much better off without it!

It's Up To You!

High fibre foods are your "knights in shining armour" when it comes to your fight against reducing your bad cholesterol. Fruits and vegetable usually spring to mind, but did you know if you include around 60 grams of rolled oats in your diet (daily), you can significantly lower you LDL levels. Take time to read the ingredients label on cereal boxes and choose those with the highest fibre content.

Exercise can also have a significant effect on LDL cholesterol levels. 30 minutes of moderate exercise a day is all it takes. Try the usual activities like walking, swimming and jogging, but also consider including controlled breathing exercises such as yoga, tai chi and pilates. Why? It has been claimed high stress levels may also reduce your level of HDL cholesterol.

Cherie O'Neill welcomes you to, created to provide you with simple health solutions for anything health, beauty or fitness related.

Join me at for better Health, Beauty (inside & out) and Vitality.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

What is the Best Cholesterol Lowering Supplement?

If you are like most Americans today, than there is a great chance that you are not within your ideal weight category. Besides for the impact it has on the way you look and feel about yourself, being overweight carries many other downsides along with it too, such as high cholesterol. If you suffer from this dangerous problem, the best cholesterol lowering supplement is a diet that is high in fiber and low in fatty foods.

Aside from taking a prescription medicine, there is no magic cure to a problem like this. The best solution and the smartest way to approach it is to work over time to control and correct the issue, in the same way that you built up this problem for yourself over time.

Of course, in certain cases, medicine is the only way to lower a really high issue, but this is merely a method to keep the problem under control, not to make it go away or to restore health and order to your system. If you want to truly cure yourself, you need to change the way you eat and to add exercise to your life.

Stay away from fatty foods that do nothing for your health and can clog your arteries and make your cholesterol levels skyrocket. These include foods laden with butter, red meat, eggs (especially the yolks), whole milk, and certain types of fattening cheeses. Chances are, if it seems unhealthy, it is and you should try to avoid it.

By adding whole grains, oat bran, and soy products to your daily normal consumption, you will see a major difference in the way you feel and in your cholesterol levels. Snacking on sunflower seeds instead of potato chips laden with harmful oil is also a great choice to make that will help you out.

Try adding nuts to your diet, too, such as almonds and walnuts, by throwing them onto a salad or making baked chicken with nuts rolled on top. Not only is this delicious, but these two natural remedies will do wonders for your heart.

The best cholesterol lowering supplement, as mentioned above, is the incorporation of healthy foods into your meals at the same time that you phase out the poor choices. It is not hard to see how gorging on doughnuts, pizza, and ice cream will be bad for your body, while eating delicious chicken, vegetable soups, and salads will do great things. The choice is yours, so choose wisely.

High cholesterol is dangerous and it is crucial to control it at the earliest. To learn about supplements that can help lower cholesterol more naturally, I invite you to visit

Rajagopalan helps you to understand how this natural remedy can help control cholesterol.

What Low Carb Dieters Should Know About Nitrates And Nitrites

Nitrates and nitrites are preservatives that are added

to certain meats to affect a desirable color and prevent

the growth of poisons and bacteria. When nitrates

and nitrites are exposed to heat and other conditions

during the curing process, they are sometimes transformed

into nitrosamines, which have been linked to cancer

in a number of studies.

In addition to this, nitrates and nitrites have been linked

to "stalling"--or unexpected stops in weight loss--even

when consumers are on low carb diets,

such as Atkins, that specifically prescribe the

consumption of meat that could potentially

contain nitrates and nitrites.

Most meats that contain nitrates and nitrites (sausage,

bacon, ham, and some types of smoked fish) also

have high amounts of fat. This could, in part, explain

for the stalling--if the fat intake far

surpasses the prescribed amount (for low carb

diets) needed to "satiate" the body and prevent

it secretion of hormones that stall weight-loss.

Cured meats are also generally high in LDL

cholesterol, which experts say is responsible

for clogging arteries, when it slowly deposits

and then mixes with other compounds to form

plaque, a hard substance that blocks

passageways, preventing the flow of blood

to the heart.

If you subscribe to a low carb weight loss plan,

you should monitor your intake of nitrates and

nitrites carefully to mitigate the accumulation

of carcinogenic nitrosamines and prevent

"stalls" or high levels of bad cholesterol

caused by over-consumption of fatty

cured meats.

If you do continue to consume a sizable

portion of these meats on your low carb

diet, you should try to find a source of

preservative-free, fresh meat, whether

it be a local butcher or a mail-order meat


In addition, you should specifically

choose meats and portions that keep

your cholesterol consumption below 300

mg/day--and your fat intake at a reasonable

level according to the precepts of your low

carb diet.

Benji Paras runs, specializing in the benefits of the low-carb lifestyle. The site contains a treasure trove of information for losing weight, and includes a list of low carb foods along with informative articles and the latest low-carb headlines.

Cholesterol Lowering Diet - What Should You Eat to Stay Healthy?

Cholesterol lowering diet remedies will help you lower your cholesterol. By lowering your cholesterol, you reduce your risk of heart attacks, stroke, high blood pressure, and a variety of other serious illnesses. If you are like me, you know you should not be eating a lot of foods high in saturated fat. You should be eating the right foods and trying to eat as healthy as you can. This can be tough for many people, so we are going to discuss how to eat a diet that will lower your cholesterol ratio.

For breakfast, I want you to start eating fruits and cheerios. Cheerios include whole grains that will help with your cholesterol levels. It is relatively inexpensive. If you do not like the taste of Cheerios, you should add fruit to your cereal. I love eating Cheerios with strawberries!

You could try eating Cheerios with raisins or cherries too to sweeten the taste of the cereal. In addition to eating Cheerios, I recommend eating oranges. Oranges are healthier than regular orange juice, so you will get all of the benefits of oranges by eating a real orange instead of drinking orange juice everyday.

For lunch and dinner, I recommend eating salads, fish, fruits, and vegetables. These foods will help you lower your cholesterol levels to more acceptable ratios. You can also try whole wheat bread with lettuce and tomatoes and low calorie turkey meat to keep your cholesterol content low.

A great cholesterol lowering diet will have a significant impact on your health. Stop smoking if you are a smoker, and lose weight if you are overweight now. Make sure you also exercise and take a natural supplement to help you make the greatest impact on your health. You will see great results if you do these things to lower your cholesterol levels.

If you're interested in learning the secrets of finding the best natural cholesterol supplement, visit my website, where I share the products that have been proven fast, safe and effective in lowering cholesterol naturally.

You can visit my website at

Myths About Fat, Cholesterol and Carbohydrates Exposed With Scientific Research

There are times I find a book and spend time reading and rereading it. My latest such book is Brian Peskin's The 24-Hour Diet. Peskin goes through medical textbooks and scientific research to prove that much of what we hold sacred about cholesterol, heart disease, fat, carbohydrates and obesity are flat out wrong.

Findings in Scientific Journals and Medical Texts Contrary to Popular Opinion

I'm just going to list these. They will give you food for thought. Since we've accepted many of these myths as truths, I suggest you do your own research and make your own discoveries.

Oh, and by the way, if you look for Brian Peskin in Quackwatch, he's there. Just know that Quackwatch is greatly funded by the pharmaceutical industry and they would certainly want to discredit any information that would cost them sales.

