Saturday, February 23, 2013

A Cardiovascular Disease Diet Helps Prevent Atherosclerosis And Keeps Arteries Clear Of Blockages

When it comes to your heart health, many research experts recommend the regular consumption of fibre rich foods as part of your cardiovascular disease diet.

More than 80 millions people in the US suffer from one or more types of cardiovascular disease.

Close to 1 million people in the US die from the disease every year.

While the statistics for the US are quite startling, they are every bit as worrying in other countries throughout the world.

There is a saying - you are what you eat - and to be fair, there is a certain degree of truth in that.

Putting a good cardiovascular disease diet in place will help slow down or reverse hardening of the arteries, lower bad cholesterol levels, and subdue the absorption of fats from the foods that you eat.

There are actually two types of fibre - soluble and insoluble fibre and both are essential for building strong cardiovascular health.

Both types of fibre should be included in your cardiovascular disease diet.

Soluble fibre is very effective at reducing the level of low density lipoproteins or LDL cholesterol in your body, which ultimately reduces your risk of artery and heart disease. LDL cholesterol is known as the bad cholesterol.

Basically, soluble fibre can be dissolved in water and yields a gel-like substance. This type of fibre is usually found in certain foods like apples, oats, baked potatoes (with the skin), and kidney beans.

Insoluble fibre does not dissolve in water and prevents constipation, reduces the risk of colon cancer and increases the speed at which food is passed through to the digestive tract. This type of fibre can be found in vegetables, fruit skins, whole wheat products, nuts, seeds, corn bran and wheat oat.

Both types of fibre are beneficial to the heart because they make you feel full which helps reduce your overall intake of calories. When you eat less, then you have less chance of gaining extra pounds, which would put stress on your heart.

When you eat high fibre foods as part of your cardiovascular disease diet, generally you will excrete stools that are characterized by fat-like substances; this suggests that the high fibre foods have blocked the body from absorbing fats.

The American Heart Association recommends consuming an average of 25g of fibre everyday to improve your cardiovascular health.

Putting a heart healthy diet in place is essential if you are to have any chance of protecting yourself against heart disease.

Try to limit the amount of fried food, fast food, processed food and pre-packaged food that you eat as these foods are full of saturated fat and trans fat and will increase your LDL cholesterol levels.

High cholesterol is a major risk factor for coronary artery disease, one of the most extensive forms of heart disease, which affects more than 14 million people in the US alone.

Combine your cardiovascular disease diet with natural supplements and you will increase your protection against atherosclerosis (narrowing and hardening of the arteries), a heart attack or a stroke.

Natural supplements offer you the chance to give your body essential nutrients that you cannot get in sufficient quantities from the foods you eat. These nutrients should not be underestimated as they can lower LDL cholesterol and triglycerides and increase HDL levels, as well as provide you with a whole host of additional health benefits.

Review your cardiovascular disease diet today and make the necessary changes to ensure you maximize your protection against heart disease and increase the amount of time you have to enjoy life to the full.

If you are ready to strengthen your cardiovascular disease diet and reduce your risk of heart disease, heart attack or stroke, then visit my website today for quality information to guide you to success.

Mary Ruddy is a former high cholesterol sufferer, from a family with a history of heart disease, and has successfully achieved perfect cholesterol levels, reversing and eliminating the risk of heart disease, and is a strong advocate of natural health care. Mary enjoys introducing people to the best natural products she can find and uses herself daily at:

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