Monday, December 31, 2012

Lowering Cholesterol With Home Remedy - Eggplant

More than 50% of American populations have cholesterol above 200 mg per dl. Of these more than 25% have levels which can cause potentially fatal diseases like cardiac arrest or stroke. Though statistics show that the Cholesterol levels are falling in the middle age and the elderly partly due to increased awareness and use of statins and other lipid lowering drugs, the worrying point is the increase in Lipid levels in the younger adults. Sedentary life style and increased consumption of packed and junk food have contributed to the rise in the young. Lack of fibers is also contributing to this unfortunate tendency. As in their elderly counterparts this cholesterol comes mainly in the form of dairy products, meat, and trans-fatty acids seen mostly in packed and junk foods. An over consumption of these unhealthy foods carries the risk of obesity and cardiac diseases.

Cholesterol levels have a profound effect on obesity. Obese individuals have unusually high levels of LDL and low HDL. Obesity also is indicted in ailments like cardiac arrest, high blood pressure. Obesity is also the cause of syndrome X. Syndrome X is characterized by collection of fat on the abdominal walls, raised levels of bad cholesterol (LDL), hypertension and insulin resistance. Syndrome X is also believed to be a pre-cursor to diabetes and is associated with high mortality in the First Instance heart attack in patients. Having adequate levels of HDL is also important especially to prevent stroke. As explained deposition of cholesterol in the form of plaques narrow the lumen of arteries including important ones like carotid artery. This reduces blood flow risking the death of Brain tissues due to ischaemeis leading to stroke.

Vegetarian foods are much in vogue these days. It has been said that a simple change into vegetarian diet can lower cholesterol by more than one third. Canadian scientists have claimed that people can drastically reduce their cholesterol by subsisting on plant foods. Further the scientists said that the results cannot be matched even by the most modern dietary regimen to reduce cholesterol. Among the various plants which were tried out Egg Plant was found to be particularly effective in reducing LDL levels. eggplant have natural phenols which inhibit the ACE or angiotensin converting enzyme much like the drug like enalapril or lisinopril does. But it does not mean that people on ACE inhibitors should stop taking the drug and switch over to Eating eggplant. But it is not without reason that naturalists recommend Egg Plant in home remedies for treating hypertension and high cholesterol. Eggplant is a very efficient as well as safe remedy for curing High Cholesterol. is a herbal website which allows users all over the world to share and rate their experience of natural and alternative home remedies.

The Healthy Diet Pyramid - Steps to a More Wholesome "Me"

The healthy diet pyramid represents the general concept of eating wholesome, balanced diet plan that includes all meals. This set of recommendations aimed at promoting much better lifestyles and decrease the incidence of chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension, obesity and cardiovascular illness. Regrettably, numerous of these recommendations happen to be based on assumptions rather than evidence, too as economic and political interests. Let's review the recommendations:

A. Grain

Ought to form the basis of our daily diet plan. That's, we must sustain our meals in a meals group that we have known for 99% of our existence. If we compress all of human history to 1 year, only grains we met yesterday *. Because the introduction of grains to food, cardiovascular problems and obesity rates grew dramatically. If we add towards the refinement of these grains due to industrialization, triggering the glycemic index, we can realize that these recommendations have no rhyme or reason, only respond to political interests and ignorance (see scenarios below lipids.)

B. Fruits and veggies

Unlike grains, fruits and veggies have existed because the Paleolithic era. The consumption of carbohydrates was mainly via these foods: fruits and vegetables accessible as a station. These two groups represent the ideal source of carbohydrates, particularly vegetables. Its high water content, fiber, minerals and vitamins, phyto-nutrients and antioxidants the foods are essential and should be component from the everyday diet plan. Fruits, while offering advantages, ought to not be abused by their sugar content. The best choices are those of low glycemic index (strawberries, blueberries, apples, peaches, etc).

C. Milk

This group includes dairy products such as cheese and yogurt. These meals are essential because of its high protein and vitamins. Humans have fed breast milk during lactation, and then move to another kind of power total. There is ethnic individuality in terms of lactose tolerance is concerned. Within the milk, the best option is full-fat cheese, which contain high percentage of higher biological value protein, vitamins and minerals as well as saturated fat is important for the regular functioning from the body without containing substantial percentages of lactose (sugar)

D. Meat and Vegetables

It is absolutely intolerable that you bring together these two meals in 1 category. Suggests that meat and vegetables are interchangeable and have similar properties (like a nightmare vegetarian). To begin with, are two totally various things. Meats are full animal protein sources with low or no carbohydrates and animal fat intake and cholesterol importantly, it provides important vitamins like those in the complex B, and bioavailable iron content. Vegetables, no. They contain iron much less accessible than animal iron, high in carbohydrates and vegetable protein, ie not total. Within this category also consists of eggs (meals important) and nuts, which although ought to be component of our diet to a greater or lesser extent, are not equivalent to meat or eggs, and less vegetables.

D. Oils and fats

Basically it's recommended not to add more weight simply because the "normal" diet plan provides sufficient amount of weight required. The emphasis is on consuming vegetable oils that never existed (by the same analogy as in the case of grains, refined vegetable oils happen to be around for 10 minutes), simply because they are high in omega 6 fats that are healthy and protect your heart. These consist of canola oil, soybeans, corn, sunflower, etc. (Note: to separate the oils from avocado, olive oil and nuts).

Thanks to the lipid hypothesis, get together again to saturated fats and cholesterol with trans fats. This hypothesis has been refuted many times, but unfortunately remains. The only thing salvageable from this appointment may be the reduction of trans fats in meals.

Are we truly more healthy?

More than 65% of people over 20 years in the U.S. are overweight and / or obesity (Allison, et al. 1999). Also, more than 64 million individuals have 1 or more types of cardiovascular disease and also the leading cause of death in that country (38.5%). 50 million endure from hypertension and 11 million endure from diabetes type II (AHA, 2004). Cancer is the second leading trigger of death (25%) and it is estimated that one third of these deaths are related to nutritional factors and obesity (ACS, 2004). Individuals with metabolic syndrome came to 76 million in 2007, and there's a prevalence of nearly 40% worldwide (AHA, 2009).

In Peru, in 2008 it was estimated that about 26% of men and 24% of women were obese. In 2009, Peru was one of eight countries from the world's most obese kids. In addition, the prevalence of diabetes is approximately 8%, increasing each year. In 2005, the prevalence of people with metabolic syndrome in Peru was 25.8%. According to RPP, much more than two million Peruvians suffer from diabetes.

Learn more about the healthy diet plan pyramid and visit

Diet With Gallstones - 10 Foods That Flush Gallstones

A diet with gallstones is critical if you wish to flush gallstones. Unfortunately, most people listen to their doctors and simply remove their organ, the gallbladder. Even more unfortunately, doctors do not have the best interest of your health in mind when they recommend gallbladder surgery.

That is why thousands of sufferers are now asking natural health doctors for advice to flush gallstones. It is no surprise that these doctors are recommending flushing gallstones with your diet. Because cholesterol stones are caused by a poor diet, it only would make sense that you can pass these stones with your diet.

In this article, you will learn 15 secret foods that can contribute to your new diet with gallstones.

10 Foods that Flush Gallstones

There have been numerous research studies about the best diet for gallstones. They show that a high fiber and low fat diet is paramount. Here are 10 foods you should immediately add to your diet to begin your gallbladder, liver and colon flush. Studies show that flushing these organs is critical to passing your stones.

1. Drinking water is important to any healthy diet. Water flushes your body and all your organs. You should drink at least 2 liters daily.

2. High fiber foods will advertise their fiber content. But make sure the grains you eat have a fiber content of at least 3 grams per serving. Check labels!

3. Avoid enriched flour bread (white bread) and immediately switch to multi-grain or wheat. Check for the highest dietary fiber. Check labels!

4. Eating a salad (spinach preferably) at every meal will be very beneficial. Spinach contains chlorophyll which you will see is very beneficial.

5. Foods with high chlorophyll content are also helpful for flushing. Asparagus (steamed) is a great food and remedy.

6. Switch all your oils to unsaturated fat oils (like olive oil, seed oils or flaxseed oil).

7. A diet rich in calcium has been shown to be beneficial. You can supplement are consume fat free diary.

8. People who are deficient in magnesium are also at a higher risk to develop stones. Supplement daily.

9. Fruits are also high in fiber. You should eat apples, grapefruits, lemons and watermelons regularly.

10. Avoid high sugars which also will put you at high risk for developing stones. Eat greener apples to avoid higher sugar levels.

What Else Can You Do?

There are also lifestyle tips you can do and more food dieting tips. Most people (nearly 80%) can painlessly pass their gallstones if they are proactive about their health. Learn how your lifestyle and diet can contribute to the cure that works in 24 hours. Guaranteed to Work in 24 Hours! This promise has allowed Joe Barton to help thousands of sufferers with his Flush Gallstones Report. A step by step, researched remedy is clicks away. Diet with Gallstones

Are Low Carb Diets Considered An Easy Way To Lose Weight?

A low carbohydrate diet is one of the most popular weight loss diets on the market today. Its popularity has sparked dozens of look-a-like diets (Atkins, Southbeach, etc.) who center on the same principles of high-protein, low-carbohydrate eating. There are a lot of fish in the sea when it comes to choosing a low-carbohydrate plan.