Here we go:

Carbohydrates, sanctioned by the US Department of Agriculture's Food Pyramid, contain a chemical called glycerol-3-phosphate (G3P) which puts fat on the body.
Fat (lipids) from natural foods, that means not manufactured, do not cause obesity because they don't add body fat (adipose tissue).
Carbohydrates (4 ounces more than you need a day) keep you from burning body adipose tissue because it keeps your insulin levels high.
Fatty acids, not carbohydrates are what the body uses as energy.
In a survey of 1700 people, most with heart disease had cholesterol levels below 250, where the medical community wants you to be. Those without heart disease generally had levels above 300.
When a package says "low fat" you are getting added sugar which raises insulin levels and puts those rolls on your body.
Dietary lipids satisfy hunger.
Overeating of carbohydrates and transfats (in processed food) can cause hormone problems in woman.
Butter is good for you. Margarine is not.
The best oils are olive oil and organic coconut, grape seed, palm and peanut oil.
Natural lipids give you more energy. Carbohydrates sap energy.
Plaque in your arteries is made of the oils found in most supermarkets... corn, canola, soy
Increasing dietary cholesterol 300% raises your blood cholesterol level only 6%. (Researchers expected at least a 50% increase).

Our Diets are Fed by False Information

Someone has an opinion and, if repeated enough, it is accepted as fact when they are only myths. They become so hard wired into us, that we gloss over research that contradicts what we've thought was true. We need to take a hard look at what "experts" say, take responsibility for ourselves, and do some of our own research.

Cathy Chapman, PhD, LCSW assists people in achieving their dreams of health, wealth and abundance. To receive your Special Report Diet Myths Evaluated: Myths, Differences of Opinion and Propaganda go to and fill out the form.

Requirements For a Nutritional Diet

A nutritional diet is said to be one with almost, if not all, the nutrients required by the body, which therefore means that any form of deviation from this would mean unhealthy living, which has been known to cause life threatening conditions. But just how do you get to achieve this diet, said to be nutritional? For starters, it is worth your attention that consuming lots of food, either in a single sitting or not, does not amount to your consumption of a nutritional diet. You could have a small quantity but which will have all the nutrients that qualify to make it a balanced diet.

Bear in mind the fact that a nutritional diet will always have fruits in it. The main reason simply being the fact that there are some nutrients that are present in fruits and which will not be found in any other type of food, at least not in the natural format that they are supposed to. This type of diet will also include foods with low cholesterol and saturated fat, which lead to obesity. The composition of this diet will also include grains, and most importantly whole meal grains, which are an unrivaled source of fiber.

The number of calories in the food you eat also determines whether or not you are on a nutritional diet or not. This diet requires that foods that you consume have a low calorie level and most of these are obtained from added sugars which comprise of such things as cakes and cookies. As stated earlier, this diet sees to it that you consume foods that will help you avoid life threatening diseases; as such it is important to note that in such a diet, the recommended sodium intake is the equivalent of a teaspoon of table salt in a day. That is if you want to avoid a heart disease in future.

For more information, visit Rated Fat Burners. They offer information on fat burner reviews for fast weight loss.

Tips About Cholesterol

High bad cholesterol or LDL and low good cholesterol or HDL are major risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Thankfully there are now some very powerful and useful drugs available to lower cholesterol lower triglyceride issues.

Most of these drugs are in the statin family. These drugs have improved cholesterol and triglyceride levels of those with coronary artery disease. If you have coronary artery disease or high cholesterol levels you need to be under the care of a physician to get the best results and to be tested regularly.

There are all kinds of companies and people out there that would have you think there's a magic bullet that will clean you up and have you in perfect health without any prescription drugs. The internet, television, magazines, and newspapers are all offering non prescription options for reducing cholesterol.

Now don't get me wrong, some of these products will help you reduce cholesterol but just remember that sometimes you can actually get these natural ingredients for a lot less if you just buy them in their natural form rather than in that "magic bullet." And when you buy them direct you know the exact quantity and quality that you are taking. After all many of these ingredients can be found at your local grocery store

Statin drugs work well - there's no question - but they also have some serious side effects. If you have mild or borderline elevated cholesterol you can first try non prescription methods to lower cholesterol lower triglyceride levels too. If you are already taking a drug such as Lipitor you can still use non prescription natural supplements or foods to help reduce cholesterol levels.

But I emphasize if you are under the care of a doctor or you believe you have a serious medical condition like cardiovascular disease talk with your doctor before making any changes to your diet and never stop taking a prescription drug without talking to your doctor.

Wondering what non prescription solutions can help you ? Vitamin C is the original statin. In fact this powerful drug with all those side effects is actually taken from Vitamin C. Niacin is another essential vitamin to keeping your cholesterol levels healthy. CoQ10 is a hearts best friend and it can help reduce cholesterol. If you are taking one of the statin drugs you should talk to your doctor about a CoQ10 supplement as these drugs disturb the bodies natural levels.

You should eat healthy which means at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetable each day. Reduce the amount of saturated fats in your diet by eating lean meats, skinless chicken and avoid all trans fats. You should avoid all processed foods which are high in chemicals and often contain hydrogenated oils with are extremely bad for you.

With dietary change should come exercise. Walking is one of the best exercises for the heart and to lower cholesterol lower triglyceride levels. It should not be strenuous. Just 30 minutes of natural walking every day. Start slow and work up at your own pace.

There are many things you can do to lower cholesterol lower triglyceride levels - why not use everything at your power?

About The Author

Morten Hansen has been focused on the health area for several years and is mainly writing about subjects, that make it easier for people to understand and live a more healthy life. For more details about Cholesterol visit our website []

Friday, March 29, 2013

The Misconception Behind a Low Fat Diet

There's a common misconception that a low fat diet means no fat. In reality, fat is needed to transport nutrients and other valuable materials through the body. Therefore, it's good to ingest some fat, but most overweight people wind up taking in double the amount of fat they need.

As a general rule, your total fat intake should not exceed 20% of your daily calories. To break it down, less than 7% should come from saturated fat, 1% or less from trans fat and cholesterol should not be more than 300mg.

Let's talk a minute about "good fats." It's true than low fat diets are important to maintaining a healthy heart and general fitness; however, "good fat" and "good cholesterol" (HDL) can be found in foods like salmon, vegetable oil, nuts, olives and avocados. Good fat is essential in transporting vitamins like A, K, E and D throughout the body, in addition to cushioning the vital organs and providing energy. When cooking, try using extra virgin olive oil.

For salads, add a few tablespoons of flax seed, a handful of walnuts or a salad dressing made of vinegar and olive oil. Try to include more salmon, tuna and mackerel into your diet, either literally or through a fish oil supplement, which is packed with omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

"Bad fats" are trans fats: margarines, shortening, deep fried chips, fast food, baked goods, hydrogenated vegetable oil. The reason they have such a bad wrap is that they're known for lowering HDL cholesterol, which is the kind your body needs to function, as well as increasing triglycerides and LDL cholesterol, which is the bad cholesterol that leads to heart disease and diabetes.

Saturated fats found in whole milk, butter, cheese, ice cream, red meat, coconuts and chocolate should also be limited for the same reasons. Fat from these sources should be 16 grams or less for a 2,000 calorie diet. For those looking to actually lose weight, the saturated fats should be less than 12 grams.

A low fat diet doesn't have to taste gross. Think of your new diet as a "detox" program for the heart and body. Like with alcoholism or drug abuse, you'll experience some initial discomfort as you attempt to wean yourself off the sugar, the salt, the cholesterol and the calories your body was so accustomed to getting.

