Friday, October 25, 2013

How Long to Lower Cholesterol Scores, One Month, Two Months, Three Months, Four?

While research and reviews remain mixed on how long it takes one to see a reduction in cholesterol levels, often it can take as little 3 and as many as 6 months before one can see such a change. However, if one remains on a low cholesterol or cholesterol free diet along with getting plenty of exercise, one may see their scores lower faster than others who live a sedentary lifestyle. Therefore, in large part, the answer to how long to lower cholesterol? is that, it generally depends upon the individual; Although, in most cases, successful cholesterol scores are seen in approximately four to six weeks.

So, how does one know if one needs to lower their cholesterol? Often a test is requested by a physician either as part of a medical exam or required physical. For, high cholesterol levels can often lead to heart attacks and other issues; Therefore, many employers are now requiring such tests to be performed as part of employment and military physicals as well as medical exams.

However, generally speaking one, especially if multiple tests are requested over a period of time, does not necessarily need an appointment, unless the lab where one has blood drawn requires one to do so. Still, it is often a quick and fairly painless process which can save lives. Therefore, even with the slight time it takes away from other issues, it is often a good idea, especially for men and women over 45.

As to what such a tests may cost, this depends upon the individual medical provider one sees at the time. For, in some cases, a physician may be required to do such testing; Whereas, in other areas a lab technician or registered nurse may be able to perform the tests oneself. Therefore, if one is going to seek such a test, one may want to call in advance to gain all such details, including the full amount of the charge, including lab fees and all other costs for such testing.

Since only those who understand that healthy cholesterol levels range between 70 and 100, with any amount over 200 being of extreme concern, can understand how important a change in their diet and exercise plan can be. Such changes are often based on diet, exercises, supplements, vitamins or other products which a pharmacist or physician may have deemed necessary in relation to obtaining lower cholesterol scores. Of course, one does not only want to have such good scores when being tested but for all time.

Therefore, it is essential that when one finds a diet and exercise routine along with prescription drugs, supplements, vitamins or other products which work to lower cholesterol, then one continue on such a journey. For, in order to keep the cholesterol levels as healthy as such levels can be both now and throughout the aging process, one must pay close attention to diet and exercise both now and in the future. Of course, as one ages, paying close attention to diet along with taking the proper supplements and vitamins to lower cholesterol scores is even more critical, as often one does not get the same amount of exercise as one has for years.

High cholesterol is dangerous and it is crucial to control it at the earliest. To learn about supplements that can help lower cholesterol more naturally, I invite you to visit
Rajagopalan helps you to understand how this natural remedy can help control cholesterol.

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