Saturday, July 6, 2013

Remove Bad Cholesterol Problems With Fish Oil

How can fish oil reduce the bad LDL? Can fish oil boost the good HDL? By reading this article you will know exactly how. Don't miss the 5 Steps to take to improve Your Health & Lower Heart Disease Risk.

Cholesterol lowering fish oil may be one of the best natural treatments for the health problem. When it comes to LDL cholesterol reduction fish oil has quite an effect. LDL is the bad type. They are small particles that tend to stick to the arterial walls. HDL is the good type. They are large particles that are able to gather up the smaller ones and carry them back to the liver for reprocessing.

Lowers Total Blood Triglyceride Level

Cholesterol lowering fish oil has also been shown to lower total blood triglyceride levels, as well. That means that it lowers the total amount of fat that is found circulating in the bloodstream. People are at the greatest risk for heart disease when they have high blood triglyceride levels, accompanied by low HDL levels.

The Key is to Balance the Levels

So, what we really need to learn how to do is "balance" the levels. We want lower LDL levels and higher HDL levels. Lowering the total is not that important. In fact, it is possible to go too low. Research suggests that there is a link between abnormally low levels of cholesterol and depression, cancer and cerebral hemorrhage.

Statin drugs, which are the most common recommendation for imbalanced levels, could drive them down far lower than they should be and end up causing health problems. It is known that statins can cause the coenzyme Q10 depletion. Coenzyme Q10 is an important antioxidant. If it is depleted from the muscles, muscular death, which is accompanied by a great deal of pain, can occur.

Not All Cholesterol and Triglyceride is Bad

Cholesterols and triglycerides play an important role in metabolism by providing energy to the cells. They are used to create cellular membranes. They coat the nerve endings and make up part of the cushiony material that lines the joints. They are a major component of the brain, as well.

The cholesterol reduction fish oil provides will not be extreme enough to cause any health problem. It will only contribute to good health. There are several steps that you can take to improve your health and reduce your risk of heart disease, balance levels of HDL to LDL and lower total triglycerides.

5 Steps to Take to Improve Your Health & Lower Heart Disease Risk

1. First, you should eliminate trans-fatty acids from your diet. They are denatured and cause nothing but health problems.

2. Second, if you are overweight, you should try to lose the extra pounds.

3. Third, if you drink alcohol, you may need to cut back. One of cholesterol's components is alcohol.

4. Fourth, you may need to increase your level of physical activity.

5. The fifth thing is one that cholesterol lowering fish oil can help with and that is to correct hormonal imbalances caused by a lack of omega3 fatty acids in the diet. Omega3s are "good" fats. They are used by the body to produce anti-inflammatory hormones.

Alone, the cholesterol reduction fish oil provides may be enough, particularly if you don't normally eat much fatty fish. But, if you still find that your blood work-up is unhealthy, there are other beneficial nutrients and plant extracts, including policosanol and rice bran oil.

Before you buy cholesterol lowering fish oil, make sure that the manufacturer provides a pure and fresh product that contains large amounts of omega3 fatty acids. And now see my website listed below for more details on cholesterol lowering fish oil.

And now please visit for the recommended source of Cholesterol-lowering Fish Oil and Nutritional Supplements that are guaranteed to be safe and effective. And a FREE Health Newsletter is available for occasional new updates. Don't miss any new improved developments.

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