Tuesday, October 8, 2013

What Is Cholesterol - Is It Good?

Many people are aware that high levels of cholesterol are dangerous to their health because of the increase risk of heart disease and stroke. But what is cholesterol? And is it really bad for the health?

What is cholesterol? It is a combination of fatty substances and steroid naturally produced by the body. In fact, cholesterol is in every cell of our body. It makes cell membranes less fluid and holds it together without the need for a cell wall. It basically keeps the cell in the body stable. Cholesterol is also a source of energy. The liver produces 80 percent of the cholesterol but it can also be from dietary source. It also helps in digesting fats and in vitamins absorption.

What is cholesterol doing in our body? There are good and bad cholesterol. Bad cholesterol of low density lipoprotein (LDL) is produced by our body and is also needed but high level of bad cholesterol as mentioned can cause heart disease and clog the arteries. LDL are usually found in animal meat, ice cream, eggs and butter so limit the intake of these food.

What is cholesterol which known as HDL? You may heard about this before, High density lipoprotein (HDL) is also the good one which protects you from heart disease by lowering the bad cholesterol in the body. Foods high in HDL are sea foods like salmon and tuna. Foods high in fiber like fruits and vegetables also helps raise the HDL level in the body. What is cholesterol doing in our body is really important, eating more vegetables and high fiber food and limiting red meat, eggs and sweets can definitely help lower your bad HDL.

Cholesterol is not really bad for the body; it only becomes a threat if increases beyond the normal level. The truth is what is cholesterol is an essential substance which our body needs to work properly. We won't be able to function without cholesterol. The most important is the need to maintain a proper diet and exercise to make sure the good cholesterol is in a healthy level. You should also visit your doctor regularly so that you can monitor your cholesterol level and if you might need medication or a change in your diet for your cholesterol.

What is cholesterol is basically what you take in your body. If you eat unhealthy food then you'll get bad cholesterol if you eat a balanced diet coupled with exercise you'll have higher good cholesterol. It's a good lifestyle that will ensure a good health and a good level of cholesterol.

By loweryourcholesterolguide.com knowing what is cholesterol is not enough, you need to know how you can lower your cholesterol quickly. If you are aware of what high cholesterol foods to avoid, there is no reason why you can't bring down your cholesterol levels to desirable levels. Visit loweryourcholesterolguide.com loweryourcholesterolguide.com now to get a free e-course to lower your cholesterol level.

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