Thursday, January 31, 2013

Diabetic Diet Facts

Initially diabetes management and control may involve dietary changes alone. Diet is a vital component in your overall diabetes control program and to keep blood sugar levels under control, a diabetic diet strikes a balance among the carbohydrates, fats, and protein you eat, when you control your body functions through exercise and by using a diabetic diet, your pain and agony seems to diminish.

A diabetic diet must be a well-balanced meal plan tailored to your individual needs, tastes, activity level and life style, and its goal is to provide all the calories and nutrients the diabetic needs while keeping blood sugars as close to normal as possible. Diabetes is not a life sentence to a rigid and restrictive menu plan.

The diabetic diet basically involves limiting your carbohydrate intake in order to control your glucose levels. The recommended carbohydrate content of diabetic diet is 60%, fat content 30-35%. Another important characteristic of a diabetic diet is to eat regularly, at the same times each day, and to eat a consistent amount of calories each day; the diabetic diet is not only for diabetics: it is an excellent, balanced alternative for anyone.

Since the diabetic diet is one which is low in saturated fat and cholesterol, look for cookbooks that emphasize low-fat cooking, the diabetic diet is a bit stricter and calls for avoiding grains and fruit but you have about 30g of carbs daily. The ideal diabetic diet is also good for cholesterol with its emphasis on low fat, high complex carbohydrate and high fiber.

The most important aspect of the diabetic diet is meal planning, your meal plan should be adjusted to take into account carbs sugars and fat in the diabetic food, the general principle is to control body fat means less sensitivity to Insulin, which keeps the blood sugar level in check.

Carbohydrate Counting offers suggestions and tips about how to eat carbohydrates while maintaining your insulin needs and diabetes control, by following a consistent diet control, a diabetic patient ought to be able to maintain good health in general, but you should remember that an effective control of diabetes requires an integrated approach which also includes exercise, weight control and a good diabetic diet.

When you have diabetes, your medications are your best friends, as they will help you keep your condition under control, remember that one of the main goals for a diabetic diet is to lower your weight and maintain it, to put it in simplified words, diabetic diet is a balanced healthy diet plan which is vital for Diabetes treatment.

The diabetic diet is aimed at helping to control blood sugar levels, the less fluctuation, especially rapid release of glucose into the blood, the better, an adherence to a diabetic diet is an important aspect of controlling elevated blood sugar in patients with diabetes mellitus.

Want to learn more about Diabetic Diet?, feel free to visit us at:

Low Cholesterol Foods - Reducing Cholesterol Levels Naturally by Eating the Proper Foods

Always choosing low cholesterol foods is the most direct and natural way to ensure that your cholesterol levels remain in the acceptable range to promote longevity and vitality. Hypercholesterolemia is an enemy of your body from head to toe. There are very few if any symptoms until it has advanced to a problematic state. You need to intervene before you have to. Your diet for lowering cholesterol can be your saving grace from developing atherosclerosis and the major health issues that can arise from it.

High cholesterol foods are killing people all across the planet everyday in record high numbers. Many societies that were traditionally plant-eaters have adopted the American way of eating and are now suffering, as we are, from the long-term effects of food choices that are high in saturated fats, Trans fats and LDL cholesterol. Here are the foods that you need to avoid with great intent:

Foods high in saturated fats; Foods with any Trans fats; Fatty red meats; Pork, duck and goose meats; Animal organs; Shellfish; Poultry including turkey and chicken; All dairy products unless they are low-fat or non-fat varieties; High sodium foods; Excessive alcohol consumption;

Low cholesterol foods are the foods that nature has intended for us. Through erroneous thought and misinformation, we have become the most artery-clogged and obese nation on the planet. We are also influencing the rest of the planet to eat and act like us - which is killing them as well. The bottom line is that we all should be eating foods like:

Any plant including all vegetables, fruits and legumes; Whole-grain pastas and breads; Wild rice; Any plant sprouts; Any whole food that requires no label; Salmon and other fish that are rich in super-healthy Omega-3 fatty acids; Water, water and more water;

How to lower cholesterol naturally is all about what you eat, how much you get up and move, how you deal with the issues that stress you - and how much you assist your body to keep itself clean on the inside by flushing with water and intending to breathe deeply. Reducing cholesterol is a wonderful way to enhance the health of your entire family - and who doesn't want that above all else?

Choosing low cholesterol foods in conjunction with daily exercise for at least 20 minutes will very rapidly change all areas of your life. You will almost instantly begin to feel, and see, the differences in your body. Your thoughts will be clearer and quicker. Your skin will be smoother. Your muscles will become stronger. Your fat stores will melt away. Your spark for living will blossom. Your stressors will seem minimized. Everything in life will take on new, vibrant meaning as soon as you commit to a healthy lifestyle based on low cholesterol foods and daily exercise. Enjoy - and congratulations!

Steven R Arnold is editor of

The Healthy Heart Series of Essential Knowledge Guides is a new audio book series that will show you how to naturally lower your cholesterol and blood glucose numbers safely and easily.

Arm yourself against life threatening, yet all too common diabetes and heart disease, with practical, expert advice based on comprehensive research, and backed by health sciences most recent studies. These guides are an essential part of your library if you or one of your loved ones is at risk of one or more of these devastating illnesses.

You'll find the Healthy Heart Series of Essential Knowledge Guides only at

Weight Loss Diets - The Low Calorie-Low Fat Diet Delusion

Isn't it strange how things always seem to come full circle? Take weight loss diets, for example. Up until the 1920s, it was generally accepted that losing weight meant cutting out or reducing high carbohydrate foods like sugar, bread and potatoes. Then the calorie concept was invented, and losing weight became a matter of cutting down on quantity of food instead. Next fat entered the equation. Nutritionists had worked out that because fat contains more calories than either protein or carbohydrate, restricting fat was an easy way to cut calories. Researchers had also carried out studies which at the time seemed to prove that fat in the diet led to high cholesterol and heart disease. As a result, a low fat, low calorie diet soon became the accepted way to lose weight and remained so for many years.

But did the low calorie and low fat methods of weight loss dieting work? Well, they did for some people, but for a great many others they did not.

In the 1990s, the idea that carbohydrates are for many people the real villains in weight gain came back into fashion. Views on dieting had come full circle. Dr Atkins of Atkins Diet fame was perhaps the best-known proponent of carbohydrate restriction as a way to lose weight, although there have been many other clinicians and researchers saying the same thing.

Unfortunately, low carb diets and the Atkins Diet in particular received a lot of negative press, much of it caused by a basic misunderstanding of how the different food groups - carbohydrates, fats and proteins - are processed by the body. Since then, more clinical studies have been completed, from which it is becoming increasingly clear that the old beliefs about carbohydrates causing many people's weight problems were right after all.

Moreover, research is showing that fat and cholesterol are not the villains they were made out to be, either. The evidence demonstrates that it is too many refined carbohydrates in the diet which are the cause of heart disease, not fat and cholesterol - just as Dr Atkins and many others believed.

Unfortunately, most government healthy eating advice is so rooted in the 'low fat is healthiest' concept and the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries are so deeply committed to products and therapies based on the outdated and discredited science that supports it that that it will take many years for the latest knowledge to translate into real change.

An American science writer called Gary Taubes has recently published a book on this very subject. The book is called Good Calories, Bad Calories: Challenging the Conventional Wisdom on Diet, Weight Control and Disease. (In the UK, the book is called The Diet Delusion.) If you want to understand how little credible science supports the belief that carbohydrates are the good guys and fat and cholesterol are the bad guys in obesity, diabetes and heart disease, then read Gary's book.

Gary also explains just how it could come about that these incorrect beliefs could have become so established in the scientific research and medical worlds, despite plentiful evidence that they were wrong. As Richard Rhodes, winner of the Pulitzer Prize said, the book is 'easily the most important book on diet and health to be published in the past one hundred years'.

Read the book, lend it to your friends, ask your doctor to read it, or even donate a copy to your local library - let's not waste the next fifty years going full circle once again before we finally understand that it is refined carbohydrates and not fat and cholesterol or too little exercise that are behind the scourges of obesity, diabetes and heart disease.

Copyright 2009

Jackie Bushell is passionate about raising awareness of the role of diet and nutrition in good health and helping those who are affected by obesity. Via her website at, she provides information, support, cookbooks, how-to guides and a newsletter for those wishing to understand more about how to improve their health and achieve a healthy weight in a natural way. Amongst the resources she has developed are a guide to low carb, low GI and low GL Diets and a book called Why Can't I Lose Weight offering solutions based on the latest research for common problems such as failing to lose weight on the standard low fat/low calorie diet or becoming stuck on a 'diet plateau'.

2 Tips to Enjoy Low Cholesterol Food

As soon as an individual discovers they have high cholesterol they figure they will never be able to enjoy food again. First thing you don't want to do is throw everything out of your cupboards and restock with all the labeled food that says cholesterol free. Reason being, its too difficult to adjust overnight to new eating habits.

Start by reading the food labels on the foods you enjoy now. If they are high in cholesterol then see if there is a light version.The change in the taste is usually very minimal. Making the transition this way is not so much of a shock to you and you should quickly adapt to the lower cholesterol foods quite easily.

The next step is to adapt your favorite recipes by replacing as many of the ingredients as possible with lower cholesterol foods. You will soon adapt to the changes. Now start to use your imagination. Once you have become knowledgeable in what foods are low in cholesterol, start designing recipes that you can use them in. Start with the main dishes first. These are usually easier to work with because there are so many more foods available to choose from. Don't expect to like all of the foods you try. It will be trial and error for the first little while.

