Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Why Consider A Diet With Low Calorie and Vegetarian Recipes?

Meat can be very unhealthy. Not including cholesterol and fats, there are antibiotics, bacteria, parasites, and chemical toxins that can be present in commercial meats that are consumed. These harmful ingredients can be extremely detrimental to physical and mental well being and can create problems with digestion and can even lead to a reduction in cancer fighting agents in the body.

Also becoming a Vegetarian can be a result of having certain beliefs about life and all of its components. Most Vegetarians believe that eating animals is cruel and unethical. Most commercial meat is from animals such as calves, young chickens, and pigs that are many times raised in unbelievably terrible conditions (which are believed to produce the choicest cuts of meat).

Another reason is ecological. The environment suffers from the inefficient raising of livestock. Fertile land is being destroyed to the point that it may never be usable again. Not to mention methane emissions, bacteria, and other ills of major corporate agriculture farms. Meat is also more expensive, more perishable, takes longer to process, needs refrigeration, and is transported over vast distances. This process takes up an enormous amount of resources.

Dietary Benefits of a Vegetarian Lifestyle

A Vegetarian diet can fight many chronic diseases. Numerous studies have shown that a Vegetarian diet rich in plant foods like whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and legumes can aid in lowering the risk of obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, and certain cancers.

A Vegetarian diet is very kind to your waist line! The whole grains, fruits, and vegetables fill you up but don't fill you out. The fiber in these foods and their high water/low calorie content makes you feel full long before you are able to over eat or consume too many calories.

Great heart health is another wonderful aspect of the Vegetarian lifestyle. Most plant foods are very low in saturated fats (artery cloggers). A high blood cholesterol level is the number one culprit for heart disease and since dietary cholesterol is found only in animal foods, Vegetarians have the opportunity to eat dietary cholesterol-free. Vegetables, fruits, and whole grains are also rich in antioxidants which provide extra benefits for your heart.

There are many benefits to a Vegetarian lifestyle that are physiological and ecological. If you are considering becoming a Vegetarian then take your time, pick the best meals for you, and enjoy all the incredible benefits that this diet offers!

Discover all the other great low calorie and vegetarian recipes just waiting for you at my low calorie and vegetarian recipes [low-calorie-and-vegetarian-recipes.org] website or at [low-calorie-and-vegetarian-recipes.org]

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