With such an abundance of junk food and "convenience" foods on the market, it's understandable how many Americans can fall into this trap. However, you've made the right decision to control your eating before it kills you!

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What Could Be the Most Famous Natural Cholesterol Lowering Herb?

Trying to distinguish which is the most famous of all the cholesterol lowering herbs is a judgment call and would likely be influenced greatly by geography and age. It is a close race between garlic, cayenne pepper, and red yeast rice. But of the three the one that has generated the most buzz as a natural cholesterol lowering herb in recent years is red yeast rice.

Red yeast rice has been a mainstay in Chinese herbal medicine for a very long time. About 1200 years to be more specific. It is a Chinese natural remedy that was originally used for digestion and general wellness and was most often consumed as part of a meal.

In more recent times it was found to lower cholesterol quite effectively by exhibiting statin like qualities. RYR contains the natural statin compound, Monascus purpurea which has been shown to maintain cholesterol within normal ranges when added to the diet.

There is very little discussion as to whether or not the natural cholesterol lowering herb red yeast rice works the only discussion is as to whether the current form works as well as past versions due to regulations placed on it by the Food and Drug Association.

Let's look at two recent studies to try to gain a better understanding of the natural cholesterol lowering herb red yeast rice.

*In 2009, a study from Pennsylvania showed that in 60 patients who had to stop taking statin drugs because of muscle pain, taking RYR and initiating lifestyle changes for 24 weeks significantly reduced total and LDL cholesterol levels, compared to taking a placebo and making the same lifestyle changes.

*And in 2010, investigators from the University of Pennsylvania reported that in patients who had to stop taking statins due to muscle pain, RYR was just as effective as 20 mg per day of the statin drug pravastatin (Pravachol) in reducing cholesterol levels. (Both RYR and pravachol produced only a very low incidence of recurrent muscle pain.)

Red yeast rice is formed when a particular strain of rice is fermented in yeast for a number of months and I think you would agree that the evidence supports its efficacy as a cholesterol reduction supplement. Nevertheless, there is some question as to whether red yeast rice in its current form is the natural cholesterol lowering herb it once was or just a shell of its former self.

Why? Way back in 2000 the Food and Drug Association (FDA) went on a rampage against RYR claiming that its properties were so similar to the statin medication lovastatin that it should be regulated as a drug. A court agreed and (at least in the US) manufacturing guidelines were put into place to remove the statin like ingredients. Oddly enough, even after this was done RYR still showed success in both significantly increasing HDL (good cholesterol) and a decrease in LDL (bad cholesterol). Elevated triglycerides were also found to be lowered.

It is still widely available both as a standalone natural cholesterol herb and in various natural remedies that include other popular herbal ingredients such as rooibos and guggulipid.

If you would like to learn more about cholesterol, natural cholesterol lowering herbs, or natural remedies for lowering cholesterol click here.

Rob D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic advocate for the use of safe and effective high quality alternative health products and natural living, with over 10 years experience in the field. Learn more about natural remedies and natural health at Purchase

7 Ways to Improve Your Cholesterol (and Lose Weight!)

Now all these years people have been worried about high cholesterol levels. But in addition to lowering bad cholesterol, a new study shows that high levels of GOOD cholesterol should also be the focus of our efforts.

In fact, your levels of HDL could be the most important determinant of your risk for heart disease.

First, some definitions...

LDL (low-density lipoprotein): LDL is also known as the "bad" cholesterol. It is the cholesterol that builds up in your arteries, increasing your risk of heart disease.

HDL (high-density lipoprotein): HDL is also known as the "good" cholesterol. It helps clean out LDL from your arteries, and can decrease your risk of heart disease.

If your HDL is not above 40 mg/dL, then you need to improve it and have it checked every year.

TC (total cholesterol): This is the total amount of cholesterol in the blood, including LDL, HDL, and VLDL.

If your total cholesterol is 240 mg/dL or greater, you have a greater risk of coronary heart disease and stroke.

TC:HDL-C ratio: This is called the "total cholesterol to HDL ratio." It is used to give doctors an idea of how much total cholesterol a person has relative to the HDL level. The ratio is calculated by dividing the total cholesterol by the HDL. It is a good measure of heart disease risk.

Okay, now onto the latest findings...this recent study published in the American Heart Journal found that patients that had higher HDL levels had a lower risk of heart attacks. More specifically, people with higher HDL (by 10 mg/dL) had an 11% decrease in heart disease risk. what does that mean? Do everything you can to increase your HDL!

First, you need to get your HDL levels visit your doctor. And always check with your doctor before making big changes to your nutrition and exercise plan...especially if you are overweight, or otherwise at risk for lifestyle diseases.

Second, a good place to start improving your cholesterol levels is to simply lose weight and to start an exercise program (both aerobic exercise and resistance training will improve cholesterol levels).

And when it comes to achieving healthy cholesterol levels, here are many more specific actions that you should take:

- Eat 6 small meals per day rather than 2-3 large meals.

- Eat a handful of almonds per day (make sure they are not roasted in hydrogenated oils!)

- Eat more fiber by eating almonds, fruits, vegetables, oatmeal, and perhaps even supplement with glucomannan - Get a minimum of 35g of fiber per day

- Reduce your intake of saturated fats & eliminate all trans fats from your diet

- Build muscle mass. There's some evidence that strength-training exercises that build muscle mass can also improve HDL.

- Do intervals - these might be even more effective than regular cardio for increasing HDL

- Both Green Tea and fish oils might help improve cholesterol levels (by both increasing HDL and lowering LDL), but research is not conclusive.

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Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training for Fat Loss have helped thousands of men and women with weight loss and fat burning in less than 45 minutes three times per week. Turbulence Training for Fat Loss workouts help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment. Craig's bodyweight workouts for fat loss help you lose fat without any equipment at all.

A Lipids Diet Can Help Protect You Against Clogged And Blocked Arteries As Well As Heart Disease

The possible dangers of having high triglyceride levels are well documented as high cholesterol and high triglyceride levels are major contributing factors in the development of heart disease. Because of this, you need to ensure that you follow a healthy lipids diet and put other preventative measures in place to keep you safe.

Triglycerides are not generally harmful to the body. As a matter of fact, they are essential components needed by the body for energy. Triglycerides are also essential for the heart as they provide the necessary fuel required by the heart to keep on pumping.

Having low to normal levels of triglycerides in the body is acceptable, but when the levels start to elevate to high or extremely high, serious health problems will ensue.

As a result, you need to familiarize yourself with ways to lower the harmful high triglyceride levels.

One of the most effective ways to manage high triglyceride levels or blood lipid levels is through implementing and following a proper lipids diet.

A proper lipids diet should comply with your goal to maintain normal blood lipid or triglyceride levels.

You will never achieve that goal if you continually munch on foods from fast food joints.

Neither will you achieve your goal if you indulge in oily junk foods, fried foods, processed foods and pre-packaged foods.

All of these types of foods are major contributors to high cholesterol levels and fat build up in the body.

This is why you need to maintain a healthy lipids diet, which is high in fibre and rich in Omega 3.

Fruits, vegetables and whole grains are good sources of fibre and they can help with the eradication and prevention of further build ups of cholesterol, triglycerides, or fats in the body.

Fish and fish oil are excellent sources of Omega 3, which is proficient at lowering LDL cholesterol.