If you really want to continue enjoying food and you need the lower cholesterol ones then you have got to be innovative and flexible. Desserts can be a little trickier to substitute. A good way to overcome this is mix the zero cholesterol ingredients in with the normal foods. For example if you enjoy chocolate pudding then make it with skim milk. The chocolate in the pudding overpowers the milk. Or if you enjoy cake, then try them with cholesterol free eggs and ice them with low fat puddings. To really enjoy these foods you need to know where they will fit into the diet you are accustomed to.

Another good hint is to rely on seasonings and condiments. So for example if you are attempting to try low cholesterol ham, and can't get used to the taste then use a condiment such as low fat mayonnaise,mustard or one of your favorites. Often by combining fat free foods with regular foods you will still end up with a low cholesterol diet that you really enjoy.

Start slow and transition to you new regimen. It won't take long before you forget those high cholesterol foods.

Mike writes about topics ranging from the best wireless TV headphones to how to find the best wireless headphones for TV. If you are interested visit his websites for further information.

Getting a Clear Understanding on Cholesterol

The two sources of cholesterol are food and your own body. Only 25% of the body's cholesterol comes from food and the rest is produced naturally in your cells and liver. The good news is that you won't have to give up every egg and cookie to maintain a healthy heart. In fact, even if you are predisposed to heart disease or diabetes, there are many simple lifestyle modifications that you can make to ensure that you live the healthy, happy life you've imagined.

The bad cholesterol you've probably heard so much about is called Low Density Lipoprotein. The good type goes bad when it stops transporting and oxidizes from exposure to free radicals, leading to conditions like atherosclerosis. If you have 160mg or more of LDL per day, then you have a high level of harmful cholesterol.

By contrast, high density Lipoprotein (or HDL) is known as "good cholesterol." It helps one-fourth to one-third of blood cholesterol to be carried from the arteries to the liver by HDL. Doctors recommend that you have more than 40mg of HDL to lower your risk of heart disease.

As you eat, your body uses the calories it needs and converts leftovers to triglycerides. While some are helpful, excess can lead to metabolic syndrome, which results in diabetes, strokes, heart disease or heart attacks.

"Even if you control bad LDL cholesterol to less than 70, you still need to look at triglycerides," said Dr. Leslie Cho, a cardiologist at the Women's Cardiovascular Center of the Cleveland Clinic.

There are a few common misconceptions about cholesterol. For instance, some people think that simply switching from butter to margarine will help. However, both are still high in fat and should be used sparingly. Secondly, just because your food labels brag that there is no cholesterol, that doesn't mean that there aren't high levels of saturated fat.

Be sure to check labels before you go gobbling! Thirdly, being young or on medication doesn't prevent you from needing to exercise and watch what you eat. Meeting with a dietician is a short, painless experience that can add many years to your life!

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A Low Fat Diet Plan With A Well Balanced Weight Loss Program Is The Best Way To Lose Those Pounds

Hello, this is an article I wrote, when I first decided that I needed to lose weight.

Lose weight diet plan

I do not need to tell you about the health risks that come with being overweight or obese.

There are plenty of benefits in losing that excess weight as well.

A little bit of effort can go a long way when it comes to weight loss, as research has shown that losing 10% of your body weight or even less can have big payoffs for your health. Such a small loss may not seem like much if you're just trying to look good in your jeans but when it comes to your health, it is a big victory.

Lowering your body weight can even reverse or prevent diabetes; it lowers blood pressure, lowers the level of cholesterol and can also improve sleep apnea. More than anything else however, losing weight helps you feel better about yourself. Being overweight not only makes you looks unsightly and makes you feel less attractive, but its health risk is very real.

Therefore, there are many reasons why it is important to maintain a healthy weight by eating a well balanced diet and getting regular exercise. Being over weight has been linked with many conditions affecting your physical health as well as your mental condition. For example, research has shown that people who are overweight and don't get regular exercise are at a greater risk of developing depression than those who exercise on a regular basis and eat a well balanced and varied diet. Experts also agree that the more overweight a person is, the more likely they are to suffer severe health problems. However, once they take steps to start losing weight and change their lifestyle, then the likelihood of illness or disease starts to drop quickly and often quite dramatically. When many of us want to lose weight, the first thing we usually do is start a diet. A diet for far too many of us means "stop eating". This is a HUGE misconception and mistake. Your body is a wonderful mechanism that is geared towards one important goal.

That goal is survival, so any time your body realizes that there is a lack of nutrition coming in, it immediately jumps to the conclusion that you are being starved! To combat this condition the body starts breaking down your muscle tissue to use as the energy and saves its fat stores as the last resort that it will eventually use to save itself from what it thinks is a looming death.

by Steven C Myers.

Hi, I have just started a blog, it has to do with weight loss and diet plan's, weight-loss tips, and I post recipes, and articles, come by and join in, leave a post, there may be something there that might help you on you way to better health and weight loss.


StevenC Myers

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Vitamin C - The Most Important Vitamin To Lower Cholesterol?

Recent research has shown that taking plenty of vitamin C provides more protection against heart disease and cholesterol than almost any other substance. Various studies have shown that...

1. Vitamin C plays a role in the conversion of cholesterol into bile acids. If vitamin C is lacking, less cholesterol is converted leaving it instead to build up in the arteries, blood and liver.

2. Vitamin C is needed for metabolising blood fats.

3. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps to control free radicals and other oxidants that can convert cholesterol into its more dangerous, artery-clogging form.

4. Vitamin C supplementation drives down cholesterol in people with high cholesterol and low levels of vitamin C in the blood. Adding pectin (which we mentioned earlier) or other agents that bind cholesterol, increases its effectiveness.

The late Dr. Linus Pauling (the only scientist ever to win two Nobel prizes) and his associates were convinced that atherosclerosis is caused by a deficiency of vitamin C and in 1994 he announced that atherosclerosis could be cured by taking a mixture of lysine and vitamin C. His researchers showed that 95% of patients with advanced arteriosclerosis took either no vitamin C or less than 500 mg. daily and they claim that they have never seen anyone with any evidence of atherosclerosis who took 10 grams of vitamin C daily!

The Pauling researchers state that patients with end stage atherosclerosis have been completely cured by high dosage vitamin C and lysine often within weeks (both substances need to be taken in doses of 6 grams daily). These individuals lose their angina pain, their blood pressure drops to normal, any arterial blockages disappear, their lipid profiles become normal and their energy increases.

Human beings (and guinea pigs!) are unable to manufacture vitamin C and studies show that depriving guinea pigs of vitamin C leads to the production of atherosclerotic lesions similar to those found in humans. Further studies have also shown that guinea pigs depleted of vitamin C get high blood levels of homocysteine whereas control guinea pigs getting sufficient amounts of vitamin C have normal homocysteine values and have no atherosclerotic plaques.

(Homocysteine is a compound that is produced naturally in the body and although necessary for several metabolic functions excess amounts are toxic and may increase the level of bad cholesterol in the blood as well as damaging the lining of blood vessels and promote blood clots. Unfortunately it is estimated that over 75% of the population do not have a diet with adequate nutrients to prevent this homocysteine overload.)

All of this shows that lack of vitamin C can play a major role in causing arteriosclerosis and that taking large quantities of vitamin C (along with lysine) may help narrowed arteries open back up.

Large dosages of vitamin C are safe but may cause diarrhea or irritate the stomach. If this happens simply reduce the amount you are taking and space the remainder equally throughout the day before increasing the dose again - if you take 500 - 750mg a day you should have no problems and you can then build up again from there.

People with genetic iron disorders (and these are rare) should consult their physicians before using vitamin C supplements, since it increases the rate of iron absorption

I have been involved in Chiropractic and healthcare research for over 20 years. During that time I have spent between 20 and 25 hours per week researching all areas of "alternative" and allopathic healthcare in order to bring the best advice to my patients through both my practice and writing. My latest book "How To Lower Your Cholesterol - Naturally!" ( is THE guide showing you simple ways to lower your cholesterol without drugs, without side-effects and without effort! Also available is my other book "The Alzheimer's Alternative" ( which I believe to be the definitive guide to Alzheimer's disease, alternative treatment and supplementation. If you are interested in learning more about the causes and the prevention of either disease I strongly recommend that you visit those two sites and sign up for the free weekly top tips that are available there.

Heart Patient Diet Plan - Are Carbs As Bad As Fats For the Heart?

Just as not all fats are bad (i.e. some are actually beneficial for the heart and cardiovascular system) the same is true of carbohydrates. Nutrition experts say it's time to take a closer look at refined carbohydrates and their link to heart disease and diabetes. For decades, fat has been portrayed as the ultimate evil in a healthy diet, but this is changing as more is discovered about the damaging effects of refined carbohydrates and sugar.

Dr. Walter Willett, department chair of the nutrition department at the Harvard School of Public Health, points his finger directly at sweetened drinks, white flour and rice, and snacks that are high in sugar. He and other top nutrition experts blame these along with other refined carbohydrate products on the increase in heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, and obesity.

The American diet is rich in carbohydrates, averaging over half of our caloric intake. As Americans have attempted to cut saturated fats from their diets, they seem to have turned to replacing foods high in fats with those high in refined carbohydrates and sugar. Despite the lower consumption of fats, the incidence of heart disease and diabetes has continued to rise, so maybe fat isn't the sole culprit.

The glycemic index is an indicator of how quickly a carbohydrate is converted in the body to blood sugar. Generally, the refined carbohydrates are the highest on the glycemic index, indicating a quick spike in blood sugar. When blood sugar is high, insulin is released by the pancreas, converting the blood sugar into stored glycogen for later use as fuel. Because refined carbohydrates are relatively recent inventions, the human body is not equipped to continuously cope with these steep spikes in blood sugar. Eventually, problems arise including heart disease and Type 2 diabetes as a result of developing insulin resistance.

