Saturday, August 31, 2013

Lower Cholesterol and Your Time

There is no shortage of articles on exercising and foods that lower cholesterol. There is no shortage of weight loss and fitness programs. There is no shortage of people who are not happy with their current health and condition. In spite of the fact that we have so many options and advice, the unhealthy trend of our current society continues. Why this is has many factors, but health is usually a result of lifestyle and our lifestyles are fast paced and time limited.

Time limitations are a key factor when trying to maintain a regular exercise routine or prepare proper meals. In between work and family and the myriad of time consumers of life. These time consumers sometimes force us to opt for a meal that we know is not nutritious but keeps us from being hungry. We'd like to exercise to lower our cholesterol but the hectic day leaves us with little energy or time to follow through. It may be that time or the lack of it is a serious health risk.

If this is the case then the fight is not so much with which fitness program or which diet we're on but rather how way we approach our time. If we handle our time in a haphazard manner then we will continue to fall victim to the lifestyle that has plagued us thus far. Organization would be a key element if we are to attack a time problem.

Getting organized is one thing, staying organized and sticking to it is another. Being realistic and honest with ourselves from the start will be important when we set out to organize our time.

By being realistic we will not try to set aside an hour for exercise after work everyday, when we've been having trouble getting in ten minutes. Instead set aside five minutes, five minutes is better than no minutes and also a habit of exercising will develop. After the habit is developed you can increase it as time allows.

Our lifestyles are a result of small habits developed over time. Organizing and developing new habits should also be done in small steps and develop over time. Smaller realistic steps are more likely to be maintained and built upon. Lower cholesterol and good health for many is a function of time and having time is a matter of organization and organization is a matter of discipline.

Unfortunately organization and discipline may doom many to a lifestyle and health risks that they do not desire. What we desire and why will be the most important factor in deciding to pursue a healthy low cholesterol lifestyle. This Desire is another topic for another day.

Lifestyle changes and "How and when to be your own Doctor"
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Bodybuilding Diet and Nutrition Advice - Bodybuilding Nutrition and Diet Basics


A key component of the formula for bodybuilding success is nutrition. Nutrition is what gives us the raw materials for recuperation, energy, and growth. Without a good diet, your dreams of achieving your ideal body will never be reached.

In this article I'll discuss the characteristics of a good bodybuilding diet and also cover the macronutrients that we need on a daily basis, as well as how much, in order to gain muscle and lose fat.

Characteristics of a Good Nutrition Program

1) It should favor smaller and frequent feedings throughout the day instead of large and infrequent ones. Why? Because when you feed your body several times a day, your metabolism increases. Therefore, you burn more fat. Frequent feedings are of particular importance since after three to four hours of no food your body switches to a catabolic state (a state in which you lose muscle and gain fat!).

The body believes that it is starving and it starts feeding itself on lean muscle tissue and it prepares to store calories as fat. Bad scenario! Therefore, in order for your program to work, you will eat between four to six meals (depending gender and goals) a day spaced out at 2 to 3 hour intervals.

2)Every meal should have carbohydrates, protein and fat in the correct ratios. Having a meal that is not balanced (for example is all carbohydrates) won't yield the desired results. Every macronutrient has to be present in order for the body to absorb them and use them properly. Without boring you with the effect of food on the body's biochemistry, let's just say that if you only eat carbohydrates in one meal without anything else, your energy levels will crash in about 30 minutes and your body will be storing any carbohydrates that were not used into fat. Conversely, if you only eat protein, you will lack energy and your body will not be able to turn the protein into muscle because it is difficult for the body to absorb protein in the absence of carbohydrates. In addition, the ratios for each particular macronutrient have to be correct in order to get the results that you want. The ratio of our diet will look like the following:

40% Carbohydrates

40% Protein

20% Fats

Note that for every serving of carbohydrates, you get a serving of Protein. You can use Bill Phillips' Method of creating meals which is to count a portion of carbohydrates as the amount of food the size of your clenched fist and a portion of protein as the amount of food the size of your open palms.

3) The calories should be cycled. I strongly believe in caloric cycling as this will not allow the metabolism to get used to a certain caloric level; something that leads to stagnant results.

Therefore, bodybuilders in search of just muscle mass should follow 5 days of high calories (lean body mass x 15) with two days of lower caloric intake (lean body mass x12). Bodybuilders in search of losing fat while building muscle at the same time should follow 5 days of lower caloric intake (lean body mass x12) with 2 days of higher calories (lean body mass x 15).

Note: If you build muscle and lose fat at the same time you will not gain muscle as fast as you would if you just concentrated in muscle mass. However, you get to get both goals accomplished at the same time.

People interested in body sculpting (which is moderate muscle building with enough fat loss to go down to 10% body fat for males and 12-13% for women) should alternate between two weeks of lower calories (around 2000 for men and 1200 for women) and two weeks of higher calories (around 2500 for men and 1500 for women). These caloric intakes assume a normal activity level that only includes body sculpting training. Those of you involved in activities like marathon running or heavy physical labor jobs need to adjust your calories upwards accordingly mainly in the form of carbohydrates in order to support your higher levels of activity.

What's a Diet?

While the word "diet" brings these images of pain and starvation to most people's mind, a diet is simply the food choices that you make on a daily basis. So if you eat potato chips and sodas all day long, that is your diet.

Regardless of which diet you follow, there are 3 macronutrients that are present in one way or the other in all of them. Understanding what role these nutrients play, how to obtain them, and how much to consume of them on a daily basis will lead you to the bodybuilding and fitness results you have been looking for.

Bodybuilding Nutrition Basics

There are 3 macronutrients that the human body needs in order to function properly. These macronutrients make up your bodybuilding and/or fitness diet.

1) Carbohydrates:

Carbohydrates are your body's main source of energy. When you ingest carbohydrates your pancreas releases a hormone called insulin. Insulin is very important because:

A) On a very simplistic level, it takes the carbohydrates and either stores them in the muscle or stores them as fat (assuming that the carbohydrates are not needed for energy at the moment and assuming that both the muscles and the liver stores are full).

B) It takes the amino acids (protein) and delivers them inside the muscle cell for recovery and repair.

Most people that are overweight and are in low fat/high carbohydrate diets got into that condition because they are eating an overabundance of carbohydrates. Too many carbohydrates cause a huge release of insulin. When there is too much insulin in the body, your body turns into a fat storing machine.

Therefore, it is important that we eat no more carbohydrates than necessary and that we eat the right amount of carbohydrates.

Now that we have talked about the importance of having just the right amount of carbohydrates, let's talk about which are the best sources of carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates are divided into complex carbohydrates and simple carbohydrates. The complex carbohydrates give you sustained energy ("timed release") while the simple carbohydrates gives you immediate energy. It is recommended that you eat mainly complex carbohydrates throughout the day except after the workout where your body needs simple carbohydrates in order to replenish its glycogen levels immediately, something that will aid faster recuperation and rebuild of the muscle. Below is a list of good sources of carbohydrates:

Complex Carbohydrates:

There are two types:

1) Starchy: Oatmeal (1 cup dry), sweet potatoes (8 oz baked), potatoes (8 oz baked), rice (1 cup cooked), pasta (8oz cooked), corn (1 cup canned), peas (2 cups cooked). Each serving approximately equals 40-50 grams of carbohydrates.

2) Fibrous: Broccoli (1/2 cup raw), carrots (1 cup raw), cauliflower (1/2 cup raw), green beans (1/2 cup raw), lettuce (5 cups raw), mushrooms (3/4 cups raw), pepper (1/2 cup raw), spinach (3-1/2 cups raw), zucchini (1 cup raw). Each serving approximately equals 6 grams of carbohydrates.

Simple Carbohydrates:

Apples (1 apple), bananas (1 banana), grapefruit (1 grapefruit), grapes (22 grapes), oranges (1-1/2 orange), pears (1 pear), pineapple (3/4 of a cup).

Each serving approximately equals 20-25 grams of carbohydrates.

2) Protein

Every tissue in your body is made up from protein (i.e., muscle, hair, skin, and nails). Proteins are the building blocks of muscle tissue. Without it, building muscle and burning fat efficiently would be impossible. Its importance is paramount. Protein also helps increase your metabolism every time you eat it by 20%! It also makes the carbohydrates timed release, so you get sustained energy throughout the day.

Everybody that is involved in a weight training program should consume between 1 gram of protein to 1.5 grams of protein per pound of lean body mass (meaning that if you are 100 lbs. And have 10% body fat, you should consume at least 90 g of protein since your lean body mass = 90 lbs.). Nobody should consume more than 1.5 grams per pound of lean body mass as this is unnecessary and the extra protein may get turned into fat.

Good examples of protein are eggs (I use Egg Substitute: 1-1/2 cups liquid), chicken breast (cooked, skinless and boneless: 6 oz), turkey (cooked, skinless and boneless: 6 oz), lean (90% lean) red meats (6 oz), and tuna (6 oz). Each serving size equals approximately 35-40 grams of protein.

3) Healthy Fats

All the cells in the body have some fat in them. Hormones are manufactured from fats. Also fats lubricate your joints. So if you eliminate the fat from your diet, then your hormonal production will go down and a whole array of chemical reactions will be interrupted. Your body will then start accumulating more body fat than usual so that it has enough fat to keep on functioning. Since testosterone production is halted, so is muscle building. Therefore, in order to have an efficient metabolism we need fat.

