> The low carbohydrate - high protein diet
The inherent problem with the this type of diet is that your daily calorie requirement for your body to function is coming from only protein types of food (meats, dairy, eggs) and only a small portion from foods rich in carbohydrates (breads, pasta, potatoes, fruits). Aside from the lack of balance in this diet (low or limited carb diets are fine just not 'no' carb) the greatest difficulty is appetite boredom. Since many of the favorite foods are not allowed people get bored very quickly, then get frustrated, and then usually quit.
And as you can well imagine, only consuming meats, egg, and dairy products could very well have a deleterious affect on your cholesterol levels. In fact, with such a high protein diet, although you may experience fat loss; you may also be experiencing some lean muscle mass loss, and your kidneys will have to work harder in order to process from your body the excess waste from the proteins and fats.
This type of added stress on your kidneys is not a good thing, that, over a longer period of time can lead to dehydration, nausea, headaches, and even dizziness. Before you would embark on this type of diet strategy you should consult with your doctor. Again, for many, a low carb diet is something that is quite beneficial if you you are more creative with your recipes than just substituting meat, egg, and dairy products (see our website for a tremendous low carb cookbook offer). Keep in mind the best rule of thumb with any diet is balance.
> Permanent weight loss can be achieved with any diet.
This is a very common theme amongst those who advertise and market the diet de jour. Just like any other diet that tells you to completely cut certain foods from your diet or has a list of forbidden foods for your meals, fad diets don't last and only serve to get your frustrated; which leads to jumping off the diet in a big (rebounding)way. The foundation for any successful (long term) diet is to give the body what it needs to be healthy in the proper proportions. This includes calories, proteins, vitamins, and minerals.
Diets that cut out certain foods just for the myopic goal of weight loss; although may work for the short time will never sustain you over the long haul and quite frankly aren't that healthy. However, in today's gotta have now, gotta see results quickly; fad diets have carved out a large part of the market.
If the goal is permanent weight loss, the key is combination of exercise and avoiding foods that both make you fat and provide little or no nourishment to your body. Countless studies have confirmed the importance of a balanced diet combined with exercise.
> Low fat is always a good choice to make.
The only low fat foods that are also low in calories are fruits. Be very mindful of the rest of the marketing and advertising. More often than not these other 'low' fat choices aren't a good idea for your diet as they contain added sugar and starches in order to please your taste buds... which means higher calories. Make sure you take the time to read the low fat labels on today foods... the trade off may actually cause you to loose ground.
> Going vegetarian is the best weight loss program.
No diet plan is going to work if you don't charge of what you eat and make sure that the types of foods that you consume are the right kinds of food for your body. With vegetarian diets you must make sure that what you are consuming is serving a purpose for your body and not just an exercise in taking up space in your stomach in order to relieve those hunger pangs.
Plants tend to have a lower concentration of nutrients than do the meats. Consequently, you'll have to eat more food to make up for the difference. Not even to mention that a strict vegetarian diet will leave short on vitamin B12, vitamin D, iron, calcium, and zinc.
> Dairy products make you fat... and raise the risk of heart problems.
Certainly everyone has heard how dairy products cause heart failure. Again, balance is the key and dairy products don't in and of themselves cause heart problems. Dairy products are a primary source of calcium which is essential for young children and shouldn't be overlooked by the adult community. Vitamin D is also a part of dairy products that aids in maintaining normal calcium and phosphorus levels in the blood stream.
There is always the option of low fat dairy products and if you are lactose intolerant, you can opt for soy or rice milk.
Butter and margarine are the dairy products that you should be mindful of as they do carry a high level of fat. If you must have one or the other then go with the butter. Margarine is the one that is over processed fat. Butter is saint when it comes to fat, but it's a step up from margarine.
For more important information on weight-loss-won.com weight loss be sure to visit weight-loss-won.com where you will find product reviews and tips on weight-loss-won.com weight loss, dieting, and more.
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