Early indicators of a problem include high blood pressure, waistline obesity, and high triglycerides. Patients showing these problems were tested for the effects of both a low carb, high fat diet and a high carb, low fat diet. It was the group eating the low carb diet that showed the most change in triglyceride levels with a 50% drop and an increase in good cholesterol, even though the diet was high in saturated fat. This surprised many.

So what can be done to prevent heart disease and obesity in today's world of refined and over-processed foods? Some nutritionists look to man's evolutionary history, pointing out that the refined foods most of us consume are a very recent invention. Our bodies simply aren't made to eat this way, and with a prolonged pattern of eating processed and refined foods the body can't cope, and our natural processes break down resulting in chronic disease.

Eating a diet high in fresh fruits and vegetables is the best start. Avoid white breads, pasta, and rice. The most nutrient rich parts have been removed and the refined carbohydrates are quickly converted to blood sugar. A heart-healthy diet resembles something eaten by your distant ancestors; unprocessed, whole foods.

Monique Hawkins is an enthusiastic advocate for the use of safe and effective high quality, natural, alternative health products to treat and prevent heart disease. To learn about how to prevent and treat heart disease naturally, visit her blog for weekly tips at heart patient diet plan

Gallbladder Diet - Can I Really Lower My Symptoms?

Poor eating can lead to something called Gall bladder disease. This disorder is common in overweight people who consume too much fatty foods. Also older women past their 50's, diabetes patients and people with high blood pressure are at risk of this disease. There is a diet known as the Gall bladder diet that can help to alleviate some of the symptoms.

The Gall bladder helps the liver in the digestion of fat. The disease is where gallstones are formed and they block bile ducts and interfere with the normal activity. These stones are created when cholesterol, calcium, and bile salts accumulate because of improper diet. This can cause a lot of pain and further problems down the road. The gall bladder diet will help get rid of the small stones, but the large ones it will not. The diet is really a low fat diet. You must avoid high saturated fat rich foods like pork, beef, cheese, milk. Soy is actually a good replacement for milk. Also you need to ditch the fast food as it will do you no good. Eat smaller meals and avoid late night snacks because it can cause severe pain at night.

Also a main component of the gall bladder diet is fiber. Eat things that are high in fiber like green vegetable and fruits. Also whole wheat products like oatmeal are very good. Make sure that you are also drinking at least half of your body weight in ounces of water. Water is nature's way of cleaning out the body. This diet will not get rid of the disease, but will help you lower the symptoms. CLICK HERE to see how you can lose up to 25 pounds in 30 days for FREE.

Mediterranean Diet Benefits

Mediterranean diet is best recognized as a guide to good health. The diet does not introduce a new diet program that makes one to cut on various food products. Instead, it encourages "wise" choices of food that hold the key to a balanced diet. The people who practice a Mediterranean diet consume vegetables, fruit, cereals, nuts, potatoes and bread in large quantities with small to moderate amounts of yogurt, milk, cheese and wine on a daily basis. Most of the food products are not processed so as to retain their nutritional value. They prefer to have fresh mushrooms in place of tinned and canned products even though those products are easy to eat, cook and serve.

The diet suggests that only certain food be consumed daily, some others weekly and a few on a monthly basis. In a Mediterranean diet, this is presented in the form of a Traditional Mediterranean Diet Pyramid. The pyramid suggests a healthy diet of vegetables, grains, fruit, nuts, legumes or beans cooked or garnished in olive oil with moderate amounts of wine. It also includes an active and healthy life style as a daily ""chore"".

Daily food provides monosaturated fat and anti-oxidants from olive oil, protein, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates from

plant food, and a limited amount of saturated fat from dairy products -- all that is essential to keep a healthy heart.

The Mediterranean diet pyramid recommends consumption of fish, chicken and eggs on a weekly basis and red meat a few times a month. Here again, they chose lamb and veal to beef and clean the meat products in such a way so as to shed its excess fat. This ensures the supply of Omega 3 and other fatty acids, vitamins and minerals and high protein that are required in very small amounts for the body to function.

Another point to be noted is even though dairy products like milk, cheese and yogurt are consumed in low to moderate amounts, butter is not allowed. Also the cooking procedures involve more grilling and roasting to frying -- methods that help retain the nutrition in cooked food. It is a diet involving low saturated fats, sugar and salt, rich in vitamins and minerals, proteins and carbohydrates. The balanced diet serves the right quantity of nutrients and good fat, and in turn, works on the blood cholesterol level. It not only lowers blood pressure and cholesterol but also prevents blood clotting. Thus, it is a perfect solution to reducing heart diseases and cancers. Studies have also shown Mediterranean diet as a means to prevent diabetes and gallstones. Mediterranean diet benefits include all around care to maintaining a healthy heart and leading a longer life. Mediterranean Diets provides detailed information about Mediterranean diets, Mediterranean diet benefits, Mediterranean diet cook books and more. Mediterranean Diets is affiliated with Mangosteen Fruit.

Lowering Cholesterol When Diet and Exercise Aren't Enough

What do you do when diet and exercise aren't enough to lower your cholesterol? Statin medications (Atorvastatin-Lipitor, Pravastatin-Pravachol, Simvistatin-Zocor, Fluvastatin- Lescol XL, Lovastatin-Mevacor and Rosuvastatin-Crestor) are considered the best first choice for lowering cholesterol. That's because they have a proven track record of decreasing heart attacks and strokes as well as prolonging life. You can't watch the evening news anymore without seeing a commercial this class of drugs. Statins work by inhibiting the enzyme HMG CoA reductase which is needed to produce bad cholesterol. These blockbuster drugs are the most commonly used medications to treat high LDL (bad) cholesterol. But, the amount LDL cholesterol is not always the problem in insulin resistance. Insulin resistance causes the quality of LDL to shift to the dangerous small dense type. Statins have a small effect in lowering triglycerides and raising HDL (good) cholesterol levels. Statins help improve the quality of LDL from the dangerous, small dense type to the less dangerous, large fluffy type. Statins have "antioxidant" properties which decrease inflammation and blood clotting. Statins dramatically reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and can even reverse it. This is why statins are being prescribed more and more commonly and in higher doses than ever before.

The most common side effect is muscle problems that can range from mild aches and pains to severe muscle damage can also occur. Any muscle pain or weakness should be reported to your physician. A test called CPK or CK can be done to determine if the drug is causing muscle damage. Because statins have such tremendous health benefits, most physicians now recommend that you continue taking it if it is causing only mild muscle pain. Inflammation of the liver is an infrequent side effect. Your doctor will need to monitor liver tests periodically.

Also known as "fibric acid derivatives" or "fibrates," are an effective for lowering cholesterol. Fibrates are a perfect choice for people who are overweight because they lower triglycerides and LDL cholesterol while raising HDL cholesterol. Side effects are uncommon, but muscle problems or liver problems can occur.

Also known as nicotinic acid or vitamin B3, Niacin, in high doses simultaneously treats multiple lipid abnormalities by lowering triglycerides and LDL cholesterol while raising HDL cholesterol. Regular niacin is available as an over-the-counter supplement, but is very hard to take because the doses needed (usually 1000-2000 mg per day) almost always cause side effects of flushing or tingling or redness of the skin. To reduce side effects start with a low dose and gradually increasing the dose over several months. The flushing can also be reduced by taking an aspirin and drinking a full glass of water one hour before taking niacin. The slow release prescription formulation of niacin known as Niaspan is easier to take because there are fewer side effects, but there can still be significant flushing with this product.

A concern with niacin is that it can worsen insulin resistance and can raise blood sugar levels. For many people, the benefits can outweigh the risks and niacin can be beneficial for an overall plan of health and wellness. Even though niacin is available without a prescription, it should only be taken under medical supervision.

Lovaza is a prescription formulation of the omega 3 fatty acids approved for the treatment of high triglyceride levels. This substance, found naturally in cold water fish, also improves insulin resistance. The prescription formulation is better than over the counter preparations because it is more potent and more pure.

Bile acid sequestrants or "bile acid resins," lower LDL cholesterol by pulling it out of digestive juices, allowing it to pass in the stool. Bile acid resins can raise triglyceride levels. The most common side effect is constipation. Fiber supplementation and proper hydration helps.

Ezetimibe lowers LDL cholesterol by blocking absorption of cholesterol from the intestines. Ezetimibe doesn't do much for triglycerides or HDL cholesterol. Side effects are rare but there can be abdominal pain or diarrhea. Do you remember those Vytorin ads, touting the benefits combining medications to treat high cholesterol? The commercials displayed an interesting character matched up with plate of food in the same colors and design as the actor's ensemble. The benefits, the ad explained, is to treat cholesterol by treating the genetics as well as the food. The drug's makers claimed that two drugs were better than one. An important study called ENHANCE, which questions the benefits of ezetimibe, one of the components of Vytorin, was a big shock to physicians and patients. In this study, the combination of ezetimibe and simvastatin (sold as Vytorin) was compared to simvastatin alone. It turned out that cholesterol buildup in the arteries was no different between the two treatments, even though the combination drug was more potent at lowering cholesterol. Researchers are working to understand these results and what they really mean. We don't really know if ezetimibe actually reduces heart attacks or saves lives. On the other hand, simvastatin and other statin drugs are well proven to do just this.

A 2008 ezetimibe study published in the New England Journal of Medicine suggested that it may increase the risk for a variety of cancers including prostate, colon, and skin cancers. Death from cancer was more common in patients who took ezetimibe. We don't know if the increased cancer is truly an effect of ezetemibe or something else. One theory is that ezetemibe increases risk because it not only blocks the absorption of cholesterol but it also blocks the absorption of other cancer-fighting substances.

