Saturday, August 24, 2013

List of Low Cholesterol Foods - Proven Foods That Support Healthy Cholesterol Levels

A list of low cholesterol foods is beneficial for everyone. Whether you have recently heard from your doctor that you need to bring your cholesterol down, or are just a health-conscious individual who wants to be sure that you are not doing something to raise your cholesterol, this article is for you.

Most of us are aware of those foods that are extremely high in cholesterol. Eggs and meats high in saturated fats such as beef and pork are probably the most well-known that should be avoided. If you're serious about maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system, you will minimize the amount of these types of foods that you eat.

However, the best lower cholesterol foods are going to be the ones that are most effective at bringing down high cholesterol levels. Here is a list of low cholesterol foods that you should be looking for.

1.) Vegetables-The most effective foods are green leafy as well as orange vegetables. Both of these categories contain high amounts of fiber and plant sterols. The high nutrient levels contained in these foods will keep you feeling healthy while losing weight and improving your lipid readings.

The highest fiber vegetables include brussels sprouts and spinach. Any diet for lowering cholesterol must contain high amounts of fiber, because it lowers cholesterol in two different ways. First of all it eliminates cholesterol from the body before it as a chance to be absorbed into the bloodstream. However, fiber also stimulates the liver into absorbing more cholesterol.

2.) Fruits-These are also high fiber foods that provide the nutrition that the body requires. They make a delicious and easy snack that you can take with you wherever you go.

3.) Whole Grains-Foods such as oats and bran are powerful lower cholesterol foods that you should be consuming on a regular basis. I find that a bowl of oatmeal with nuts and raisins mixed them makes it very enjoyable way to lower cholesterol levels.

4.) Nuts-Walnuts are included in the list of low cholesterol foods because the type of fat that is found in nuts will not raise your cholesterol levels, but rather will provide the essential fatty acids that support mental and physical wellness. All nuts are beneficial, but walnuts are among the best.

Using lower cholesterol foods to support healthy cholesterol levels makes much more sense than having to rely on cholesterol medication. It is safer, just as effective, and in the long run will help you feel better and perhaps even extend your lifespan. I invite you to visit my website where I discuss in more detail the foods and diets that have been proven to reduce cholesterol levels.

Van Crawford has been studying health and nutrition for over 10 years as he has researched ways to lower his own cholesterol levels. Visit his website now for more information on powerful ways to improve your health and lower your cholesterol:

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