Saturday, March 23, 2013

Ornish Diet - Can You Lose a Pound a Day?

The ornish diet was developed by Dr. Ornish a respected cardiologist. He has written 2 books one of his more popular ones being Eat More Weigh Less.

The ornish diet is a vegetarian diet and focuses on lowering fat and cholesterol intake. The diet teaches you to consume beans, veggies and fruit and many whole grain foods. In his popular book he contends that most peoples diets consist of forty percent fat, twenty percent protein and forty percent carbs. He suggests a ratio of ten percent fat, twenty percent protein and 70 percent carbs. As some of you can see this is very opposite the Atkins diet.


No calorie counting

You can eat carbs

You consume healthy whole foods

You don't have to starve


Very strict (vegetarian, banned foods)

No alcohol, meat or sweets

Cannot really eat out (not a good social diet)

There are some interesting aspects of this diet in that you are allowed to eat as much as you want provided you are hungry. Foods are also broken up into three categories one being foods you can eat in any amount, foods to eat moderately and foods you are not allowed to eat at all.


* Oatmeal cereal with raisins and skim milk

* 1/2 Grapefruit

* Green Teat


* Soup (tomato, lentil or other)

* Garden Salad

* Bread

* Fresh Fruit


* The Ornish diet includes some terrific pasta dishes for dinner like Eggplant Lasanga


The only problem we see with the Ornish Diet is the removal of meat and most notably fish. Because of the society we live in most diets should include a method for eating out because that is a regular part of our society. But if you can stick to the regime of no alcohol, eating out or animal products this may be the diet for you. The weight loss most people experience is permanent and you are eating healthy foods.

Want to compare more diets? Wondering what the best diet plan is? You may be shocked. See the diet plan that can help you lose almost a pound a day at What Is The Best Diet Plan

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