Studies have shown that low-carbohydrate eating has many benefits. There have been scientific results that low-carbohydrate diets like A low carb do create significant weight loss without having to restrict calories. People who use a low carb diet have also reported this. There are studies that show that low carb eating improves triclycerides, reduces blood glucose for diabetics and pre-diabetics and increases good cholesterol (HDL). Low carbohydrate dieting has been scientifically proven to improve insulin sensitivity, decrease blood pressure and lower blood insulin levels. When compared with low fat diets, low-carb dieters lose less muscle mass.

Although not scientifically proven, there are many common benefits reported by a low carb dieters and other low-carb dieters. These include an increase in energy, a reduced craving for sweets, better concentration, improved mood and an lessening of depression type symptoms.

However, there are also some benefits that are specific to a low carb diet. If you have been a low fat dieter in previous years, you will enjoy eating all of those "forbidden foods" that you once had to go without. Steak, butter and cream are a regular part of A low carb dieters' meals. There is a certain pleasure that goes along with eating foods that were once off limits. A low carb dieters are encouraged to eat their full of rich meats, cheeses and fats and oils.

A low carb is also simple to use, compared with some other low-carb diets on the market. There are some basic food carbohydrate counts that you will need to learn, but after that, you are free to eat from the acceptable food lists.

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Want to Know About Cholesterol?

Being told that you have high cholesterol can cause a big panic, but you do not necessarily need to panic unduly as doctors often only tell one side of the story, i.e., high cholesterol is bad for you. There is, though, rather more to it than that.

Cholesterol is a type of fat that is essential for normal body function. We all need some cholesterol to build and maintain cell membranes (outer layer), controlling passage of molecules across membranes, produce certain hormones, produce bile, help metabolism of vitamins, and to insulate nerve fibres Without cholesterol we could not survive, but, like so many good things, you can have too much.

An excess of cholesterol, or certain types of cholesterol, can lead to narrowing of arteries, and a higher risk of heart disease and stroke.

Cholesterol does not float around by itself in the body. It does not dissolve in the blood so is transported around attached to protein, and these protein/fat combinations are called lipoproteins. The main culprits in causing artery and heart disease are the low density lipoproteins (LDL), which is often termed "bad" cholesterol because they carry cholesterol from the liver to cells of the body, including lining cells of arteries where excess can be deposited.

High density (HDL) lipoproteins are termed "good" cholesterol because they take cholesterol away from cells and back to the liver to be broken down and expelled as waste.

There is a third main category of cholesterol known as triglycerides, which mostly produced by the immediate conversion of food after digestion. Energy from food that is eaten and not used immediately is converted into triglycerides and transported to fat cells for storage. A certain amount of triglycerides are therefore present in the blood, but, too much can be a bad thing and increase the risk of heart disease.

When your doctor measures your cholesterol levels he may only be talking about total cholesterol, which is only a rough guide to heart disease risk. The ratio of HDL to LDL is a more accurate pointer. High LDL levels are a bad sign, whilst high HDL levels are good.

"Bad" cholesterol levels can be reduced by attention to diet, not just by reducing fatty meat intake but also by cutting down on sugary foods, and the processed foods that are sold in boxes and bags in supermarkets. This is because only some cholesterol is taken in as such in food; most is made in the body in the liver. A high fat/high refined carbohydrate diet, so typical of Western society, unfortunately tends to cause the liver to manufacture more cholesterol of the wrong sort.

To avoid health problems from too much of the wrong sort of cholesterol you should eat a healthy, natural diet, incorporating plenty of fruit and vegetables. Drinking plenty of water and taking pro-biotic supplements can also help.

By avoiding too much processed or junk food you can help keep your cholesterol levels normal. Oh, and, by the way, exercise helps too!

Author Rob Esmund is a retired health professional with an interest in nutrition and weight loss. Much more free information at [].

Vegetarian Diet For a Healthy Natural Weight Loss

It may seem difficult for most people to get on a purely vegetarian diet in an effort to lose weight, and many would make excuses such as veggies are unappetizing or that a strictly vegetarian diet can be quite boring. However, it can not be denied that vegetarian diets usually have lower calories, and can actually help people lose weight. Lessening your intake of meat products, especially red meats can also result to lowered levels of blood cholesterol, making vegetables a better choice to protect the body from heart disease, hypertension and other chronic diseases.

Studies have proven that who people eat meat more than six times a week are more prone to heart disease, as compared with those who have lesser meat intake. Replacing your regular diet of heavy meats help you reduce weight and at the same time provide your body with health benefits that can lead to a longer, healthier life.

A vegetarian diet could simply mean adding more vegetables to your diet or it could also mean completely eliminating meat and other animal products such as eggs, milk and other dairy products. Some people have turned to being completely vegans, which means they have totally eliminated meat and other animal products. It has been observed many times that the cholesterol levels of vegans are a lot lower than lacto-ovo vegetarians (people who eat dairy products). However, lacto-ovo vegetarians still have lowered blood cholesterol levels than meat eaters, and are usually able to maintain their weight better.

Since most vegetables are also rich in fiber, eating a good amount of them can also help your digestion and elimination of toxins from the body. An improved digestive system, of course means a more efficient elimination of excess liquids and wastes from the body, which also contribute some excess pounds to the body. Vegetables are also rich source of vitamins and minerals which are essential especially when you are trying to lose weight.

There are many tasty vegetable recipes that you can find on the Internet that are appetizing and yet have low calories. To get the most out of your vegetables, do not overcook them and as much as possible, eat them right after they are cooked. If you can not make the transition right away from a meat filled diet to a purely vegan diet, just lessen your intake of red meats and replace them with nutritious and low calorie vegetables.

Mary Tanady desires to write articles since 3 years ago. Not only this author loves to write in the topic of weight loss, but also in beauty, dieting, fitness training and health. Visit her latest website on samsung cash register which reviews about cash registers for sale.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Atkins Diet Program

When choosing a weight loss program many people will search all over the web for the right program for them. Whether it's a low carbohydrate diet, a pill, or even a video game there is every different kind of method out there. Finding the right method for you is the most important. When choosing the right weight loss program for you it is important to make sure it is safe, fits your needs, has experienced educators working with you, also has a weight loss maintenance program and does not scam you into spending thousands of dollars with no results.

Dr. Robert Atkins started the largest 'low-carb craze" when he wrote a series of books titled, " Dr. Atkins' Diet Revolution" in 1972. The books were centered around his belief that the main cause of obesity was from eating carbohydrates such as sugar, flour, and high fructose syrup. The Atkins diet program restricts "net carbs" to decrease hunger due to the longer process of digestion for fats and proteins. While other weight loss programs, such as Alli weight loss, include an over the counter weight loss pill that stops the digestion of fat.

Whether the Atkins diet program is effective and healthy for you is still up for debate. Some studies say it helps prevent cardiovascular disease, lowers LPD cholesterol, and increases HDL cholesterol. Other studies say the diet contributes to cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease, arrhythmia, osteoporosis, and kidney stones. Diets that are high in protein cause the loss of calcium and lowering in urinary citrate levels. In 2004 a study was conducted and found that the Atkins diet lead to 70% constipation of the subjects, 65% had halitosis, 54% had headaches, and 10% reported hearing loss. It is important to research and find all the risks and benefits of a weight loss program that you are considering.

Many of these diets start out in a big craze but tend to drop in popularity once it has thoroughly been researched and people are aware of all of its risks. The weight loss craze of today I would say is the Wii weight loss program. This program appears to be safe and includes a balanced diet and regular exercise with the fun of playing video games. The Atkins diet program has four phases that you go through. These phases are induction, ongoing weight loss, pre-maintenances and lifetime maintenance. The induction phase is around 2 weeks long and is the most restrictive. It allows for no more than 20 net grams per day. The ongoing phase increases carbohydrates by 5 net grams a week. The pre-maintenance phase increases carbohydrates again by 10 grams per week. This is for you to find the maximum number of carbohydrates you can eat a day without gaining weight. The final step, lifetime maintenance, is to help enforce the habits you have created and to carry them out the rest of your life. What sets the Atkins diet program apart from other programs, such as Alli weight loss and the Wii program, is that it has you follow specific steps during different durations of the diet.

We all know and experts agree that the best way to reach your healthy weight loss is to exercise regularly and commit to a sensible eating plan. If a program encourages unhealthy behavior then you should probably stay away from it. There are many people out there who are not certified to help you that are trying to scam you into some "magical pill". Any program that tells you that you can lose weight and not change your diet and exercise then they are selling a fantasy. Don't be afraid to ask questions and make sure you consider all your choices seriously.

Scott White is a Celebrity Personal Trainer, Fitness Expert, Author, and a one of the best in dealing with the human body relating to your health, fitness, and nutrition. He has developed millions of customized Weight Loss Programs with remarkable success in achieving peoples goals. You want to be fit, health, smart about your body for life talk to Scott White. He's the expert trainers, strength coaches and celebrities turn to so you should to. Scott White's Personal Power Training Studio is known as the top personal training studio in Scottsdale Arizona. People all over the world travel to Train with Personal Power Training and the Personal Trainers there.

Arizona Diet Eating Healthy Plan

So many diets so many choices - what to pick? Well this Arizona diet eating healthy plan certainly looks promising with its green tea and ginseng.

If you've been looking for that extra push to loose those pounds the Arizona diet eating healthy plan is just what you need. This is an extract of green tea and ginseng and in case you haven't guessed it's a drink. Now how simple is that? And it gives you many more benefits than just helping you loose weight because both green tea and ginseng have many health benefits.

