Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Causality of Heart Disease and Diet

An unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, diabetes, high blood pressure and smoking all increase the risk of heart disease which is the leading cause of death in the United States, England, Canada and Wales, killing one person every 34 seconds in the United States alone.

Becoming more active and eat a balanced and varied low-fat diet can make a tremendous difference to your heart. Taking more exercise helps reduce blood pressure, improves cholesterol levels and boosts metabolism - all of which can reduce your risk of heart disease.

How To Eat

Bad diet and heart disease has very obvious causality. The food such as salty or sugary snacks, fast food and red meat which consists of a majority of high-fat processed foods all consider as a bad diet. Unfortunately, junk food has become less expensive than good food like fruits and vegetables.

Multimillion-dollar junk-food marketing gluts world forces the poor into obesity. High food prices mean an early death sentence for the world's poor.

You need a whole variety of foods in order to be healthy in not just your heart, but all of your bodily systems. You don't want to eat just one kind of food. Eat a good, balanced diet and heart disease's propensity will be one of the side effects.

One of the easiest and most enjoyable things you can do for your heart is to start choosing foods you can eat to improve the health of your heart and blood vessels. A healthy diet also helps to have a positive affect on your emotions and stress levels.

Existing Heart Disease

Don't panic and self medicate with alcohol, drugs or even herbal preparations to deal with your existing heart disease. It could deliver side effects even more lethal than bad diet and heart disease. There is still hope, as long as you are patient and persistent with yourself and follow your doctor's advice.

You can save your life and ease the burden off of your heart by quitting smoking, stop drinking alcohol, cut down on sugary sodas and learn how to better handle stress. Don't ignore it -- you need to see a doctor.

Lowering your risk factors for coronary artery disease (CAD) can help you prevent another heart attack. Reducing the risk of heart attack usually means making healthy lifestyle choices. You also may need treatment for medical conditions that raise your risk.

A little bit each day adds up to huge benefits. Heart Disease - Prevention is better than cure!

Heart Disease Death [] is an excellent knowledge based article of Haiyan Louise Magill. She's been a registered nurse for 17 years. More healthy living information available at Our Health Our Care.

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