There are three types of fats: Saturated, polyunsaturated, and monounsaturated.

a) Saturated Fats: Saturated fats are associated with heart disease and high cholesterol levels. They are found to a large extent in products of animal origin. However, some vegetable fats are altered in a way that increases the amount of saturated fats in them by a chemical process known as hydrogenation. Hydrogenated vegetable oils are generally found in packaged foods. In addition, cocunut oil, palm oil, and palm kernel oil, which are also frequently used in packaged foods and non-dairy creamers are also highly saturated.

b) Polyunsaturated Fats: Fats that do not have an effect in cholesterol levels. Most of the fats in vegetable oils, such as corn, cottonseed, safflower, soybean, and sunflower oil are polyunsaturated.

c) Monounsaturated Fats: Fats that have a positive effect on the good cholesterol levels. These fats are usually high on the essential fatty acids and may have antioxidant properties. Sources of these fats are Fish Oils, Virgin Olive Oil, Canola Oil, and Flaxseed Oil. We like to refer to these type of fats as good fats.

Twenty percent of your calories should come from good fats. Any less than 20% and your hormonal production goes down. Any more than 20% and you start accumulating plenty of fat. The way that I get my fats is by taking 1 teaspoon of Flaxseed Oil three times a day (I put them in my protein shakes).

Good sources of fat are canola oil (1 tablespoon), natural peanut butter (2 tablespoons), olive oil (1 tablespoon), flaxseed oil (1 tablespoon), and fish oils (1 tablespoon). Each serving size contains approximately 14 grams of fat. Alternatively you can get these fats from good EFA products like Labrada's EFA Lean.


Water is by far the most abundant substance in our body. Without water, an organism would not survive very long. Most people that come to me for advice on how to get in shape, almost always underestimate the value of water.

Water is good for the following reasons:

1) Over 65% of your body is composed of water (most of the muscle cell is water).

2) Water cleanses your body from toxins and pollutants that would get you sick.

3) Water is needed for all of the complex chemical reactions that your body needs to perform on a daily basis. Processes such as energy production, muscle building, and fat burning require water. A lack of water would interrupt all of these processes.

4) Water helps lubricate the joints.

5) When the outside temperature is up, water serves as a coolant to bring the body temperature down to where it is supposed to be.

6) Water helps control your appetite. Sometimes when you feel hungry after a good meal this sensation indicates a lack of water. Drinking water at that time would take the craving away.

7) Cold water increases your metabolism.

In order to know how much water your body needs a day, just multiply your lean body weight by .66. This would indicate how many ounces of water you need in a day.

Sample Bodybuilding Diet For Men

Meal 1 (7 AM)

1 cup of dry oats mixed with water

1 cup of egg beaters

4 caps Labrada's EFA Lean Gold

Meal 2 (9 AM)

Meal replacement packet like Labrada's Lean Body mixed with water or a protein powder like Pro V60 (with around 40 grams of protein) mixed with 40 grams of carbs from cream of rice, grits, or oatmeal.

1 Tablespoon of Flaxseed Oil (Spectrum brand is best)

Meal 3 (12 Noon)

1 cup of brown rice, or medium sized baked potato, or 1 cup of oatmeal

2 cups of green beans, broccoli or any other desired vegetable

6-8 ounces of chicken, turkey, or lean fish

4 caps Labrada's EFA Lean Gold

Meal 4 (3 PM)

Same as Meal 2

Meal 5 (6 PM)

1 cup of brown rice, or medium sized baked potato, or 1 cup of oatmeal

2 cups of green beans, broccoli or any other desired vegetable

6-8 ounces of chicken, turkey, or lean fish

4 caps Labrada's EFA Lean Gold

Meal 6 (8 PM)

Same as Meal 2

Recommended Basic Bodybuilding Supplements For Men

(Essential to take)

Definitely make sure that you cover at least the basics of supplementation which are a Multiple Vitamin and Mineral formula, 3 grams of Vitamin C split in 3 equal servings throughout the day, 200mcg of Chromium Picolinate, and essential fatty acids coming from either fish oils, flaxseed oil, extra virgin olive oil, or Labrada's EFA Lean. Also, for convenience purposes a good meal replacement like Labrada's Lean Body or a protein powder like Pro V60 is a great way to add valuable calories and nutrients to your diet.

Performance Enhancing Supplementation

(Recommended for hard training bodybuilders who want to get the most out of their program}

In addition to those basic supplements, I would also recommend Creatine and Glutamine as these two supplements offer many of the same properties as anabolic steroids (such as increased recovery, increased strength, increased glycogen levels, enhanced immune system and higher nitrogen synthesis) without the side effects as they are not hormones. In addition, Nitric Oxide boosters may be of help as well. (Note: a product that conveniently has all of these items is the Super Charge! Xtreme).

Sample Bodybuilding Diet For Women

Meal 1 (7 AM)

1/2 cup of dry oats mixed with water

1/2 cup of egg beaters

2 caps Labrada's EFA Lean Gold

Meal 2 (9 AM)

Meal replacement packet like Labrada's Lean Body for Her mixed with water or a protein powder like Pro V60 (with around 20 grams of protein) mixed with 20 grams of carbs from cream of rice, grits, or oatmeal.

1/2 Tablespoon of Flaxseed Oil (Spectrum Brand is Best)

Meal 3 (12 Noon)

1/2 cup of brown rice, or medium sized baked potato, or 1 cup of oatmeal

2 cups of green beans, broccoli or any other desired vegetable

6 ounces of chicken, turkey, or lean fish

2 caps Labrada's EFA Lean Gold

Meal 4 (3 PM)

Same as Meal 2

Meal 5 (6 PM)

1/2 cup of brown rice, or medium sized baked potato, or 1 cup of oatmeal

2 cups of green beans, broccoli or any other desired vegetable

6 ounces of chicken, turkey, or lean fish

2 caps Labrada's EFA Lean Gold

Meal 6 (8 PM)

Same as Meal 2

Recommended Basic Bodybuilding Supplements For Women

(Essential to take)

Definitely make sure that you cover at least the basics of supplementation which are a Multiple Vitamin and Mineral formula, 3 grams of Vitamin C split in 3 equal servings throughout the day, extra Calcium (preferably calcium citrate for best absorption), 200mcg of Chromium Picolinate, and essential fatty acids coming from either fish oils, flaxseed oil, extra virgin olive oil or EFA Lean Body Gold. Also, for convenience purposes a good meal replacement or protein powder is a great way to add valuable calories and nutrients to your diet. For more information on this subject please refer to my article on Bodybuilding Supplementation Basics.

Hugo Rivera, CFT, SPN, BSCE, is a lifetime natural bodybuilder, multi-certified personal trainer, industry consultant and fitness expert who not only knows training and nutrition theory, but also applies it on a daily basis as evidenced by the fact that he's always in shape and by his awards and high placings at numerous national level bodybuilding competitions. He is also an internationally known best selling fitness author with a very successful franchise of books called "The Body Sculpting Bibles" which collectively have sold hundreds of thousands of copies.

Hugo Rivera, CFT, SPN, BSCE, is a lifetime natural bodybuilder, multi-certified personal trainer, industry consultant and fitness expert who not only knows training and nutrition theory, but also applies it on a daily basis as evidenced by the fact that he's always in shape and by his awards and high placings at numerous national level bodybuilding competitions. He is also an internationally known best selling fitness author with a very successful franchise of books called "The Body Sculpting Bibles" which collectively have sold hundreds of thousands of copies.

Hugo is also author of the very popular "Body Re-Engineering" e-book which teaches you how to gain lean muscle mass and get lean without drugs, or fancy expensive supplements, using the secrets he devised after many years of weight problems as a child. For more information on Hugo Rivera, please visit his website at For more information on his e-book Body Re-Engineering, please visit

Low Carb Diets: The Final Verdict

New research provides solid evidence that a low carb diet is VERY effective. Study after study shows the impact that a low carb diet has not only on weight loss, but also blood sugar and cholesterol. But before we examine this evidence, let's first discuss carbs and their impact on weight.

What are "good" carbs and what are "bad" carbs?

When I talk about carbohydrates, I'm referring to the starchy carbs like grains (flour, bread, cereal, oatmeal, pasta), potatoes, corn, and any kind of sugar (including fruit). Vegetables are also a type of carbohydrates, but most vegetables are GOOD carbs, and we all need to eat more of this type of carb.

If you are at a healthy weight, and have no disease (diabetes, heart disease, cancer, high cholesterol, etc.) it is probably ok for you to consume the "bad" carbohydrates in small amounts. But most of us do not fall into this category, and until we do, we need to strictly limit the amount of carbs that we eat. Doing this will help most people to achieve a healthy weight and vastly improve their overall health. (Many people have even reported being "cured" of their diseases through a high-vegetable, low carb diet.)

Why do we gain weight when we eat too many carbohydrates?

Here's a view into how the body handles carbohydrates:

Our bodies cannot store large amounts of carbohydrates; we are only built to store very small amounts. We are meant to use the glucose in the carbohydrates for burning through activity. But our diet (especially the "standard American diet") is VERY high in carbs. Because we cannot possibly burn off all that glucose, it gets converted by insulin into fat. Then that fat is stored in our stomachs, hips, thighs, and chins.

When we eat something that's high in carbohydrates, it causes a rapid rise in blood glucose (or "blood sugar"). This signals the pancreas to secrete the hormone insulin into the bloodstream. The insulin lowers the blood sugar, and makes this sugar available to our cells for energy. Any excess blood sugar that is not used for energy (activity, exercise) must be stored for future use. Unfortunately, the way this is stored is in our fat tissue.

It gets worse. When we consistently eat foods that are high in carbs, our insulin levels become chronically high. High insulin levels suppress two other important hormones (glucagons and growth hormones) that burn fat and sugar and promote muscle development. So eating excess carbohydrates not only promotes fat, it also makes it harder to lose that fat, and creates a vicious cycle.

Dr. Atkins would be proud. More research supports the use of a low carb diet, and its long-lasting effect on weight loss.

In a June 2006 article published in Nutrition and Metabolism, researchers studied the effect of a low-carb diet on obese type 2 diabetic patients vs a higher-carbohydrate diet. More specifically, the low carb group eliminated pasta, potatoes, rice, and breakfast cereals and instead of ordinary bread, consumed crisp/hard bread (probably similar to the Bran-A-Crisp recommended in the Atkins Diet) that contained 4-8 grams of carbs. The low carb group consumed 80-90 grams of carbohydrates a day, all of which were from vegetables and salad (no fruit). The study was conducted over the course of six months (a small amount of time considering that it probably took these people years to become obese).