One of the reasons it's so successful is that the ginseng contains polyphenols which help convert fats into heat energy which is called thermogenesis. Add green tea and you increase the body's energy usage by 4% and this is all backed by studies. So with the Arizona diet eating health plan you give your body a substantial boost for burning up the fat and you haven't even increased your activity level. In fact all on it's own it translates to a loss of 10 pounds a month.

Your Arizona diet eating healthy plan includes green tea, ginseng, and a small amount of caffeine to increase your metabolism. There are no heart palpitations or other cardio problems. This is a formula that combined with healthy eating which includes plenty of fruits and vegetables will result in amazing grounds gained.

There is more great news relating to Arizona diet eating healthy plan and that's the reduction of cholesterol levels. Too many people are taking drugs like Lipitor which is a Stanton drug and can result in liver damage over time. But this formula can reduce cholesterol naturally and that's just a great buy!

When you take your Arizona diet eating healthy plan seriously you will discover that very quickly you begin to feel younger and more youthful as well as much healthier. Once again you get the health benefits as well as the weight loss benefits. Certainly a win-win all the way around.

The ginseng found in the Arizona diet eating healthy plan has many ways of promoting health. It enhances the immune system, lowers blood sugar levels, improves adrenal function, mental alertness and physical performance, and it reduces your risk of certain types of cancer. Combine all those benefits with a diet rich is fresh fruits and vegetables and you've got the makings for becoming very healthy as you loose weight.

There are so many different diets on the market and there are so many diet products that claim to be the one to help you shed those pounds. The difference here is that the Arizona diet eating healthy plan combines a drink with diet to give you the maximum benefits. Here you get the benefits of green tea and ginseng combined with a diet low in saturated fats and high in fiber and those pounds will be disappearing quickly but in a healthy manner.

So the next time you consider dieting consider the Arizona diet eating healthy plan that will have you slimmer and trimmer while leaving you healthier and feeling younger.

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Be sure to check out our Diet Eating Healthy Plan pages.

How to Lower Cholesterol Naturally Without Drugs

Bad dietary choices are a leading cause of many health problems, including high cholesterol levels. The primary reason for this is the consumption of to much fat in our daily diet. This is concerning because high cholesterol is one of the biggest risk factors for high blood pressure, heart disease, and strokes. In other words ignoring the risks of high cholesterol can be deadly.

Fortunately it is easy to combat this problem if you know how to lower cholesterol naturally. In fact for most people fighting this serious medical condition some simple lifestyle changes are all it takes to reduce it.

If you understand what cholesterol is and how it works in the body you can begin to see how you can control it through natural methods. Cholesterol itself is a fatty wax like substance produced primarily in the liver. Eighty percent is produced by the body while the other twenty percent we need is gotten through the foods we eat. It's when that percentage from foods starts to go above twenty percent that we run into health issues.

Cholesterol is an important substance that the body uses to create and maintain cell wall membranes and manufacture many of the hormones we need to keep the body functioning. But high levels of cholesterol in the blood stream can lead to atherosclerosis which is a narrowing and hardening of the arteries. This in turn can lead to high blood pressure, clogged arteries, and blood clots.

Because high cholesterol is such a problem in our society medical science has come up with a variety of treatments and drugs to help those who have issues with this problem. But generally it is only in the most extreme cases that prescription medication needs to be used. Normally natural processes work best in the fight against high cholesterol.

The first thing you will be advised to do upon learning that you have high cholesterol is to start making changes to your diet and get more exercise. A low cholesterol diet is more then avoiding foods that contain cholesterol, it is about changing the way you prepare your meals and avoiding saturated fats and trans fats; both of which have been shown to increase blood cholesterol levels more then cholesterol containing foods. This means avoiding and eliminating fried foods and fatty foods from your diet completely.

Eating healthy is your best defense along with a sensible exercise program in the fight against cholesterol. Learning how to lower cholesterol naturally is a matter of doing a little research and the internet offers a wealth of information on this subject. Making the necessary lifestyle changes around diet and exercise are not that hard and the change it has on your overall health are well worth the effort.

If high cholesterol is affecting your health and you want to do something about it but aren't sure where to start please visit the website Lowering Cholesterol by Clicking Here.

Get Healthy With Cholesterol Lowering Foods, a Good Cholesterol Diet and Natural Supplements

Choosing to lower your cholesterol levels naturally by eating cholesterol lowering foods, following a low cholesterol diet, and taking natural cholesterol lowering supplements is the best choice you can make for your health. Drugs that are used to lower cholesterol may be effective but there are side effects associated with their use, making them less than ideal as a solution for hypercholesterolemia. Cholesterol Lowering Foods

There are a number of foods that are known to lower your cholesterol levels. Examples of cholesterol lowering foods are fatty fish, fruits like grapes and apples, oats, soy, walnuts, and garlic. Fatty fish like tuna, herring, salmon and sardines contain omega 3 which is an essential fatty acid known to lower blood cholesterol and triglycerides.

Apples contain pectin that helps eliminate cholesterol from the system while its quercetin content acts as a powerful antioxidant. The flavonoids present in grapes protect LDL from free radical damage and reduce platelet aggregation. Oats are also examples of cholesterol lowering foods that are rich in soluble fiber which helps reduce LDL levels. Walnuts are effective in reducing high blood cholesterol as they are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. Low Cholesterol Diet

Adhering to a diet low in cholesterol is also important. This does not only mean cutting down on foods that are rich in bad cholesterol but one must also increase intake of foods known to lower the cholesterol in the body. The right balance between good and bad cholesterol is necessary for good health.

Cholesterol Lowering Supplements

Taking supplements that naturally lower your cholesterol is also valuable in controlling cholesterol. Of course, it is important that the supplement contains 100% natural ingredients with no fillers, binders, and additives.

Among the most effective ingredients in supplements that lower blood cholesterol are policosanol, theaflavin, pumpkin seed oil, vitamin E, and beta sitosterol. Policosanol is derived from sugar cane and works by lowering LDL levels while increasing HDL levels.

Theaflavins are polyphenols found in tea leaves and work the same way as policosanol. Pumpkin seed oil helps lower LDL levels while vitamin E helps prevent oxidation of LDL cholesterol. Beta sitosterol binds to cholesterol and reduces its absorption in the body.

It is important to keep your cholesterol levels in check as they can have a serious effect on your health. HDL is good for you but in excessive amounts, it can be unhealthy too. LDL may be bad in excessive amounts but the body still needs it in certain amounts for proper functioning.

A combination of cholesterol lowering foods, a good cholesterol diet and natural supplements, will ensure you achieve and maintain healthy, balanced cholesterol levels.

Now that you know this, why not visit my website today and learn how you can effectively, safely and naturally achieve those healthy, balanced cholesterol levels.

Mary Ruddy is a strong advocate of natural and safe health care and enjoys nothing more than helping others make a positive impact on their lives. To find out more about how you too can improve your health naturally visit her website today at

Visit her site to learn the natural and safe way for lowering cholesterol.

The Diabetes Diet Plan

A diabetes diet should do three things; achieve ideal weight, maintain normal blood glucose levels, and limit foods that contribute to hear disease.

The proper diet can help someone with diabetes:

Achieve and maintain desirable weight. Many people with diabetes can control their blood glucose by losing weight and keeping it off.

Maintain normal blood glucose levels.

Prevent heart and blood vessel diseases, conditions that tend to occur in people with diabetes.

The guidelines for diabetes diet planning include the following:

Many experts, including the American Diabetes Association, recommend that 50 to 60 percent of daily calories come from carbohydrates, 12 to 20 percent from protein, and no more than 30 percent from fat.

Spacing meals throughout the day, instead of eating heavy meals once or twice a day, can help a person avoid extremely high or low blood glucose levels.

The best way to lose weight is gradually: one or two pounds a week. Strict diets must never be undertaken without the supervision of a doctor.

People with diabetes have twice the risk of developing heart disease as those without diabetes, and high blood cholesterol levels raise the risk of heart disease. Losing weight and reducing intake of saturated fats and cholesterol, in favor of unsaturated and monounsaturated fats, can help lower blood cholesterol.

For example, meats and dairy products are major sources of saturated fats, which should be avoided; most vegetable oils are high in unsaturated fats, which are fine in limited amounts; and olive oil is a good source of monounsaturated fat, the healthiest type of fat. Liver and other organ meats and egg yolks are particularly high in cholesterol. A doctor or nutritionist can advise someone on this aspect of diet.

Studies show that foods with fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, peas, beans, and whole-grain breads and cereals may help lower blood glucose. A doctor or nutritionist can advise someone about adding fiber to a diet.

Exchange lists are useful in planning a diabetes diet. They place foods with similar nutrients and calories into groups. With the help of a nutritionist, the person plans the number of servings from each exchange list that he or she should eat throughout the day. More information on exchange lists is available from nutritionists and from the American Diabetes Association.

Someone with diabetes can get assistance in the following ways: A doctor can recommend a local nutritionist or dietitian. The local American Diabetes Association, American Heart Association, and American Dietetic Association can provide names of qualified dietitians or nutritionists and information about diet planning. Local diabetes centers at large medical clinics, hospitals, or medical universities usually have dietitians and nutritionists on staff.

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Which Low Cholesterol Foods Should You Include in Your Daily Diet to Lower High Cholesterol?

What if I told you that eating low cholesterol foods can actually help you lower high cholesterol? It's true, what we eat every single day greatly affects our cholesterol levels, either in a positive or negative way.

Let's remind ourselves first though, how high cholesterol affects us. Well, it has been proven, that high cholesterol leads to heart disease, heart attacks, strokes and clots.