Most experts including the American College of Cardiology recommend that statin drugs are the best first approach for fighting cholesterol and to use other medications like niacin, fibrates, colesevelam, cholestyramine and omega-3 fatty acids as the next line of defense. Ezetimibe should be reserved as a last resort.

The bottom line is that most experts recommend using tried and true medications to lower cholesterol. Unproven medications are just that...unproven.

Investing on Low Cholesterol Foods

Cholesterol is a substance in the blood that cause plaque, which thickens it and bring forward health concerns like high blood pressure and heart problems. However, there are two types of cholesterol - good cholesterol and bad cholesterol. Bad cholesterol is the one that harms the body. Good cholesterol helps whisk them away. Cholesterol is primarily obtained from the food we eat. It is then very important to watch what the foods you consume. Pile up on low cholesterol foods and avoid high cholesterol foods. If you can do that, you should be well on your way to a healthier body.

Almost all types of food have cholesterol content in one way or the other. You have to be aware of how much cholesterol is present each food items you take so as to regulate your consumption. People suffering from heart diseases and those who are at risk of developing them are the ones who should be very careful of what they eat.

Foods can be regarded as high cholesterol foods and low cholesterol foods. Being such, you should always go for a balance diet. If you have to eat high cholesterol foods, make sure that you do so in moderation. Limit yourself to eating only one serving of high cholesterol food each day and you should be good.

An example of high cholesterol foods are egg yolks. Bacon and eggs are the perfect American breakfast. But if you take into consideration the cholesterol content of these foods, they are almost ten times as much one serving of wholegrain cereal with peaches. Between these two meals, the latter are the low cholesterol foods that you should be eating instead.

During lunch or dinner, you might be tempted to eat beef, chicken, or pork. These are high cholesterol food items but you can decrease their respective cholesterol count by removing the fatty parts. Lean meats are low cholesterol foods. They are your better options when it comes to meats. However, if you consider eating fish instead of red meat, then your cholesterol level can go down drastically. This is because fish are good sources of Omega-3 fatty acids that can help flush away bad cholesterol. You see, fish are not only low cholesterol foods. They also help fight the cholesterol deposits already in your system.

Snacks are part of your daily meals too. In fact, you should never skip them as much as possible. There are many types of snacks available these days. Some of them are healthy, most of them are not. A lot of people go for chips and dips for their snacks. Some even stop by the hot dog stand or go to fast food chains to eat light snacks. If you want to lower your cholesterol level, you should stop doing this as your habit. Fast food items are usually prepared in high-fat oil. You should switch to low cholesterol foods for snacks. Fruits and unsalted nuts are your best choices.

People love to eat dessert. Most are tempted with the sight of yummy pastries, sponge cakes, and ice creams. If you want to challenge yourself not to eat high cholesterol foods, you have to stop eating these simple luxuries on your dining table. Indulging in these food items is acceptable every once in a while - maybe twice every month the most. Go for low cholesterol foods like raisins and low-fat yogurt instead.

To completely watch your cholesterol intake, you also have to monitor what you drink. Basically, you can drink anything you want - except for sugary beverages and alcohol of course. Water is your best option. Drink at least 8 glasses of water everyday. This will improve the functions of your kidneys and liver. These are two organs that can help management cholesterol inside your body. Don't drink sodas too much. Freshly squeezed fruit juices are low cholesterol foods. Take them instead. You can also drink teas.

There will always be low cholesterol foods options that you can take for every high cholesterol food that tempts you. A good knowledge of which food items can increase your cholesterol count and which won't early on can save you from severe heart diseases. Follow a healthy diet today. This is the key to healthy happy life and longevity.

Irsan's passion is to write on variety of subjects. Please visit his latest website at Bissell steam cleaner which contains the reviews and deals on Bissell steam cleaners and other information about steam cleaners and steam cleaners.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Basics of a Lower Cholesterol Diet

A lower cholesterol diet is necessary not only for those at risk of a heart disease, but for practically everyone. This is to prevent the person from being diagnosed with any heart disease, instead of waiting for the symptoms before you start maintaining this kind of diet.

It is easy to follow a low cholesterol diet. Lower your cholesterol by giving up some food that you have always loved - but not completely. This kind of diet does not necessarily mean you have to cut yourself off from all the food that you love.

Manufacturers are becoming more aware of the health concerns of the people. Thus more products are being manufactured which are both low in cholesterol and low in fat.

Cholesterol lowering diets must first and foremost include fruits and vegetables because they are low in calories, fat, and cholesterol. Some even lower the cholesterol levels that are already inside your body - namely fruits such as apricots and apples, and vegetables such as cabbages and sweet potatoes. Fruits and vegetables, in general, contain no traces of cholesterol but provide valuable vitamins and nutrients that your body can use.

Next, try to reduce the consumption of saturated fats. These saturated fats could raise your cholesterol levels into the danger zone, where you would be at risk of getting heart diseases.

Avoid any kind of food which says that it has partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, such as those found in shortenings and margarines. They contain trans-fat, a type of saturated fat that raises the blood cholesterol levels and leads to the formation of a waxy material that clogs the arteries.

When buying oil, you should get olive and canola oil, both of which are high in monounsaturated fat. Alternatively, get vegetable oil, which is high in polyunsaturated fat. These unsaturated fats can lower your blood cholesterol and keep your body healthy.

For your diet, there are certain nutrients that you should look for in your food. One of these is soluble fiber, found in beans and oatmeal. Soluble fiber reduces the level of bad cholesterol in your blood by reducing the absorption of cholesterol in your intestines. You should consume these food several times a week to maximize its effects of decreasing bad cholesterol.

When you eat meat, you should also purchase lean meat. Meat is often considered as an unhealthy food, but if you purchase lean meat, then the fatty part of the meat is disposed of. Without the fatty part, the meat left is low in cholesterol and high in protein. You could also purchase meats which are by themselves much leaner already than other kinds of meat. For example, instead of ground beef for hamburgers, you could use ground turkey meat.

A lowering cholesterol diet is easy. It doesn't mean you have to give up a lot of food - you can still enjoy the exquisite flavors you have always loved. It is different for each person, but finding the right balance of healthy food for yourself would do nothing but amazing things for your health, so that you can live a longer, happier life.

For more information and help, you might want to visit: lower cholesterol diet.

Vincent Siew markets a product for people who worry about having a stroke or a heart attack because they have high cholesterol like he used to have. Do you know anyone who might like to know about a product like that? Tell him or her to find out more about it today:

Diets To Lower Cholesterol - 5 Ways to Lower Cholesterol That Will Change Your Life

Using healthy diets to lower cholesterol is quite simply the most effective, non medicinal method to lower cholesterol. Scientific advancement in the study of nutrition, weight loss and cardiovascular health means that we can accurately assess the best methods to look after yourself and in particular your heart. Using good, low cholesterol diets to lower cholesterol are unanimously agreed upon to be the most efficient way.

Adopting healthy diets to lower cholesterol is a simple process, however it does require a certain degree of determination on your part to be effective. Ultimately you will be making changes to your life. Anything from relatively benign changes, such as using white wine vinegar to prevent food sticking to your pan whilst cooking to completely cutting out fatty foods like roasted meats and steak and dairy products like donuts and cakes. How far you change your diet ultimately depends on how bad your cholesterol level is or how far you are willing to use diets to lower cholesterol.

Lowering your cholesterol using diets won't solve your problems immediately and is not to be viewed as a quick fix. However, it will provide you with a long term solution. Once you have instigated the changes, you will be able to see and feel the results; you will be slimmer, have a healthier body, with lower blood pressure and a reduced resting heart rate.

There are of course other changes that you can make as well as diets to lower cholesterol. Poor physical fitness and being overweight also contribute to high cholesterol. As do vices such as heavy drinking and smoking. Use the following methods to supplement your change of diets to lower cholesterol:

1. Eat more soluble fibre, nuts, fruit, vegetables and oily fish as a start.

2. Eat less saturated fat, like red meats, cakes and butter. Use the ingredient list on the packaging to guide you whilst purchasing your food. If what you are buying has more saturated fats than unsaturated fats in, then avoid it.

3. Exercise a minimum of 4 times a week for a minimum of 40 minutes a time. This only requires you to raise your heart rate to approximately 130-140 beats per minute for the entire period. It doesn't mean you have to train like an Olympic sprinter for the duration.

4. Stop smoking

5. Stop drinking - okay, not altogether admittedly, but if you are what your Doctor would classify as a heavy drinker (you know who you are), then you must cut down.

There you have a pr?cis of the best ways to supplement diets to lower cholesterol. Not all of them are easy to follow I admit and this is why I said at the start you would require a little self determination if you were serious about lowering your cholesterol levels. But, they all work and their benefits will last a lifetime if adhered to.

Mike Alford is the creator and editor of

If you seriously want to look after your heart, click here, diets to lower cholesterol, read the articles and then you can also subscribe to the FREE 10-part Cholesterol Reduction Mini-Course.

Low Carb, No Carb: Is It Really A Healthy Way To Live Or Diet?

There have been many low carb and no carb food fads over the years and they can offer temptingly quick results. Many people, however, have not found them to be sustainable and they can cause some unpleasant side effects. But the real question is; are they healthy? Many dieticians and doctors would argue that sufficient carbohydrate is essential for any active person and nutritionists often recommend that the largest percentage of food is taken in the form of carbohydrates. In this article we take a look at different carbohydrates and their values so you can decide for yourself.

