Thursday, December 5, 2013

Potential Problems With Low Carbohydrate Diets

Traditional low carbohydrate diets such as the Atkins diet have been touted as rapid means for weight loss. These diets have been criticized on several grounds. Firstly a strictly low carbohydrate food pattern limits the intake of certain food groups which can be important sources of nutrients such as the B-vitamins, calcium and potassium.

Adopting such an eating plan may lead to a reduced fiber and fruit intake in the long term. The low fiber content of these diets may lead to various intestinal problems. Fiber has been implicated in improved intestinal health and a reduction in certain cancers such as bowel cancer. These diets are also relatively low in fruit. Although the health benefits of fruits are not fully understood, their rich nutrient and anti-oxidant content should not be underestimated.

Diets such as Atkins tend to be high in saturated fat. This type of fat is associated with an increase in blood cholesterol levels which is associated with an increased risk of heart disease. Although short-term studies have shown no adverse effects on blood cholesterol in groups following the Atkins regime, there are some individuals whose blood cholesterol has increased drastically.

The high protein content of these diets may in fact be detrimental to long-term health. One important concern is that these diets tend to promote increased calcium excretion from the body and thus a negative calcium balance. This is particularly dangerous for those who are not consuming adequate amounts of calcium. Since Atkins does not recommend milk and some other dairy products, the calcium intake amongst some individuals may be very much compromised. In addition, the high amounts of processed meats on these diets increases sodium intake which is also known to increase calcium excretion and thus potentially have a negative effect on bone health.

Therefore a modification of the Atkins-type regime would be recommended to ensure safe long-term weight loss. This would include the addition of some low glycaemic, high fiber carbohydrates e.g. legumes, the replacement of saturated fat with the more healthful mono- and poly-unsaturated fats, the addition of rich sources of calcium, and a wider range of acceptable fruits and vegetables.

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