Saturday, August 17, 2013

Lowering High Cholesterol

High cholesterol has been shown to cause heart disease as it affects the vessels that supply blood to the heart. Continuously high levels of blood cholesterol cause arteries to become narrower when plague builds up and they are not able to deliver adequate oxygen and nutrients to the corresponding heart muscle. When these plaque build ups rupture they can cause blood clots which may completely cut off blood flow. The results can be a stroke, a heart attack and even sudden death.


Cholesterol is classified as good cholesterol or High Density Lipoprotein (HDL). Bad cholesterol or Low-Density Lipoprotein of LDL. HDL has a heart protective function as it collects and transports cholesterol from the bloodstream to the liver which in turn disposes of it. LDL on the other hand, transports cholesterol from the liver to cells that need it. Too high concentrations of LDL can cause cholesterol to be deposited in the artery walls causing plaque build-up and consequent artery damage.

Total Cholesterol

In many cases, total cholesterol is computed from a formula which contains LDL and HDL levels. When people say they have 'high cholesterol' what they are saying is that they have high 'total cholesterol'.

Ideally, heart doctors like to see LDL levels of less than 100mg/dL and HDL levels of at least 40mg/dL in their patient's blood. Values outside this range are considered hazardous. Values way outside may have to be brought down by medication.

Although in many cases working with your doctor and changing your eating and exercising habits can bring down your cholesterol to acceptable, healthy levels. This is something you should ask your doctor about cholesterol lowering diets before you automatically start taking pharmaceuticals. Many of these drugs may have lasting negative impacts - this is a determination that your doctor can make.

Lowering Cholesterol with Pharmaceuticals

Having a low total cholesterol blood level is crucial for continued healthy arteries. Therefore, everyone should aim for high blood levels of HDL and low levels of LDL.

When we eat too much of foods that contain lots of saturated fats such as butter, cheese or red meats our cholesterol levels rise. If the level reaches above 200mg/dL we are said to have high levels of cholesterol. While exercise and diet are able to lower these levels many people are prescribed drugs to do the job.

The most common class of drugs capable of reducing cholesterol are the Statins. They work by blocking the action of the liver enzyme that is responsible for producing cholesterol.

Statins lower LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol levels. At the same time, they lower triglycerides (blood fats) and raise HDL cholesterol levels. They may also tend to stabilize plaques in the arteries. That makes sudden blood clots less likely.

Statins may cause headaches, difficulty sleeping, muscle aches, dizziness, nausea, abdominal cramping, and others.

Other medications are niacin, bile-acid resins or fibric acid derivatives.


Niacin is Vitamin B3 which is found naturally in many foods and supplements. It is able to lower bad cholesterol while raising the levels of good cholesterol. The side effects may produce itching, headaches, hot flushes or a tingling sensation.

Bile-acid Resins

Bile-acid resins work on bile found within the intestine. Bile is composed mainly of cholesterol. In an ideal situation, cholesterol would be integrated into the bile. It would travel into the intestine and once there be reabsorbed into the bloodstream. This type of medication binds to the bile and prevents the reabsorption process. Side effects may include constipation and stomach upsets.

Most cholesterol medications come with side effects which range from digestive problems through to painful symptoms such as allergic reactions or aching muscles.

Choosing the most effective control methods

A physician will advise you not only on the correct medication, but also on lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise.

Natural Foods and Exercise

The combination of a natural foods diet along with exercising can have a significant impact on cholesterol levels especially when the consumption of foods high in dairy fat or fatty red meats are cut out or at least reduced. A diet high in fiber, fresh fruits and vegetables together with a regular exercise program most probably will eliminate the need to take pharmaceuticals altogether and will make you healthier and more robust. Eating cholesterol lowering food is a sensible and common-sense approach to solving the high total cholesterol problem.

About the Author:
Tim Lazaro is an enthusiast of lowering cholesterol with natural foods and exercise. Visit Ways to Lower Your Cholesterol for more expert advice on cholesterol lowering diets with natural foods.

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