The group that ate a higher-carbohydrate diet obtained the majority of their carbohydrates from whole grain products and fruit (they also consumed generous helpings of vegetables). The two group's caloric intake was about the same.

The results? The low carb group lost an average of 25 pounds! Even more significant was that this group kept the weight off: after 2 years, the average weight loss was still 20 pounds. As an added benefit, almost half of the patients who were on antidiabetes drugs and insulin were able to stop taking the drugs altogether.

The researchers' conclusion: "a low-carbohydrate diet...has lasting benefits on body weight".

So what are you waiting for? It's time to finally break the addiction to grains, potatoes, and sugar. Go through your kitchen and TOSS everything that's a grain, potato, or sugar (or made with any of those things). Not having the "bad" stuff in the house makes a HUGE difference in your weight loss success.

The TRUTH about Low Carb Foods

The downside to the low carb diet is that most packaged low carb foods are filled with junk and can make you sick. Most low carb diets emphasize hormone, nitrate, and pesticide-laden meats, fats, and dairy products that you should never consume in large quantities. Then, the "sweet treats" that people use as part of their low carb diet are filled with artificial sweeteners that have a cloudy and questionable safety history. Most low carb foods are a far cry from healthy food.

Other unhealthy ingredients that are frequently seen in low carb food products include soy flour and modified food starch--these products do more harm than good. People turn to these packaged products seeking an easy, convenient way to eat "low carb" with a busy schedule and on a budget. But there are much healthier low carb alternatives that are still quick and easy.

The Bottom Line

The low carb diet is here to stay. It works, plain and simple. But there can be damaging effects of eating poor quality low carb foods. There are healthy ways to eat low carb, and it means eating WHOLE, high quality foods, not packaged products. (Although there certainly ARE some healthy low carb packaged products, but you have to read ingredients carefully.) Finding sources of natural meats and dairy products is also important. It can be an effort, but it's well worth it, especially considering the huge health impact of being overweight.

Learn more about a healthy low carb diet that provides LASTING weight loss at This site provides unique and holistic weight loss solutions that WORK. Also includes the SECRET to weight loss--it's a pleasant surprise!

Free Low Cholesterol Diets - Top Strategies to Lower Cholesterol With Your Diet

You may not realize it, but 50% of American adults today have high or borderline high cholesterol, which is one of the reasons free low cholesterol diets are becoming so popular today. This is a dangerous condition and can put you at risk for major health problems like stroke and heart attack. Although statins are medications commonly used to deal with this medical problem, many people prefer a natural treatment or need more than medication to keep this problem well controlled.

Changing the way that you eat with a diet for lowering cholesterol is one of the best, safest, and most natural ways that you can lower cholesterol for a healthier body. Along with some of the free low cholesterol diets that you can find out there, here are some top strategies that you can use to help eliminate this problem with your diet.

Strategy #1 - Reduce Your Intake of Saturated Fats

If you want to use your diet to lower your cholesterol effectively, one of the most important strategies is to reduce your intake of saturated fats. Saturated fats are one of the main diet culprits that can be problematic. Most people should have no more than a total of 16 grams of saturated fats per day. Limit the baked goods, full fat dairy products, fried foods, and red meats that you eat to lower the intake of saturated fat in your diet. Reading labels can help you to identify foods high in saturated fat so you can limit them.

Strategy #2 - Add Soluble Fiber to Your Diet

Another important strategy to use with a diet you can use is adding soluble fiber to your diet on a daily basis. You should add at least 5-10 grams each day. You can find soluble fiber in foods like veggies, fruits, oats, and beans. This soluble fiber works to trap the cholesterol while it is in your digestive tract so it does not get into the bloodstream, which is why it is such a great method for lowering your levels of bad cholesterol.

Strategy #3 - Reduce Total Calories to Lose Weight

As you look at many of the free low cholesterol diets out there, you will probably find that many of them work to reduce calories. This is going to be an important strategy if you are overweight because excess weight can increase bad cholesterol. Reducing overall intake of calories can help you to lose weight, which can help solve this problem. Just beware of lowering calorie intake too much or you risk serious health problems.

Strategy #4 - Include Plant Sterols and Stanols in Your Diet

When you want to use diet to lower cholesterol, you can include plant sterols and stanols in your diet, another important strategy that can provide great results. These compounds are found in seeds, nuts, and vegetable oils, although some foods are enhanced with these compounds as well. Twice a day you should have foods that include sterols and stanols, which can include orange juice and some margarines.

These are just a few of the strategies that you can use as a part of your diet. You cannot afford to allow your cholesterol to stay out of control. Instead of relying solely on drugs, a better option is to go on a good diet for lowering cholesterol.

A good cholesterol lowering diet is indeed a great way to take control of your body. To find more diet tips, information, and great supplements that can lower cholesterol for better health, visit

From Rajagopalan, A strong advocate of natural healthy living.

Best Diet Plan to Follow

There are so many diet plans out there. Which is the best diet plan to follow? They all seem to promise guaranteed weight loss. Some of them guarantee that you will lose a specific number of pounds in a specific number of days. Some of them guarantee that you will enjoy your diet and that you will feel satisfied and not feel deprived. So which one should you follow? Should you just roll the dice and pick one and try it? Are they all equally viable options? Or are some diets more suitable for some types of people then others? Let's take a look at your options and you be the judge.

Low carbohydrate diet - This type of diet is one in which you eat as much quantity as you want of every type of food, except for carbohydrates. You must restrict your carbohydrate intake drastically. Some notable examples of this diet follow:

Atkins Diet: Eat as much of every food you want without regard for fat, cholesterol, proteins, calories, or anything else... ALL you must do is restrict your carbohydrate intake to 20 grams per day for fourteen days. This diet promises rapid weight loss. Most people who follow this diet do in fact lose five to twenty pounds in two weeks. But this type of diet is not truly sustainable for a lifetime, because even though it gradually increases your carbohydrate intake over time, after the fourteenth day, your carbohydrate intake will always be held under constant scrutiny, and more than likely your "lifetime" daily carbohydrate intake will be significantly less than what you are accustomed to.

The Protein Power Diet - Do not eat any carbohydrates throughout the day. However, you are allowed to eat as many carbohydrates as you would like for one hour per day only. As with the Atkins diet, this is not an easy diet to maintain, for psychological as well as physiological reasons.

Low calorie diet - This type of diet is one in which you eat all kinds of foods but you significantly reduce your intake by counting the number of calories you are consuming every day and making sure never to exceed that number. The principle behind this is that if you burn more calories than you consume, you will lose weight. Some notable examples of this are:

Weight Watchers: Every food in the whole world is assigned a "point value" and you can eat any type of food in the whole word, as long as you do not exceed your daily points allotment, which is a number based on your present weight. This diet promises you very slow and steady weight loss, at the rate of one to two pounds per week. The theory behind this slow approach is that you are less likely to give up on the diet if you train your body to eat less and use your points wisely to consume more healthy foods. However, the downside is that once you reach your goal weight, you are committed to counting points even on the "lifetime" diet. You must never exceed your daily maintenance points allotment if you are to never gain any weight back.

Nutrisystem: This program takes all the guesswork (and preparation effort) out of what to eat on a diet. This program requires a paid subscription, in which they will ship you or you must go out and buy only the foods that they prescribe, from their line of brand-name products. There is no room to eat anything on your own. You MUST eat Nutrisystem prepared meals.

Calorie shifting diet - This is a relatively new diet plan that has a unique approach to dieting. You can eat as much food as you want until you are satisfied. However, you must shift your calories. That means that you will be eating carbohydrates, proteins, meats, fruits, and vegetables, group together into four meals per day, and rotate which types of calories you can eat at which times every day over an eleven day period. After the eleventh day, you are allowed to take 3 days off and "cheat". You can eat whatever you want for three days before you must get back on the regimen for another eleven days. The novelty of this diet is that there is no calorie restriction. The only caveat is that you must eat only until you are satisfied and not until you are stuffed. Also, you can eat as many calories, carbohydrates, and proteins as you want. You are merely triggering a metabolic response from your body to burn stored fat by only feeding it certain calories at certain times of day that are conducive to maximizing your body's metabolism.

Do you have a plan for weight loss this year?

Fat Burning Diets You Can Make Yourself

Are you thinking of trying one of the pre-packaged fat burning diets out there? Which one: Jay Robb's Fat Burning Diet or Strip the Fat? Other diet programs like South Beach Diet, cabbage soup diet and many more actually say that their programs burn calories as well. Wait! Before you spend your hard earned money on one of these programs, consider coming up with your own fat burning diet.

To lose weight and get the best fat burn, you have to eat the right kind of foods in moderation AND engage in physical activities. If you continue to eat foods laden with trans fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, sugar and sodium without the benefit of exercise, don't be surprised if one day, all your clothes no longer fit. Continuing with this eating practice will also cause cardiovascular and diet-related diseases.

Unless you are an Olympic athlete, you cannot eat anything and everything you want yet expect your body to be fat free. There are also no magic pills that will make your fats disappear. A sustainable healthy diet and exercise program is the best way to burn body fat.

Follow the tips below in creating your own fat burning diets.

1. Eat more 'fat-burning foods' which are packed with fiber, vitamins, minerals and are low in calories.

· Vegetables like broccoli, cucumbers, asparagus, beets, onion, garlic, cabbage, spinach

· Beans and peas

· Fruits such as apples, grapefruits, different berries, especially blueberries

· Whole grains and cereals like barley, oats, and brown rice. Go with complex carbohydrates which are not processed unlike white pasta and white rice.