As well as following a lipids diet, you must start getting some regular exercise. An ideal exercise routine should consist of thirty to sixty minutes of exercise everyday for five days a week depending on your doctor's advice.

No lipids diet would be complete without natural supplements as these can provide your body with crucial purely natural nutrients that cannot be got in adequate quantities from food alone.

Ingredients you should look for are policosanol, beta sitosterol and lecithin oil as these are incredible at lowering cholesterol and will give you excellent heart health protection.

Do not underestimate the value of putting a good lipids diet in place and sticking to it. Your heart and your arteries will thank you for it and you will reap the benefits of a long and healthy life.

If you are ready to strengthen your lipids diet to ensure you protect yourself against blocked arteries and ultimately a heart attack or a stroke, then visit my website today for FREE quality information to guide you to success.

Mary Ruddy is a former high cholesterol sufferer, from a family with a history of heart disease, and has successfully achieved perfect cholesterol levels, reversing and eliminating the risk of heart disease, and is a strong advocate of natural health care. Mary enjoys introducing people to the best natural products she can find and uses herself daily at:

The Portfolio Diet: The Solution to Heart Disease

What if there was a combination of foods that were as effective at lowering LDL cholesterol as prescription drugs? Would it be worth adding some new foods to what you eat each day to avoid medication?

This is what the latest in a series of research studies Dr. Jenkins from the University of Toronto shows. Studies have previously shown that various foods, such as nuts, soy protein, oat bran, and plant sterols all can have a cholesterol-lowering effect. But what if you combined all these foods together? Dr. Jenkins' latest research shows that combining all these foods together is as effective as taking a statin drug. The results showed a 30.9% decrease in LDL cholesterol from the statin and a decrease of 28.2% from the portfolio combination of all these foods.

Dr. Jenkins is calling this a dietary portfolio, but it's becoming known as 'The Portfolio Diet'. The concept is to add all of these foods, in a type of portfolio plan, like investments, to cover all possibilities for better heart health. This is not a weight loss diet, however, although the concepts for weight loss and lowered cholesterol could certainly be combined, with proper education and guidance by a qualified nutrition expert.

What is the Portfolio Diet?

Just follow these guidelines:

1. Substitute soy foods for meat. Drink soy milk instead of milk and substitute soy protein foods for other meats.

2. Eat as much 'sticky' fiber as possible. People in the study took three daily servings of natural psyllium supplements. Oats and barley replace other grains and preferred vegetables include eggplant and okra.

3. Include plant sterol-enriched margarines, such as benecol and Take Control. Plant sterols are also available in capsule form as dietary supplements.

4. A handful of nuts every day. In the study, almonds were eaten and the Almond Board of California offers portfolio diet recipes on its website (look at recipes on, but any tree nut will reduce cholesterol.

Here are some examples of a typical day:

Breakfast - Include soy milk, oat bran cereal with chopped fruit and almonds, oatmeal bread with sterol-enriched margarine, and some jam.

Lunch - Soy lunchmeats, oat bran bread, bean soup, fruit.

Dinner - Stir fry with vegetables, tofu, fruit and almonds.

Snacks - Include nuts, yogurt, and soy milk thickened with a psyllium supplement such as Metamucil.

Has this diet shown to be effective?

Jenkins et al were curious how this diet would work in the real world, so they signed people up who said they wanted to lower their cholesterol levels. They told them what to eat and gave them sample menus -- but they didn't provide any prepared foods.

Dr. Jenkins said that about 30% of the people had a 20% reduction in their LDL cholesterol levels after six months. Another 30% had a 15% reduction in LDL levels, and another third failed to lower their cholesterol levels, believed to be because they were unable to follow the diet as strictly as those with good results. What seemed to be the biggest obstacle for people was eating soy food products. Dr. Jenkins said that most people could eat almonds and substitute plant sterol products for margarine.

Is the diet for you?

Many people are concerned about heart disease and stroke, especially if they are struggling with weight control and high blood cholesterol levels. However, many people are not comfortable going on prescription medications. Since this is an eating plan that does not eliminate food groups or follow some type of fad, there is no risk to going on this 'diet'. In fact, it's not really a 'diet' at all, but a way of eating. And no one has to do anything but substitute some of the recommended foods for foods they normally eat today.

So, let's say you would like to try the diet, but, like many other Americans, are concerned about adding soy foods to your diet. You have never eaten them and don't even know where to find them! Well, they are actually in your favorite supermarket already! It may be time to experiment, though, because not everyone is going to like all the soy foods that are available. For more on soyfoods, check out the Soyfoods Association of American at Here is a list of foods to consider:

Soy milk. There are multiple brands and different fat levels. You can buy whole fat, low fat and non fat. You can buy 'regular' (no flavoring), or any number of flavors. I have personally found one brand that I like over others and you may have to experiment to find one you like, as well.

Edemame. These are frozen whole soybeans that are harvested when still green. They can be found in most health food stores, such as Trader Joes or Whole Foods Market, in the frozen food section, usually next to the lima beans. These can be found shelled or in the shell. You can add them to soups or stews or eat them by themselves. I like to eat them as my protein for breakfast.

Tofu. Also known as 'bean curd', tofu is a soft, cheese-like food made my curdling soymilk. The curds are then pressed into a solid block. There are different levels of firmness; silken, soft and firm. Silken is a creamy, custard-like product that works well with pureed or blended dishes. Soft tofu is best used in recipes that call for blended tofu, or in soups. The firm tofu is more dense and solid and holds up well in stir fry dishes, even on the grill. The firm tofu is higher in protein, fat and calcium than the other forms, but since this is a plant fat, this should not be an issue. For recipe ideas, see this link from the Indiana Soybean Board;

Textured Vegetable (or Soy) Protein Products. This is the soyfood product that many soy burgers and other 'meat substitute' products contain. The best way to determine if these foods are for you are to experiment with a few options.

Miso. Miso is a rich, salty paste condiment that characterizes the essence of Japanese cooking. Traditionally, miso is made by combining with a grain, salt, and a mold culture and then aged in cedar vats for one to three years. Readers may recognize the name because this is a popular soup.

Soy nuts. Soy nuts are whole soybeans that have been soaked then baked. They can be found in snack isles and manufacturers now include soynuts in any number of coatings, including chocolate.

Tempeh. This is a traditional Indonesian food that is most commonly found in Asian stores. It is a chunky, tender soybean cake. It can be marinated and grilled or added to soups, casseroles, or even chili.

It can be very easy for some people to add nuts to their diet. In fact, it may be harder to not add too MANY nuts! It may also be 'doable' to add more sticky fiber to your diet, also, with a little planning. However, it may be a greater challenge to find soy foods that can be enjoyably substituted for meats you are used to eating. However, if your health depends on it, and you refuse medications, this may be a great thing to try, especially since there are no risks involved with adding these foods to your diet. Just remember that these are foods to be substituted, not added, to the diet. Since calories do also still count, adding extras to your current diet could result in weight gain, leading to new concerns.