Unrefined vs refined carbohydrates;

Carbohydrates can be broken down into refined or unrefined. The general rule is that unrefined carbohydrates are better for you as they contain the whole grain so they are high in fibre and will keep you feeling fuller for longer. Foods that fall into the unrefined category will tend to have a lower GI value than their refined equivalent e.g. wholegrain bread has a lower GI than white bread.

Examples of wholegrain foods include wholemeal bread, porridge oats and wholegrain rice. However not all wholegrains are made equal and it is essential that you check the packing of wholegrain products carefully to check that they do actually contain whole wheat, oats etc. Refined carbohydrates include white bread and pasta, some cereals and white rice.

Simple and complex carbohydrates;

This refers to the chemical structure of the carbohydrate and therefore how quickly the body can break it down. People are often confused between unrefined and complex carbohydrates.

Simple carbohydrates are often referred to as sugars and are digested quickly. Many contain refined sugars and very few vitamins and minerals making them less desirable for the body. Examples of simple carbohydrates include fruit juice, milk, sugar, yoghurt and honey. Most fruits are also simple carbohydrates but these are packed with essential vitamins and anti-oxidants and should be an integral part of every healthy diet.

Complex carbohydrates take longer to digest as they tend to contain more fibre. Usually they are packed with vitamins and minerals and are more desirable to include in your diet. Examples include vegetables, wholegrains and pulses. Although fibre is not digested it does provide a number of health benefits to the body including reducing the risk of colon cancer. Because fibre also binds with substances which would ultimately produce cholesterol it also reduces the level of cholesterol in the body and therefore reduces the risk if heart disease.

How much should you be eating?

Hopefully this article has helped you draw your own conclusions as to the value of carbohydrates in your diet and therefore how much you should be eating.

Many health practitioners encourage the inclusion carbohydrates as a substantial percentage of daily calorific intake and suggest including wholegrain carbohydrates at every meal. You should also be including at least five portions of fruit and vegetables in your diet which also make up part of your carbohydrate intake and help to increase your hydration levels which is also essential for optimum health.

Low GI diets are probably the latest 'celebrity' diet being adopted by the general public and these take a balanced view of carbohydrates, not banning them completely, but equally encouraging the careful consideration of the effects that any particular food has on the body. This may be one of the most sensible ways of adopting carbohydrates in your diet and you will soon be able to read more on our GI diet page.

The information given in this article is for information only and should not be used as a substitute for medical advice. You should always consult your medical practitioner if you are concerned in any way about your health.

This article is written by Cheryl Ashbrook who has a keen interest in nutrition and health. It is extracted from healthy lifestyle info [], a website designed to provide you with all the information you need to help you adopt a healthier lifestyle today. There is nutritional information as well as hints and tips about many different complementary health therapies and the latest information about diet and fitness.

Take a look at our nutrition advice section [] for more information on the different aspects of nutrition.

We also have a healthy lifestyle directory [] where you can see some of the latest health books and resources available.

Lower Your Cholesterol on the Atkins Diet

Does the Atkins diet have any negative effects on my cholesterol level?

Actually, it's just the opposite! Doctors used to think that cholesterol would be negatively impacted by the Atkins diet because of the high amount of fat that Atkins dieters consume. However, this theory has been proven wrong; the Atkins diet can actually help get you cholesterol level down-not bring it up.

Dr. Eric Westman conducted a study, in which he took 120 overweight volunteers and put them on the Atkins diet for six months. At the end of the study, 11% of the dieters increased their HDL (good cholesterol), and 49% of them dropped their triglyceride levels.

Dr. Westman concluded that there were absolutely no negative side effects relating to cholesterol levels on the Atkins diet. In fact, there was evidence that their bad cholesterol had shifted to a form that may be less likely to clog the arteries.

These discoveries have even made some people change their minds about the Atkins diet. Dr. Robert Bonow, who was once a critic of the diet, has claimed that he will reconsider the diet as further studies occur. Dr. Sidney Smith was also very much surprised at the fact that bad cholesterol was not raised while on the diet.

Although the study itself did not say much about a direct correlation between low cholesterol and the Atkins diet, many people have claimed that after a few months on the diet, their LDL (bad cholesterol) levels had gone down.

As a matter of fact, not only will the Atkins diet help lower your cholesterol, any diet will also do the same. Simply losing weight in general will not only help you become plenty healthier all around, but it also will definitely help with your high cholesterol levels!

Note: The Author is not a doctor. Please consult a doctor before starting any new diet plan.

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For more free information (over 300 pages!) about the Low Carb Diets, including Atkins Diet Advice and Free Recipes, visit

A List of High Cholesterol Foods - To Maintain Healthy Cholesterol Level, Avoid These Foods

When an individual suffers from HDL then a significant amount of cholesterol gets transported. In fact, due to HDL cholesterol in excess amount gets transported from the tissues to liver mainly for disposal. In such a case the cholesterol stops clotting the blood vessels and thus you have less risk of suffering from heart diseases.

A list of High Cholesterol Food:

This list would prove to be a good guide for you. In fact if you keep in mind to avoid the following food items on a regular basis then you can at least avoid HLD cholesterol level. Check it out:

* Food items rich in saturated fats

* Salt

* Oils and fats like butter, meat drippings, fat buck and vegetable oils

* All types of cheese items

* Junk food items

* Ice cream, any type of cream and milk

* Fatty meats such as sausage, bacon, salami, corned beef and hot dogs

* Cookies which are rich in fatty content

* Fried food items like fried chicken and French fries

* Pastries, cakes and pies

. What should one do to maintain a healthy cholesterol level?

Avoid Fatty Food Items: Ditch the food items mentioned above. Instead of these items you can add a lot of fruits and vegetables in your diet chart. Quite interestingly, you can even opt for low-fat milk products too.

Be Active: To rule out the obesity issue you can opt for regular exercises. Integrating more activity would definitely not incite you to change your whole lifestyle. In fat you can get indulged in simple workouts to burn fats at a steady pace.

Just Avoid The Smoking Habit: You can kick of cholesterol issue if smoking is your favorite habit. In fact this factor weakens the wall of the arteries and makes them more prone to build up cholesterols.

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Keep a Low Carb Diet and Lose Double The Weight! Here's How

If you're one of the millions of Americans and Canadians that are on a low carb diet, congratulations! You are taking steps to increase your quality of life and level of health. Having a low carb diet can be one of the most effective and easiest diets to stick with because you are able to sustain the low-carb diet for quite a long time (increase the success of weight loss)

There are also ways for you to increase your level of success and put in a turbo "boost" to your weight loss program.

Ten steps of losing extra weight during the week:

Drink Green Tea - Green tea has amazing antioxidant properties. But it also naturally burn calories as well, making this the top diet "supplement" in the history of mankind.
Skip The Half-n-Half - use skim or whole milk. Skip the extra cream and fatty calories.
Eat Jalapenos - turning up the heat to this powerful antioxidant fights cancer and burns calories.
Extra Sleep - If you're sleep deprived you're most likely gaining extra weight. Proper sleep hygiene ensures your metabolism is stable.
Increase Your Calcium - calcium naturally helps boosts your metabolism rate.
Skip the Mayo - use another low cal condiment instead, such as mustard. Mayo is high in fat. Ketchup is very high in sugar.
Increase Peppermint - peppermint keeps you feeling fresh and satisfied and less likely to snack.
Drink Coffee - coffee not only burns calories but it also naturally boosts your metabolism.
Take the Stairs - burn an extra 30 calories a day by taking the stairs and you will lose a pound in one month.
Take a walk after dinner - taking a walk after dinner lowers cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and jump starts your metabolism. Humans weren't designed to eat until our bellies were full and then sit on the sofa and watch TV all night. Rather, we were designed to eat and the go forage for our next meal. A crisp walk will also help your digestion and decrease heart burn.

You might also consider getting a carbohydrate blocking supplement that allows you to avoid excess carbs and weight gain. Burn My Carbs is a natural and healthy way to gently block carb absorption. Burn My Carbs is available at

Monday, January 28, 2013

Understanding the Female Fitness Model Diet

What's the difference between your diet and a successful female fitness model diet? It's naturally assumed that the fitness model is in on some super secret diet plan that only the beautiful and physically fit know about. The fact is the fitness model is eating foods from the same place that you get yours, the supermarket. It's more about the foods that they select, when they eat, and how much.

Both fitness and fashion models must pay strict attention to their diet. Like you, they want to feel full after they eat, but they don't want their bodies filled with unhealthy fats and cholesterol. The only secret that they share is adherence to a female fitness model diet that gives them plenty of protein that enables their metabolism to burn off more calories while giving them that full feeling. Models eat more protein that carbohydrates. Carbs are important in any diet, but too many carbs can ruin your diet and your physical appearance.

Perhaps it would be simpler to give you an example of the type of female fitness model diet that is followed by most models. They are not terribly complicated, and a guaranteed good way to lose weight and to keep it off. They focus upon high-quality high-protein foods and the practice of eating in moderation. Let's look at some meals from a typical day in the life of a fitness model.

The Breakfast: Egg whites. Not whole eggs, just the whites. They are full of low-fat, no-cholesterol protein, and they are easy to prepare in omelets of scrambled egg dishes. They are full of nutritional value. Fitness models claim that egg whites in the morning give them the added "ommph" that they need to perform their morning workouts. Eggs are full of vitamins and nutrition, but set lightly on the stomach.

The Lunch: What could be easier, and more filled with good nutrition and protein, than a tasty protein shake? Even if you supplement it with other foods, drinking the shake will so thoroughly fill you that you won't be tempted to overeat. Most models say that they couldn't stay fit without these shakes. They have become a standard part of their lunch.