As our daily diet is one of the biggest contributors to high cholesterol, eating low cholesterol foods is fundamental to warding off heart disease.

So what are the low cholesterol foods? Well, fruits and vegetables are top of the list. And the reason is because of their high fibre content. High fibre is very effective at getting rid of unwanted cholesterol.

Other high fibre foods to take into consideration are whole grains, such as oats, oat bran, oat meal etc.

Poultry and oily fish contain very little cholesterol and should be included in your daily diet. Oily fish would include mackerel, salmon, herring etc.

While an egg yolk is high in cholesterol, egg whites have no cholesterol. Fat free milk or low fat milk, low fat or fat free yogurts, are also low cholesterol foods.

Some snacks that would be considered low cholesterol foods would be bread sticks, dried fruit, bagels, pretzels etc., but always remember, these should only be eaten in moderation and as part of a controlled diet.

Avocado should be considered as it lowers cholesterol, because of its high content of monounsaturated fats and beta siterol, two ingredients that have been proven to help lower cholesterol effectively.

Changing your diet to include low cholesterol foods is only part of the equation to lowering high cholesterol and increasing good cholesterol. Exercise is another part.

And for the third part, include a good quality natural cholesterol supplement in your daily diet. Why? Because it will provide you with invaluable nutrients, proven to lower LDL cholesterol, raise HDL cholesterol and lower triglycerides. And secondly, no nasty side effects.

Make sure any product you choose has beta siterol, just like in the avocado, which will help lower cholesterol efficiently.

So, go ahead, make a start today on achieving good cholesterol levels. Visit my website to learn more on how you can achieve your goal.

Mary Ruddy is a strong advocate of natural and safe health care and enjoys nothing more than helping others make a positive impact on their lives. To find out more about how you too can improve your health naturally visit her website today at

Visit her site to learn the natural and safe way for lowering cholesterol.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

High Cholesterol

Suffering from high cholesterol levels is one of the most common traits in today's generation. High cholesterols levels are so dangerous that they have the potency to induce many other fatal diseases. One of the consequences of unnatural cholesterol levels is rise in the tendency of heart attack. Since improper diet is not the only reason behind high cholesterol levels it becomes quite complex to deal with it. One should always contact a doctor to get the basics of his or her illness-whether the rise in cholesterol level is because of inappropriate diet or due to his or her genes or as a result of some other disease.

Now, one of the most frequently asked questions is- what is cholesterol? Cholesterol is a fatty substance that resides in our bloodstream. Some amount of cholesterol is required in the blood to retain good quality of health. High Density Lipoprotein and Low Density Lipoprotein are the two types of cholesterol that our body possesses. The acceptable level of cholesterol and triglyceride levels is mmol/ l. Total cholesterol level should be no more than 5. High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol level should be more than 1. Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) must not be more than 3.

The two types of cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and LDL cholesterol have different effects on the body. While HDL cholesterol is considered to be good for our body, LDL cholesterol has harmful effects. HDL cholesterol is referred to as good cholesterol. It collects some of the residual cholesterol from the arteries and brings it to the liver where it is processed and in the course of time expelled from the body. LDL cholesterol is referred to as the bad cholesterol. It travels from the liver to different parts of the body. They stick to the walls of arteries and make them narrow slowly. This process is quite harmful because narrow arteries restrict the natural flow of blood and leads to heart attack and stroke.

One of the main causes behind high LDL cholesterol is the intake of high saturated fats found in fast food. The other reasons may be hereditary problem or some disease of liver, kidney, diabetes or active thyroid. It is best to consult a doctor and have him trace the reason behind your illness. Then you can safely undergo the proper course of remedy. So carry out the blood test first and check if your cholesterol level of either HDL or LDL is abnormal.

If your HDL cholesterol level is very low, it might have serious consequences. You must immediately take steps to increase the level. Undertake a regular exercise routine. Try to reduce your weight and maintain it by going through weight loss diets. Quit smoking as it has adverse effects on your health. In addition to this if your case is very serious, be ready to take medicines according to your doctor's advice.

To check high level LDL cholesterol there are two ways. The first one is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This includes eating a healthy diet and going for frequent exercise to burn the extra calories.

Ron Beckett is author of this article on High cholesterol.

Find more information about hdl here.

Lose Weight or You Will Diet!

Losing weight is not as easy as some people think. There seems to be this big misconception that all you have to do is go on the "Atkins Diet" and you will lose all you want in a matter of no time. The good news is, you do lose weight and it happens really fast. The bad part is the food selection stinks. It is a really hard diet but with the right mental attitude, weight loss is achievable with this diet. But there are more dieting choices that you can choose from.

There are other diets that let you eat food that has taste and does not have you counting every time you take a drink. Let's face it, counting carbohydrates is not fun. When you have 10 carbs that you can consume in one day, it kind of narrows down what you can eat. 3 pieces of cheese, 10 individual grapes, and 1 fried hamburger patty. And be sure to have no steak sauce with that hamburger, only mustard. This diet is just too strict!!! But, if you want to lose weight fast, then this is the diet you want to look in to.

Another program is the Ann Collins Weight Loss Program. This is a pretty cool program because Ann exposes some of the secrets behind 9 of the most popular diet plans. She tells you the ends and out of each and the helps you choose which plan works best for you and you situation. Even if you are a diabetic and need to watch you eat, she addresses the diabetic diet. She addresses the low glycemic diet, Vegetarian diet, and a cholesterol lowering diet. You can jump from diet to diet to determine which one is best for you.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots is my favorite one because I am an idiot. I don't have a lot of time the day before and plan what I can eat, how much of it and when to eat it. This diet will do that for you. A week in advance even! It takes such simple rules that are practically full proof. You get to choose the foods from a huge list and then eat. There really no thought to this program. It takes the choices that you make from the food selections and combines them into planed meals that you eat. There is no more guessing what you should eat with what here. Just pick your foods and eat. It does not get any simpler than that.

How about a diet for the girls that are getting married? Believe it or not, the really is a wedding diet. This diet is geared for the women wanting to slim down to the wedding dress It is a step by step process with a day to day action plan than will exploit every weight loss trick in the book. Using the proven science of nutrient cycling losing shaping the body for your size 6 or even 5 wedding gown is not impossible.

Now if you are into the type of diet that takes you into the military, well then the Turbulence Diet is for you. But I must warn you; this is not for the weak hearted people. This diet is about eating right and intense workouts. Even though it is short workout's a week, they are intense and will cause some pain, and as the old adage says, "No pain, No gain".

In closing, let me state this and if you take nothing from here at all, take this; seek the advice of your doctor before trying any diet or starting a new exercise program. As we get older, I have found and I am beginning to understand, we can't do the same things we used too. But, we need to start doing something. Obesity and heart decease in America are out of control. Think of your kids, your grand children, your wives, your husbands. Most of all think of you. You will look better, feel better and you will live better. But most of all, you life depends on it!

Is A Vegetarian Diet A Healthy Way To Lose Weight ?

If you've been to any large banquets recently, you may have noticed people passing up the red meat and chicken in order to eat a vegetarian meal. Vegetarianism seems to be gaining in popularity each year, spurred on by health concerns, weight difficulties, and celebrity endorsement. You may find that a vegetarian diet is the key to weight loss in your particular case.

You may be surprised to learn that there are actually a variety of vegetarian diets in use today.In some cases, vegetarians eat only fruits, vegetables, beans, and nuts.In other cases, they may also eat cheese and drink milk, while in still other cases, they may eat eggs.

One of the advantages to the vegetarian diet is that it tends to be low in fat and cholesterol.A vegetarian diet can help you avoid heart problems and even cancer. However, you may also find that you are missing some important vitamins and minerals on a strictly vegetarian diet.

It has been said that the key to a successful vegetarian diet is planning. You must decide what you will be eating for every meal in order to ensure that you receive the proper nutrients. Otherwise, you may end up starving your body of the nutrients you need in order to be healthy.

A major benefit of the vegetarian diet is that it tends to involve a healthy serving of fruits and vegetables, along with whole grains. However, getting enough protein can be a challenge. Therefore, you might consider adding soy to your diet, which is high in protein content. Another important consideration is iron which is present in meat and needed to make red blood cells.

You'll need to make sure that you eat spinach and beans in order to guarantee that you receive enough iron, since you will not be consuming customary sources of iron such as liver and roast beef.

You may need to supplement your diet with vitamins in order to ensure that you receive the appropriate amount of B-12, Vitamin D, calcium, and zinc. Otherwise, you'll have to load up on cereals, soy milk, spinach, and broccoli.Also, eating a vegetarian diet means you'll still have to restrict high-calorie foods.

You have to eat an array of fruits and vegetables.If you do use dairy, be sure that you choose non-fat or low-fat milk and cheese. Since eggs are rich in cholesterol, you should eat them only in moderation.

Studies have shown that vegetarians tend to consume fewer calories each day than meat-eaters. Also, the body mass index--a tool used to measure obesity--is generally lower for vegetarians than for the population at large. However, as a vegetarian, you will still need to pay attention to portion control and calorie counts. Therefore, while vegetarianism may not be a panacea for weight loss, it can certainly help in the battle against the bulge.

However, it should be noted here that some people mistakenly look upon vegetarianism as a quick fix. They figure that if they give up meat for a couple of weeks, they'll lose weight. Then, after their trial period is over, they go back to their old eating habits. This is a bad pattern because it encourages yo-yo dieting. If you decide to go on a vegetarian diet, it is very important that you stick with it. Otherwise, you may be greatly disappointed in your weight loss progress.

