Monday, March 3, 2014

Tips For How to Rid the Body of Bad Cholesterol

Millions of people suffer from heart disease around the globe. In fact, heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. The occurrence of strokes is another big cause of death as well. When your arteries get clogged up with plaque, the blood cannot flow through them properly. When this happens in the arteries going to your heart, you may have a heart attack. When this happens to the arteries going to your brain, the result of stopped blood flow is a stroke. Both of these attacks can drop you dead instantly. Learn how to rid the body of bad cholesterol to prevent these attacks from happening to you.

Contrary to popular belief, not all cholesterol is bad for you. In fact, your body requires some forms of it to functions properly. The cells in your body need it to be able to form. Hormones that play a big role in who we are depends on cholesterol to begin as well. The trouble with having high cholesterol is the delivery components involved in the bloodstream.

In the bloodstream cholesterol is moved through by lipo-proteins. Two different kinds perform this function, one being low-density, LDL, and the other being high density, HDL. LDL leaves behind fat behind on the artery walls and some is deposited into various body tissues. The HDL, however, carries the cholesterol straight to the liver. Once at the liver, the cholesterol it is expelled.

It is easy to see why LDL is called bad and HDL is called good. When you are trying to lower your cholesterol levels, it is the LDL that is the one you must keep an eye one. After you have confirmed a problem with it through your doctor, you can begin treatment. What are some ways you can do this?

Lowering your intake of fatty foods is the number one way to lower the LDL levels in your blood stream. However, you should keep in mind that your body requires some of the good fats in foods. Just like LDL, some of the fats are bad. Those are the ones you must monitor. Choose to eat foods that contain unsaturated fats and no carbohydrates. This has been proven to lower LDL levels significantly.

Saturated fats and trans fats are the bad ones to take out of your diet. You may have a hard time at first because so many of the foods most people consume contain these fats. That would be one reason why heart disease is a number one killer. Foods like cheese, milk, eggs, and some meats are loaded with saturated fats. Limit you intake of these kinds of foods to help in lowering your LDL levels.

Eating more fiber has been proven to also help in lowering bad cholesterol. Your diet and plenty of exercise will help you to become a lot healthier. You should also take care to drink plenty of purified water each day to flush out the toxins that can help to clog up your liver. This would result in a back up of more than just cholesterol in your body. In learning how to rid the body of bad cholesterol, you should know that taking care of all of you will help to make a big difference.

High cholesterol is dangerous and it is crucial to control it at the earliest. To learn about supplements that can help lower cholesterol more naturally, I invite you to visit

Rajagopalan helps you to understand how this natural remedy can help control cholesterol.

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