Marjorie Geiser helps people overcome their confusion and distress they may feel when trying to add healthy eating and fitness into their busy lives. She offers a free, weekly teleclass phone series to subscribers of her Health Focus teleclass series, which covers all aspects of health each week. She is a Registered Dietitian, Personal Trainer and Life Coach. To learn more about her services, go to her website at or email her at

Foods High in Cholesterol - Effects, Causes and Risk Factors

What are the Foods high in cholesterol? Examples of these are the food that contains low density lipoprotein such as: Meat products like beef, lamb, chicken, egg yolks - Oily food like coconut, palm and palm kernel oils. Dairy products like butter and cheese - Processed /prepared foods like cookies, pastries, hot dogs, sausage

What is Cholesterol? This is a fatty substance found in animal tissue and one of the important components of the human body. It is manufactured by the liver and carried throughout the body in the bloodstream. It is essential for life and integral to the body's process of using our diet, which is vital for the manufacturing of cells, bile salts hormones and vitamin D in our body. Problems can occur when too much fats forms an accumulation of plaque in the blood vessel walls, which impedes blood flow to the heart and other organs.

High levels of cholesterol can cause significant damage to the coronary system. Lowering techniques can control the raise of fats; one of this is avoiding the foods high in cholesterol. All of the people must be aware of the amount of fats in their body and seek treatment for high result when necessary.

What are the possible effects of fats in the body? High level of this is a major risk factor in developing diseases like coronary heart disease. It leads to deposits of fats in the arteries. If this deposits harden into plaque it is called atherosclerosis, and the result is hypoxia or not enough oxygen supply in the body especially in the heart. When this blockage occur angina may happen. Damage to cardiac tissues is irreversible and can lead to fetal heart attack. Not eating foods that contains saturated fats is the number one preventive measure that we can do to avoid having this kind of disease.

Different tactics on lowering the amount of fats in the body will work for different patients. Diets for high cholesterol are very effective in many people, avoiding a food which contains lot of saturated fats. Aside from avoiding or preventing these foods, another effective way is physical activity, it lowers a little but it will really help. Because of the dangers that we can get in having high level of fats in the body, individuals who are at risk must have their levels tested to ensure their fats level is under control. Doctors can diagnose or measure the fats in our body by performing simple blood test. The measurement for this is in milligrams per deciliter of blood.

For an individual who has high level of fats in the body, he or she must lower it to an acceptable level in order to ensure that he will stay healthy. Eating foods high in cholesterol can lead to heart attacks and death when left untreated.

James Arkwright is an acknowledged expert in the field of Heart Health. He focuses especially on the effects of cholesterol on diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system including high blood pressure, strokes, coronary heart disease and heart attacks. For more information please visit Foods High In Cholesterol and Diets For High Cholesterol.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Truth About Niacin Cholesterol

Not everybody can make a promise of staying away from sumptuous foods that happen to be rich in cholesterol. I guess no one has the right to blame them because those kinds of food make people happy. On the other hand, the same people who are fond of abusing themselves by eating delicious but unhealthy food should also blame no one else when they start to suffer from heart diseases due this kind of diet. However, it is not yet too late for them to prevent health problems.

Are you one of those people who either abuse your good health or who innocently do not know anything about unhealthy diets? Fortunately for you there are still a lot of methods which you can use to lower your cholesterol levels. You could either take supplements that are proven to be safe and effective in combating too much cholesterol in your blood or you could embrace a healthier way of living by eating natural foods regularly that could also effectively control your cholesterol levels.

It has been mentioned that niacin can prevent too much cholesterol content in your blood, thus preventing the risk of life threatening heart diseases such as heart attacks. For years, niacin, which is also called vitamin B3, has been in the list of the most effective treatments against cholesterol. Your blood has LDL (or low density lipoprotein) cholesterol, HDL (or high density lipoprotein) cholesterol, and triglyceride or simply fats. It is the job of niacin to reduce the level of LDL and increase HDL in the blood.

However, niacin cholesterol procedure does not appeal to some physicians. This is because of the undesirable side-effects of niacin to the body. Some people may possibly experience heart palpitations, facial flushing, body itching, and stomach upset. However there are some experts who say that these side effects would disappear after a week. They say that by that time, your system would have already adjusted to the new foreign substance that enters your body.

They say that you just need to take the right dose and continue using certain forms of niacin to avoid other problems.

Some doctors might suggest you to have a niacin cholesterol supplement to lower down your LDL while increasing your HDL cholesterol. You have to be aware of the side-effects and tell him or her if you have other health concerns so that he or she would also know if niacin is going to be safe for you. For instance if you are diabetic you are not advised to take niacin because of the effect on your blood sugar.

Besides the niacin supplements, you can acquire niacin by modifying your diet. Niacin is found in fish, lean meats, dairy products, poultry, eggs, nuts and cereals. With diet, you can improve your cholesterol levels and at the same time ensure that you are taking safe amounts of niacin.

Moreover, you owe it to yourself to investigate and find out if there are any other natural products that can help you maintain healthy cholesterol levels. Look for products that do not have harmful side effects. Check if they have been clinically tested by multiple leading research institutions and check up medical journals.

For more information and ideas, please visit us on the web at niacin cholesterol.

Vincent Siew markets a product for people who worry about having a stroke or a heart attack because they have high cholesterol like he used to have. Do you know anyone who might like to know about a product like that? Tell him or her to find out more about it today:

Big News About Niacin and Cholesterol

Niacin, also known as nicotinic acid or vitamin B3, is one of the most important water-soluble B vitamins. Studies on niacin and cholesterol have indicated that niacin might help support existing healthy low total cholesterol levels and healthy low levels of bad LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, while also supporting existing healthy higher levels of good HDL cholesterol. If that can be proven through medical studies, that would be a big help in the quest for healthy cholesterol levels.

Although niacin is readily available as a vitamin and supplement, it doesn't merit as much attention as cholesterol drugs. When used by doctors for support of healthy cholesterol, niacin is given in higher concentrations compared to what is included in most multivitamins. Doctors give this in the form of prescription niacin, such as in the brand names Niaspan, Slo-Niacin and Niacor. Niacin is also available naturally through dietary sources like lean meats, fish, poultry, dairy products, eggs and nuts, but not in such higher concentrations.

How Niacin May Help Support Healthy Cholesterol

In simple terms, niacin is thought to have the potential to support existing healthy levels of high-density lipoproteins, also called the "good" cholesterol.

Studies (such as that published in the June 2008 issue of the Journal of Lipid Research) have indicated that nicotinic acid may have the potential to help support increased HDL by increasing its natural production in the liver and preventing it from being removed quickly from the body. It is thought to bind to the enzyme called "beta chain" which is responsible for removing HDL from the blood. If so, this action might help reduce beta chains by 27% and increase HDL levels by up to 35%.

Good Cholesterol

HDLs or the "good cholesterol" are thought to be helpful in warding off the effect of bad cholesterol and sweeping them off the system. These bad cholesterol are those that are capable of building-up in the arterial walls, which can lead to arterial blockage.

Increased HDL levels then means there is more good cholesterol available to help the body to decrease the levels of LDL cholesterol in the blood.

Research has revealed the potential of niacin at a daily dose of 1 to up to 3 grams a day to possibly help reduce LDL levels by as much as 20% and reduce triglycerides by 20 to 50%. This is currently a theory that is undergoing medical studies and shows great promise. Talk to your doctor to get his or her opinion about niacin.

Potential Side Effects of Taking Niacin

Niacin for cholesterol today comes in two forms of medication - immediate release and slow release. Your doctor should be able to advise you as to which one might suit you best.

There is one side effect of niacin, which many takers seem to dislike. Since niacin seems to cause blood vessels to dilate, intake of this supplement can cause flushing (especially in the neck and face) within an hour or two after taking the medication. Some people develop tolerance to this flushing in time.  And there are now "No Flush" formulas available in the market.