Vegetarianism is not for everyone. However, if you enjoy fruits and vegetables, are non-committal about meat, and are good at planning meals, you may want to go vegetarian. Which diet program you ultimately choose may depend greatly upon your personal preferences and what kind of diet regimen you are prepared to follow over the long run.

You should also know that just because a person eats often, that does not necessarily mean that he or she is overeating. A number of reputable diet plans recommend eating five or six small meals a day in order to keep your metabolism humming and to ward off hunger.

A survey conducted in 1999 found that 60 percent of Americans skip breakfast. However, you should be aware of the fact that eating breakfast can be a key to losing weight. If you don't skip breakfast, you'll find that you'll burn calories faster, leading to weight loss.

Try to avoid eating late-night snacks. This is because your body will probably store the calories rather than burn them off.Simply changing your nightly routine may help you to keep away from food at the midnight hour.

For more related information visit: - a site that offers product advice for coping with weight loss. Get professional knowledge on dealing with symptoms, side effects and improving your life! Christopher Ruane

Statins (Rosuvastatin) And Their Use Among People With Normal "Bad" Cholesterol (LDL) Levels

Statins, also known as HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, are a class of drugs that reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in your blood known as low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-c). Statin therapy has been approved for patients who have been diagnosed with vascular disease, diabetes, or who have an increased level of cholesterol in their blood (hyperlipidemia). However, nearly 50% of all heart attacks (myocardial infarctions) occur in individuals with levels of LDL-c (bad cholesterol) are low enough that they would not be required to even take a statin medication.

Because of the high number of individuals who have heart attacks without elevated levels of cholesterol, the JUPITER (Justification for the Use of Statins in Prevention: an Intervention Trial Evaluating Rosuvastatin) trial was conducted. The JUPITER trial, a paper published in the November 2008 issue of The New England Journal of Medicine, wanted to see if patients without increased levels of "bad" cholesterol (LDL-C) would benefit from the use of statins. The authors decided to use high sensitivity C-reactive protein (an inflammatory biomarker that can predict cardiovascular events) as the variable which could determine patient outcome.

The study was conducted on men 50 years of age or older and women 60 years of age or older who had a LDL cholesterol level of less than 130 mg per deciliter, a high sensitivity C-reactive protein level of 2.0 mg per liter or greater, and no history of cardiovascular disease. The authors believed that even healthy people with levels of LDL cholesterol below current treatment thresholds but with elevated levels of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein might benefit from statin therapy. The experimental group received 20 mg of rosuvastatin and the control group received a placebo. Patients were followed for approximately 2 years.

The study found patients on rosuvastatin (marketed by AstraZeneca under the name Crestor) had a significant reduction in the incidence of major cardiovascular events when compared to the placebo group. The study also demonstrated reductions in cadiovascular events for women and black and hispanic populations who took rosuvastatin when compared to placebo. Incidence of myopathy, hepatic injury, and cancer occurred less frequently within the rosuvastatin group than with placebo. The rosuvastatin group experienced a reduction in LDL cholesterol levels by 50% and a reduction in high-sensitivity C-reactive protein levels by 37%.

Whether or not patients with normal levels of LDL-cholesterol but increased levels of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein should be placed on statin thereapy remains uncertain. The question also remains whether or not physicians should be screening individuals for elevated levels of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein. Clearly, patients with normal levels of LDL-cholesterol and increased levels of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein benefit from statin therapy. However, the JUPITER trial did not address if statin therapy was beneficial in patients with both normal LDL-cholesterol and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein levels. This group of patients should be evaluated before all "healthy" patients at an increased age should be placed on statin therapy. For more information regarding critique of the JUPITER trial can be found in the January 2009 issue of the Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine.

Though the benefits discovered in the JUPITER trial were exciting, the long term effects of taking statins in individuals with normal levels of LDL-c are not known. Currently, some physicians are prescribing statins, specifically rosuvastatin (Crestor), in patients over the age of fifty who do not have increased levels of "bad" cholesterol. Nonetheless, all patients should continue to lead a life of exercise and maintain a balanced diet in order to keep LDL-cholesterol and total cholesterol at or below normal levels.

You can read more opinion on medical research at Healthforself []

Salvatore Docimo, Jr. is pursuing a career in surgery and is interested in providing an opinion on factual, evidence based information regarding health and medicine. You can read and subscribe to his blog Healthforself []

Renal Diabetic Diets

Diabetes is a medical condition whereby the human body produces an insufficient amount of insulin. Insulin is a natural hormone produced in the body. It is responsible for converting sugar, starch and other food material into energy. Renal diabetes is a type of diabetes, which occurs due to a low-sugar threshold in the kidneys. Diabetic patients have to take special care about their food habits. Doctors typically prescribe a special renal diabetic diet for a diabetic patient.

A renal diabetic dietary chart specifies the type and amount of food that a patient should consume every day. A person suffering from renal diabetes should eat meals that contain the right amount of nutrients. The diets should have sufficient vegetables and leguminous fruits. Doctors also recommend a diet that has vegetables with low carbohydrate levels, such as celery and cucumbers. Foods rich in amino acids such as soybeans, red beans, eggs and lean meat are also beneficial. Food that reduces the level of sugar in the blood stream is very effective in the prevention and treatment of diabetes.

It is also critical for a diabetes patient to maintain a proper body weight, as it helps in controlling blood fats (cholesterol) and lowering the blood pressure. A renal diabetic diet is designed to ensure that a diabetic does not gain weight.

People suffering from renal diabetes should avoid or eat very small quantities of any food that contains a high amount of cholesterol. They should also try to reduce their intake of fish, egg-yolks and fatty meats. The use of fat or oil in cooking should be restricted. They should only consume food products with low levels of potassium. Artichokes, beans, Brussels sprouts, lentils, lima beans pumpkin, squash, spinach, succotash and tomatoes are a few of the vegetables that are in a renal diabetic diet.

Renal diabetics can easily control their sugar level and lead normal lives by sticking to a renal diabetic diet.

Diabetic Diets [] provides detailed information on diabetic diets, diabetic diet tips, diabetic weight loss diets, 1200 calorie diabetic diets and more. Diabetic Diets is affiliated with Diabetes Supplies.

Lower Your Cholesterol Naturally With 4 Simple Lifestyle Changes

Millions of people battle borderline to high cholesterol levels. This is a serious problem because it can significantly increase one's risk for heart disease. Many people take medication but may actually prefer to try to make simple changes in their lifestyle which are proven to help lower cholesterol. If you have borderline to high cholesterol and would prefer to try to lower it while improving your health overall, following are 4 simple steps you can take:

1. Exercise regularly

It goes without saying that exercise is good for your health. Eating heart healthy foods, healthy snacks, and taking vitamins and minerals are all good measures, but increasing your daily activity needs to be an important component if you really want to help lower or manage your cholesterol levels. Even if you are at your perfect weight, exercise is essential.

By exercising at a moderate level on a regular basis, preferably daily, you can increase your HDL (good) cholesterol. Increasing your HDL is important because one of its primary jobs is to clean up excess LDL in your arteries and carry it back to your liver for processing. Aim for at least a half hour and work up to an hour at least five days per week. While going to the gym is great, if you want to stick with it and stay motivated it's best to engage in types of exercise that you truly enjoy, such as swimming or biking. It can also help to find a friend to exercise with you, or take an exercise class.

2. Drop the unwanted weight

Whether you're just a few pounds overweight or more than that, any extra weight can cause your cholesterol levels to go up. You can quickly start to lower your LDL (bad) cholesterol by losing just a few pounds. The best way is to combine a regular exercise routine with healthy eating habits which include foods low in saturated fats and cholesterol. Bottom line: you need to burn more calories than you take in if you want to lose weight.

3. Eat foods which are good for your heart and your health

Many of us have deeply ingrained habits when it comes to food. But, habits can be changed. Even a few simple dietary changes can impact your cholesterol levels in a very positive way. Rather than avoiding fat altogether, choose foods which contain heart healthy fats (known as monounsaturated fats), such as olive oil.

Start making changes in your diet by eating heart healthy foods and heart healthy snacks which are high in nutrition and lower in unhealthy fats (Trans and Saturated Fats) and calories. If you must snack, stock up on fresh vegetables, fruit, and healthy snacks made with whole grains and fortified with plant sterols like Corazonas Whole Grain Tortilla Chips, reduced fat Potato Chips and Oatmeal Squares. Not only are these lower in calories and unhealthy fats than highly processed foods, they are the only snacks clinically proven to help lower your cholesterol. Keep a food diary so you can track exactly what you are eating.

Also, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as raw nuts. They are rich in nutrients including plant sterols, which benefit your cholesterol levels. Last but not least, eat more fatty fish which are great sources of Omega-3 fatty acids. The best fish for this are salmon, trout, sardines, herring, albacore tuna, and mackerel.

4. Reduce your intake of junk foods and highly processed foods

While it's important to eat more heart healthy foods and healthy snack foods, you also need to simultaneously reduce foods which aren't good for you. These include many so-called "diet foods" which often contain a lot of sugar and trans fats. Any time you see the word "hydrogenated" on the label, it contains trans fats. These are bad for your health and can contribute to high cholesterol. Most crackers and cookies, as well a multitude of cereals contain high amounts of trans fats. We know that snacking is part of the American diet so making wise snacking choices are important. Please remember that all food has calories so it is important to balance your food choices so you maintain a healthy weight which helps contribute to a healthy heart.

