Friday, June 28, 2013

Alcohol and Cholesterol

You might have heard that some studies have suggested that having a glass or two of red wine is actually good for your heart. Although it is true that some types of alcohol have some benefits, it pays to be very careful about drinking any type of alcohol.

As you undoubtedly are already aware, the cholesterol in the body is made up of two different types:

Low Density Lipoprotein. Probably better know by its initials, LDL, this is the "bad" cholesterol that accumulates in the arteries and can cause coronary heart disease or stroke.

High Density Lipoprotein. This is "HDL" and is the "good" type of cholesterol because it helps by lowering LDL in the arteries and guard against heart disease.

While "normal cholesterol levels will be very different depending on the varying personal history and genetic factors for each individual, doctors prefer to see LDL levels at or below 100 mg/dl and HDL reading above 60 mg/dl.

Some recent medical studies have found that drinking in moderation can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease by increasing levels of HDL in the blood. Specifically, red wine may provide the greater benefits because it has the higher concentrations of naturally occurring compounds with antioxidant properties which help protect the walls of the arteries. One of these compounds that has received quite a lot of attention is "resveratrol".

However, these benefits must be balanced against the known risk factors of alcohol.

Drinking alcohol to excess will raise blood pressure and increase the levels of triglycerides (fat) in the blood stream.

By the way, the phrase "to excess" is generally understood to mean one glass per day for women and not more than two for men.

Additionally, alcohol can lead to increased risk for certain specific cancers, diseases of the liver like cirrhosis and the risk of dependency,

For these, and other, reasons the American Heart Association does not recommend anyone drink any alcoholic beverage as a means to lower cholesterol levels.

Instead, the group advises that other activities such as losing weight, eating a diet that includes vegetables, fruit, as well as other cholesterol lowering foods, and exercising on a regular basis to lower cholesterol.

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