· Low-fat milk, cottage cheese, yogurt and other low fat dairy products

· Almonds and other healthy nuts

· Omega-3 rich salmon, tuna and sardines

· Lean meats like turkey or chicken (without the skin)

· Green tea and coffee

2. Eliminate foods high in trans fat, saturated fat and cholesterol. Use only mono or poly unsaturated fats like canola and olive oil.

3. Eat foods which are low in sodium (salt).

4. Go with more natural or organic foods, not processed or canned foods.

5. Avoid sugar and opt for sugar substitutes (in moderation).

6. Steam, bake, grill or poach your food.

7. Water, water, water. Drink water which helps eliminate toxins in the body. Avoid drinks high in sugar and sodium.


· Don't forget to exercise! Aerobics and weight training are great together in burning fat and increasing muscle mass. Muscles burn more fat in the body. Plus, exercising revs up your metabolism together with eating 5-6 small healthy meals and adding chili peppers, especially habaneros and jalapenos to your diet.

· If you have any health issues, do consult your doctor before starting an exercise or diet program.

Try modifying your diet first before you purchase any pre-packaged fat burning programs. Don't follow starvation diets and Hollywood diets which often rob your body of much needed nutrients. Remember, eating healthy foods and engaging in exercise is your ticket to busting those unwanted fats in your body.

About the Author:

Tim Lazaro is a Fat Burning Nutrition enthusiast. Visit List of Fat Burning Foods for more expert advice on Fat Burning Diets, fat burning exercises, superfooods, and other tips you can use right now to burn off fat and keep it off.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Lowering Cholesterol Naturally - Herbs to Lower Cholesterol Level

It is not a secret anymore that excess of cholesterol in the bloodstream can lead to cardiac diseases and strokes - both; America's No. 1 and No. 3 killers. Even though there are many things one can do lowering cholesterol, it remains difficult issue to tackle on a regular basis, i.e. constantly. One can lower down the cholesterol in the bloodstream by consuming healthful foods, shedding off the extra pounds and maintaining the healthy level of essential fatty acids.

In some stubborn cases, wherein lowering cholesterol is not possible with some dietary modification and lifestyle improvement, supplements are to be added. Furthermore, when supplements are not sufficient and are short of getting us the results, one has to consult some physician who might add some medications. Modern medicines may help in lowering cholesterol but then, in a long run, they may produce some unwanted, harmful and side effects. That is why, more and more people are now considering herbal way to lowering cholesterol.

Most heart and blood vessel adverse condition occur due to a buildup of cholesterol, plaques and other fatty deposits inside the walls of arteries. The arteries that supply the heart may become so choked that the blood flow gets reduced, that result in severe chest pain. If a blood clots and blocks the artery, a heart attack may happen. Similarly, if a blood clots and blocks any artery supplying the brain, a stroke may occur.

Ways to lowering cholesterol:

·    Focus on low-saturated-fat, trans fat-free, low-cholesterol foods like fruits and vegetables (go for 8 to 10 servings a day)

·    A variety of grain products such as breads, cereals, rice and pastas, include whole grains (choose six or more servings a day)

·    Fat-free and low-fat milk diet

·    Beans and peas and for non vegetarians - fish oil with essential fatty acids

·    Unsaturated vegetable oils such as soybean, safflower, corn, canola, and olive oil

·    Limit whole milk, cream and ice cream and also butter, egg yolk and cheese

·    Give up organ meats, high-fat processed meats like salami and hot dog

·    Fried foods, junk/canned and preserved foods are also contraindicated.

One can also bank upon some herbs that help in lowering cholesterol. Herbs cum foods such as garlic can help in reduce the elevated cholesterol levels in the bloodstream. It is also better to consume dark green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits in order to lower the cholesterol. They also help in keeping the body in harmony since they help in leveling the hormones and enzymes in the body.

Many holistic healing practitioners favor that some holistic exercises such as yogasanas and Pranayama can help in lowering cholesterol. Especially, Pranayama is said to be very beneficial in bringing down the high cholesterol levels. Such holistic practice is also now backed by many research papers and clinical trials.

Herbs like hoodia, garcinia, rudraksha, Indian gooseberry, tagara, vanshalochan are also considered to be very useful in lowering the cholesterol and lipid levels. These herbs have been prescribed to treat cardiac disorders since many years as described in ancient texts such as Ayurveda.

You may be interested in reading Lowering Cholesterol Naturally and Heart Diseases Remedies

High Protein Diets And Your Eating Plans for Weight Loss

When evaluating eating plans for weight loss, you will need to consider the source of your calories. Many experts disagree on how these calories should be distributed among carbohydrates, fats and protein. But for today, we will consider the high protein diet.

Your Options and Eating Plans for Weight Loss

The reality is that any of the eating plans for weight loss will result in success as long as the dieter adheres to the prescribed plan. The problem has been actually sticking to the given plan. Today we will focus on the high protein diet which is often in paired with the low carbohydrate diet.

Effectiveness Of High Protein Diet Compared to Other Eating Plans for Weight Loss

The effectiveness of this diet in comparison other eating plans for weight loss is two fold. Every dieter struggles with appetite and the high protein diet helps suppress hunger. Additionally, when compared to other eating plans for weight loss, this one actually allows the body to burn off stored fats instead of carbohydrates as a result of ketosis. Ketosis is when the body identifies a carbohydrate deficiency and looks for an alternative source of fuel which is stored fats. This is fantastic, but unfortunately, as great as it sounds, this isn't the end of the story.

The High Protein Diet

Comparatively, this diet is not a long term solution for our diet needs. Part of this is the fact that with any restriction diet, and as such in the end, it's just to hard to keep up. I don't know about you, but just the restrictions itself is a set up for failure for me! Also, this diet can't be maintained long term because it does put a strain on the kidneys and can in some cases lead to kidney failure. Also, some of these diets rely heavily on meats which are high in all those bad things like cholesterol, hormones and chemicals.

The real negative to this diet is that it is not a lifestyle change though it can really kick start any of your eating plans for weight loss.

If anything is to be learned from all this, it is that when shopping for the right eating plans for weight loss, you need to find the one that is right for you. It has to be one that you can accomplish and doesn't strain you unnecessarily. And if you have to ease your way into it, that's okay too. It's the best way to maintain lasting change.

Get the help you need so that you can successfully achieve your dieting goals. Get access to tools and information so you can really get started on that road to a New You. Are you ready to start your journey?

Read The High Protein Diet and you can finally start your journey to Lose That Stubborn Fat

Research on Lowering Cholesterol Without Medication

There is a researcher of cardiology that is in conflict about the power of statins. He recommends these to many patients, however they do not work to reduce his own very high levels of cholesterol. He, like other patients, experienced nasty side effects such as muscle damage and muscle spasms. Cases like these prompt us to seek a method of lowering cholesterol without medication.

Some doctors swear by the ability of statin to lower LDL levels. They will insist that patients take all six before conceding that they are intolerant. Other non-statin drugs will lower cholesterol by restricting its absorption in the stomach. There are however other methods one can use to reduce excess LDL.

Crucial in your war against this killer, is a balanced diet. This does not mean you have to only eat low fat products. It means that your diet should be varied by way of fruits, whole grains, legumes, fish and plants. This would be much more beneficial in the war against raised cholesterol than a diet that is low in trans fatty acids and saturated fats. Plant based diets have the ability to reduce LDL levels. This dos not mean if you eat plants you can go crazy on cheese, eggs and meat.

Three different diets follow this approach in slightly different ways. Most of them are low in dairy products and meat. Studies have revealed that following this approach had results that were as good as what statin had produced. It has been shown that attacking high LDL with social support, reducing stress, exercise and diet has reduced the LDL (bad cholesterol) by as much as forty percent. This regime has even retarded the growth of plaque in the arteries while statin has not managed to get this right.

Regular exercise will certainly help. After regular exercise for a three-month period, you are likely to increase your HDL by as much as five to ten percent. This percentage could be higher in other people. This could also reduce your blood pressure and triglycerides as well. Exercising for thirty minutes, five to seven days per week will do wonders for this.

Be wary of claims made by the thousands of supplements on the market. Many will claim to dramatically reduce your cholesterol. It has been inconclusive to say that omega 3 fatty acids categorically do not reduce your cholesterol. The facts do show however that lowering cholesterol without medication is a very real possibility.

High cholesterol is dangerous and it is crucial to control it at the earliest. To learn about supplements that can help lower cholesterol more naturally, I invite you to visit

Rajagopalan helps you to understand how this natural remedy can help control cholesterol.

A Diet for a Healthy Heart

Anything worth working for requires strong commitment and persistence to achieve. With anything important, you need to follow a definite plan over time to accomplish your goal.

A healthy heart is no exception. You can't have one without living healthy. And Healthy living can't be achieved without a healthy diet. Here are five basic steps for a healthy diet.

One - avoid bad fat in your diet. The saturated fat and trans fats found largely in red meat, whole milk dairy, coconut and palm oils, almost all processed foods and Crisco are killers. These unhealthy fats lead to high cholesterol, high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease by clogging the arteries. As much as you can, eliminate saturated and trans fats from your daily diet. It will significantly lower your risk of cardiovascular disease.

Two - avoid white flour products. Bread, cereal and pasta made from highly refined white flour are processed in the body just the same as sugar. White rice has a similar reaction. These highly processed foods elevate blood sugar levels putting enormous stress on the pancreas to produce extra insulin. Eventually the pancreas breaks down causing diabetes.

Instead, eat only 100% whole grain foods. They're rich in complex carbohydrates and fiber and will help improve your circulation, prevent diabetes and control your weight.

Three - eat more vegetables and fruits. Experts recommend from five and to nine servings a day. Of all foods, fruit and vegetables offer the most valuable nutrition per calorie. They're high in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber and low in fat. They will also support weight control. For insurance, you might also consider taking good quality natural nutritional supplements.