Start making these changes today and you should soon see a positive impact on your cholesterol level, not to mention your overall health! Take the Corazonas Cholesterol Challenge and reduce your Cholesterol in just 28 Days. We're so sure you will be successful, if you don't lower your cholesterol we'll pay for the snacks - Guaranteed!

To lower your cholesterol click this site: Corazonas - Heart Healthy Snack Foods

Friday, December 28, 2012

Type 2 Diabetes - Does a Low Carb Diet Really Raise Cholesterol and Lower Blood Sugar Levels?

Type 2 diabetics are always looking for diets to help them lose weight and lower their blood sugar levels. There has always been a big following of high-protein, high-fat diets for controlling blood sugar levels... especially since they have been popularized by Dr. Richard Bernstein. High-protein, high-fat, meat-based diets have been used by millions of diabetics, both type 1 and type 2, to help keep their blood glucose concentrations under tight control.

The objection to these diets has always been that if you eat all that meat, fish, butter, and eggs, you would have to suffer with high cholesterol. And modern research confirms that particular objection is just plain wrong.

Most of the cholesterol in the human bloodstream does not come from food. The body makes most of it's cholesterol from triglycerides, which can be provided by fatty foods or assembled from glucose. Great big blobs of triglyceride become smaller LDL (bad) cholesterol, and the bulky LDL eventually gets absorbed and turned into HDL (good) cholesterol. So the reality is, eating too many carbs can raise your cholesterol, too.

How Do High Protein, High Fat Diets Work?

These work in such a way that you get so sick and tired of hamburgers, frankfurters, and cold cuts, you just can't eat any more... so you don't give your body the raw materials it could use to make cholesterol. If you keep your blood sugar levels under control, your cholesterol levels will gradually be easier to control, too. The effect takes about six months.

Are Plant Based Diets Better?

There is a better approach than a meat-based diet for controlling both cholesterol and blood sugar levels. A plant-based diet emphasizing fresh foods first, does several things for your body that a meat-based diet cannot.

If the only change you make to your diet is to eat some fresh raw veggies, such as leafy greens and carrots, at the beginning of every meal (including breakfast), you provide a steady flow of fiber to your lower intestines. When the colon detects undigested food, it sends a signal to the pancreas to release a number of hormones.

The pancreas will release a tiny amount of glucagon just to make sure your blood sugars don't go too high. And it will release a larger amount of insulin to make sure the sugars you get from the food are stored.

But because your pancreas is doing this in response to a low-calorie, low-carb food, the net effect is better blood sugar control. If you don't then gobble down a big beefsteak as a chaser to your salad, that insulin is used to transport sugar, not fat.

Eating raw or lightly cooked plant foods offers many of the same benefits as taking the drugs Byetta or Victoza... without the risk of side effects or the quite considerable cost. Avoiding even the slightest hint of carbohydrate on a diet like Dr. Bernstein's keeps blood sugars under control too, but without the variety, flavor, and added nutritional value of fresh vegetables and a small amount of fruit.

Would you like more information about alternative ways to handle your type 2 diabetes?

To download your free copy of my E-Book, click here now:

High Cholesterol Symptoms - How Can You Know You Have a High Cholesterol Problem?

A lot of people especially those who are health conscious are normally very concerned about high cholesterol symptoms. Having high levels of cholesterol in the blood can result in health dangers and will increase the risk of getting heart or cardiovascular diseases. It is very important to know these symptoms so that if you have any implications of having high levels of cholesterol, immediate action can be taken to put an end to it.

One thing that is surprising is there are no high cholesterol symptoms in most cases. Unlike other conditions which have outward and obvious signs, this condition doesn't have any symptoms. The surest and only way to know if a person has high levels of cholesterol is through a blood test. The laboratory can check the different levels of cholesterol (low density lipoproteins and high density lipoproteins) in the blood. If the doctor sees that a person indeed has high levels of cholesterol, he may prescribe medication and ask the patient to alter his or her lifestyle and eating habits.

If you have obvious high cholesterol symptoms, that could mean that there is impending cardiovascular disease. One very good example of high cholesterol symptom is leg pain while your are running or walking. This is what doctors call as intermittent claudication. Since high levels of cholesterol could cause fat deposits to block the arteries, blood supply could be poor in the lower extremities and thus cause pain upon moving. Poor circulation could be very dangerous and having a bad supply of blood to the lower extremities could make the parts die.

Another high cholesterol symptom is having a cardiovascular problem in thrombus formation. A thrombus is a blood clot that could impede or block circulation especially in the brain. This could cause a blood vessel to become blocked or ruptured and could lead to a stroke. For cases like this immediate attention is needed and the person should be taken to the hospital right away.

Other high cholesterol symptom is angina or chest pain along with difficulty in breathing. In the heart, if there are narrowed coronary arteries then there is diminished blood supply to the heart. Any muscle that is deprived of blood, oxygen and the needed nutrients will signal to the brain and it will register as pain. This symptom is a sign of an impending heart attack and medical attention should be warranted to solve it right away.

There are no known high cholesterol symptoms, so it would be wise to have routine blood testing done to know if there are any signs of high levels of cholesterol. It should be remembered that high levels of cholesterol predisposes a person to developing heart problems in the future. It is also important to practice healthy lifestyle to reduce the risk of having cholesterol problems. Eating healthy food is not enough, you need to make sure you also have enough exercises.

It may be too late when you noticed that you have high cholesterol symptom. It is better to practice healthy lifestyle to reduce the risk of having high levels of cholesterol. Go to to get free e-course of how to lower your cholesterol naturally and more information of high cholesterol problems.

The Best Way to Lower Cholesterol Fast - Healthy Cholesterol Levels the Natural Way

Our society is becoming more and more aware of the importance of maintaining healthy cholesterol levels. If you have recently found out that you have high cholesterol, you may want to find an effective way to lower cholesterol fast. Depending on what your previous eating habits have been, this may be easy to accomplish.

You see, if you consume a diet that is high in saturated fats on a regular basis, then it is inevitable that your cholesterol and triglycerides will be much higher than they should be. Our bodies were not designed to process these types of foods efficiently. Triglycerides especially are very sensitive to a high-fat diet.

However, the opposite is also true. If you cut out saturated fats from your diet completely for a week or two, you will find that both your cluster all and triglycerides come down quickly. While I was in a cholesterol medication study, at one point my triglycerides hit 750. When I came back two weeks later the reading was below 400, still high, but much lower. Your triglyceride readings are extremely sensitive to the foods you eat.

The best way to lower cholesterol fast, however, requires more than just cutting saturated fats out of your diet. You will need to have a low-fat diet which is also high in fiber. This high fiber diet, when combined with cholesterol lowering supplements will quickly bring down your cholesterol readings to an acceptable range.

Look to include foods such as walnuts, spinach and brussels sprouts, as well as whole grains like oatmeal on a daily basis. Limit your meat consumption to chicken, turkey and fish while working to improve your cholesterol readings.

I encourage you to visit my website where I discuss these and other healthy ways to approach the issue of high cholesterol. In the long run, you will feel better and your body will operate at optimal levels when you take this approach.

Van Crawford has been researching health related issues for more than eight years. He shares his research into natural ways to lower cholesterol levels on his website, To learn more about effective ways to lower your cholesterol and to learn how Van was able to lower his cholesterol without the use of medication, visit his website now: Natural Products to Lower Cholesterol.

Side Effects of Drugs Used For Cholesterol Treatment

Zocor, generically known as simvastatin, is used as a cholesterol lowering drug that helps in blocking cholesterol production in the body. It aids in lowering low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol level as well as total cholesterol level in the body. High cholesterol may lead to different critical health complications including heart attack, stroke, and cardiovascular disorders. Although Zocor helps in protecting body from these types of complications, there are significant side effects of Zocor like other drugs for treating cholesterol.

Side Effects of Zocor

Many drugs offer side effects including Zocor for treating cholesterol which are simply hard to avoid. In rare conditions, Zocor may lead to such conditions that may turn into collapsing skeletal muscle tissue, which may eventually lead to kidney failure. The common symptoms are unexplained muscle pain, tenderness, muscle weakness, fever or flue symptoms and dark-colored urine. Doctors strongly discourage having Zocor and other cholesterol drugs for potential side effects especially at the time of pregnancy. Using Zocor during this time may lead to cause birth defects and may profoundly affect the fetal development in an adverse fashion.

If you are on Zocor medication while not following a well-planned low cholesterol diet, it is very unlikely that Zocor will be of any help in minimizing your LDL and total cholesterol level. In such case, like any other cholesterol drugs Zocor will offer side effects only without any kind of specific benefits. The common symptoms for Zocor include muscle pain, muscle weakness, nausea, constipation or diarrhea.

Other Significant Influencing Factors

Zocor should not be used if you are pregnant or suffering from kidney disease. If you have diabetes, hidden thyroid, or muscle disorder, you should not take Zocor prior consulting with doctor. In fact, it is always recommended to take doctor's advice prior taking Zocor like any cholesterol drugs to avoid side effects. If you are planning to become pregnant, you must discuss it with your doctor. In case if you are using this medication, you are strictly advised to undergo effective form of birth control. Till date no sufficient data have been found in support of whether cholesterol drugs like Zocor have any side effects on breast feeding practices, but you should not consume Zocor without informing it to doctor if you are breast feeding your baby.

Zocor and other cholesterol drugs may interact adversely in some conditions. For example, if you are taking Zocor and at the same time you are having diet rich in fat and cholesterol, you certainly do not get any benefit from Zocor. You should abstain from taking alcohol when you are on Zocor medication because alcohol increases triglyceride level. In fact, alcohol has a strong adverse effect on kidney function if you are on Zocor medication during that period. In fact, grapefruit and grapefruit juice may pose harmful side effects if used with Zocor.

