We are all interested in living lives which are free from serious diseases such as heart attack or stroke. Blood fats such as lipids cholesterol get in our way of accomplishing this.
It is difficult to say way some cultures have become comfortable eating large amounts of lipids cholesterol and others have not. But generally those cultures who eat above amounts of fatty foods tend to be overweight and have a high incidence of heart and cardiovascular disease.
Physiologically what makes lipids cholesterol so dangerous
Put simply, they damage the interior lining of our arteries!
Our arteries provide our bodies with oxygen and blood, and in order to sustain good health they must be kept clear of obstruction. Additionally, as we grow older our hearts grow weaker and can no longer pump as vigorously as they once did.
Now if you combine a weakening heart with arterial obstruction caused by lipids cholesterol damage and subsequent accumulation all of the sudden serious health problems are likely to occur. If the blockage is to the brain is severe enough a stroke will occur. If the blockage occurs in the arteries cycling blood into and away from the heart a heart attack will occur.
Finding out how to reduce lipids cholesterol
You can do all the right things to stay healthy but if your diet is too high in saturated fat and cholesterol it is just a matter of time until something goes wrong. Below is the basic formula used as a blueprint by most medical professionals to keep the arteries clear and the heart healthy.
*Fat: Less than 30 percent of your calories each day should come from fat with monosaturated accounting for 20 percent, and polyunsaturated accounting for the other 10 percent.
*Saturated fat: Saturated fat raised blood lipids cholesterol more than any other type of fat and should be tightly controlled. Generally, guidelines call for no more than 10 percent saturated fat, unless you already have a high lipids cholesterol level or have coronary artery disease, then your target number should be 7 percent or 16 grams per day.
*Cholesterol: Generally, guidelines call for less than 300 milligrams per day, unless you already suffer from high cholesterol or heart disease then the number drops by one third down to 200 milligrams per day.
What about combining supplements with a low lipids cholesterol diet?
It seems the more we learn about supplements the more we find that they not only are considered to be very safe but can be quite an effective tool against any number of diseases and conditions.
The three considered to be the most effective in promoting cardiovascular health are folic acid, vitamin B6 and B12; omega 3 rich fish oil; and lowered-cholesterol.com natural cholesterol reduction supplements. They are a natural solution that should not be ignored when your goal is to reduce blood lipids cholesterol and encourage cardiovascular health.
Rob D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic advocate for the use of safe and effective high quality alternative health products and natural living, with over 10 years experience in the field. Learn more about natural remedies and natural health at purchaseremedies.com Purchase Remedies.com
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