Four - eat more beans, lentils and peas. They have nearly as much protein and fiber as meat, but without the fat and cholesterol. If you're preparing meat, be sure to broil, bake or roast it after trimming outside fat and skin. It's the healthiest way to cook meat.

Five - choose non-fat or low fat dairy. Whole milk dairy products (cheese, yogurt and ice cream) are much too high in saturated fat for a healthy heart diet. Eating no more than four eggs a week is also a good idea.

Follow these five tips and you'll have a much healthier heart. You'll also have the satisfaction of reaching a good goal. So enjoy your success.

But if ignore these tips, you could be setting yourself up for a lot of trouble. Are you aware that in 50% of heart disease the very first symptom is death by heart attack! features a wide selection of health related subjects, from high protein foods list to a fantastic body fat chart. You can visit us online at

Control Good and Bad Cholesterol With a Healthy Diet

Too many people ignore the fact that the food we eat today affects our health in both the long and short run. As you probably already know, many of the components of foods have an impact upon the development of coronary heart and other diseases. Although cholesterol is required for normal cell membrane function, high levels of it increases the risk of heart disease.

Various foods that you eat contribute to a high cholesterol level. The most common are saturated fats which are abundantly found in animal sources. Some plant sources like coconut and palm oils, and cocoa butter are also rich in saturated fats.

Other fats seem to lower cholesterol. Commonly called good cholesterol or High Density Lipoprotein (HDL), these polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats come mainly from plant sources. When HDLs are taken in place of saturated fats, bad cholesterol is lowered.

As mentioned, cholesterol is necessary to a healthy body. Your body naturally manufactures it to act as an insulator of nerve and brain tissue. In addition, it makes your skin almost waterproof while at the same time retarding evaporation of water from the body. It is only when cholesterol amounts become excessive that they become harmful and become bad cholesterol.

Now that you know these facts, the next step is to make some changes in your lifestyles to ensure that you have a healthy supply of good cholesterol while keeping the bad kind at bay.

Diet is the major key to controlling good and bad cholesterol. Changing some of your eating habits is vital in lowering the risk of heart disease and other ailments.

In order to reduce the amount of saturated fat in your diet, decrease the amount of animal products such as whole eggs, lard, meat, butter, and other dairy products. In addition, avoid foods rich in sugar, hydrogenated oils and Trans-fat. Such changes will also help control calories.

Understandably, some find it difficult to cut back on favorite foods. However, there are ways for modifying your loved dishes with healthier substitutes. For most dairy products, there are low fat or fat free versions available in the market. You may use yogurt instead of cream, milk, dressings called for in most recipes. You can substitute skinless chicken, fish, or beans for protein sources instead of meat. The options are endless. Read labels to ensure that the substitutes you're using don't contain bad cholesterol.

To raise your levels of good cholesterol increase your intake of foods rich in Omega 3 fatty acids like walnuts, flax seeds, tuna and other oily fish. Omega 3 has been scientifically proven to significantly lower incidences of heart disease. Also, add more soluble fiber in your diet. These are usually found in vegetables, fruits, grains and legumes. They soak up bad cholesterol and flush it out from your body.

Make sure you drink enough water daily to help process toxins and other wastes in your system. Aside from water, other liquids such as green tea and cranberry juice have good cholesterol boosting benefits as well. Green tea has antioxidants that help remove toxin-forming free radicals. While cranberry juice contains flavenoids that that can increase HDL levels by up to 10%. Grape wine also contains flavenoids, but of course, moderation must be practiced.

Unhealthy lifestyle is the main cause for obesity and heart related health problems. The bad cholesterol causes high cholesterol levels in our blood and can lead to heart attacks. On the other hand good cholesterol can help our body. Read more at our website NOW!

The Best Foods for Lower Cholesterol

If you're the kind of person who's not so much into taking prescription medications, then you could instead consider eating foods for lower cholesterol. Also aside from taking natural organic supplements that lower cholesterol, you can turn to the most natural way of lowering your cholesterol - eating cholesterol lowering foods.

Among the best cholesterol busting foods are the following:

Polyunsaturated fats. These substances cause a general decrease of all cholesterols (both LDL "bad cholesterol" and HDL "good cholesterol") in the body. The best sources for these are certain oils like sunflower oil, soya oil, sesame oil, and corn oil. It's also found in seeds like sunflower seeds and sesame seeds, as well as nuts such as almonds, pine nuts, and walnuts. (Just make sure you eat no more than a handful per day because nuts are high-calorie.
Monounsaturated fats. These compounds can significantly reduce the amount of LDL in the body while maintaining the level of HDL. They are commonly found in oils like olive oil, rapeseed oil, and canola oil. They are also found in avocados, and nuts like cashews, peanuts, pistachios, pecans and hazelnuts.
Soluble fiber and complex carbohydrates. There is a very good reason why you should opt to eat fiber rich foods - they absorb the fats (cholesterols) in the body especially in the intestines, and eliminates them. Eat more whole wheat products like brown rice, whole grain bread, whole meal pastas, and of course oatmeal. (Refined white carbohydrates are stripped off of nutrients and are high in sugar.) Also eat more fruits and vegetables as well as beans, pulses, and soya.
Antioxidant foods. The thing with "bad cholesterols" (LDLs) is that they are unstable. Once they are oxidized, they will start doing harm on the body. To prevent this, you can eat fresh berries and other antioxidant foods like green tea, dark chocolate, and red wine.
Other foods that can magnificently reduce the body's cholesterol are: lentils garlic (available in capsules), and fish liver oil.

Other Healthy Habits for Lowering Your Cholesterol:

Instead of eating red meat, you should prefer other low-fat protein sources like poultry (without skin), and oily fish rich in omega3 fatty acids like tuna, wild salmon, halibut, sardines, herring, mackerel, pilchards, or lake trout.
Avoid unhealthy ways of cooking like frying or roasting. Instead, eat foods that are steamed, boiled, poached, or grilled.
Limit your dairy and egg (yolks) intake, especially store-bought stick margarine. Also stay away from palm oil and coconut oil.
Buy fresh foods instead of commercially manufactured products, which are usually slathered with saturated fats, trans fats, partially hydrogenated oils (and preservatives, and artificial colorings and flavorings).
Lastly, don't make any drastic changes to your diet. Consult first your doctor before you start taking drugs that lower cholesterol, and before you begin a new diet of foods for lower cholesterol.

For more information about foods for lower cholesterol, you can search this eBook (Natural and Safe Cholesterol-Busters) at 100% FREE

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Foods For Balancing Your Cholesterol

Most people understand that there are two kinds of cholesterol, the good cholesterol which is also known as High-density lipoprotein (LDL) and the bad cholesterol or Low-density lipoprotein (LDL). These two make up the total count of cholesterol in the blood. Our goal is to raise the HDL level and reduce the LDL level. We can do that by trying out these rather tasty dietary solutions.

Eggs have been the subject for debate among experts for almost a long time now. People have been arguing whether eggs are good for the heart or not and recent studies have just proven that they indeed are! Although eggs are high in cholesterol, they are low in fats and can actually increase HDL level by up to 50% according to a Thai study.

Another tasty treat is the salmon. People who eat two to three servings of this tasty fish a week have been found to have a 4.9% increase of HDL level in their blood. This may be due to its rich omega-3 fatty acid content. Omega-3 fatty acids are known to increase HDL level and at the same time reduce the level of LDL and total cholesterol in the body.

Next to salmon are the berries. Blueberries, strawberries, mulberries and the Acai berries; these are all rich in antioxidants that help fight off free radicals that weaken the body's immune system. Studies have found out that people who consume berries in a daily basis have a 5 to 6% raise in their HDL level.

Last but certainly not the least in our list is the dark chocolate. Most people have a misconception that chocolates have no health benefits at all. But recently, it has been discovered that dark chocolate contains flavonoids, the same substances found in wine that are known to reduce bad cholesterol in the body.

Cutting back of certain foods in your diet are found to be not effective at all in balancing cholesterol. In fact, most diets have been found to have lots of negative side effects to one's health. Now you know that it is not by subtracting but by adding nutritious foods that you can help increase your good cholesterol.

Erina Tai is an expert writer on baby girl dresses. She recently posted her latest reviews on baby boy shoes and toddler girl shoes here.

The Advantages of Drinking Low Fat Smoothies

Are you thinking of switching to a healthier diet but don't have any idea where to begin? Do you want to add more fruits and vegetables into your diet but find it a bit challenging to prepare meals due to your hectic schedule? The answer to your problem may lie in drinking low fat smoothies!

Smoothies are convenient, easy to prepare, energizing and filling. Low fat smoothies are ideal meal substitutes if your objectives are to lose weight or maintain your figure. Drinking fruit smoothies regularly can lower stress levels, relieve constipation and improve mental and physical performance.

Aside from being highly nutritious, smoothies are very versatile. You can incorporate and combine ingredients depending on your preference or specific objective such as detox, remedy, weight loss, muscle gain, etc. Whether you have a particular goal to achieve or you just want to get healthier in general, drinking smoothies is the way to go.

Let's say for example you don't have time to prepare a spinach dish, or you just don't enjoy the taste of spinach, you can just blend that nutritious leafy green into your banana smoothie and presto: you mask the taste of spinach and at the same time ensure you have your proper intake of essential nutrients!

Making smoothies gives you a great chance to develop your taste and practice your creativity. You can start with simple easy to find ingredients such as a piece of banana, a pack of mixed berries, a cup of low fat milk and a cup of vanilla yogurt. Then you can start adding and combining ingredients depending on your taste or needs.

For instance, if you want to bulk up those muscles and increase your protein intake, you can add egg whites to your smoothies. If you are vegan, you can add tofu, soy or brown rice protein powder for a protein-packed power drink.

If you want to power up your smoothies for a highly nutritious drink, you can incorporate one or more of these superfoods that I highly recommend: Flaxseed oil. Flaxseed contains a very high level of Omega 3 essential fatty acids that effectively lower cholesterol, thereby lowering the risk of cancers and cardiovascular diseases.

