Saturday, September 7, 2013

How to Lower Cholesterol - 3 Powerful Things You Should Know

For those individuals who are at all health conscious, how to lower cholesterol naturally is critically important. Even if you do not currently have high cholesterol, as you get older this may be an issue you will face. For those who are currently dealing with high cholesterol, nature itself has provided the safest and most effective way to bring down those high lipid readings.

You see, there are three powerful changes in your eating habits that you can easily make to give you a healthier heart.

The first thing you'll need to do is to cut out the high saturated fat foods that you consume. These include things like most cuts of beef and pork, especially foods like bacon. As a matter of fact it is best to totally eliminate beef and pork from your diet until you're cholesterol readings are in the acceptable range.

Only after those readings come down should you begin consuming the leanest cuts of beef and pork such as sirloin and tenderloin. The high-fat cuts of meat such as prime rib, as enjoyable as they may be, do not belong in the diet of individuals who are working to keep their cholesterol down.

The second change in your diet will require increasing the amounts of fruits and vegetables that you consume. The plant sterols and fiber contained in these foods are actually nature's "self regulating system" for cholesterol levels. Fiber helps eliminate high amounts of cholesterol in the system while plant sterols compete with cholesterol for absorption into the bloodstream.

Lastly, let's discuss snacking. For many individuals, snacking is a major downfall of their cholesterol-lowering efforts. If you are serious about lowering your cholesterol, it is important to keep healthy snacks on hand such as nuts and vegetables. Vegetables with a small amount of low-fat dip, or a handful of nuts make a very satisfying and effective cholesterol-lowering snack because of the amount of high fiber and nutrients that they contain.

Learning how to lower cholesterol naturally is the healthiest thing you can do for high cholesterol. In the long run this approach will improve your energy levels as well as your mental alertness, two things that taking cholesterol medication will never provide for you.

I invite you to visit my website where I discuss the best ways to develop these healthy, cholesterol lowering habits.

Van Crawford has been studying health and nutrition for over 10 years as he has researched ways to lower his own cholesterol levels. Visit his website now for more information on powerful ways to improve your health and lower your cholesterol: ways to lower cholesterol

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