Other minor side effects reported include gastrointestinal problems and nausea.

Niacin and cholesterol are linked in a very interesting way. In fact, taking prescription niacin is recommended by many doctors to those with high cholesterol levels.  However, care must be taken when taking nicotinic acid. Your physician should monitor your cholesterol, liver enzymes and blood sugar levels on a regular basis to ensure that the supplementation is working as it should be. Make absolutely sure to consult your doctor before taking over-the-counter niacin products.

Also talk to your doctor about how another supplement is helpful for a heart-health diet. This well-researched and often recommended health food is none other than good old fish oil pills. Many doctors take fish oil themselves and recommend it to their patients as part of a heart-health program of diet and exercise. Talk to your doctor about fish oil and see how it could be a missing ingredient in your own individual heart-smart diet.

See an amazing Free Video and report about fish oil and heart disease. And be sure to choose a pure concentrated fish oil supplement that will provide you and your heart all the health benefits possible.

Acai Berry to Cure Heart Disease - Good For Dieting - Top Healthy & Natural Benefits to Clear Toxins

Lowering the cholesterol level in the body's system consequently lowers the chances of having a heart disease. A person already suffering from a heart ailment will require medication that would essentially lower the cholesterol in the body and flush it out of the system safely. Cardiovascular maintenance is also basically the lowering and the flushing out of unwanted cholesterols in the system which can be facilitated by outsourcing nutrients and compounds from acai berry for heart disease & also good for your diet. Anthocyanins found in the acai berry are a well-researched cholesterol-regulating compound that is present in the acai berry in generous quantities. The antioxidant in the acai berry is 10 to 30 times more concentrated than those found in grapes and 50 times greater than those that are found in mangoes.

That may sound too good for a small fruit but it is. In cardiovascular lingo, blood cholesterols are those agents that could be modified. Modifying these to lower levels will, as a consequence, lower the risk of a coronary heart disease or decrease the occurrence of an attack. Heart diseases are one of the leading causes of death that in the United States alone, an estimated $60 billion in annual medical expenses is directly related to coronary heart disease. This is why health food and exercise are in vogue.Eating food that is low in cholesterols and exercising regularly will reduce heart-related ailments and will also strengthen heart muscles.

However, it is not always easy to monitor cholesterol levels in the blood. For these, acai berry are one of those finest fruits in nature that carry antioxidant protection and is now widely manufactured as food supplements, beverages, capsules and extracts that completes the program.As if those were not enough, the acai berry also contains a generous amount of natural calcium that is essential in regulating high blood pressures. As calcium reduces LDL levels, it also has been proven by research that people who have a good amount of calcium in their food intake also has a lowered risk of stroke aside from preventing colon and breast cancers. With all these good elements found in the fruit, acai berry, is without a doubt, a natural food for heart disease, and also good for your diet.

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Foods That Lower Cholesterol And Protect You Against Heart Disease Thus Adding Years To Your Life

Knowing the foods that lower cholesterol is a step in the right direction when it comes to preventing heart disease. Heart disease is a killer disease that takes the lives of millions of people in the US alone, and millions more throughout the world.

The most widespread form of this disease is coronary artery disease, and around 14 million people in the US suffer from it.

So why are foods that lower cholesterol so important?

Well because high blood cholesterol is a major risk factor and cause of coronary artery disease.

When LDL cholesterol levels become higher that they should be, a material called plaque will start to accrue in the walls of your arteries.

As times goes on, and more and more of this plaque exists, clots will start forming, and will eventually cause obstructions in the coronary arteries that supply blood to your heart and brain.

This leads to you having a heart attack or a stroke.

With that in mind, let's take a look at a list of foods that lower cholesterol, and should be part of your diet:

Whole grains (oats, barley), Nuts (almonds, pistachios, walnuts), Fish (salmon, herring, mackerel), Vegetables (black soybeans, avocado, spinach), Yogurt (with probiotics), Pomegranate juice, Cranberry juice, Fruits (apples, blueberries), Olive oil, Flaxseed oil, Fish oil

The above foods are heart healthy foods and will lower LDL cholesterol while raising the good, protective HDL cholesterol.

It is important that you cut back on foods that are high in saturated fats, trans fats and cholesterol, as these will raise LDL cholesterol, and potentially to dangerous levels, and will lower HDL.

The key to protecting yourself against heart disease is to achieve and maintain low LDL cholesterol and high HDL - the optimal balance of the two.

And while choosing foods that lower cholesterol is an excellent starting point, adding a cholesterol supplement, with natural cholesterol lowering ingredients, will give you the edge.

If you choose the right supplement, then you will not only lower LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, but you will increase HDL cholesterol too, and give yourself maximum protection against heart disease.

Also consider taking some vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium and chromium, as they have huge heart health benefits and contribute to lowering cholesterol.

If you are ready to combine your list of foods that lower cholesterol with the perfect cholesterol lowering solution, then pop over to my website today to learn more.

About The Author

Mary Ruddy is a former high cholesterol sufferer, and is a strong advocate of natural health care. Mary enjoys introducing people to the best natural products she can find and uses herself daily at:

Why Choosing Low Cholesterol Recipes is Good For You and the Natural Ingredients For Real Success

Now that more people are becoming conscious about their health, there is also an increase in demand for low cholesterol recipes. Cholesterol is one of the major culprits in many diseases, especially when it comes to heart conditions. While it is needed by the body for normal function, there needs to be a balance between the good and bad cholesterol, and bad cholesterol or LDL should be kept at a minimum level.

One's diet affects cholesterol levels greatly. In many people with high cholesterol, poor food choice is a common cause. You can keep your cholesterol levels normal by making use of low cholesterol recipes and by avoiding foods that are on the high cholesterol food list.

Among the foods known to be high in cholesterol are mainly animal products like beef, pork, poultry, egg yolks, and dairy products. Processed and prepared foods like muffins, pastries, and cookies are also high in both cholesterol and trans fat. Foods that are deep fried and fast food also have a high cholesterol content.

Foods that are high in cholesterol should be avoided. If not, it is best to limit their intake. Instead of choosing take out and fast food, make a home cooked meal instead. This way, you can control the amount of oil, seasoning, and other ingredients you use in cooking.

Low cholesterol recipes are delicious and healthy at the same time so take the time to prepare them. Many low cholesterol recipes are made to be not only healthy but flavorful and you can find these in various cookbooks or on the internet.

For healthier meals, you can also reduce the amount of meat in your dish. Choose lean cuts of meat and trim the meat before cooking. Instead of meat, why not try seafood like fish that has been steamed, baked, or even grilled with a mix of colorful veggies? If you can't do without hamburgers and pork chops, you can broil these instead of pan frying to reduce the amount of oil.

Aside from making healthier food choices, another way you can lower your cholesterol or keep it at a healthy level is by taking a 100% natural supplement that contains plant extracts like policosanol, beta sitosterol, and theaflavin. These ingredients work in unique ways to lower not only cholesterol levels but triglyceride levels as well.

Protect your health by making sure that your bad cholesterol is low while good cholesterol levels are high. Be more conscious of what you eat and choose a natural way of lowering your blood cholesterol.

Do yourself a favour and take the strain out of balancing your cholesterol levels. Visit my website today to learn more.

