Friday, December 27, 2013

Unlocking Some of the Secrets of Low Cholesterol Diets

Certainly there are plenty of low cholesterol diets claiming to have the secret to lowering cholesterol. But when you get right down to it controlling cholesterol is about reducing the consumption of saturated fat and trans fatty acids.

Saturated fats: By now most people have heard of saturated fats and realize they should be avoided, or at the very least dramatically reduced, as part of any heart healthy diet. Fats that are solid at room temperature consist mainly of saturated fat. Marbled meats, duck, poultry skin, butter, and cream are loaded with artery clogging saturated fats and should not be a part of low cholesterol diets. The amount of saturated fat consumed can be more dangerous to blood cholesterol levels than cholesterol in foods such as egg yolks. Additionally, coconut and palms are loaded with saturated fats and should be avoided altogether.

Trans-fatty acids: While most have heard of avoiding saturated fats many have not heard of the dangers of trans-fatty acids. These fats are made in the hydrogenation process that solidifies liquid oils for use in preparation of many types of food products. Trans fatty acids can play a major role in elevating bad cholesterol (LDL), which promotes clogged arteries and ultimately increases the risk of heart disease. Sources of trans fatty acids are deep fried foods, crackers, doughnuts, cookies, and stick margarine. Low cholesterol diets should contain no more than 10 percent saturated fat and little or no trans fatty acids. Next why don't we move on to a few little known ideas, along with a couple you may already know, for achieving overall success in the area of low cholesterol diets.

Wash ground meat: Do what! I recently bought a package of ground turkey that was labeled 43% less fat than beef. Upon examining the label it became clear it must be being compared to a cow that had been on a butter binge for most of its life. This supposed heart healthy alternative contained 25 percent saturated fat. My answer was to cook the meat then place it in a strainer to let the liquid run off. After five minutes or so run hot water over the ground beef to get rid of any additional fat.

Cool before eating: Cool soups, chili's, and gravies to allow saturated fat to congeal on top, then simply spoon it away and reheat. Every tablespoon of fat eliminated will save 100 calories along with the excess saturated fat and cholesterol.

Low fat or no fat: When given the choice, choose low fat or fat free cheese, sour cream, salad dressing, milk, and mayonnaise.

Skimp on the meat: Meat serving size should be lean cuts limited to a deck of playing cards. Better yet, substitute fish high in omega 3 oils such as salmon, mackerel, and albacore tuna.

Learn to love olive oil and/or canola oil: Find recipes or substitute olive or canola oil instead of high saturated and trans fat options such as palm oil, lard, shortening, or butter.

In summary, effective low cholesterol diets don't have to be made up of some hidden secret lost for the last ten thousand years only to be revealed today for your benefit. In fact, some of the most successful low cholesterol diets simply involve making heart healthy choices through common sense and becoming an expert label detective.

Additionally, many natural health minded individuals have found success by combining low cholesterol diets with natural cholesterol remedies. This powerful combination has helped many reach their cholesterol reduction goals, and is a natural cholesterol reduction plan worth considering.

Rob D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic advocate for the use of safe and effective high quality alternitive health products and natural living, with over 10 years experience in the field. Learn more about natural remedies and natural health at Purchase

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