Friday, September 20, 2013

Lowering Cholesterol Recipes - Effective Cholesterol Reduction Without Using Medication

If you are looking for effective ways to reduce your high cholesterol without using medication, then learning to prepare lowering cholesterol recipes is a skill that you should develop. In and of itself, lowering cholesterol naturally is not difficult.

However, many individuals give up because of a lack of enjoyable recipes to choose from. The key is to learn how to prepare recipes to lower cholesterol that are not commonplace. Therefore, it is important to learn about the full range of cholesterol lowering foods that you can use.

Many individuals find that the best recipes to reduce cholesterol are found in some of the most well-known diet plans. The South Beach diet, for instance contains many wonderful recipes, many of which I still use even though I am no longer working to reduce my cholesterol.

Look for creative ways to use high fiber foods such as vegetables fruit and nuts. Recipes that are centered around fish such as salmon are also a good choice. While the nutrients found in fish have not been shown to lower cholesterol, they will help reduce high triglycerides while they fight heart disease.

Whatever recipes you end up using for reducing high cholesterol, it is important that they emphasize a reduction in the amount of saturated fat. Now that's not to say you should eliminate all fat from your diet. The omega-3 fatty acids found in fish and nuts are critical in a diet for lowering cholesterol levels.

Not only do they help improve your cardiovascular system, but these essential fatty acids also support a balanced mental attitude while dieting.

As you prepare lowering cholesterol recipes, look for the best foods to avoid high cholesterol which include:

1.) Vegetables such as broccoli, spinach and brussels sprouts.

2.) Fruit-Most types of fruit are powerful cholesterol lowering foods, but do contain high amounts of natural sugar. Look for low glycemic fruits such as Granny Smith apples.

3.) Whole grains such as oats and flax seed. The fiber content of these foods is essential for reducing elevated cholesterol levels.

4.) Nuts-As was mentioned earlier, the fats found in nuts are extremely important when it comes to reducing cholesterol levels. They are also high in fiber which contributes greatly to lowering high cholesterol.

These are the foods that the best lowering cholesterol recipes will contain. Cooking with them on a consistent basis will provide results that are every bit as good as what can be obtained from cholesterol medication. I invite you to visit my website for an in-depth discussion of the best foods, diets and recipes to lower cholesterol.

Van Crawford has been studying health and nutrition for over 10 years as he has researched ways to lower his own cholesterol levels. Visit his website now for more information on powerful ways to improve your health and lower your cholesterol: Foods To Avoid High Cholesterol

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