Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Cholesterol Fighting Food - Surprising Tools For Effective Cholesterol Reduction

If you find yourself among the millions of individuals in America today who have learned from their doctors for their cholesterol levels are too high, then you basically have two options. The option that makes most sense is to begin increasing the amounts of cholesterol fighting food in your diet.

The second option, which you've probably had presented to you by your doctor is to begin taking statin medication which you will need to be on for the rest of your life. Now you tell me. What makes more sense? To put chemicals into your body for the rest of your life to improve your health, or to make certain powerful changes in your diet to improve your health. I think the answer is obvious.

The list of low cholesterol foods that you can use for planning your meals is immense. There are basically four categories of foods that have been shown effective for cholesterol reduction. Vegetables, fruit, nuts and whole grains. All of these foods to help avoid high cholesterol contain large quantities of the two primary substances that science has proven to lower cholesterol levels.

Each one is a cholesterol fighting food containing both fiber and plant sterols. Most individuals have heard a lot about soluble fiber although they usually think of it as a remedy for constipation. However, the benefits of a high fiber diet are far-reaching.

Fiber actually helps lower high cholesterol in two ways. First, cholesterol attaches itself to fiber in the intestines so that it can be removed from the body before it has a chance to be absorbed. Secondly, and more importantly, foods that are high in fiber content helps stimulate the liver into removing cholesterol from the blood stream.

Plant sterols have had a plethora of research surrounding their ability to block the absorption of cholesterol. This is due to the fact that sterols have a molecular design that has almost identical to cholesterol, causing them to compete with cholesterol for absorption.

If you really want to maintain your health and probably even extend your lifespan, then becoming familiar with lowering-cholesterol-resources.com/foods-to-avoid-high-cholesterol.html cholesterol fighting food and how best to make it a part of your everyday diet is one of the smartest things you can do. I encourage you to visit my website where I have a list of low cholesterol foods along with a thorough discussion of the most effective ways to lower high cholesterol.

Van Crawford has been researching health related issues for more than eight years. He shares his research into natural ways to lower cholesterol levels on his website, Lowering-Cholesterol-Resources.com/what-is-cholesterol.html Lowering-Cholesterol-Resources.com. To learn more about effective ways to lower your cholesterol and to learn how Van was able to lower his cholesterol without the use of medication, visit his website now.

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