When faced with the problem of high cholesterol and the need to lower it, some people default to the prescription drugs offered by their doctor. But what if you're someone who would prefer to stay away from these and seek a natural alternative, which some believe to be safer. As an alternative there are natural cholesterol reducers. New research is always being carried out on naturally occurring substances such as herbs etc. and the medicinal values they offer. The results from this research demonstrate how effective they are in reducing the risk of heart disease.
Let's quickly understand a little more about what cholesterol is . Cholesterol is a white crystalline substance, C27H45OH, which is found in animal tissues and various foods. Its normally synthesized by the liver and is an important constituent of cell membranes and is a precursor to steroid hormones. Its level in the bloodstream influences the pathogenesis of certain conditions, like the development of atherosclerotic plaque and coronary artery disease. Hence, the need to keep cholesterol levels low.
The first thing to consider when looking for ways of lowering your cholesterol naturally, is to remember that a healthy lifestyle is necessary. This healthy lifestyle includes adequate regular exercise and a diet full of nutritious and whole foods. Any medication whether prescribed by your doctor or a natural remedy is futile if you choose not to adopt a healthy lifestyle. So, even though you want to find a natural approach, you need to get up and exercise, and eat a well-balanced diet. This in itself can make the biggest difference to your cholesterol levels and relying on medication only, isn't good enough if you want to ensure long-term health
So, we've mentioned natural cholesterol reduces, but what are they? Well, they're substances where their natural growth and development haven't had human intervention. So in other words, they have not been made with the use of chemicals or pesticides. Garlic is the first one that springs to mind and is an important inhibitor to the development of arteriosclerosis, which is the build up of plaques of cholesterol in the arteries. Garlic also helps to prevent the recurrence of heart attacks. Fish oils are also known to reduce the occurrence of heart disease by as much as 45 percent as they contain omega-3-fatty acids.
There are also spices that we would add to foods which are known to lower cholesterol. Curcumin, an extract of a curry spice (turmeric), is one of these. And if we dig deeper into the exotic spices, we find golgul gum resin. This is derived from the myrrh tree and reduces high cholesterol levels. Psyllium, which is a plant fiber native to India and Iran is another one. One thing you need to remember is that ogul gum resin, garlic and curcumin have only a limited effectiveness, as they only last approximately six months. For a longer-term effect, and better results, its suggested that you look for, what's called, endogenic supplements. These types of supplements are Beta Sitosterol, Beta Glucan, Chromax and soy isoflavones.
Now you have a better understanding of how you can lower your cholesterol naturally it's time for you to choose which natural remedies you're going to take. But most importantly, I encourage you to get exercising and to eat more pure, wholesome food.
If you want to know more about how to lower your cholesterol, click over to Sally?s site helptolowercholesterol.com helptolowercholesterol.com You?ll find more information about helptolowercholesterol.com/cholesterol-diet.html diets for cholesterol and grab her free course, Lower Your Cholesterol. . . . and give your heart a fighting chance!
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