If you're interested in looking younger, then you'll know that happinesslifetime.com anti aging diets are important for youthful looking skin, as well as for living longer and healthily too.
The right foods can literally take years of your skin while adding years to your longevity. Your body will really thank you for it, and you'll look stunning at the same time!
So why not do all you can to have a healthy diet and benefit from it right away?
How do you start?
Well, there are many happinesslifetime.com anti aging dietary guidelines out there, and they all have something in them that you can use. So it's a good idea to read several of them and put into practice what suits you and your body.
In this article, we're going to look at one of these guidelines, and it's one presented in 2006 at a meeting by the American Academy of Family Physicians. Their guidelines were "evidence-based" which means that they have the backup of research. It included diet and lifestyle tips especially to prevent cardiovascular disease, as this is the major health problem in Western societies.
So here are their tips, from number 1 to 4.
Tip 1: Have a diet that reduces your LDL cholesterol.
While many people have the mindset that "all" fats are bad, will lead not only to weight gain, and cause heart problems, in fact, what we really need are the good fats. Fats are necessary for your body's proper functioning, and any truly effective anti-aging diet will contain adequate amounts of "healthy" fats. What are those?
They are the unsaturated fats from vegetable sources, namely the monosaturated fats found almonds, walnuts, and pecans. Using extra virgin olive oil (another source of monounsaturated oil) instead of butter to sauté fish, meat (preferably white meat chicken or turkey) or vegetables is one simple way to exchange healthy fat for unhealthy.
Try snacking on whole-grain baked crackers low in saturated and trans fats, topped with natural nut butter. Just make sure to keep track of the calories in the nut butter and compensate for them by cutting back somewhere else.
You can also help your LDL profile by adding fresh garlic and soy to your diet.
You have the basis for a delicious and healthy vegetable dish right here, with for example, green leafy vegetables stir fried with garlic, soy and olive oil. Have Basmati or Japanese short grain rice for its low glycemic index, and toast your healthy feast with a glass or two of red wine, loaded with resveratrol to keep you blood flowing smoothly through wide open blood vessels.
Top it off with a soy-based pudding or ice cream, or even a piece deep, dark chocolate, for dessert! Soy is one of the most powerful clot busters around, as is dark chocolate, with its high cocoa bean content, which contains cholesterol fighting antioxidants.
Tip 2: Increase your protective "good" cholesterol, and reduce your triglycerides.
How do you do this?
Firstly, regular aerobic exercise of 30-35 minutes daily is helpful to increase these levels of good cholesterol.
Secondly, by having onions, garlic and soy in the diet.
And thirdly by having foods that have low glycemic load. What does this mean? It means having types of carbohydrates that are not as dense in calories.
For example, have more vegetables, grains, beans and fruits, instead of bread or potatoes. Rice and pasta are quite high glycemic load too, so have some, but not a huge amount compared of these high glycemic load carbs compared to your vegetables.
Tip 3: Increase your intake of beneficial foods.
The study suggested following specific diets that have been shown to be healthy, such as the Mediterranean diet and the Japanese diet.
These diets are high in vegetables, fruits, olive oil and soy. In Japanese food, edamame beans are associated with healthier blood vessels.
Also, as already mentioned, dark cocoa is a food which reduces clots and is a potent antioxidant.
Tip 4: Avoid the harmful "bad" fats.
The two "bad" fats to avoid are saturated fats, and the trans fats.
How do you do this? Simple. To reduce saturated fats, choose lean proteins such as fish, chicken and turkey instead of red meats. To reduce trans fats, avoid margarines and processed food. If you must use a spread, try avocado instead as it's a source of the good monounsaturated fats.
So there you have it.
These are the first 4 ways to start sprucing up your diet and lifestyle to look and feel great, and to become healthier and protected against health problems in future.
Remember that with a healthy diet, you won't have to wait years for the benefits. You'll notice the effects right away by feeling more energetic, having better concentration, and experiencing better mood. And when combined with exercise, you'll be feeling terrific, as you practice these happinesslifetime.com anti aging diet and lifestyle tips.
When you combine these lifestyle and diet tips with wrinkle creams that work, the results for your skin's appearance are really impressive.
So go ahead and put these valuable happinesslifetime.com anti aging tips into practice, and enjoy looking and feeling younger in no time.
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