Acai berries. Acai has a high concentration of powerful antioxidants called anthocyanins and flavonoids which greatly neutralizes free radicals and boost cell health. Aloe vera. This is one of my favorites. Aloe vera boosts the body's immune resistance, regulates stomach acids and stimulates cell regeneration. Not to mention, it really tastes nice with berries.

Ground nuts such as walnuts or almonds. Nuts have a high content of Vitamin E and monounsaturated fats, which help lower cholesterol. There is actually no limit in making smoothies. Drinking smoothies is an enjoyable, delicious and healthy way to improve your health in a creative way.

Click here for more nutritious low fat smoothie recipes that everybody will surely enjoy. And find out how you can save time and money with breakfast smoothies and learning how shop for the right ingredients for your smoothies.

How Do I Reduce Cholesterol Without Sacrificing Taste?

We have all heard about the dangerous of high cholesterol and finally we have decided to reduce cholesterol. But where do we start? Do I have to eat sprouts and tofu all day every day just to reduce my cholesterol a few percentage point. The simple answer is no, in fact you might be surprised at just how few changes you have to make to turn that cholesterol elevating diet into a diet that not only will help you reduce cholesterol but might melt off a few of those extra pounds along the way.

There are two sources of cholesterol, your liver and the food you eat. Whether it comes from your liver or foods it travels through your bloodstream in particles called lipoproteins. The fatty substances in lipoproteins include cholesterol and triglycerides, the most common fatty substance in the human body. The proteins that combine with fats to produce lipoproteins are called apolipoproteins often abbreviated apo. Lipoproteins containing significant amounts of protein are called HDL(good cholesterol) and those high in fats and low in proteins are LDL(bad cholesterol).

A lot of technical stuff, right? Now let's get back to finding ways to reduce cholesterol. A we discussed earlier cholesterol can come from our liver and from foods. Since it is highly unlikely we are going to remove our liver to shave a few points off our cholesterol levels that leaves foods or possibly medication, but let's focus on foods for now. The type of foods we are looking for must be tasty, or at least made to taste good, and be low in saturated fat. We also should consider foods that can raise HDL levels without dramatically raising LDL levels. Think of HDL as the janitor that comes along and sweeps trash out of your arteries after messy LDL has trashed the place, leaving high fat food lying around for weeks.

If you are wondering what saturated fat looks like go to the grocery store and pick up a can of high fat chili. Heat it up in the microwave and then put it in the refrigerator for a while. That white stuff that forms on the top will be saturated fat and it is the same stuff that clogs your arteries.

So a good tip in reducing cholesterol is to consume less saturated fat or if you can't resist use the refrigerator trick above and siphon off the saturated fat, then re-heat your food. Every tablespoon of fat that drains away saves you about 100 calories, plus quite a bit of cholesterol and saturated fats.

Foods high in saturated fats include marbled meats, organ meats, poultry skin, dark meat poultry, bologna, salami, full fat dairy products, coconuts, palm oil, palm kernel oil, and solid vegetable fats that are hard at room temperature.

Foods are either low in cholesterol, raise good cholesterol levels, or reduce overall cholesterol levels are oatmeal, oat bran, walnuts, almonds, fish, sardines, albacore tuna, olive oil, canola oil, brown rice, beans, pomegranates, foods containing stanols or sterols, avocados, and apples.

What Next? When the goal is to reduce cholesterol, in most cases, it is about changing old habits, adopting new healthier habits, and enlisting the help of convention medications such as statins or natural cholesterol reducing remedies if needed. Put simply, this basically means finding ways to increase HDL (good cholesterol) and decrease LDL (bad cholesterol levels). Certainly the aforementioned statin drugs will be one of your options but they do carry a number of serious label warnings. The side effect risks have made natural cholesterol reduction supplements combined with diet modification an alternative treatment combination worth considering.

Rob D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic advocate for the use of safe and effective high quality alternative health products and natural living, with over 10 years experience in the field. Learn more about natural remedies and natural health at Purchase

Top Ten Supplements for Lowering Cholesterol

The best diets that lower cholesterol are commonly low in saturated fat, for starters. Once you are committed to losing weight, any effective weight loss diet will cause you to eat foods that helps lower cholesterol by default. If this is already happening to you, great! Congratulations! Now, you are perhaps looking for ways to accelerate efforts for lowering your cholesterol. Well, the following list is for you.

I would strongly recommend, however, that the supplements listed here not be considered a substitute for dietary or other changes-that's why they called "supplements". So, please consider this information for what it is, supplemental to an on-going cholesterol reduction program that you're already doing.

With that out of the way, here is some exciting supplement information put out by a very reliable source: The Mayo Clinic. They have listed ten natural substances you can eat that "may" lower your cholesterol. The studies for these natural supplements are very spotty because drug companies can't patent a naturally occurring substance. So, the Mayo Clinic does not say these substances work unequivocally, probably for lack of good scientific research. There is enough evidence however for them to say they "may" work. And, being natural substances you can buy them and try them on for size and judge accordingly.

These supplements are probably different than ones you've heard about, like fish oil. I looked around for corroborating evidence that these are legitimate cholesterol lowering supplements, and there's plenty of supporting evidence on each one.

Here they are:

Artichoke extract - This natural remedy "may" reduce bad cholesterol (LDLs), and has been shown to help prevent heart disease and arthrosclerosis. It has been found to be beneficial to the liver by naturally detoxifying the blood, protecting the liver.
Barley -Apparently barley, as well as whole grains and oats, should be added to your dinner or breakfast table. It could lower your cholesterol by 10-15%.
Beta-sitosterol - is a plant-based substance. It is most often found in nuts, seeds, some fruits and vegetables. It can improve a long list of afflictions, including heart disease and high cholesterol.
Blond psyllium - Shown effective in lowering cholesterol levels, but data is sparse. It's in the insoluble fiber category, and lowers cholesterol by absorbing LDLs before they reach the bloodstream.
Fish Oil - It's well known by now that omega 3's found in fish oil is an effective cholesterol lowering substance that also lowers triglycerides.
Ground Flaxseed - Rich in omega 3 fatty acid, a well-known reducer of LDL cholesterol. Good on cereal and in your smoothie. It also contains fiber.This combination of components are effective in lowering LDLs. Expect this supplement to lower your LDL cholesterol by at least 14%
Garlic Extract - This has the effect of lowering your risk of heart attack or stroke by thinning the blood, but also lowers total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides.
Green Tea Extract - Camellia sinesis, possesses powerful anti-oxidants known as polyphenols. In addition to drinking the tea itself, the extract has been shown to raise HDLs in animals and humans, while lowering overall cholesterol and triglycerides.
Oat Bran -Reduces LDL cholesterol by absorption as dietary fiber, as does whole wheat and barley.
Sitostanol - Like Beta-sitosterol (see #3), this is a plant based product. You'll find this ingredient in Benecol margarine, and certain salad dressings. The FDA has approved this and related plant chemicals (stanol esters) to make the claim for its cholesterol lowering effects.

Marc Preston has been a nutritional expert for over 25 years. He is dedicated to educating readers on the benefits of healthy nutrition and lifestyle. This article provides basic but important information about cholesterol and its effects. Please visit our website for more FREE information about cholesterol at

Thank you!

What Are Bad Cholesterol Sources?

Bad cholesterol (otherwise known as low-density lipoprotein or LDL) is a good indicator of unhealthy eating. Visiting your GP and having a cholesterol test will allow you to gauge whether it would be a good decision, or simply a necessary one, to improve your diet with healthier options. Cholesterol affects your cardiovascular system, causing disease where there is substantial amounts of LDL, such as, increasing the chances of strokes and heart attacks. However, many food items do not offer any information as to how it will affect your cholesterol level, therefore limiting consumer knowledge. Below is some information about bad cholesterol sources.

Sources high in cholesterol levels are foods that also contain other nutrients we require, though vegetarians and others with aversions to the same foods can find these nutrients in other foods. One example is animal fat, which is unavoidable if you eat meat. However, you can also find it in cheese, egg yolks, beef, pork, poultry, and shrimp.

Additionally, consuming saturated fats increases the efficiency of the cholesterol intake, meaning more gets through to your blood. As such, decreasing sources of saturated fats will go along way in reducing your intake.


A primary supplement used to lower cholesterol is Niacin, or Vitamin B3. It has another benefit as it doesn't just decrease LDL, but helps increase good cholesterol (otherwise known as high-density lipoprotein or HDL). It is available from your GP and pharmacists in prescription and dietary supplement form. However, certain associations insist that only the prescription form should be used. Also, initially, you may find that Niacin causes skin flushes during early use, though this can be somewhat diminished by consuming with a meal.

Soluble fiber provides cholesterol-reducing elements in naturally occurring foods, such as oats and barley. However, it can also be acquired in supplement form, called psyllium powder. The benefit of this is that it binds to cholesterol, allowing to to be excreted from your system.

It should be noted that you should take supplements only on your GP or dietary advisor's instructions, as they will be aware of any preceding illnesses or individual-specific allergies that apply to you. Taking supplements when it's unnecessary as a preventative measure is inadvisable, as if you mess with your natural cholesterol, including HDL which is good, then you may cause illness and other issues. Supplements that can be purchased from a pharmacy will provide instructions that you should follow to the letter.

High cholesterol is dangerous and it is crucial to control it at the earliest. To learn about supplements that can help lower cholesterol more naturally, I invite you to visit

Rajagopalan helps you to understand how this natural remedy can help control cholesterol.

Are There Good Cholesterol Foods, Or Is All Cholesterol Bad?

There is often a lot of confusion surrounding cholesterol, what is good and what is bad, what is high and what is low. Fundamentally, people get confused when they hear that their high-density lipoprotein is too low or that their low-density lipoprotein is too high. They wonder what all those ratios mean and then come to the conclusion that all cholesterol is bad and must be eliminated, somehow. Can there be such things as good cholesterol foods?

