Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Safe Cholesterol-Lowering Diet

Before embarking on a cholesterol-lowering diet, you have to make sure that the diet meets the recommended dietary allowance or RDA set by the National Research Council. It will be for your own benefit that you stay healthy within normal functional and nutritional levels. Find out more about cholesterol and its processes to reinforce your diet plan.

Knowing Cholesterol

Cholesterol comes from a variety of sources. Sometimes the human body produces it independently but majority comes from ingested food products. Most foods high in fat and cholesterol will also increase cholesterol levels in the body. This is not a good situation since there can be a number of risks associated with high cholesterol levels specifically on the cardiovascular and cardiac system. Other organs can also be affected adversely should levels continue to rise beyond normal limits causing a variety of symptoms and adverse reactions.

What Your Diet Should Have

A good thing about fats is that it can be utilized by the body as fuel for energy along with carbohydrates and protein. The bad thing is that too much can immediately cause a toll in the body. Therefore, a sound cholesterol-lowering diet should consist of adequate amounts of carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins and minerals. The person should feel energized and full by sticking to the recommended dietary allowance. The diet's focus is to lower total dietary fat especially saturated fat, lower dietary cholesterol, lower caloric intake within RDA limits, lower sodium as well as increase consumption of fiber and complex carbohydrates.

It is highly discouraged to engage in fad diets having very low total calories. Starving yourself will instead cause your body to hoard fat as a precautionary mechanism. You will also be more likely to experience hunger pangs and cravings because of sugar imbalance. It is better to eat small frequent meals everyday to boost your metabolism. Take healthier foods rich in soluble fiber and polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats that lower bad cholesterol. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water daily to keep yourself hydrated and your system cleansed.

Consult a dietitian to measure your RDA. Select foods and calculate the total calories as well as grams of protein, carbohydrates and fats to stick to your dietary allowance. Learn how to prepare food the low-fat way as well by boiling, grilling or roasting. Avoid fast food joints and eat a lot of raw fruits and vegetables to facilitate effective digestion. Together with your diet, a sound exercise program and adequate rest will help reduce total cholesterol.

To find out more about diet for lowering cholesterol, visit

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