Monday, July 8, 2013

Guidelines: Foods That Lower Cholesterol

As more and more people become aware of the cholesterol-lowering drugs' side effects, the alternative cholesterol-lowering methods are becoming more popular. Basic changes in lifestyles is recommended when it comes to long-term results in healthier hearts. Foods and diets that lower cholesterol are one of the key factors that determine your cholesterol and heart health.

The basic guidelines of the foods high cholesterol patients should eat more are as followed;

Whole-grain foods -Not only are they rich in vitamins and minerals necessary for body to rejuvenate and re-construct the damaged cells, they also prevent the absorption of excess bad fats to enter your bloodstream causing your LDL Cholesterol levels to increase.

Fruits and vegetables- High cholesterol patients should include fruits and vegetables in their diets for the similar reasons as the whole grain foods. They're great source of vitamins and minerals. It is better to go for sour-flavored fruits as they are not so high in sugar. Try to eat as many colors of vegetables as you possibly can. This is due to the fact that different colors of vegetables offer different nutrients. Try to avoid canned fruits and vegetables if you can. If not, look for ones that are low in sodium. Keep in mind that you should limit?sodium?intake to 2400 milligrams a day.

Be picky when it comes to your sources of protein - Your protein sources should only come from fish, beans, and lean meat. Red meats, organ meats, bacon, hot dogs, and egg yolks are rich in trans-fatty acids, which are high in LDL cholesterol. Dairy products are consumable only when they are low-fat or fat-free. You should consume no more than 8-10% of the day's total calories from?saturated fat.

Lower the sugar intake - This is good for your overall health. Sugar and processed carbohydrates will make you hungry and tired. That is the bad sign because you tend to think less of what you should put into your mouth.

Drink plenty of water throughout the day, (but avoid drinking too much water while eating to avoid heartburn.) - It can be a little tricky to know exactly the amount of sodium you have taken into your body. The best way to make sure of that is to drink plenty of fresh water throughout the day. Sipping water throughout the day is known to stimulate your metabolism, cleanse out toxins, and control your hunger.

The processes of food preparations will also affect the cholesterol in foods you eat. Be sure to always boil, steam and grill instead of stir-fry, or deep-fry them. When it comes to baking, avoid baking foods with margarine or butter. Opt for herbs as alternative to seasoning and adding flavors to your foods. Cinnamon and garlic are very tasty and have been known for their health benefits.

While making sure to follow these guidelines, you should also keep in mind that exercise on regular basis, and looking after your mental health are also necessary for you to maintain healthy body and keeping your cholesterol at the safe level. Maintaining your body mass index and body fat by eating healthy and always stay active will not only help you lower cholesterol levels naturally, but will reduce the risk of heart attack, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

Darah J. Nielsen, creator of
Get your free mini-course on how to lower cholesterol 100% naturally today!

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