It might be easier to think about LDL and HDL in this way. LDL is the enemy and you must always strive to get the number associated with it down. HDL is responsible for helping to remove some of the LDL and the more of this you have the better. So, the lower the LDL the better and the higher the HDL the better, in general terms.

Not all cholesterol is bad, in fact it's an essential part of our bodily composition. Without cholesterol we cannot survive. The good news is that our bodies manufacture enough cholesterol naturally without us having to worry about adding it within our diet. Unfortunately, the typical diet in Western culture relies on far too much cholesterol and when we add this to the amount that our body produces naturally, an imbalance occurs. Too much of the LDL cholesterol can lead to narrowing of the arteries through plaque formation. The consequences can be serious including blood clots that can lead to heart attack or stroke.

If we are to consider "good cholesterol foods," then they should be foods that help to reduce the LDL. Our champions in this regard include oat bran, oat meal and other high-fiber foods. Soluble fiber here is present in apples, barley, kidney beans, fruits, Brussels sprouts and broccoli to name a few. If you aim for as little as 10 grams of soluble fiber every day you're making a significant difference. Consider a regular portion of oatmeal and a banana, for example and you've reached that target.

Toward the top of the list of good cholesterol foods are fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, tuna, halibut or herring. Try and eat two servings of fish every week, which you should bake or grill or prepare using olive oil if necessary. Some people find that they don't have a good tolerance for fish and in this case they should definitely consider taking an omega-3 supplement.

While supplements can be a definite help in your battle against cholesterol, do remember that they will not substitute for a poor diet. In other words, just because you don't eat fish as your protein during dinner, it doesn't mean that you can substitute this with a steak instead and "rely on" supplements to tide you over.

If you're looking for a snack make sure that you have some highly beneficial nuts on hand. It's far better to snack on almonds, walnuts or hazelnuts in as natural a state as you can find them. You need to avoid prepackaged varieties as they invariably have way too much sodium.

Higher cholesterol may be very dangerous for one's health condition. For precious details on good cholesterol foods, go to where we disclose nutritional solutions and pure nutritional supplements that are highly beneficial for this particular health condition. Rajagopalan illustrates how natural solutions have assisted millions with cholesterol problems.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

What Is The Atkins Diet?

Low carbohydrate Atkins diet remains to be most likely one of the most popular high protein, low carbohydrate diets in the world today. Since the day it was invented scores of people have lost weight with the low carbohydrate, high protein manner of nutrition.

Dr. Atkins diet status has helped spark a lot of related diets which use the matching principles of high-protein, low-carbohydrate eating diet.

Tests have revealed that high-protein, low-carb diet has numerous good effects as well as generate significant drop in weight with no necessity to restrict your calorie intake. Countless people who make use of the low carbohydrate diet have for a long time been reporting this effect.

Lots of medical studies have shown that high protein, low carb ingestion improves triglycerides, lowers blood glucose for people with diabetes problem and pre-diabetics and raises helpful cholesterol. Low carb, high protein diet has been constantly proven to improve insulin sensitivity, reduce blood pressure and lower blood insulin levels.

While it is not proven by science, there are numerous various positive effects testified by people on low carbohydrate Atkins diet. These include extra energy, lower craving for sweets, enhanced attention, improved frame of mind and decrease of depression type of symptoms.

Then again there are also particular advantages that are specific to the low carb, high protein diet invented by Dr. Atkins. If you have tried to lose weight with low fat diets earlier you will get pleasure from eating all previously forbidden foods that once you had to go without.

Steak, butter and cream are a ordinary element of low carbohydrate, high protein diet by Dr. Atkins. Many people enjoy eating foods once off limits to them. People on high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet invented by Dr. Atkins are encouraged to consume any number and sort of meat, oils, fats and cheeses.

There are a few of necessary carbohydrate calculations that you will need to learn, but after that, you are going to be free to munch a meal of anything you want from the suitable food lists.

Dr. Atkins also stressed the significance of finding your own personal carbohydrate level. Different persons have numerous amount of carb acceptance. While some put on weight with only 90 grams of carbs per day, other individuals can eat as many as 120 grams of carbs daily.

Throughout your ongoing weight loss stage and pre-maintenance period of the protein high Atkins diet, you will discover your personal carbohydrate number that is going to help you ascertain your carb objective from now on.

There are many, many Atkins books written and besides that there are endless amounts of websites that supply you with group support, information and tips. On the other hand nearly every person has heard of diet devised by Dr. Atkins and almost has a opinion about it.

You should know that there are some big mistaken beliefs around the world about the character of the diet devised by Dr. Atkins, and you are going to, certainly, need to defend your new found eating methods occasionally.

There are also some of the added difficulties for using the low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet. You must count carbohydrates in everything you eat to be confident that you are keeping within your own carb boundary.

Also, there is the question of Induction, the most fervently debated aspect of the Dr. Atkins diet. Induction is very often challenging to endure if you have tried a diet that centers on sugar and carbs. In addition, lots of people try Induction and by mistake believe that this is the way that the complete diet will be. They give up before they even start the actual Dr. Atkins diet.

Sometimes even though if it is not common, some people are going to go through a carb crash usually on the 3rd and sometimes 5th day of the diet by Dr. Atkins.

This reaction is a effect of their body entering the ketosis stage or burning fat for fuel in place of carbohydrates. The effects are brief nevertheless lots of people have quited on low carbohydrate, high protein diets utterly because of this small happenstance.

Generally, with the several minor shortcomings considered, low carb, high protein Atkins diet remains to be one of the most used low carbohydrate, high protein diets for one reason - Atkins diet works!

Would you like to lose weight without starving? Learn all about atkins diet menu plan [],

click here: [] Arnborg Edland is a weight loss publisher and editor of Atkins diet website, a place where you can get all the Atkins diet info as well as free low carb recipes and weight loss tips.

High Cholesterol Worldwide

In times past only the very wealthy had to worry about high cholesterol. This of course being modern times, we have created a new kind of dilemma, as not only the rich suffer from elevated risk of heart attack and cardio vascular disease, we are being hit on all sides, and all wealth brackets. High cholesterol worldwide is definitely a problem that is plaguing societies. The specific target of this problem is not necessarily rural countries with little to no food, we're talking about the wealthy, developed nations that have access to fatty foods at a low cost, but high risk of increasing weight. Combine bad diet with lack of exercise and treatment and you have a global meltdown of fast food and fast death.

In populated countries, developed and created to have excess on all sides, we see more and more people coming down with high cholesterol. This is due in large part to the fact that fast food and cheap fatty foods are readily available. Convenience really trumps diet in regards to developed nations. The main way to elevate your cholesterol seems to be easy and often the hardest thing to avoid, fatty foods. Fatty foods invade our bodies on a daily basis, and it is a matter of convenience and taste. Those things make life worth living for many Americans and others abroad, creating a disastrous result if prolonged use is not cut back or eliminated. Much like smoking damages the lungs, fatty foods damage the liver, cardio vascular system, and create a society of obese people, all with heart disease and unhealthy lifestyles.

If we are to blame the food we eat, we also need to swing the pendulum at another risk factor; work. Working conditions found in more developed nations usually involve long periods of time sitting down. Whether you're speaking of computer work, or simply talking about sewing machines or assembly lines for products, millions of workers today sit at a desk or a table and work eight to ten hours a day with little to no exercise. This sort of rudimentary job really places a strain on the waist line and attention to diet is definitely not adhered. In favor of time management, whatever is convenient is eaten and exercise is taken away due to exhaustion at the end of shifts. While it is possible to take breaks from work, or to exercise during off hours, millions of people are not "up to" the task of doing so and it is seen as cumbersome, regardless of the health benefits of exercising and eating right in a combination of lifestyle choice.

There are definitely new trends that are fighting this revelation in developed nations. From the U.K government program called "Better Backs" to the NBA, NFL, and MLB forming more advertising space to promote playing, running, and being active for at least sixty minutes a day. While that's not exactly a drastic change, it's starting to get people thinking about moving around a little more, to help cope with the diets that are leaving many civilized nations fat and tired.

Check more information about high cholesterol treatment.

An Overview of Cholesterol Reducing Medications

Sometimes, changing your diet, exercising and taking positive steps toward reducing your cholesterol just isn't enough. Sometimes it is necessary to take a medication to help. The decision to prescribe medication is usually based on the levels of LDL cholesterol in the blood, particularly high levels. There are several kinds of medications that are used for reducing high cholesterol.


This class of drug lowers low density lipoprotein cholesterol levels. It accomplishes this more effectively than other classes of drugs. Staitins inhibit the enzyme, HMG-CoA reductase. It is this enzyme that controls the rate at which cholesterol is produced in the body. These medications also enhance the liver's function in removing low density lipoprotein cholesterol that is in the blood.


Niacin, a B vitamin, can lower triglycerides as well as low density lipoprotein levels when administered in high doses. It can also increase the HDL levels.

Bile Acid Sequestrants

Bile acid sequestrats bind with bile acids, which contain cholesterol, in the intestines. They are then eliminated in the stool. Typically, this class of drugs can lower low density lipoprotein cholesterol considerably, by 10% or as much as 20%. When given in small doses these drugs can reduce the levels of low density lipoprotein cholesterol considerably. Sometimes they are prescribed along with a staitin to increase the reduction of cholesterol.

Cholesterol Absorption Inhibitors

This class of drug is relatively new. It inhibits the absorption of cholesterol in the gut and has very few side effects. In fact, many patients report no side effects from this drug. Cholesterol absorption inhibitors can reduce the LDL cholesterol by as much as 18% to 20%. It is generally prescribed to people who are not able to take staitins. It may also be given to people who take staitins in small doses but are bothered with side effects when the dose is increased. Taking this type of drug along with taking staitins can significantly increase the effectiveness and cholesterol reducing properties.


