Thursday, February 20, 2014

How to Reduce High Cholesterol

How to reduce High Cholesterol levels can be a daunting factor for anyone recently diagnosed with this potentially life-threatening problem. After learning that we have a problem, most of us decide initially to conduct our own online research, only to find that after hours and hours diligently surfing from one web-site to the next, we eventually go into "information overload" and find ourselves almost totally confused by the menagerie of different opinions and "cures" available, from so called "experts.

In my case, my Cholesterol level was only marginally over the "Safe" limit, but I needed to do something about it immediately for peace of mind. Having a father who died at the young age of 58 from heart disease, was indeed a motivating factor. Once I'd researched the origins of my problem (mainly genetic, but also more than likely caused by lifestyle choices, diet & exercise, or lack of), I set out to find ways to lower my LDL (low-density lipoprotein) to a "safe" level via a modified dietary intake.

I have to admit, that I'm always more than a bit confused why many doctors are very quick to force prescription drugs into us without a mention of possible side effects, and yet emphatically deny that natural programs can in many cases prove to be very successful! I have my suspicions but this is not the place to air them. Given a choice and some well researched information, I'll choose natural remedies every time.

Though I'd recommend taking a trip to your local homeopathic doctor and/or health store for initial advice, there are many products available at your local supermarket which have excellent LDL lowering properties. By simply introducing these to your regular diet in moderation, along with regular exercise, you'll start to understand how to reduce high cholesterol to safe levels.

Here are some excellent natural resources for lowering cholesterol levels, take a look during your next shopping trip:

Soluble Fibres (found in Fruits & Vegetables):

These can be in the form of:



Citrus Fruits




Beans or Legumes

Other Foods used to Reduce High Cholesterol Levels include:


Grape seed and grape skin (related to red wines - also a great health promoting product)

Omega 3 (Mainly found in fish products - Tuna, Swordfish Salmon & Trout)

The new style margarine's - Benecol & Logical etc.)

Nuts (be careful of the calories though)

Oats - found in many cereals

Soy - there are some excellent soy milks to substitute dairy milk.

General rules include reducing your intake of red meat, eggs & dairy products, and substitute them with fish, fruit & Veg and soy products.

Reducing sodium, and sugar levels, and taking a close look at the fat content of any food you intend to ingest, with particular attention to the Saturated Fat content.

It's possible that despite changing your diet to include the above foods, you may still need to reduce your cholesterol levels even further, in this case you may need another solution. In this case, take a look at a great new way to fight cholesterol : Discover How To Lower Cholesterol Without Drugs

Finally, remember too that exercise is also a factor in this delicate balance, without both you'll struggle to maintain a healthy lifestyle, few of us enjoy exercise for health benefit, but much as working is necessary to maintain your lifestyle, exercise and healthy eating habits are too!

To your good health.

Scott Willoghby is a leading research authority for natural alternatives to health related issues. For further information regarding specialised natural treatment in the fight against High Cholesterol, check out a very useful resource to medication - The Prescription Free Cholesterol Cure []

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