There has been a great deal of research done recently about diabetes and low-carb diet, much of this research has been promising, pointing the possibility that diabetes can be treated effectively with mainly diet. In many of the studies low carb diets reduced the need for medication by 50% or more and in some cases even eliminated the need for medication altogether.
Specifically a comparison between diets that were either low glycemic or no glycemic was done. Glycemic refers to how rapidly a food will be absorbed and enter the blood stream. The lower on the glycemic scale the slower the food is digested, the higher in the glycemic scale the faster it is digested which is bad news for the diabetic patient because this means a spike in blood sugar levels.
Patients were fed a low glycemic or no glycemic diet for their diabetes, and low carb diet followers at the end of the study were reducing their medications an impressive 95% of the patients, versus 62% of the patients that followed the low glycemic diet. For many of these patients this even meant a complete elimination of the medications for diabetes, and low carb diets even resulted in a considerable weight loss which further encourages healing and health.
Studies that follow diabetes and low carb diet point to the lack of carbohydrates which are what cause a rise in blood sugar, in low carb diets carbohydrates are restricted to 20-40% of your daily intake with all of that coming from vegetables, and the remainder of your diet coming from protein and fat.
There is no doubt this diet can work and work very well for the diabetic, and for those with blood sugar numbers that are hard to control this can be a good solution. But low carb diets are hard to follow because they are very restrictive and for the masses it may be difficult for them to remain on them long term. There are no studies yet that show long term prognosis for those that follow these diets, and some doctors are also concerned about diets high in protein and fat and their effect on heart disease and cholesterol for these patients.
For some great information on how to treat the root cause of diabetes take a look at Diabetes and Low Carb Diet.
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I am not a doctor and before undertaking any diet or fitness regime you should always consult your physician.
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