Snack Time: Burgers and fries? Don't you wish? Nope. It's more like a handful of almonds. Almonds have no cholesterol, very low amounts of the good fat, and lots of protein for building muscles. They are usually available at the same store counter that displays the snacks you should never have, like potato chips. Spend your money on healthful almonds for you next impromptu snack.

The Dinner: Fish. Steamed or baked, not fried. This is the preferred big meal protein source for most fashion and fitness models. Fish is the source of the good fats that your body needs, and fish is very high in complete protein needed for creating and repairing muscle tissue. Fish can also actually help to reduce your blood cholesterol.

Hydration: Water is critical for maintaining a healthy fit body. It helps to fill you up between meals as well. A gallon a day is not an unusual amount for a model to drink, even more when vigorously exercising. The water that is the basis for sodas, coffee, and other such beverages doesn't count. Pure, clear, water is what you need. No female fitness model diet is effective without lots of water.

Discover more about losing body fat and suggested program to become a female fitness model here. Read the Fitness Model Program Review for more...

All About High Cholesterol Foods

Remember those greasy and heavy foods you have the tendency to eat? Well, those have a very high risk of being high cholesterol foods. What you might not know is that high cholesterol foods contain lots of saturated fat and cholesterol. This can be really bad for you since saturated fat found in such animal products will raise your LDL cholesterol (or bad cholesterol) level. The bottom line is that animal foods contain cholesterol. Your cholesterol level is sure to rise if you eat these foods in excess to make your diet a high cholesterol diet.

It is very important for you to note that it is not the cholesterol in the food that is harmful, but the saturated fat content that causes the liver to increase the amount of harmful LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

If foods in your food counter show a "Cholesterol free" label, it is important for you to know that it does not make hardly any difference to your cholesterol levels. It is the amount of saturated fat that actually matters. A simple example is coconut oil - since it's a vegetable oil it has no cholesterol but is highly saturated and therefore it is no good for your heart. Rather than giving attention to "low cholesterol" or "cholesterol-free" labels, you might give more attention to saturated fats on the food label. "High cholesterol foods" do not mean foods that have an increased level of cholesterol, but of substances that help increase those nasty LDL numbers in your blood, such as saturated fats or triglycerides. Learn to read the food labels correctly.

Reduced fat food - 25 percent less fat than similar normal fat food.

Fat Free Foods means less than one half of milligram of fat. Free does not mean actually zero fat.

Low Fat Food - 3 grams or less fat.

Low Cholesterol Food - 20 milligrams or less and 2 g or less saturated fat.

Cholesterol Free Food - Remember what we talked about above? Free does not mean zero cholesterol.

Means actually 2 milligrams of cholesterol and 2 milligrams or less fat.

Generally, foods that are high in cholesterol are:

Processed and prepared foods contain high amounts of fat including trans-fats. Examples: cookies, pastries and muffins.

All animal products such as poultry, fish, meat, egg yolks and higher fat milk.

Jean Helmet is a content editor who focuses on a wide array of niche health topics. Her latest website - Natural Cholesterol Supplement focuses on cholesterol as a whole, and in partcular, a natural product our editors personally use with excellent health results known as - Cholest-Natural

Be sure to check out our cholesterol product of choice, it is the natural supplement we use and recommend to friends and family, and have done for over 3 years.

Causes and Prevention of High Cholesterol

Reports show that approximately 50% of people in America have borderline or high cholesterol levels. Having high cholesterol will greatly increase your chances of suffering a heart attack or stroke.

Our bodies naturally produce cholesterol. It is made in the liver, helps form cell membranes, creates some of the hormones we need and even helps our bodies digest fat. Cholesterol is found in every cell of our bodies. It is in our skin, nerves, muscles and even our brain.

Besides the natural cholesterol the liver makes, we get even more from lots of the foods that we eat. Although, besides our diet there are other factors that can elevate cholesterol like stress, heredity, weight and even age.

Our bodies naturally contain two types of cholesterol, HDL is called the good cholesterol, while LDL is bad cholesterol. Cholesterol is taken back to the liver to be broken down by HDL, while LDL carries it away from the liver and into the bloodstream.

When excessive amounts of cholesterol are present in the bloodstream, it adheres to the vessel walls and hardens the arteries restricting the amount of blood flow to the heart and brain and increasing the risk of strokes and heart attacks.

If your cholesterol level is too high there are some things you can try to help lower it and reduce the risks associated with it. For many people following a diet low in cholesterol, getting exercise and reducing weight will be all that is required to lower the levels.

Simple changes in diet by adding some cholesterol fighting foods like fish, oats, whole grains, yogurt and eliminating a lot of saturated fats will often get your cholesterol levels back to normal.

The simple lifestyle changes that you can make won't have much effect on your cholesterol if it is an inherited condition or your body has just begun to produce too much for some reason. In these cases the only alternative may be for your doctor to prescribe one or several medications.

There are other factors that increase the risks of heart attacks and strokes, but elevated cholesterol is one thing that you can actually have some control over. If you've been diagnosed with high or borderline cholesterol start making those basic changes that might extend your life by years!

Don't risk your health because of lack of information. Visit the links and learn about cholesterol lowering foods, improved diet, how to use a cholesterol monitor, and much more.

A Few Basic Guidelines for Putting Together a Comprehensive Cardiovascular Disease Diet

A comprehensive cardiovascular disease diet should have a few different goals. These would include keeping cholesterol and triglyceride levels low, minimize the consumption of foods which damage the interior lining of our arteries, and adding foods or food products that may be able to reverse any damage to heart and arteries which may already exist.

Certainly a tall order, but one that is both achievable and well worth doing, that is if avoiding heart and artery disease is your goal.

Reducing the amount of cholesterol, triglycerides, and other blood fats is the first step in our quest to do just that and will benefit you in three different ways. First, by keeping our cardiovascular disease diet low in cholesterol we will be reducing the chances of arterial plaque deposits forming. Second, by keeping blood fat (lipid) levels low we will reduce the speed at which current deposits are advancing. And third, keeping cholesterol levels low will reduce the chances of damage to the interior lining of the arteries which promotes the formation of arterial plaque.

In order to achieve this we will need to reduce saturated fat consumption to 7 percent of calories or about 16 grams a day, virtually eliminate all triglycerides, and hold cholesterol down to less than 30 percent of calories. The cholesterol numbers may vary slightly with healthy adults keeping cholesterol under 30 percent but those who are in a high risk category, have high levels of bad (LDL) cholesterol, or those who are taking cholesterol lowering medications holding cholesterol consumption down to around 20 percent of calories.

When you do use fats in your cardiovascular disease diet choosing monosaturated fats such as canola and olive oil should be standard procedure. Polyunsaturated fats found in abundance in nuts, seeds, certain grains, and cold water fatty fish are also good substitutions for foods and oils high in saturated fat. Let's look at few examples.

Heart healthy fats to chose: olive oil, canola oil, and margarines that are free from trans fats containing plant stanols and sterols. A couple of name brand buttery spread that meet this criteria are the name brands Promise and Benecol.

Artery clogging high saturated fat foods to avoid: fatty cuts of red meat, processed meats, organ meats, duck, goose, poultry skin, butter, lard, gravy, cream sauce, bacon fat, non dairy creamers, hydrogenated margarine and shortening, coconut oil, cottonseed oil, and cocoa butter found in chocolate.

Cardiovascular Disease Diet - Reversing Arterial Damage

Turing back the clock on arterial damage is no easy task. We now know that cholesterol can damage our arteries and are doing everything possible reduce its consumption. But there is another potentially more dangerous culprit according to recent studies, that of homocysteine.

These are hostile amino acids released into the bloodstream triggered by consuming protein rich foods. When released homocysteines chew up cells in the lining of the arteries. They may also increase the risk of blood clots and produce debris that blocks the arteries.

But not to worry, there is a easy solution for neutralizing these blood baddies. The solution is to consume adequate amounts of folic acid, vitamins B6, and B12 along with any high protein meal. Food to add to our cardiovascular disease diet that are high in B vitamins are fish, skim milk, beans, whole grains, mustard/turnip greens, tomatoes, and kale.

Another possibility on turning back the clock is consuming fish high in omega three fatty acids (salmon, mackerel, sardines, herring) at least 2 times a week. There is evidence to suggest that this simple cardiovascular disease diet change will reduce inflammation in the arteries, reduce existing arterial plaque, and heal the scuffs and nicks in the arterial channel.

One last possibility to help restore artery health is to consume foods high in the antioxidant resveratrol. This antioxidant is found in the skin of dark colored grapes and grape juice.

In summary, a cardiovascular disease diet consists of eating less red meat, more fruits and vegetables, and adding foods that are high in the B vitamins, 3 fatty acids, and resveratrol. Certainly, there is a lot more to learn and this article should be your starting point rather than your ending point. Nevertheless, you are now well on your way to putting together a cardiovascular disease diet plan that will produce both short and long term benefits.

Rob D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic consumer advocate for the use of natural health and natural living with over 10 years experience in the field. To learn more about high cholesterol and triglycerides, along with safe and effective natural remedies for improving cardiovascular health Click Here

The Health Benefits of Paper Filters When Brewing Coffee - Lower Cholesterol

We all have cholesterol. It is a naturally occurring waxy substance produced by our bodies. There are two main types of cholesterol,

Low-density lipoprotein, or LDL, also called "bad" cholesterol. LDL carries cholesterol into your arteries.
High-density lipoprotein, or HDL, also called "good" cholesterol. HDL carries cholesterol away from your arteries to your liver. It is better to have more HDL than LDL for obvious reasons.