For more information on the Side Effects of Zocor, and other health related topics, check out this very cool site:

Are Low Carbohydrate Diets Actually Safe?

You should never cut carbohydrates out of your diet completely. The worst news connected with participating in a no carbohydrate diet is plainly the elevated risk to your personal health. The downside of any type of low carbohydrate diet is an increased risk for heart attack. Dr. Atkins, as a prime example, who lived the low carbohydrate lifestyle for decades, experienced artery blockages that are typically attributed to high-fat, high-cholesterol diets.

Carbohydrate counting diets like the Atkins diet could be very threatening to your health! While ever so many American's are enrolling in the latest low carbohydrate diet, advertisers have been quick to notice this, targeting these individuals by offering in excess of 500 new low carb products to the market. The long-term health effects of cutting out carbohydrates from your diet are not yet known, however, all medical experts seem to agree that using any sort of no carb diet plan can be of high risk, primarily for those over 40 with any type of ongoing medical condition.

The best way to lose weight is just to adapt to a healthier lifestyle. Learning to live with a healthy way of dieting is not as complex or controlled as one might think. For example, a healthy diet does not mean you have to eat foods you don't like or eat foods which taste bland. The first thing you have to do is simply eat a variety from all food groups and not just the same thing everyday.

Any good diet will always include eating a variety of foods from all the food groups. This means eating fruits, vegetables, whole grain breads and cereals which yes, do contain carbohydrates. You obviously will also have to consume a good portion of protein, for instance, fish, beef, or chicken as well as foods from the dairy group such as eggs and milk.

Exercise should also always be part of a healthy lifestyle. Walking is one type of exercise that all medical experts say is a valid form of cardio training. Walking is well suited to go along with virtually all weight loss and physical fitness lifestyles. And it`s easy to do. In fact, just about everyone walks every day. Walking is probably one of the most common successful type of cardio exercise that anyone can do with little or no disruption of their current lifestyle.

The manner of fitness training you choose basically hinges on your personal preferences. What do you like doing? What do you hate doing? Would you mind paying membership fees for a health club or gym? Do you need a training partner? Do you already own the type of equipment you like or do you have to buy some? These are just a few of the concerns you need to answer and will set you on the right path.

Charles Sands I am a Type 2 Diabetic and I have had a diabetic website for a couple of years now. People have been asking me to start a commercial diet review site comparing different diet programs which are for people of all ages or genders with or without medical conditions, not just diet programs for diabetics. To visit the low carbohydrate dieting page of my diet review site, click here

Who Is The Most Likely To Have Low Good Cholesterol Levels and What Can Be Done About It?

When our blood fails to flow freely through our arteries it is impossible to feel as energetic as we once did, or think as well as we would like to. After all, blood contains oxygen and nutrients which provide our cells with the fuel they need to function and keep us going. But when low good cholesterol levels become a part of the equation there is a very real chance that arterial plaque is building behind the scenes, reducing blood flow, and making us less efficient.

Is this what we really want to happen, to become a shell of that vibrant human being we used to be? From my point of view, and hopefully yours too, the answer is absolutely not!

The good news is that more and more people area deciding to do something about it. They are making the hard choices necessary to correct low good cholesterol levels and restore cardiovascular health.

According to a recent study in the United States low good cholesterol levels are most likely to be seen in two demographics; Mexican American men, and Caucasian men. A little less than one out of every three Mexican American men have been diagnosed with low good cholesterol, with one out of every four Caucasian men. This threshold to join this not so exclusive club is a good cholesterol (HDL) reading below 40 milligrams for every deciliter of blood.

With these two demographics the primary cause/or causes have more similarities than differences.

For Mexican American men one could make a case the primary causes for low good cholesterol levels is a combination of a high saturated fat diet, being overweight, and possibly cigarette smoking.

For Caucasian men the cause/causes seem to a combination of inactivity, a high saturated fat diet, being overweight, and possibly cigarette smoking.

For both categories age and genetics could be factors as well. The truth of the matter is that if your good cholesterol (HDL) levels aren't quite stacking up there are no easy ones. Nevertheless, why don't we look at a few areas, that when combined with a healthy dose of willpower, just might send your all important HDL levels from the outhouse to the penthouse.

*Reduce saturated fat intake to less than 10 percent of calories: 7 percent would be better, but 10 percent will probably get the job done. This means passing on the Friday night enchiladas with extra cheese special!

*Exercise: Studies show that very few things boost low good cholesterol levels better than daily exercise. As an extra bonus exercise also reduce bad cholesterol levels.

*Say no to cigarette smoke: Studies show that smoking is a triple threat when it comes to cardiovascular disease. It reduces good cholesterol, raises bad cholesterol, and scuffs and/or nicks the interior lining of the arteries making arterial plaque accumulation much more likely.

*Reduce belly fat: Carrying that excess weight around is bad for the joints, and bad for your health. Being overweight has a negative impact on both good and bad cholesterol.

Additionally, natural cholesterol supplements have been shown to be a valuable tool in fight against artery clogging, and blood flow reducing, cholesterol and could be an all natural option worth considering.

Rob D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic advocate for the use of safe and effective high quality alternative health products and natural living with over ten years experience in the field Purchase

The Low Cholesterol Diet Doesn't Have to be Low on Taste

Bad news, your doctor has prescribed a low cholesterol diet to help you reduce your risk for heart disease. While you want to be healthier, you sure are going to miss those thick, juicy steaks; butter-laden potatoes and high fat desserts. Good news though, a low cholesterol diet doesn't have to be low on taste. By finding new, lower fat ways to prepare foods, and choosing foods with a lower cholesterol count, you may find you enjoy the new healthier you.

Although we all know how good foods like fried chicken, French fries and other deep fat fried foods are they are very bad for those needing to lower their cholesterol. A low cholesterol option for deep fat frying is using peanut or olive oils instead of vegetable oil. You may also trying breading and baking your chicken in the oven instead of frying it. This is also an option for French fries. While these baked foods don't have the taste of their fried counterparts, herbs and seasonings can be used to enhance the flavor of baked foods. Low cholesterol seasonings include pepper, lemon juice, garlic, onion powder, catsup, Tabasco sauce, vinegar, mustard, and unsweetened jams and jellies. Grilling is also a good option to deep fat frying.

One way to lower your blood cholesterol level may be to simply cut back on your portion sizes. American portion sizes are sometimes 2-3 times the size they should be. For instance, a true serving of meat is about the size of a deck of cards. Think about that thick juicy steak we were talking about at the beginning of this article. What size was it? Two decks of cards? Maybe four? A serving of meat is four ounces of meat or fish without the bone, a three-inch in diameter by one-inch thick ground beef patty or 1/2 a large chicken breast. Other serving sizes include 1/4 cup of tuna or cottage cheese, one tablespoon of peanut butter, one ounce of cheese or 1/3 cup of legumes. When looking for low cholesterol options, remember, smaller portion sizes may help you reach your goal.

Desert time is one time that it is hardest for most to stick to a low cholesterol diet. However, you can still eat desert, just weigh your options carefully. Homemade baked goods made with low-fat or fat-free ingredients are ideal. Other low cholesterol options include gelatin, angel food cake, low-fat frozen deserts, ginger snaps, sorbets or sherbet. Any commercially prepared cakes or cookies should be avoided as well as commercial desert mixes. Chocolate and ice cream are also two deserts to be avoided by those wishing to eat a low cholesterol diet.

Even though your doctor wants you to eat a low cholesterol diet doesn't mean you have to skimp on taste. Although it may take you awhile to adjust to your new eating habits, you will find that your health will improve and your doctor will be pleased.

Still looking for a way to reduce your cholesterol? Try visiting - a website that provides cholesterol advice, tips and resources to included information on low cholesterol diet.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Why Low Carb Dieters Can Eat Chicken Skin And Meat Fat

While low-fat dieters and non-dieters may want to avoid chicken skins and

fat on meat, most "low carb" diet plans encourage low carb dieters to do the exact opposite.

The reasoning for this somewhat

surprising deviation from common

wisdom is two-fold.

The first part--as described by

low-carb dietitians--postulates that

skins and fats are unhealthy, but only

when they aren't converted into energy.

When skins and fats aren't converted

into energy, they raise your cholesterol,

clog your arteries, and impede weight-loss.

This is what happens when

low-fat dieters and non-dieters add

skins and meat fats to their normal diets.

Low carb dieters--in contrast--do not

consume glucose in the form of carbohydrates,

so they must get energy from somewhere

else. One place they get it from is

stored body fat; and the other place they

get it is from fat--such as skins and meat

fats--that are rerouted through an alternate

metabolic pathway to yield energy.

Not only are skins and meat fats

healthy for low carb dieters, but they

can also give them a boost in

energy that they may be lacking

as a result of their glucose-deficient


There is one other reason why skins and

fats are an important part of low

carb diets.

Skins and fats satiate the body

to prevent both cravings and

"survival-mode" hormone


When the body is not taking

in enough calories in the form

of glucose and fat, it will convert

as many calories as it can (out

of the few you are taking in)

into the form of stored fats.

In order to prevent the

secretion of the hormones that

cause this "survival mode"

reaction, you must take in

an adequate amount of

fat--and eating skins and

meat fats is an easy way

to do that.

There is only one thing I will

add to this advice--and that

is a word of caution:

being on a low carb diet

allows you to consume skins

and fats healthfully, but it is still

important that you make sure

you are not over-consuming.