Mary Ruddy is a strong advocate of natural and safe health care and enjoys nothing more than helping others make a positive impact on their lives. To find out more about how you too can improve your health naturally visit her website today at

Visit her site to learn the natural and safe way for lowering cholesterol.

11 Effective Home Remedies for High Cholesterol

High cholesterol or hypercholesterolemia is a disorder consisting in excess or surplus cholesterol in blood stream. Cholesterol is a wax like substance present in the cell walls or membranes all over the body. Our heart, brain, liver, skin, muscles, and intestines naturally bear cholesterol that produce certain hormones, bile acids and vitamin D needed to digest fat. However the requirement of cholesterol for the purpose is quite low. If the blood contains excess cholesterol, it may get deposited in major arteries like coronary arteries, carotid arteries to the brain or arteries that carry blood to legs, resulting in narrowing down or blockage of the passage way and decreased blood supply.

Blockage of coronary arteries leads to angina or chest pain and heart attack. This happens due to the accumulation of cholesterol on artery walls and deprivation of heart muscles of oxygen. Blockage of carotid artery by cholesterol deposits leads to brain stroke and blockage of arteries supplying blood to legs leads to claudication or pain with walking. Women after menopause and men below 55 are at the risk of developing hypercholesterolemia. LDL or bad cholesterol, HDL or good cholesterol and triglycerides make up for the total measure of cholesterol in the body. High cholesterol can be very dangerous, for it produces no symptoms. However some people with high cholesterol may have breathlessness, general fatigue, excessive sweating, heaviness in chest region, yellowish patches around eyelids, cholesterol deposits around cornea and whitish edges of cornea.

Factors Causing HDL

1. Aging

2. Heredity

3. Obesity

4. Sedentary life style

5. Intake of fat rich diet

6. Mental stress

7. Alcoholism

8. Smoking

9. Underlying diseases like thyroid, high blood pressure, diabetes, that of kidney, liver etc.

Home Remedies

1. Onion juice can lower cholesterol to a large extent.

2. Simply drinking 8-10 glasses of water can bring down cholesterol by enabling proper excretion.

3. Soy products, rich in isoflavones can effectively regulate cholesterol levels.

4. An infusion may be prepared by boiling 2 tablespoon coriander seeds in a glass of water. It has to be drunk thrice a day and can greatly lower cholesterol.

5. Sunflower seeds also regulate cholesterol levels to a large extent.

6. One may boil 10 cinnamon sticks in 6 cups water, add one tablespoon honey and drink while the solution is hot. This is a beneficial home remedy for lowering cholesterol.

7. Drinking a glass of water every morning by mixing one teaspoon lime juice and one teaspoon honey is an effective cholesterol lowering remedy.

8. Consuming fenugreek seeds would help to control high serum cholesterol.

9. Indian bedellium extracts have cholesterol lowering agents.

10. Almonds and walnuts can help to bring down cholesterol levels.

11. Fiber rich diet can keep cholesterol within check.

Read more Home Remedies for High Cholesterol. Also know effective Home Remedies for Gout.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Fight Between the Good Cholesterol and the Bad Cholesterol

Our bodies know that we need cholesterol to be healthy. The liver manufacturers and distributes cholesterol.

Cholesterol is soft, it is waxy and is found in the bloodstream and is in all of the cells of our bodies. It is a normal state for the body to contain cholesterol. Your body needs the substance, cholesterol in order to build cells, and to function. Too much of a good thing is bad though and too much cholesterol in the bloodstream can lead to a heart attack or a stroke. When there are high levels of cholesterol in the blood stream it is called "hypercholesterolemia".

The substance cholesterol is not able to dissolve in our blood, so it has to be transported to and from the body cells by carriers, called, "lipoproteins". LDL is known as Low-density lipoprotein and is known as the "bad cholesterol. High-density lipids and triglycerides are known as the "good cholesterol". When the doctor orders a total Lipid panel; he is wishing to know the total LDL, HDL and triglycerides in the bloodstream.

The LDL or "bad cholesterol", can slowly build up in the inner walls of the arteries slowing down the blood to the heart and brain. When LDL combines with other substances they form plaques, which are, think hard deposits that can then be used to put humans at risk for stroke and heart disease. A clot that has formed due to atherosclerosis can break off and become a heart attack or can result in a stroke.

The other component in the total cholesterol value is the triglycerides. They are formed from fat. When you have elevated triglycerides you can become overweight, or obese especially if you are inactive, smoke cigarettes or consume excessive amounts of alcohol. Individuals with high triglyceride levels often consume foods that are high in cholesterol. Individuals who have diabetes or other heart disease will also have high levels of triglycerides.

The Lp cholesterol means that there is a high level of Lp (a), which is a risk factor for premature development of fatty deposits in the arteries. Keeping all these levels together is the job of your doctor.

In order to keep the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides under control it is important to schedule a screening so that you can find out what your cholesterol levels are, eat a diet that is low in cholesterol and saturated fats, reach and maintain a healthy weight, exercise on a daily basis and follow all of your health care professionals advice.

Maintaining proper levels of both the good cholesterol and the bad cholesterol will go along way in keeping your body strong and healthy.

Dee Braun, a single mom of 6, is a Certified Aromatherapist and natural health practitioner. Click now to visit Health or High Water at where you'll find info on ways to improve your health using nutritional supplements to help battle the ravages of time, poor nutrition, toxins & stress and address heart health, arthritis and high cholesterol.

** You are free to use/reprint this article as long as the Author information/bio AND any links within the article stay active and in tact!

Advanced Diet Plan and Natural Ingredients Secrets

Commonly when we speak about a diet plan that is beneficial for our health, what rapidly comes to our mind is a balanced diet. But a weight loss diet shouldn't have to be balanced but requires being healthy. Hence, a healthy diet is more required for a person looking to lose shed some lbs.

The diet plan that is best for weight loss contains ample of proteins, low content of carbohydrates and a trivial amount of fat. There are a few people who wish to completely avoid fatty foods when they are trying to lose weight. The diet plan should further include a huge amount of vitamins, minerals and other important nutrients so as to ensure vitality and good health.

Usually there is a disagreement about balanced diet, for people who are trying to lose weight. Balanced diet contains every form of food and an important amount to supply the body with all the needed nutrients. But few of them are unsafe when they are taken in large amounts and hence should be monitored especially in Heart disease patients, where there is a need to practice a healthy diet rather than a balanced one.

Fruits and vegetables - Fruits and vegetables contain a negligible amount of cholesterol. They have low contents of fat, salt and calories. These fruits are also beneficial and enriched of anti-oxidants like Vitamins A, C and E.

Cereals, breads and potatoes

All types of grains belong to this group and are chiefly carbohydrate rich food sources and they are excellent as a energy supplier when loosing weight. It is easy to burn off unlike fat. Most of them are rich in vitamins particularly the B-vitamins. Examples are beans, cereals rice, corn, etc. The amount of cereals and others substances should not be excessive at the same time do not be over enthusiastic about losing weight so that you do create hypoglycemia for yourself-this is quite vital.

Milk and milk products

It is considered by many people that because they are on diet they should not eat the things they like anymore. This myth is particularly in regards to diary products. That is untrue as dieting has become more advanced, with the accessibility of low sugar milk, non fat milk and ice cream. Foods belonging to this group offer the body with high-quality protein and large amounts of calcium. They are also the main suppliers of vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin B12, potassium, niacin, phosphorous and riboflavin. Hence, we can not absolutely afford to avoid them because we are putting an effort to lose weight.

