Monday, July 29, 2013

Popular Weight Loss Diet Versus Low Carb

Lose ten pounds in two days! Think yourself thin! Try that, no try this weight loss diet! It's all so confusing, how can we know which ones are not only effective, but safe and permanent? The most important thing to remember is just because a celebrity endorses a specific weight loss diet plan, does not mean it is a safe one. Looking glamorous is what they are paid for. Losing your life or damaging your health is not supposed to be included in the price, but so often is.

The fact of the matter is, obesity is a huge problem not only in the United States but in many westernized countries and this is mainly due to the claims that fat has become such an ugly word. It may be true that fat is not healthy when on the body, but the truth is, it is healthy in the body, especially when consumed as part of a low carb diet.

Dietary saturated fat has many important functions such as, stabilizing insulin levels, cushioning internal organs, removing cholesterol from the body, decreasing body weight, and restoring energy. Due to the reputation that saturated fats cause heart disease instead of preventing it, trans fat margarine, vegetable oils and high fructose syrup was introduced with dangerous results. The oil and margarine were needed to replace the satiety one feels from eating saturated fats, and the corn syrup was to add sweetness at less cost. The real cost was in damaging the health of a nation.

Now, we have come full circle back to eating healthful, low carb foods with the emphasis on low glycemic vegetables, berries, good fats such as butter, olive oil and avocado. And, we are losing weight. That is because it is the natural way to eat. Doughnuts, bear claws, toaster pastries, pancakes and waffles soaking in sugary syrup is not. All these foods do is cause inflammation, joint aches, fatigue and weight gain and damage health. When searching for a diet plan, remember that any diet that claims you can lose weight in a very short time and doesn't reveal to you that it is mainly water lost, isn't a safe or valid diet. Eating low carb for life will allow you to lose the weight gradually and just may very well save your life.

Mary Hill is the owner of the website about forex trading and is passionate about forex trading system.

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