This type of drug is mostly effective in reducing triglycerides. It can also slightly increasing HDL cholesterol levels. The primary drugs in this class are not necessarily effective in lowering LDL cholesterol. They are generally used to lower triglycerides and sometimes increasing the HDL cholesterol levels.

Even with the medications it is still necessary to maintain a sensible diet that incorporates fresh fruits and vegetables, beans and legumes and grains. You should also cut back on foods high in saturated fat such as meat and poultry. Eggs are also a high cholesterol culprit so it is wise to limit your egg consumption to four a week. Include fish in your diet twice a week. Get regular exercise at least three times a week for thirty minutes at a time.

Other things that you can do to reduce your cholesterol levels include stopping smoking, losing weight and getting proper rest. You should also get regular health checkups. Know your target cholesterol level and know where you stand in your quest to reach that target. It takes discipline and perseverance to take the steps requires to lower your cholesterol level, but this is for your health. It's worth it.

Do you suffer from high cholesterol? Do you want to take control of this condition with proven techniques that work? If so, please visit We will teach you how to reduce your cholesterol with diet and holistic/traditional medical treatments.

How to Lower Cholesterol Naturally - Cholesterol Level, How Low is Too Low?

All the news about cholesterol are related to how bad it is for you and your body. There is an increase of awareness on low fat diet, low cholesterol food, the danger of heart disease and other cholesterol related health issues, all these drives people to think if their cholesterol is low enough. The question is how low is low enough? Is there a flip side to very low cholesterol level in the body?

The primary cause of cholesterol is fats in the food we eat and in our body. It is well known as the bad guy to block our arteries that carries blood through out our body, and too much of it will cause heart attack, stroke and other related diseases. In the fever to bring our cholesterol level under control, will it ever be too low for our own good?

There are 2 forms of cholesterol, the bad one or low density lipoprotein or LDL; and the good one, the high density lipoprotein or HDL. The combination of both LDL and HDL cholesterol forms the total cholesterol in our body. In general, HDL should be at least 100mg/DL and total cholesterol of not less then 160mg/DL.

The bad cholesterol, LDL, is the one that forms a sticky layer around the arteries if not transport back to liver. HDL the good cholesterol is the transporter that brings excess LDL back to be metabolized.

While total cholesterol level is a guide to how much cholesterol is in the body, it is more important to know what makes up this level. If comparatively HDL cholesterol forms the majority part of your high cholesterol level, you can be consider to have healthier level then the person who has lower total cholesterol level but high in LDL cholesterol.

Cholesterol is an essential part of the body and our liver produces and metabolized it. It is important because it is used for cell maintenance and the production of hormones. We all need cholesterol from the time we are born. Breast fed baby tend to have higher cholesterol then formula fed babies. However, breast fed baby also adapt to metabolized cholesterol much better. The body adaptation brings benefit to adulthood as they are at lower risk of heart attack, stroke and other cholesterol related issues.

New study and research have shown that too low a cholesterol level does more damage to the physical wellness than it should. Very low cholesterol level has been linked to anxiety, depression and even suicide. This is due to the decrease level of serotonin or the "feel good" neurotransmitter in the brain, which is related to very low cholesterol level. One of the study even shows a drastically increase of risk to accidental death. There are some suggestion that certain form of cancer could be related to very low cholesterol level.

Perhaps the age old axiom stands true in this instance, too much or too little of anything is not good, stick to moderation and balance, will probably reduce most of the risk related to cholesterol

I'm a health & Wellness enthusiast. I've started a website on how to lower cholesterol naturally; this is my experience on how I lower my high cholesterol with natural remedy in 60 days. Lowering Cholesterol Naturally

What Are Considered Safe Cholesterol Levels

Reaching and sustaining safe cholesterol levels is an important part of heart health. But what is cholesterol anyway? And what are safe cholesterol levels? These are just a couple of the question we will answer about safe cholesterol levels.

Cholesterol is a wax like substance that is both produced by the body and consumed through diet. It is your liver that produces the cholesterol. For most people the liver produces just about the right amount of cholesterol for body and cell health. For about one half of one percent of the population the liver produces way too much. This condition is called familial hypercholesterolemia. But generally, our liver does a good job of producing the right amount to keep us healthy and avoid coronary blockage.

As you can see we really don't need to add any additional cholesterol through diet. Nevertheless we often do, but as in most cases the body has a plan B to make sure things don't get out of hand.

The bodies answer to excess cholesterol are high density lipoproteins which are known as good cholesterol. They round up excess cholesterol and dispose of it in the form of solid waste. As long as your HDL molecules are in a ratio of about 3 bad (LDL) to 1 good (HDL) chances are your cholesterol will be in a heart healthy range. Let's look at a few numbers.

For the average person safe cholesterol levels for HDL (good cholesterol) is between 50 and 60 mg/dl, with anything over 60 considered optimal; for LDL (bad cholesterol) a safe reading would be 130 mg/dl or less, with anything under 100 considered optimal; and total cholesterol between 200 and 239 mg/dl would be borderline high with anything less than 200 mg/dl considered to be optimal.

While the above numbers are an accurate reflection for the average person they do not accurately reflect healthy readings for those in the higher risk category. High risk would describe anyone with two or more major risk factors such as age (over 60), smoking, heredity, obesity, and inactivity. For these individuals the above numbers will need to be tweaked 10% to15%. For example a total cholesterol reading of 180mg/dl or less would be considered optimal for those with two or more high risk factors.

Safe cholesterol levels are easily achievable for most through a simple program including a low saturated fat diet, staying away from tobacco, staying active, and a cholesterol reducing supplement if needed. After all you don't want to be one of the one million individuals who have a heart attack this year.

Rob D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic advocate for the use of safe and effective high quality alternative health products and natural living, with over 10 years experience in the field. Learn more about natural remedies and natural health at Purchase

Can A Proper Diet To Reduce High Cholesterol Really Help You?

Cholesterol is not at all that bad for the body, except when it spikes up, then you have to find a diet to reduce high cholesterol. Diets like that aren't easy to find actually. There are lots of them online and you could even go to your doctor and ask him instead. Or you could have him recommend a nutritionist for you. That way, a nutritionist would solve for your daily calorie intake and even prescribe a diet plan for you. That would be the easiest thing to do. The only drawback is that this requires a professional fee.

That said, you may want to try surfing online instead and looking for websites that offer diet programs and guidelines to help you reduce your cholesterol. You can practically do this from your home, plus, you can find the best diet program for you with just a click of the mouse.

There are websites that offer you different options on how to plan your diet. Very often these websites have one common objective, that is to help you reduce that awfully high cholesterol level of yours. Although some of these diet plans have different names, they have the same underlying principles and guidelines. Below are just some of the ways you could do to reduce high cholesterol levels in your body.

First, avoid food items that are either rich in cholesterol or saturated fat, or both. Or better yet, just simply eliminate them from your meal plan. Although red meat is abundant and it is sold practically anywhere, it is very rich in animal fat. Animal fats are known to be the richest sources of saturated fatty acids, which is not a good thing, as saturated fatty acids are the bad cholesterol. You need to avoid dairy products as well. If you find it difficult to do, use skimmed milk or low-fat milk instead. Canned or processed foods should have warning labels on them. Because they are preserved, they tend to have ingredients which are packed with unhealthy oils and fats.

The second thing that you must do to lower your cholesterol level is to eat food items that do have the effect of lowering it down. One common food is garlic. It might not be the best tasting food, but it does its part to keep your cholesterol levels well in the lines of the normal values. Raw garlic is much more preferred because experts have found out that when garlic is cooked, some of its cholesterol reducing effects diminishes. Garlic works well to reduce both the HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) and the LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) of the body. Eat foods that are rich in antioxidants and those that are high in fiber. Soluble fiber found in oatmeal, wheat bread and apple keeps the LDL low.

Getting healthy is not a hard thing to do. Keeping your cholesterol levels in control is not difficult either. All you have to do is to eat a diet to reduce high cholesterol levels and you're all set to living a healthier life.

Discover more on how to protect your heart, visit this website:

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

High Fiber Low Cholesterol Diet Should Be Lifelong

We grab onto fad diets, miracle liquid diets and all that we achieve in reality is a yo-yo weight and a weakened body. The minute we come of the latest fad diet the weight creeps back, we are in fact unhealthier than before we started the diet. Fortunately, more people are now starting to realize that diet means having a healthy body by eating a high fiber, low cholesterol diet and gradually getting their weight to an acceptable level.

Why A High Fiber Low Cholesterol Diet?

The good news about following a high fiber, low cholesterol diet is that you do not have to do anything special; there are no lecture videos to buy, or food charts to complete, nor do you need any special clothes for exercise routines or any of the myriad items so often prescribed in the diets offered all over.

What you must do is read; you need to learn what all the ingredients mean on food labels. The Internet is a great resource for learning which foods are the best for your body, those low in cholesterol and high in fiber. The foods that should feature greatly in your diet are grains, vegetables, fruit and any other foods that will provide you with a minimum of 35 grams of fiber each day.

The questions most frequently asked is what makes a person gain weight and how can you lose weight by eating food. The reasons why we gain weight are complicated and it although eating too much and the wrong types of food will cause weight gain, there is more to it than that. Keeping your blood sugar levels balanced is critical; when our blood sugar levels fluctuate, that is when we reach for that chocolate bar, that refined flour doughnut or that packet of high fat crisps. If you follow a high fiber, low cholesterol diet it slowly releases energy and the fiber keeps you feeling full for longer periods of time. Sugar filled snacks give you a fast sugar rush and then depletes the energy it supplied.

In future shop wisely for unrefined foods, those high in fiber diet superior and low in fats. Stay away from those packaged, refined foods and you will be on your way to a healthier lifestyle.

You can also find more info on high fiber diet. is a comprehensive resource which provide information about Diet.