Meat and fish

Yes, meat can be consumed provided it is white. Chicken and fish can be consumed. These are some forms of food which you can consume without stuffing yourself with cholesterol but while cooking, avoid adding fat like butter or vegetable oil in excess, as that overpowers the purpose.

Peggy Phillips is the author of Top diet pills reviews website. To discover the truth about weight loss pills visit her website.

Super Food Diet Staples For Good Health

Super foods provide the kind of nutrients and health benefits that are way beyond what common foods provide; their phytonutrient and antioxidant contents are high enough to help you successfully fight disease. These foods do not have medical or legal definition as yet but that does not in any way lessen the hugely positive impact they have on the human body.

You will find below a very useful list of super food diet staples that you can choose from. Better yet try all of them because the recommended daily number of fruits and vegetables at the last count was seven.

Broccoli is rich in vitamins A and C, beta carotene and fiber and an excellent prevention agent of cancer.
Beans are low calorie food as well as low fat, and full of protein; they help to control weight and also blood sugar levels. Beans are also full of vitamin B, iron and fiber.
Berries are powerful antioxidants, full of vitamin C; they have a high content of glucose and this is very good for the memory. Berries are actually considered brain food and one of the best foods to preserve the brain.
Garlic is good for lowering cholesterol and blood pressure, in addition to containing certain properties to fight cancer.
Oats is a rich fiber source and a surefire method to be used to reduce your cholesterol.
Green tea has antioxidant properties and helps to fight cholesterol and increase the metabolic rate. This in turn helps you to reduce your weight.
Olive oil is good for cleaning up clogged arteries, giving you younger looking skin and also serves as an antioxidant.
Oranges as we all know has plenty of vitamin C and this helps to lower the risks of cancer and heart ailments.
Pumpkin is often overlooked as a vegetable until its time for Thanksgiving! However it can help to keep your skin looking young and prevent damage from the sun's harmful rays.

There are plenty more super food diet staples you can choose from but the ones listed here will help you get started. Click Here for more energy and better health today Click Here for super foods, supplements, DVDs, CDs, books, and more

Cholesterol - Lower Bad Cholesterol With The Right Diet

Unless you've been living in a cave for the past 10 years, you've probably heard of bad cholesterol. As featured in many books, magazines, diet commercials and TV shows, bad cholesterol has been implicated as the leading cause of many heart-related illnesses. The best way to make sure bad cholesterol does not enter your system is to start with your diet.

1. Limit your intake of saturated fat

Use low-fat or non-fat milk and milk products including cheese and yogurt. They are great substitutes for other dairy products that contain bad cholesterol. Skim milk, for example, is a better choice than whole milk while low-fat yogurt is better than regular whipped cream.

2. Base your meals on fiber found in whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

Whole-grain breads, pastries, oatmeal and oat bran provide the right bulk to help you get rid of unnecessary fats and lower your bad cholesterol levels. They also help you lose weight. You can also keep bad cholesterol levels down by eating regular servings of fruits and vegetables. As little as 1 to 2g servings of fiber-rich foods daily can help lower your bad cholesterol by at least 1%.

3. Keep animal fat intake low

Good sources of animal protein include fish, chicken, turkey and lean cuts of red meat. These foods can be included in your diet and help lower your bad cholesterol, provided that you keep to the recommended serving amount. However, you can substitute the animal protein found in your diet using soy protein found in soy and soy products. As little as 25g of soy protein has been shown to lower bad cholesterol when used as part of your diet.

4. When cookies go bad

Another type of bad cholesterol you need to monitor in your diet is hydrogenated fat, often found in common foods as trans-fat. Trans-fat are known to disrupt metabolism and are toxic to the body. These include foods such as cookies, pastries, crackers and almost all processed foods. Also unsafe are foods that include white flour, MSG (monosodiumglutamate), aspartame and sodium nitrate, often found in food as additives.

To learn more diet tips to lower your cholesterol, visit

Menopause Diet Tips - Eat Foods Rich in Phytoestrogens

Foods rich in phytoestrogens are a very healthy addition to any menopause diet as they can help relieve and alleviate a lot of the symptoms of.

Here's some specific foods you can include in a menopause diet to help relieve the symptoms and signs of menopause, and improve your overall health:

Green Soya Beans (Edamame)

Fresh soya beans in pods are harvested when they are young and tender. When steamed and salted they make a delicious snack. Green soya beans are available from Chinese supermarkets.

20 mg isoflavones per 100 g

Canned Soya Beans

These can be added to salads or casseroles or pureed with olive olive, lemon juice and garlic to make a dip similar to hummus.

80 mg isoflavones per 100 g

Tofu Or Bean Curd

Made from pureed, pressed soya beans, tofu is low in fat and is a good source of protein. There are three basic types: firm, soft and silken. Firm tofu has a texture similar to cheese; it can be marinated and used to make kebabs or cut into cubes and added to stir-fries. Soft tofu is used in recipes that call for blended tofu or in Oriental soups. Silken tofu has a texture similar to set yogurt; it can be used to make dips, salad dressings, sauces or desserts.

11-30 mg isoflavones per 100 g

Textured Vegetable Protein (TVP)

This is a meat substitute made from soya-bean flour It is low in fat and rich in protein. It is available as dehydrated chunks, as a ground beef substitute or incorporated into prepared foods such as burgers or sausages. The ground beef substitute can be used in dishes such as spaghetti sauce or lasagne.

114-245 mg per 100 g (dry weight)

Soya Milk

This is available unsweetened or sweetened and in a variety of flavors. Look for one with added calcium. Soya milk is cholesterol-free and available in low-fat varieties. It is also lactose-free. Soya milk can be used in the same way as cow's milk, as a drink, on cereals, in cooking or to make smoothies.

A 250 ml glass provides 10-20 mg isoflavones


A thin cake made from fermented soya beans, it has a mushroomy slightly smoky flavor It can be grilled and used as a meat substitute or added to stews, casseroles or pasta sauces.

35-19 I mg isoflavones per 100 g

Isolated Soya Protein

This powder can be mixed into drinks and sauces or added to baked goods such as bread.

46-100 mg isoflavones per 100 g

Soya Flour

Made from ground, roasted soya beans, it comes in full-fat or low-fat versions. It can be used as a substitute for white flour in recipes such as muffins and cakes. It has quite a strong flavor so it is best mixed with another type of flour; try substituting 20-30 percent wheat flour with soya flour.

188-276 mg isoflavones per 100 g


Made from fermented soya beans, miso is used mainly as a seasoning or condiment. It is very salty and should be used sparingly.

8-28 mg isoflavones per 15 ml (1 level tbsp)

Soya Desserts

There are many different types including yogurts and ice creams. Isoflavone content will vary according to brand.

Soya ice cream - 4-5 mg isolfavones per 100 g

Soya custard - 5 mg isoflavones per 100 ml

Soya yogurt - 16 mg isoflavones per 100 ml

Soya and Linseed Bread

contains around 7 mg isoflavones per slice.

It's also worthy to note that soy sauce, soya oil and soya margarine contain no isoflavones, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't include them as part of a menopause diet, as they offer other health benefits including helping to lower cholesterol.

Get the facts about natural hormone replacement therapy and other natural herbs for menopause. We don't need pumping full of drugs just because our bodies are changing - take control and learn how to manage your symptoms with natural alternatives.