Double check with your plan

to ensure you are eating reasonable

quantities and consider getting

your cholesterol levels checked

by a physician regularly.

This article is not intended as a substitute for medical advice and is for informational purposes only. Before embarking on any diet or fitness plan, consult your physician.

Benji Paras runs, specializing in the benefits of the low-carb lifestyle. The site contains a treasure trove of information for losing weight, and includes a list of low carb foods along with informative articles and the latest low-carb headlines.

10 Ways to Naturally Reduce Cholesterol

What's the nation's No. 1 killer of men and women? Heart disease. It causes a single death every 35 seconds. Here we share with you 10 tips to reduce the cholesterol naturally to fight back against heart disease.

Cholesterol and Heart Disease

In your annual physical, the doctor pokes and prods you and send you off for a blood test to check your cholesterol levels. But what is cholesterol? And what do the those magic numbers say about your health? Cholesterol is a type of lipid or fat. In our bodies, it travels through our blood stream in particles called lipoproteins. Low-density lipoproteins (LDL) are bad because they can lead to a buildup of plaque in arteries. An accumulated mass of plaque can narrow your arteries and constrain blood flow - much like trying to sip a smoothie through a clogged straw. Eventually, the plaque breaks explodes and a blood clot forms, cutting off the flow of blood, oxygen and nutrients to the brain. Hello, welcome heart attack and stroke! High-density lipoproteins (HDL), on the other hand, are beneficial because they snag the LDL congesting your arteries and take it to the liver, where it's processed and eventually flushed and excreted.

A total blood cholesterol level of 200 and above is cause for concern, according to the American Heart Association. So lowering your cholesterol reduces your risk of contracting heart disease and dying from a heart attack according to many experts.

What you consume can affect the amounts of HDL and LDL flowing through your bloodstream, and we have a cholesterol-lowering eating plan that's tasty and effective. Here's our list: Try these 8 super-foods. Aim to eat all eight day after day and pay attention to the two bonus tips.

1. Almond Joy (not the candy bar though) - one ounce of dry-roasted, unsalted almonds Almonds contain two powerful antioxidants - vitamin E and flavonoids - which prevent the oxidation of LDL, a precursor to plaque buildup. Eat almonds with their skins, which pack a hefty dose of flavonoids. Maybe stir a handful into yogurt or spread two tablespoons of almond butter on whole-wheat bread. No Almond flavored syrup in your morning coffee does not count.

2. Oatmeal - 3 grams of beta-glucan, found in a half cup of dry oatmeal or oat bran Oats are rich in beta-glucan, a soluble fiber that acts like a sponge to soak up cholesterol. Try this if your not a big oatmeal fan: Add cinnamon or dried cranberries/blueberries to your morning oatmeal for a flavor boost. Oat-bran is a highly concentrated source of beta-glucan and it's easy to mix into homemade bread, muffin and pancake batter. Don't forget about Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies.

3. Garlic - One clove and one Kyolic One Per Day Cardiovascular aged garlic extract supplement Garlic impedes the liver's ability to make cholesterol. Here's a couple ways to spice up your garlic. Chop garlic into small pieces to release its flavor. Saut? it with steamed spinach, add it to sauces and soups or pur?e roasted garlic with cooked potatoes and olive oil for a heart-healthy version of everybody's favorite: Mashed potatoes.

4. Phytosterol-Containing Foods - 2-3 grams of phytosterols a day spread over two meals Phytosterols are a fat found in plant foods such as fruits, nuts, seeds and vegetable oils. They interfere with cholesterol absorption by blocking it from your intestinal cells. Even a vegetarian diet provides no more than 300-400 mg of plant sterols a day, so supplement this with foods containing added phytosterols - chocolate bars, margarine, cheese, granola bars and cookies, to name a few - but keep an eye on saturated fat and trans-fat content. Check out this Cranberry-Almond Granola. See and you thought cutting down cholesterol would require you to eat foods that taste like carboard.

5. Flaxseeds - 2 tablespoons of ground flaxseeds Flaxseeds contain lignan and soluble fiber, which block the production of LDL and increase your body's ability to get rid of cholesterol. Eat ground flaxseeds rather than whole ones, because your body can better absorb its nutrients. We like to sprinkle them into our morning oatmeal or cereal. Recent studies also show that whole flaxseeds are better than flaxseed oil for lowering cholesterol. Use whole flaxseed in Blueberry-Nut Muffins for a yummy combo.

6. Beans - 1/2 cup of legumes (beans, peas or lentils) Beans contain a special soluble fiber that's fermented in the colon. Healthy bacteria eat the fiber and bean sugars to form short-chain fatty acids, which travel to the liver and inhibit LDL cutmostrol production. Sure you likely never heard of Adzuki beans, which are used in Japan to make sweet red bean paste, but if you can track them down they are high on our recommendations list. Also recommends cannelloni beans (try them in Tuscan soups, an Italian bean-based soup) and kidney beans, perfect in one of our favorites Hawaiian chili. Or Porteguese Bean Soup.

7. Apples - One apple - to keep the doctor away, of course Apples, particularly the skin and outer flesh, are rich in polyphenols, powerful antioxidants that help prevent plaque buildup. You can chop, slice or dice 'em, but leave the peel on for maximum health benefits.

8. Soy Protein - 20-25 grams Soy protein contains phytoestrogens - compounds that increase the number and effectiveness of LDL cholesterol receptors, improving the liver's capability to get rid of cholesterol in your bloodstream. Here's a couple of our favorites since we are in the coffee and smoothie business: Order a soy latte at your favorite coffeehouse, throw tofu into a fruit smoothie, use soy flour when baking, or mix a handful of roasted soy nuts with dried fruit for an energy-boosting trail mix.

A healthy diet isn't your only defense against cholesterol. Every one of our recommendations helps to lower cholesterol in a specific way, so by combining them all, you get an extremely powerful LDL-lowering approach.

9. Take Metamucil or Fiber Caplets (Psyllium Husk) - Work up to 12 capsules a day, for a total of 6 grams of psyllium husk Metamucil or Fiber caplets contain psyllium husk, a fiber that prevents cholesterol from entering intestinal cells. This fiber soaks up cholesterol so you excrete it rather than absorb it into your body. It's probably the most powerful LDL-lowering viscous soluble fiber in existence. Food in the U.S. Is abundant, but we are Fiber starved. Adults should consume 10-25 grams of soluble fiber a day, advises the National Cholesterol Education Program, but most get only 3-4 grams. A good measure is to try to get get roughly half your fiber from a supplement and the rest from fiber rich foods. If you are taking a fiber supplement it's best to take half with breakfast and half with dinner to avoid overloading your body on fiber, which can cause gas, constipation or diarrhea.

Here our one an only non-food/supplement related cholesterol reducing strategy:

10. Work Up a Sweat - 30 minutes of exercise the more the better Cardiovascular exercise speeds blood flow in your arteries, reducing your chances of inflammation and clogging (two precursors to hardening of your arteries). You don't have to belong to a gym to get some exercise. Clip on a pedometer while you run errands and aim for 10,000-12,000 steps a day. Walk the dog around the neighborhood rather than around the corner. If it doesn't reduce your cholesterol it will help you control your weight and give you more energy.

Start incorporating these practices and tips into your lifestyle today, and your cholesterol will be on the down slope in no time. Results and response to these tips will vary and will be dramatically affected by heredity, but implementing these 10 ways to naturally reduce your cholesterol should do the trick for most of you out there.

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- Hawaiian Food Recipes

Simple Solutions For Low Cholesterol Cooking

Many of the people that are told by their doctor that they need to lower their cholesterol are aghast at the fact that they will need to change their dietary habits to improve their health. What these people do not understand is that cooking can be very simple and easy to accomplish. If the person is already well versed in different ways of preparing food, adapting their cooking style to low cholesterol cooking will be a breeze with a few simple tips and tricks.

Choosing The Foods

The most important part of cooking is choosing the foods that you will be using to make the meal. Low cholesterol cooking does absolutely nothing if the foods that are chosen are not naturally low in cholesterol to begin with. You can even make a low cholesterol dessert if the ingredients chosen to create the dessert are low cholesterol before they are used in the recipe. The amount of cholesterol in any given ingredient can be found either on the packaging of the food, in a book that counts the amount of cholesterol in different food items, or on an internet website dedicated to detailing the cholesterol levels in different foods.

There are certain foods that are very popular for low cholesterol cooking. Lean meats and seafood items are always a favorite because very little needs to be done to bring out the natural flavor of the meat. Fresh, non-processed vegetables are also extremely popular for making meals that are low in cholesterol because they have the most nutrition and require very little preparation for them to be edible. There are also many manufactured foods that can be used and will generally have low cholesterol somewhere on the label to attract consumers that are trying to reduce the amount of cholesterol in their daily diet.

Cooking Styles

Some cooking styles are more common to low cholesterol cooking than others. One of the most common cooking methods used for low cholesterol cooking is grilling. Grilling allows meats and vegetables to be cooked completely without adding anything, like butter or oils, that could increase the amount of cholesterol in the food. Grilling also allows any fats in the meat to drain away, reducing the overall fat content in the meat.

Cooking in the oven can be accomplished by broiling the foods under the broiler until they are cooked all of the way through. This is kind of like grilling in reverse, where the heat source is above the food instead of beneath it. Steaming the foods is another good idea, although this technique is mainly used for cooking vegetables.

Learn more about the health care. Stop by Dennis C. Onputtha's blog