Let's get the technical bit out of the way first. Low-carbohydrate diets are dietary programs that restrict the consumption of carbohydrates. There is no widely accepted definition of what precisely constitutes a low-carbohydrate diet but the principle is the reduction of carbohydrate intake sufficient to dramatically reduce insulin production in the body and to encourage ketosis to be used as energy in place of glucose. (Thanks to Wikipedia for that)
So what does that mean to you and me, well step forward Dr Atkins who published his famous Atkins Diet in 1990, or to give it the full title Dr Atkins New Diet Revolution, this was an update on his first dietary program in 1972.
What Dr Atkins advocated was the practical elimination of foods such as bread and pasta to be replaced with foods containing a higher percentage of proteins and fats which includes meat, poultry, fish, shellfish, eggs, cheese, nuts, salads and fruit.
This "revolution" was met with mixed reaction it was widely criticized by the mainstream medical community as being dangerous and misleading however, in time these same doctors changed their stance and began recommending diets based on low-carbohydrate intake. It must be said though that there is still not a general consensus amongst the medical profession on either their safety or effectiveness.
So the medics cannot agree, can they ever, so what would you do on a low carbohydrate diet. Well you would cut out virtually all carbohydrate from your diet and increase your protein and fat intake; you give up pasta, bread, rice, sugar and alcohol and eat unlimited amounts of meat, cheese and butter.
One of the main criticisms of low carbohydrate dieting is the fact that the dieters will get most of their daily calories from meat, dairy and other high fat products. This can lead to high cholesterol and other problems related to a high intake of saturated fats. I very much agree with this reasoning especially as medical studies have established a strong correlation between high meat and dairy intake with heart problems.
The question you are asking though is does this type of diet help to lose weight fast, the straight answer is yes but it is a qualified yes. Advocates of this diet claim early, and often substantial, weight loss but the majority of people find the restrictions too arduous and soon lose interest with the result that the weight piles back on.
Although still enjoying some popularity interest dropped significantly from 2004 onwards as people switched to newer ideas but it has never been something I have been interested in at all. The thought of eating large amounts of meat, cheese and butter seems so unhealthy to me, just imagine your heart having to cope with that overload. It may have worked for others but it is not one I could recommend, to me it is extremely unhealthy, give me a well balanced diet every time.
Thank you for taking time to read this article.
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Please note. You must always consult with your doctor or health professional before undertaking any diet or fitness regime.
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