If your doctor determines that you have high cholesterol, you will likely need to take cholesterol-reducing medication and follow specific advice regarding your diet and life style. Research shows consistently that, by eating the right foods, getting enough exercise and taking care of yourself, you can reduce the chance of dying from heart disease by an incredible 80 percent.

For coffee lovers, understanding how coffee may help you lower your cholesterol is important so you continue drinking and enjoying your coffee.

There are two substances in coffee, kahweol and cafestol that raise cholesterol levels.
Cafestol and kahweol are fat-soluble compounds referred to as diterpenes, which are present in the oil derived from coffee beans.
It is interesting to note that Arabica beans contain both cafestol and kahweol.
Robusta beans, however, contain only about half as much cafestol and almost no kahweol.
Both compounds, cafestol and kahweol, are extracted by hot water but are retained by a paper filter.
For this reason, when comparing the levels of cafestol and kahweol in filtered coffee, percolated coffee and instant coffee, the levels of these compounds are very low.
In contrast, Turkish coffee, French press coffee (cafeti?re) and Scandinavian boiled coffee contain fairly high levels of cafestol and kahweol per cup.

What is the benefit of paper filters?

During the brewing process, paper filters capture these substances.
Paper filers, in this case, help in the prevention of harmful cholesterol levels.
Literally, you can say that a paper filter is worth a "pound of cure" or so.
Coffee drinkers who drink non-filtered coffees such as "lattes," which do not use paper filters, may want to reconsider their choice and frequency of beverage for their own health benefit.

In addition to coffee filters, managing eating habits and diet become excellent strategies to lower cholesterol. Without any doubt, what we eat does make a difference in lowering cholesterol. For example, whole grains, olive oil, cinnamon, fresh orange juice, several small meals every day instead of one or two large ones, oatmeal for breakfast, and other similar advice are good recommendations to control cholesterol. Controlled clinical trials and scientific coffee research findings show that coffee lowers chronic inflammation and raises the "good" HDL cholesterol.

Obviously, always follow your physician's advice regarding any medical conditions, treatments, diagnostics or special dietary plans for you. Coffee, home remedies or natural medications may help in relieving specific conditions but you should always listen to your health practitioner first and be a good patient.

Go ahead and drink coffee. In the process, you may derive some health benefits. Try 100% Arabica bean Cinnamon Gourmet Flavored coffee!

Timothy ("Tim") S. Collins, the author, is called by those who know him "The Gourmet Coffee Guy."
He is an expert in article writing who has done extensive research online and offline in his area of expertise, coffee marketing, as well as in other areas of personal and professional interest.

Come visit the author's website:

? Copyright - Timothy S. Collins. All Rights Reserved Worldwide

How To Improve HDL Cholesterol Levels Naturally And Reduce Your Risk Of Developing Heart Disease

HDL cholesterol is the good cholesterol that helps remove excess bad cholesterol (LDL) from the bloodstream, which in turn reduces the build-up of plaque in the arteries.

There are number of strategies that can be used to improve HDL cholesterol levels naturally.

A low HDL level for men is one that is below 40 mg/dL, and for women a low HDL level is one that is below 50 mg/dL.

The level for women is higher because they produce estrogen which aides in the production of HDL.

Good HDL levels are considered to be above 60 mg/dL, which means that there is an optimal amount of HDL cholesterol for eliminating excess LDL from the bloodstream.

If your HDL level is lower than the recommended level, then there are a number of things you can do to improve HDL cholesterol levels naturally.

One thing that you can do is to try to lose weight. This will achieve a number of different things including a reduction in the level of LDL cholesterol that is present in your body, as well as increase the HDL count.

The other obvious benefit of losing weight is the increased satisfaction and self-confidence that you will have in yourself when you get rid of the extra pounds.

Exercise is another great strategy that can help you increase your HDL levels naturally.

Aerobic exercise when performed on a regular basis for 20 to 30 minutes can help burn excess fat and calories and get the heart rate up in order to increase blood and oxygen flow to the muscles and other organs in the body.

Another strategy that can help improve HDL cholesterol levels naturally is to eliminate foods that contain trans fat, saturated fats, and other harmful substances that can increase LDL cholesterol and reduce HDL cholesterol levels.

When foods that contain these types of substances are eliminated from your diet, HDL levels are improved.

To ensure success, consider adding natural supplements to your diet. They are extremely successful at raising HDL levels while lowering LDL.

Stopping the bad habit of smoking is also a great way to improve HDL cholesterol levels naturally.

Not only does quitting smoking help improve HDL counts, but it eliminates the many other health risks that are associated with smoking.

An overall reduction in alcohol is another valuable strategy that can help improve HDL cholesterol levels naturally.

It is recommended that men consume no more than one or two drinks per day, and women consume no more than one alcoholic drink per day.

If you are ready to improve HDL cholesterol levels naturally as well as lower LDL levels thus improving your heart health, then visit my website today for quality information to guide you to success.

Mary Ruddy is a former high cholesterol sufferer, from a family with a history of heart disease, and has successfully achieved perfect cholesterol levels, reversing and eliminating the risk of heart disease, and is a strong advocate of natural health care. Mary enjoys introducing people to the best natural products she can find and uses herself daily at:

Sunday, January 27, 2013

4 Sure-Fire Foods That Lower Cholesterol

Reducing the cholesterol level in your body is not that difficult to do. Foods that lower cholesterol are situated everywhere in the market. As you wish, you can easily add these to your diet. Once you reach the age of 50 and up, proper diet is a must thing that you should put into consideration. Considering your budget, these foods cost reasonable, not to hurt your pocket anymore!

Let's start with oatmeal. As we all know, oatmeal is one of the popular low cholesterol foods. If you're looking for a tasty and healthy meal, then oatmeal is the best choice for you. This contains the so-called beta-glucan which is the number one substance that reduces cholesterol level in the body. Including oatmeal in your diet helps you reduce almost 80 % of fat. Likewise, oatmeal is also rich in fiber which is also important in digestion.

Meanwhile, we also have berries that can be added to oatmeal. There are a few varieties of berries to choose from including blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, cranberries and grapes. Apart from being one of the foods that lower cholesterol, berries also helps in preventing oxidation of LDL or the so-called bad cholesterol. And what's more important is that berries are definitely delicious.

Always bear in mind that fruits play vital roles in increasing the amount of good cholesterol or HDL, especially berries.

Beans are also important in reducing cholesterol level as they're rich in fiber. Beans can be added with other meals such as noodles, meats and leafy vegetables. More importantly, beans contain minimal amount of fat.

In relation to your goal, red meats should be avoided. But then, it doesn't mean that you'll need to become vegetarian as poultry products are good options. You can opt for a chicken and fish without a skin or an egg without a yolk. There are also sea foods that contain minimal amount of fat such as shrimps and lobsters.

These are only some of the foods that lower cholesterol. There are many others out there. If you're not confident enough to make your own list, you can have your doctor as you personal adviser. Apart from this simple learning, you can also have natural supplements for lowering cholesterol. As you wish, you can do a little research and use this article as a simple guide.

Laza Marius is a content editor who focuses on a wide array of niche health topics. His latest website - Natural Cholesterol Supplement focuses on cholesterol as a whole, and in particular, a natural product our editors personally use with excellent health results known as - Cholest-Natural

Be sure to check out our cholesterol product of choice. It is the natural supplement we use and recommend to friends and family, and have done for over 3 years.

List of Some Low Cholesterol Foods

Whole grains, fruits and vegetables are food sources that are low in cholesterol. Most fish and poultry are also somewhat low in cholesterol too. Make sure to incorporate low cholesterol foods in your diet to avoid risk for developing heart disease.

If you want to completely stay out of the risk for developing heart disease, stick with low cholesterol foods and foods low in fat. Truth be told, a low cholesterol diet is not all that hard to follow, considering the wide range of food options available. Below is a list of foods you should incorporate in your diet for optimal cardiovascular and overall health:

1. Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are essentially "cholesterol free" because cholesterols can only be produced from animal sources. Thus, increasing your fruit and vegetable intake will not only mean loading your body with important vitamins and minerals, but indulging in all health goodness without increasing cholesterol. Adding more vegetables and less meat to every meal is a great way to start.

2. Whole grains

Whole grains like cereals, oat meal, pasta, and whole wheat breads are rich in dietary fiber but high in energy content. These foods do not contain dietary cholesterol (except for breads which are added with dairy products and sugar) and can also be helpful in maintaining weight.

3. Fish and Poultry

Chicken, turkey and fish generally have lower cholesterol and saturated fat than pork and beef. Some types of shellfish are also considered to be low cholesterol sources. However, despite being low on cholesterol, a heart healthy diet should still limit the total amount of intake of these protein food sources to 5 ounces per day. It would also help to take in low cholesterol protein sources and meat substitutes such as tofu, beans and dry peas.

4. Eggs

Egg yolks contain high amounts of cholesterol so make sure to eat only a maximum of four egg yolks a week (including those in baked and processed foods). Egg whites, on the other hand, contain no cholesterol. Try to substitute whole eggs with egg whites in your recipe.

5. Dairy Products

Regular dairy products like cheese, milk and yogurt contain fat. They are usually high in cholesterol and saturated fat. Despite these, they are still important for optimum health. To limit cholesterol intake in dairy products, make sure to choose skimmed or low fat milk (over full cream), low fat or non-fat yogurt, and low fat cheese and cheese blends.

6. Low Cholesterol Snacks

Not all snacks are generally high in cholesterol, so yes, you can still have a snack and be healthy. However, make sure to stick to snacks low in cholesterol. Dried fruits, bagels, pretzels, crackers, cereals, fresh fruits and raw vegetables are among snacks that are low in fat and cholesterol.

