It's several months into the new year. The diet you promised yourself you would start and stick to hasn't worked. Sound familiar? Well, remove the word diet from your vocabulary forever and be on your way to a leaner healthier you.
It's a proven fact that dieting is only a short term fix to a lifelong struggle. We change our eating habits, achieve our desired goal and then return to our old habits again. This is characterized by those yo-yo dieters you've heard so much about. Not only is the behavior depressing especially for those who lose the weight just to gain it all back but it's also extremely unhealthy.
The key to successful weight loss is changing your lifestyle. If you want true success, the healthy habits you incorporate to lose those extra pounds are the same habits you must keep to insure that the weight won't return.
Here are a few tips to help you modify your behavior to achieve and maintain your target weight.
Drink plenty of water. 6 to 8-eight ounce glasses daily is great. However 8 -10 is magnificient. Water gives the sense of fullness and flushes your system of impurities.
If you love fast food - it's okay. Have a kids meal instead of that super size meal you normally treat yourself to.
Avoid fried foods as much as possible. Bake, broil, and/or boil your meats. Your waist and heart will thank you.
Avoid processed foods as much as possible. Most of these foods are very high in sodium and other harmful preservatives.Fresh meat and veggies are best. A good rule of thumb I live by regarding meat is: If I don't have to cook it to eat it - I don't need it!
Eat plenty of fruit. Most fruit is high in fiber which adds a boost to your metabolism.
If you must eat after 6pm, make sure it's fruit or a low calorie, low fat snack.
Never lay down after meals! This is like nails in your coffin. Stay up atleast 30 minutes to a hour after eating. In the long run this can also prevent problems with indigestion, acid reflux and other gastrointestinal problems.
Start counting your calories. There are some who recommend low fat, low carb, low cholesterol. However low calorie is most important. It is increased caloric intake that causes weight gain. Remember that. If you know what's going in, you'll know what needs to come out.
Finally, exercise, exercise, exercise. Some form of exercise for atleast 30 minutes each day will burn additional calories and improve your overall endurance and health.
Now, after you've incorporated these tips into your daily routine and you've achieved your desired weight, DON'T STOP! Maintain these habits and they truly will become habits. Here's to a slimmer, healthier you. Live long and strong!
Roschelle Nelson is the founder and publisher of She lives and works at her home with her husband and two sons.
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