7. Sweets

Should you crave for sweets, there are a few options to consider that are low in fat. Low cholesterol foods for dessert include gelatine-based desserts (without the whipped cream), low fat cookies, non-fat yogurt, puddings, and low fat cakes and pastries, among many others. However, try as much as you can to only have occasional treats. Eat them only rarely, especially if you need to work on improving cholesterol levels.

8. Omega-3 - The "Good Fats"

There are some "good fats" that are actually helpful to your heart health and blood flow and cardiovascular system. These are omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fish oil. That is why I take a fish oil pill every day as part of my own heart-healthy diet plan, and recommend it to all of my friends. Omega-3 rich fish oil is a health food I can't do without.

Susan writes about fish oil and health at where you can learn about the best kind of fish oil that has more DHA and EPA and more Omega-3 and more of everything you want from the supplement. That is the kind you want to know more about, the pure concentrated fish oil that gives you the most for your money.

Popular Diet Plans Can Unclog Arteries

If you are suffering from thickened walls of the arteries, you should be looking to eat diets that are healthy for the heart. These diets are low carb diet, low fat diet and Mediterranean diet. In fact, now researchers have discovered that people who consume these diets can actually reverse the process of arthrosclerosis.

The research was conducted by Israeli researchers who claim that once a person is on any one of the aforementioned diet, the person should continue with the diet even if he or she loses less weight. If the person sticks to the diet for long enough, he or she will cause the atherosclerosis to wane.

Atherosclerosis is a condition wherein the walls of the arteries become thick and as a result they become narrow. This thickening does not allow the blood to flow normally and can lead to a stroke or heart attack.

The study had 140 participants, belonging to both genders and they were middle aged. The patients were put on one the three types of healthy diet. Around 1/3rd of the patients were on medication for elevated blood pressure and 1/4th of them were on medication for reducing their cholesterol levels. The patients were placed on the diet for 2 years and later the researchers discovered that the carotid artery's wall thickness had seen a reduction of 1.1. The blood pressure levels reduced moderately, while the weight loss was average.

This proves that even if you have minor to modest weight loss, it is beneficial for the arteries. However, the most significant benefit that you can derive from going on any one of the healthy diets is reduction in elevated blood pressure. However, a person should be willing to be on the diet for a long period of time in order to derive the benefits.

About Author:
Kum Martin is an online leading expert in the fitness. He also offers top quality tips like: Repartitioning In Bodybuilding, Weight Control

Success With A Low Carb Diet

One of the more successful approaches to weight loss can be limiting your intake of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates, the basic building block for energy (and therefore fat, too) are in most everything that we eat. Going truly NO carb is very difficult. Going low carb can be done without making huge sacrifices and has been successful for many people in their quest for weight loss.

What is on a low carb menu?

A low carb diet focuses on shifting the balance of food from carbohydrates to protein. Carbs are digested into sugar which becomes blood glucose, which bonds with insulin and powers our bodies. Reducing our intake of carbs causes our body to burn fat to make up the energy deficit. Ta-da! We can lose the fat without starvation. Sounds good, right? That makes a plate of vegetables a wonderful thing, because most veggies don't have a lot of carbs. Low sugar fruits are great too, like cranberries, blackberries and raspberries. Protein is definitely on the menu since proteins like meat, fish and dairy have few carbs. Just watch out for your fat intake. The same is true for nuts and seeds.

Besides weight loss, are there benefits to a low carb diet?

Yes! In general, eating a low carb diet will improve your triglycerides, raise your high density liploprotein cholesterol (good cholesterol) and lower your (slightly) your low density lipprotein cholesterol (the bad cholesterol). That assumes that you're responsible about balancing your fruits and vegetables versus your red meats and not subsisting entirely on "carnivore style" burgers at In-n-Out.

Is there a down side?

Like anything, moderation is important. Low carb should be no carb. Your body needs a supply of energy, and metabolizing fat is not as efficient as burning carbs. If nothing else, too few carbs will give you bad breath as one symptom of ketosis (fat burning). But don't worry about low carb conflicting with your exercise or weight training. There is plenty of medical evidence that shows that the two are not incompatible. As long as you're not training at an extreme level, your body can build muscle mass just fine on a low carb diet.

How do I start?

Just jump in! There are numerous recipe books and web sites with wonderful menu planners for people starting out with their new low carb lifestyle. You can look forward to a varied and delicious meal and a slimmer, trimmer you!

P.S. Most people agree, a diet is much easier to keep when you have a diet buddy. Don't have a buddy yet? Check out and find a local diet buddy.

John is an Internet executive, noted blogger and co-founder of, a site that connects people who share a passion for healthy living. Check out and discover new buddies to join in on your next hike, workout or diet program.

Copyright 2011 John Koenig. All rights reserved worldwide.

Diabetic Diet Meal Plan

Doctors and licensed dieticians recommend that people who are diabetic should watch or limit what they eat. Treating diabetes is complimented by a well balanced diet and lifestyle. With the good advice from a licensed dietician, a diabetic diet meal plan becomes easier to manage.

Through this diet plan, the diabetic could plan or mix and match the daily meals he or she would take. This is without compromising the carbohydrate intake he or she needs to limit.

A Diabetic diet differ from people to people. There is a different meal plan for type 1 and type 2 diabetics. Type 1 diabetics only need to watch the food they take each day and pair it up with insulin. On the other hand people who are suffering from type 2 diabetes need to reduce their weight.

What follows is a diabetic diet plan that is appropriate for the type of diabetes the person is suffering from.

Diabetic diet meal plan for type 1 diabetics:

The right number of protein and carbohydrates is essential to one who is suffering from this type of diabetes. Planning a diet meal plan is essential to this person due to the many complications of diabetes.

Complications like heart diseases, kidney failure and high blood pressure are very common diseases for type 1 diabetics. Ideally food that is low in cholesterol, sugar, fats and sodium are what they need to focus on eating. Meal plans for type 1 diabetics include a mix of high fiber rich foods like green leafy vegetables and fruits. All of this is to help reduce blood pressure and stabilize the blood glucose level of the person.

Diabetic diet meal plan for type 2 diabetics:

It is necessary for one who is a type 2 diabetic to watch his weight. A diet meal plan for type 2 diabetics contain fiber rich foods, fish that are rich in omega 3 and fatty acids, healthy fats and carbohydrates. Type 2 diabetics should essential ignore food that has high levels of fats, sodium and cholesterol.

Small and frequent eating is recommended for people suffering in type 2 diabetes. It is much easier to control glucose levels if eaten is small portions rather than a whole meal.

Sample diabetic diet meal plan for an entire day:

? Breakfast diet menu

o 2 4?-in waffles

o 1 cup yogurt

o ? cup blackberries

o A cup of Coffee or tea

? Lunch diet menu

o 1 cup beans

o 12 crackers

o ? cup broccoli or ? cup cauliflower

o A diet soda

? Dinner Diet menu

o 4 oz hamburger in a 1 hamburger bun. It is laced with 1 tablespoon ketchup, 2 lettuce leaves and 2 tomato slices

o 1 cup of celery sticks

o Skim milk

The truth is, you can reverse the effect of diabetes with proper diet. For more diabetic diet meal plan sample, visit Diabetic Diet.

Diet and Food Affect Your Blood Pressure

If you are struggling with high blood pressure or heart disease there are many ways you can modify your diet and start to live a more health conscience lifestyle. The first thing you should do is try a Vegetarian diet. In this diet you will get many of the following:

* Calcium

* Magnesium

* Vitamin A & C

* Potassium

* Complex Carbohydrates

* Polyunsaturated Fat

* Fiber

All of these can have a great influence on your blood pressure.

Sugar can act as an aggravate, especially the common table sugar sucrose. Try to limit your intake of this. A diet high in fiber has been proven effective in lowering blood pressure; this diet will also help you reduce your cholesterol levels and even promote weight loss.

Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables is very important as well. Any diet that includes consuming fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy foods and is low in total fat, cholesterol and saturated fat has proven to be effective in controlling


Many people use more salt than they are aware of. Maybe because some of us are just used to automatically salting our food unaware if it was salted when being cooked. (If eating out) Reducing your salt intake will also help immensely.

A diet high in potassium and low in sodium reduces your blood pressure rise by reducing the effect of adrenaline. If you reduce your sodium intake you must also increase your potassium intake.

There are some vegetables and spices that help control your blood pressure. Many of these are very common vegetables and spices so you may be helping your blood pressure and not even know it.

Onions' essential oil is very beneficial. If you have two to three tablespoons of this essential onion oil a day, it could help reduce your systolic levels. Tomatoes are also a beneficiary to controlling blood pressure. They are high in GABA, a compound that helps control hypertension.

Broccoli has also been proven to benefits patients with heart disease, and carrots also have many compounds that do the same. Introducing these vegetables to your diet will do wonders for your heart. Even if you don't suffer from heart disease or hypertension, it's best to keep it at a safe level and take the extra precautions to get there.

Garlic and celery are also great to add to your diet. Garlic is good for the heart which you've probably been told before. Eating just one clove of garlic a day has been proven to be beneficial.

Whatever diet you choose or whatever foods you try to limit, remember you are doing it for your health. Many people learn to enjoy healthier foods as they get older. If you have any questions or concerns about your blood pressure get with your doctor. They will be happy to assist you and answer any questions you might have. Taking care of your health is very important and will make you feel much better.

Jim Kithas' has been in business for over 30 years with a home base is in Fort Worth, Texas. His latest venture, was established in 2001 and has been serving our customers with an effective online service for liquid vitamins, supplements, plus other very effective herbal health supplements.